Overall - Not gonna lie, I was expecting this to be a quick fap and drop, not a nice story. I was not expecting the turnabout ending of chapter 1, which made me play this for the next 2 days (around 12 hours overall). The art is great but the H, not so much. A lot of generic CG which tries to incorporate a lot of fetishes while leaving me wanting more of certain fetishes and less of others. Gameplay has a slight deviation from standard RPGs with interesting mechanics. They have also made the grind just a bit easier. Just a little bit. Overall a 4 to 3.5 game. On a side note, the overall impression is being compared to other H-games.
Story - Without spoiling it, dumb female samurai wants to revive her clan and/or earn money for food, picks up mysterious loli discipline that was being bullied by a downtrodden samurai and gets involve in schemes, plots and mystery with her """lez""" harem. Now minor spoilers incoming. A few interesting things I found out while playing this game was the MC's relationship with the various characters here, especially the main cast. Aside from the discipline, everyone that was introduced had treated the MC in either disdain, anger or pity. They had all thought she was a loser or implied as such. So I thought the MC was some type of outcast. Its not until the second chapter and onwards that I got to see that their relationship was a bit more interesting than that since aside from the youkai and the discipline, MC is actually friends with everyone(Main cast). They've know each other since childhood which explains why they don't really need to hold back against the MCs. This part actually feels a bit real to me imo. Aside from that, there are interesting lore in the weapon descriptions once you've completed everything and read it top to down. It's overall enjoyable but the H isn't that much shoehorned in the story, its there but not much, whether that's a plus or minus depends on the person I suppose. The exposition is bad but when the story needs to get the other characters on board, its pretty much needed. It could have actually been so much worse imo. On a final note and major spoiler, the bad ending tied with the heartache mechanic hits pretty hard if you did it in chapter 3 like I did imo. Most bad end is mostly defeat porn, that one is where the MC is a husk of her former self and is just depressing to see. You also get a boss fight there where you should have probably lose but... level 99, best equipment AND the strongest buff potion made it... not easy but not that hard as well. Oh and the boss is that depress friend of yours as well. Which MC rips his head off after killing him to carry around. Depressing ending, which is saying something since most of the other endings are downers as well, aside from the true ending of course.
Gameplay - Its... interesting. It has a QTE for increasing your attack damage and a break system where you deal massive damage if you get it to fill up. The MC also gets 5 weapons you can use. Sadly, no combo for different attack patterns and it uses action points which means the larger attacks isn't really viable to use early on. You have the standard skill points to use to upgrade yourself but just pick damage first and your good. But the grind is probably the most irritating out of all of this. Not for the level, that is easy one you unlocked the item for instant kill per area and the "enemy rush" or training room in chapter 3. No, collecting materials is a pain the ass, as well as earning money. Even with prostitution, earning money is slow since most of the good stuff is in the 10000 range. Its better for you to just sell your pee, which earns you 10000. Prostitution only starts being viable once your experience in the certain body part reaches around 200 to start earning big bucks. The heartache mechanic IS interesting but overall worthless since you can just go out and spar the guy outside to reset your heartache to zero and start the process again. Yes this game made grinding fast but fucking tedious by giving you less. And the materials are a pain in the ass. If you want to get 100% on everything, you have turn off the instant kill item and activate the rare one that you can only get in the last area of the game that is inaccessible in the standard areas. Then hunt the needed enemy in the 3 areas. Pain in my behind. Good overall but I think half of my play time was me grinding.
H and Art - For something I wanted for a quick fap this was not it. It was not bad, just not that good. Art is amazing especially the event CGs and special standing art but the H is just lacking. The H tries to get as many fetishes it can and fails due to it just being 1 time things. The prostitution are just 3 levels in one building. H events outside the building aren't even repeatable aside from masturbation in MCs home. The corruption is tied to gameplay rather than story and the heartache debuff is a joke that you only need for an extra scene, bad ending and extra clothing. Overall, good art not so good H or lacking thereof.
tl;dr - Solid game if very grinding due to implementation of easier grind. Interesting QTE gameplay. Great story for an H game if a bit exposition heavy at times due to its twists. Bad prostitution game and too little H imo. And little loli H, if that is important.