A little (quite) late to the party, but here goes...
Oh but before that, check the tags. There are a lot of fetishes, you may want to tread carefully if any of them displease you. Also also, lots of piss. It's legit also a big part of the story, so... Yeah...
Gameplay, 5/5: Excellent, but Quite Easy
I'm giving it bonus points for it's uniqueness (at least, I've never played an RPGM that had combat like this). The only gripe I have is that, as long as you invest your points, and upgrade your weapons regularly, everything is quite easy. I've only ever used healing like, 3x, max?
Just spamming spear attacks to break stance is good enough.
Anyways, to further clarify it's uniqueness, you select your attacks, then time Z with an arrow to do more damage. It's turn-based otherwise, but not bad, honestly.
Visuals, 5/5: Like, 9/10, Really.
Most of the game is quite nice, and the pixelated characters are fine, mostly... But can look a bit weird. For example, the swimming sprite, I had a hard time figuring out what I was looking at exactly. Otherwise, the art is nice. Animations are mostly a couple of PNGs alternating to mimic animation, but is better than most I've seen.
Another gripe is that, during scenes, your costume is ignored and switched to a default. So during the less serious moments, it's a bit sad that you don't see yourself wearing out of place costumes.
Audio, 5/5: Quite Nice
The music gets a bit repetitive, but I never really got sick of it. The music choice is fitting, and the serious songs are kind of catchy to me. Very cool.
Some sound effects and music are generic/stock, but maybe I'm just biased because it was a good game overall.
Edit: I'm like, 75% sure that most of the songs are actually unique to the game. I don't think BGM_tama_hanamatsuri.ogg is in the library of RPGM but maybe I'm wrong.
Story, 5/5: The Main Thing
So, to avoid spoilers, I'm going to explain it very broadly. It's a generic anime plot, where the power of friendship triumphs over all.
But honestly, it really did surprise me how serious it could get. The tonal shifts are a bit extreme because within 10 minutes, you can go from being a sex demon, to something very much serious.
Look, it really is a generic story. But it's done well. The characters are a bit extreme caricatures, but still done well enough I suppose.
Overall, 5/5: Excellent.
Yes, this game has a few issues here and there. It's not perfect by any means, but it honestly does everything well in my opinion. Gameplay is fast enough, different enough but not annoying until maybe the end since it repeats itself a bit, and enemy spawns can be high at certain points. H-Scenes are VERY varied. Music is good, art is good. It may take maybe 5 hours of your time, total?
P.S., Surprisingly, I got all the endings without referring to here.