God, what a game. I Actually think I've played this one, As an Unforgiven route main(it's the last time i get to say this

), since the first release and to see it all the way through to end leaves a good feeling. Like i enjoyed the whole ride through it.
I'm not sure if this is the Devs first game but if it is then he or she deserves a round of applause. Most devs don't even finish their first game. It either continues for a perpetual amount of time with no end in sight dragging on forever or is abandoned for another game. Is this game rough around the edges at parts? Sure but if it's their first try then imo it's excusable and to see it get an ending without baiting people for update after update when it could've been finished a while ago is nice to see.
Now on to the content and as not to spoil i won't put too much detail. The unforgiven route is the best route and is the true ending. Outside of that chloe stuff the outcome is 100% the most desired. I haven't played the forgiven route ending yet but i doubt it's better from what I've seen posted on here already. Also god dammit, Diana nooo!!!

Fine he can have that one i can't be too greedy, i guess...
I liked the ending overall and as for the game it was a great experience to me. They stuck through with their vision(from what I'm aware of anyway) and completed the game the way they wanted. Now i can't wait to see what the Dev does next if they do anything after this. I'll get to the forgiven route at a later time today if not tomorrow and see the other ending.