RPGM - Completed - Sakura Gozen [v1.10] [kaniheadcrab]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Time To Beat: 13~ Hours

    Excellent art, a wide variety of fetishes, great quality of life and anti-grinding features would've made this an easy recommend out the gate. However, what's really sets Sakura Gozen is that the story, while not wholly original, is compelling because the cast are well defined and the comedy is consistently good.

    As an added bonus, unlocking all the CGs doesn't take my effort or isn't gated by the story. I can't recommend this game enough!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely off the wall crazy. It appears to be a typical ero corruption RPG, but opens up into something way bigger with story, depth, humor and tragedy all spiraling into one of the best h games i've ever played. Trust me, it's worth your time if you like the preview images at all, and don't mind a giant crazy adventure.

    The good:
    - A LOT of ero scenes, semi-animated, well translated and covers most kinks
    - A lot of secrets, exploration, odd things to uncover, create
    - Humorous and tragic story with hot moments, disturbing moments, I think it pulls it off where others really can't (Great translation helps here)
    - Gallery hints and items which help you unlock everything make it a lot less painful to get scenes and events to happen.

    The bad:
    - Takes time to open up and unlock scenes
    - At times, grinding is unavoidable, becomes a total non-issue later
    - Secrets and small events can be very easily missed, from containers that look like background decor, to npcs that give you things after certain things happen.
    - Very chaotic, can make the story hard to follow in a serious regard, small details are extremely meaningful and maybe just never fully understood
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So, I have finished the game finally, oh my god this was great. This genuinely, really caught me off guard.
    So glad that I was able to look past the initial images to actually play this, me playing this was pretty much a coin flip, so worth it though. I loved the story of this. I wont spoil anything, because you should play this for yourself, oh my god, the ending of the first chapter really takes a turn and caught me by surprise. I've now gotten all the endings, worth every second of playtime I put into this. 5/5 stars, if I could play this for the first time again I would love to.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a very good history. Although I was lost at the beginning. But the game really impressed me, the art is gorgeous, the sex scenes, the many clothes and the mechanics. They really put some effort into making this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest praise I can give the game is I played it start to finish and then bought it. Game has great art and a story that is fairly interesting. Biggest praise is the game play is very intuitive and not at all grindy if you use the items they give you. Play time was like 4-8 hours depending on how much you skip. I didn't experience any bugs or performance issues, so game runs flawlessly. Like I said in the start, I actually bought it So yes it is a 5/5 game, would recommend.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    downloaded game to goon but tears came out instead, literally peak.
    detailed rating:
    combat: 4.8/5, standard turn based combat with a twist of quick timing aspects and enemies having their weaknesses, which is very nice in my opinion.
    world building: 5/5, the map seems simple at first, but as you progress further into the lore, you can easily tell the fact that there are events that happened before the story of the game, which explains for a lot of questionable stuff in the storyline (if you can, DO read the dialogues, don't make the same mistake as me).
    characters: 4.8/5, rather than being just a bunch of interactable NPCs, the characters do have depth and their own story, side quests do affect the endings and gameplay, only complain would be how some of the interactions seems abrupt, making it a little bit unnatural every now and then.
    Sound: 4/5, the BGM is good, sound effect are janky for some certain part. In general it's ok, not bad but not very outstanding either
    performance: 5/5, idk much about tech and coding but it ran well in my case, no bug or problem occurred at all, like buttery smooth.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    on the surface the game might look to be carried by the art, but further down the game the story (art is still excellent) starts to really shine and hook you into the game. unironically one of best few good stories i've experienced.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    If you are a stranger to kaniheadcrab work, you might think this is a generic overdeveloped breast female MC scene collector game, but you will thank yourself after giving it a try.
    -It's a side-scrolling game while exploring and turn base when fighting. Resource are easy to collect after you finish exploring. Heck, they even give you the optional items if you want to see H-scenes early or fight easier. Plus, there are tons of surprise if you do side quests.
    -The theme of this game is comedy with tons of weird sex talk but the story is on another level. In some scene: the pussy was visible, the character was stuck in boobs, the dialogues were weird,... but my tears keep dropping. A head-up for those who are too lazy to read.
    *Play it, resist the urge to comment something like "this shit is so peak" and give it the rating your heart want you to do. Then, if you like it VERY MUCH, consider buying it to support the mad lads who made this gem.
    The Merchant Guild give it a 5/5. I, too, give it a 5/5.
    It's totally worth playing.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that left you speechless after completion. Like that feeling after you finish your 500 chapters worth of manga, and you just sit there contemplating about life.

    H-scene looks great but kinda boring. Piss everywhere. Offer a wide range of fetish so every scene are short af. Let u dress naked but eh mc isn't anywhere near the degenerated level of sex fiend like those other games I've seen even when you max out the lust level.

    Plot: intriguing, a lot of plot twist but hey at least it's happy ending, like a fairy tale type of happy ending.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game that just barely don't quite get to greatness.

    Story: 10/10
    The best part of the game. Characters are interesting and memorable, plot is strong and emotional, there's a bunch of background lore, all of that is sprinkled with good comedy. There's even the original music which improves immersion a lot.

    Gameplay: 7/10
    Devs had a lot of good ideas but execution is consistenly missing the mark.

    Combat is unique and you'd think that it would be a big selling point. In practice, the 5 weapons don't have distinct identity, "Collapse" mechanic often acts like an only bar that actually matters, enemies fight the same and it's hard to tell what they even do.

    There are many crafting systems...which leads to grind...but devs also add dedicated grinding areas with instakill items...which makes the whole process pretty redundant?

    It just leaves me with a sense of "it could've been amazing, and instead it's just okay". If nothing else, I appreciate all the QoL in the game, though.

    Porn: 5/10-8/10
    I personally felt like scenes were very hit-or-miss. First of all, mosaic censorship is the worst, and this one has pretty heavy mosaic. Beyond that, many scenes just mildly annoy me, like how most men are bald, Enka's tattoo, most boobs being oversized, e.t.c. I can't call them bad, but I only enjoyed ~40% of them.
    Quality of the art is top-notch though, although I'd argue that it shines the most in story battles.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty alright H-Game wrapped in a surprisingly good plot and interesting characters, seriously, the end of chapter 1 is WILD (in a good way) so if you haven't been spoiled by one of the comments here please go play it RIGHT NOW! it's so worth it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game. Good story, good H scenes, good combat, not too grindy, easy to understand. Really fun game. A bit tricky to get everything, but still, i quite enjoyed this. Wish i could find more games like this.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Mixed feelings about this one - very original (time travelling lesbian samurai vs magic monsters vs something something about family). Throw in plenty of kinks like futa, dick stealing and all sorts of creatures and you're getting it.

    Art is top notch, as is the gameplay. What's a bit weird is the grind at Act 3, and perhaps I missed something because of MTL. Some parts are simply word vomit, or perhaps high poetry that I can't grasp. Oh well.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I think that this was an amazing game to experience.

    As an H-game it isn't excellent. It's about a 3/5. There isn't many mechanics directly feeding into the h-side of the game and the mechanics that do feed into it puinsh the player. The H-scenes are decent but suffer from the fact that you have to grind and progress the story for quite a while before you can get a large percentage of them.
    So, if you are looking for a short experience where you spend an hour or so with it and get god-tier H-scenes then this game isn't for you.

    With that said, this game more than makes up for it with an excellent plot and rather interesting characters. The story has a way of making you want to progress more and more through it, with a lot of mystery and awe inspiring moments.
    Gameplay-wise, it is rather fun. It uses an unique rpg combat minigame mechanic which makes fights feel more strategic. Well it would if the game wasn't so easy. The fights are fun but, if you level strength and do all the side missions, it ends up being a cake-walk. The only boss that ended up as a true challenge was the hidden bad end one, and even then that was because you can encounter him early in the game when he's more of a mid-late game boss.
    The music is fine but it isn't outstanding.
    Art and CGs are great. I really like the character designs and visual aesthetics of the game. The pixel sprites look real nice too, but isn't anything award-winning.
    While I did rag on the H aspects of the game, I feel like they are very good in tandumn to the other aspects of the game. They are often either are a nice way to reduce tension or give some insights to the characters.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Welcome to another episode of f95 lurker writes review.

    Like always I'm out of my hidding hole to review exceptionally made game.


    -Very interesting combat,main heroine uses 5 weapons and each weapon has diffrent variatons and uses.Do you want your bow to deal bleed and poison or hit twice,maybe you'll swap your enchaned speed dagger for health restore one.

    -Nice sprite work for bosses and events.

    -captivating story,you won't be holding ctrl this time.



    -Game has grand selection of kinks but does not expand on them,for example sakura has 1dp scene and thats it,there is only 1 gangbang scene etc etc.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    After i got an extreme narrative whiplash at the end of chapter one, i put my little soldier back into my pants and lock the fuck in. I primarily play games on this website to get my rocks off, so its rare and unexpected when i completely ignore that purpose and just play for the story. I dont think i need to say much more than that when it comes to the story and the characters in it. This game jumps around from absurd to extreme at a blink and still manages to remain coherent and compelling. 9/10 story

    The rest of the game varies from being well made to great. The gameplay is fun, if a bit simple, the soundtrack is great, if a bit jarring in its bombastic nature and the art is unique and gorgeous.

    One of the best RPGM i have ever played on this website. I highly recommend you to play through this game. It will take you on about a 6~ hours ride of joy.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - Not gonna lie, I was expecting this to be a quick fap and drop, not a nice story. I was not expecting the turnabout ending of chapter 1, which made me play this for the next 2 days (around 12 hours overall). The art is great but the H, not so much. A lot of generic CG which tries to incorporate a lot of fetishes while leaving me wanting more of certain fetishes and less of others. Gameplay has a slight deviation from standard RPGs with interesting mechanics. They have also made the grind just a bit easier. Just a little bit. Overall a 4 to 3.5 game. On a side note, the overall impression is being compared to other H-games.

    Story - Without spoiling it, dumb female samurai wants to revive her clan and/or earn money for food, picks up mysterious loli discipline that was being bullied by a downtrodden samurai and gets involve in schemes, plots and mystery with her """lez""" harem. Now minor spoilers incoming. A few interesting things I found out while playing this game was the MC's relationship with the various characters here, especially the main cast. Aside from the discipline, everyone that was introduced had treated the MC in either disdain, anger or pity. They had all thought she was a loser or implied as such. So I thought the MC was some type of outcast. Its not until the second chapter and onwards that I got to see that their relationship was a bit more interesting than that since aside from the youkai and the discipline, MC is actually friends with everyone(Main cast). They've know each other since childhood which explains why they don't really need to hold back against the MCs. This part actually feels a bit real to me imo. Aside from that, there are interesting lore in the weapon descriptions once you've completed everything and read it top to down. It's overall enjoyable but the H isn't that much shoehorned in the story, its there but not much, whether that's a plus or minus depends on the person I suppose. The exposition is bad but when the story needs to get the other characters on board, its pretty much needed. It could have actually been so much worse imo. On a final note and major spoiler, the bad ending tied with the heartache mechanic hits pretty hard if you did it in chapter 3 like I did imo. Most bad end is mostly defeat porn, that one is where the MC is a husk of her former self and is just depressing to see. You also get a boss fight there where you should have probably lose but... level 99, best equipment AND the strongest buff potion made it... not easy but not that hard as well. Oh and the boss is that depress friend of yours as well. Which MC rips his head off after killing him to carry around. Depressing ending, which is saying something since most of the other endings are downers as well, aside from the true ending of course.

    Gameplay - Its... interesting. It has a QTE for increasing your attack damage and a break system where you deal massive damage if you get it to fill up. The MC also gets 5 weapons you can use. Sadly, no combo for different attack patterns and it uses action points which means the larger attacks isn't really viable to use early on. You have the standard skill points to use to upgrade yourself but just pick damage first and your good. But the grind is probably the most irritating out of all of this. Not for the level, that is easy one you unlocked the item for instant kill per area and the "enemy rush" or training room in chapter 3. No, collecting materials is a pain the ass, as well as earning money. Even with prostitution, earning money is slow since most of the good stuff is in the 10000 range. Its better for you to just sell your pee, which earns you 10000. Prostitution only starts being viable once your experience in the certain body part reaches around 200 to start earning big bucks. The heartache mechanic IS interesting but overall worthless since you can just go out and spar the guy outside to reset your heartache to zero and start the process again. Yes this game made grinding fast but fucking tedious by giving you less. And the materials are a pain in the ass. If you want to get 100% on everything, you have turn off the instant kill item and activate the rare one that you can only get in the last area of the game that is inaccessible in the standard areas. Then hunt the needed enemy in the 3 areas. Pain in my behind. Good overall but I think half of my play time was me grinding.

    H and Art - For something I wanted for a quick fap this was not it. It was not bad, just not that good. Art is amazing especially the event CGs and special standing art but the H is just lacking. The H tries to get as many fetishes it can and fails due to it just being 1 time things. The prostitution are just 3 levels in one building. H events outside the building aren't even repeatable aside from masturbation in MCs home. The corruption is tied to gameplay rather than story and the heartache debuff is a joke that you only need for an extra scene, bad ending and extra clothing. Overall, good art not so good H or lacking thereof.

    tl;dr - Solid game if very grinding due to implementation of easier grind. Interesting QTE gameplay. Great story for an H game if a bit exposition heavy at times due to its twists. Bad prostitution game and too little H imo. And little loli H, if that is important.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    they only have two games but my god i love this one as much as their other one, and i LOVED that one. while i do think the monstrous horror show was a much more unique experience, i think this game offers a much broader appeal akin to most other eroge, while keeping the charm alive and strong.

    the characters are all so fun (and erotic), but they can also have some really dark moments. it can kinda whiplash like the previous game, but imo i enjoy the contrasting extremities of the gag humor and seriousness. my fave is tamago <3

    the art and h scenes are all so good, i really enjoyed the changing h status menu more than i thought i would. there are a ton of costumes which each have their own scene, and on a character like sakura they all looked sexy as heck, especially the ones that change the posing/hairstyle. that combined with the multitude of scenes for the other characters provide a really fun variety. the pixel art too is really fun, it kinda looks amateurish but theres a ton of whacky animations that really show off this game's passion.

    if there is one thing i want, i kinda wish there was a stricter way to make the game harder, they give a lot of options to make the game easier and easier, but not much to deliver a satisfying harder difficulty. in the end though i still enjoyed the simple gameplay, i'd rather have the excessive QoL than a grindy mess.

    i'm hoping this game gets an official translation, but i'm also worried this one is more dangerous to translate... but uh yea i'm following these devs til the end
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Are you looking for a porn game with an engaging story, great writing, and excellent characters? No?

    Well, you should still play Sakura Gozen, because the porn's pretty good too.

    As for the scenes, there are a few mandatory ones, as well as some tied to losing battles, but most are actually completely optional.
    (You also have the option to skip scenes [mandatory or otherwise] that don't interest you. But don't worry, you won't want to.)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute Titema

    combat is sort of unique (in that your attack is time based)
    good amount of h-scenes and the story is interesting.
    sprite work is amazing too. there really isn't much else wrong with it I can think of outside of how sometimes the objectives can get confusing.
    genuinely a classic.