Smili jags

New Member
Dec 15, 2021
I just separate the artist from their work, as long as he doesn't do the same things he did IRL anymore, there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to continue developing the game, as his IRL actions and this game are separate, even if he likes underage girls IRL, as long as he doesn't pursue them anymore he should not be judged for this game.
i think this is right in some cases, but not this one, support this game further (IF he gets out of his sexy times in jail) will mean another patreon and giving money and attention to him.


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
Holy shit there's no bloody way you're actually serious saying all of that, it's one thing to separate the art from artist but excusing his irl actions is fucking insanity and there's no way you believe he wouldn't be up to the same shit given the chance. Get your head checked mate, I'm done replying to this. :FacePalm:
I don't know about other countries, but here it's prohibited to ask about a person's criminal record in a job interview. In fact, unless expressly judicially disqualified from performing certain jobs for a period of time, they could work in any job for which they are qualified without the criminal record being a problem.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2020
i think this is right in some cases, but not this one, support this game further (IF he gets out of his sexy times in jail) will mean another patreon and giving money and attention to him.
I never financially supported him, but if people do support him again in the future, I don't see a problem with that, it's just a job like any other, or do you suggest he should not have an income ever again and starve to death?


May 21, 2018
I never financially supported him, but if people do support him again in the future, I don't see a problem with that, it's just a job like any other, or do you suggest he should not have an income ever again and starve to death?
Look i don't know how aware you are of his crimes but the truth of the matter is that he lied to patrons and fans and strung them along to pay for his lifestyle which includes the very crimes he was found guilty of.

I personally believe people can change but at the end of the day he choose to do what he has done. He had years to do the right thing instead he wasted that chance proving that he can't be trusted.

Now I personally loved this game and will always remember it fondly but not because of him.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
Sure but wishing for the very same person who once developed this come back and continue where they left off? That's an insane take. :KEK:
I was just talking about wishing the story to continue. And i actually thought that was the idea behind his post. But after i did read his BS about "seperating the artist from the art" i take even that back.
There is no seperation of artist and art when the art is about similar stuff he is now sitting in prison for. I mean for fucks sake we have assault and blackmail in the game. Also incest is in the game and if you dont know how that is related to his crimes, then i envy you and suggest leave it at that. I fucking loved this story more then any other VN out there and i will probably forever miss those girls.

But the mere thought of doing any seperation of artist and art in this case just disgust me. Because his actions have tainted the story. Behind every girl is now the shadow of this been inspired by a real girl he did hurt.


Jul 11, 2023
I just separate the artist from their work, as long as he doesn't do the same things he did IRL anymore, there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to continue developing the game, as his IRL actions and this game are separate, even if he likes underage girls IRL, as long as he doesn't pursue them anymore he should not be judged for this game.
just imagine that the character models in the game are based on his IRL founds...
Jun 20, 2023
In a time when cancel culture and other idiotic stuff is popular since 2008, there is a necessary reminder that art and literature(which is part of art, but whatever) can always be separated from the artist(in terms of enjoying or disliking the art). No amount of crime or wrongdoing no matter how bad it is will somehow make art worse and no amount of good deeds artist makes will make his or her art better. Shitty book will continue being a shitty book even if its author is a saint on earth, a good book will continue being good even if its author is caught burning people alive and eating babies. There is a saying "do not judge a book by its cover", its about time people invent "do not judge art by its artist" saying as well I guess. As I am writing this comment I am reading "Prison memoirs of an anarchist" and "The russian tragedy" by Alexander Berkman. He was a very important anarchist leader and writer. Interesting fact: he was a pedo. Somehow no one gives a shit about it, neither did Emma Goldman for that matter. In short: all this talk about "oh no this artist is a shitty person, his/her art is forever tainted and tarnished" yapping is childish and moronic. I still suggest to play this game to newcomers, even if it is abandoned and its author is a complete piece of shit


Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
Ah, a cancel culture strawman, as if he just said a no-no word or is sitting behind prison bars for tax fraud.

But what Noob Gamer Nazinumber is forgetting here is that he is behind prison bars because of what he did to little girls, the number of his victims go into four digits btw. Not that Noob Gamer Nazinumber gives a shit. His entertainment is more important as the suffering of some girls. A suffering i find hard to believe didnt found its way into his story in one way or the other. That he doesnt even think that is a possibility worth mentioning does imo tell you everything you need to know about this guy.

Because the question you should ask yourself is not, do i like the story even tho the author is a shitty person, but can i enjoy a story that is directly related to the crimes he did commit. Can you enjoy a story where the characters might inspired by the girls he did trick, terrorise, blackmail and abuse?

Let me remind you. Four digits. So he had a lot of inspiration to choose from.

The fact that he calls it "childish and moronic" are empty words that just show that his entertainment will always be more important to him then real people's suffering.

I can already see him encounter one of the victims terrified because he did enjoy a story partially based on her experience as a victim of Personas and he just explains himself by just stammering something about cancel culture and what books he is currently reading. A real piece of work this guy, isnt he?
Jun 20, 2023
I can already see him encounter one of the victims terrified because he did enjoy a story partially based on her experience as a victim of Personas and he just explains himself by just stammering something about cancel culture and what books he is currently reading. A real piece of work this guy, isnt he?
Ew, a bunch of personal attacks and fake moralization and making theories about a person you do not know. Do you really not understand why I included Berkman and Goldman here or do you just pretend? You say I am "forgetting" that Personas is a pedo, so I guess the "interesting fact: he was a pedo" tidbit about Berkman was just for nothing. As I said, no amount of bad, horrible things artist did will ever somehow make art worse. I would also like to suggest not to make personal attack on people for no reason, when they did not even attack you. I know this is internet and all, but I am here just to remind people: just enjoy or dislike art by quality of art itself, dont constantly look over what the artist did or did not do


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2023
I couldn't even enjoy the last chapter because all I could think about was the shit the dev did to his victims. Who's to say what people will think a hundred years from now...if the human race is still around anyway.
Jul 31, 2021
I would also like to suggest not to make personal attack on people for no reason, when they did not even attack you. I know this is internet and all, but I am here just to remind people: just enjoy or dislike art by quality of art itself, dont constantly look over what the artist did or did not do
This is hilarious coming from the guy who was just calling people who couldn't stomach to separate art from artist childish and moronic. The notion of ethical consumption is nothing new. Many people believe that supporting the work of artists who have committed serious wrongdoings indirectly endorses their behavior. This is not just about "cancel culture" mate, it's about some people making the conscious choice that aligns with one's own values. For some, this means not separating art from the artist.

It has nothing to do with the art on it's own becoming objectively worse, but about the subjective experience of the viewer being tainted by the knowledge of the artist's actions. That's it.

For many, it's challenging to enjoy or appreciate art when they're aware of the horrific actions of its creator. This is a valid and personal reaction that should not be dismissed as childish. I'd like to also remind you that societal standards and awareness of issues like abuse and exploitation have evolved over time. What might have been overlooked or accepted in the past is now rightly scrutinized. This evolution in understanding is not about being "childish" but about progress in recognizing and addressing harm.

Pointing to historical figures whose actions were overlooked does not justify continuing that pattern mate. Dismissing the concerns of those who choose not to separate art from the artist as "childish" or "moronic" is just as unproductive on your part. It's perfectly okay for someone to choose not to engage with art created by individuals who have committed serious wrongdoings, just as it's fine for others to appreciate the art independently of the artist and enjoy the game for what it is. Nobody is stopping you lot from doing that at all.
Jun 20, 2023
Pointing to historical figures whose actions were overlooked does not justify continuing that pattern mate. Dismissing the concerns of those who choose not to separate art from the artist as "childish" or "moronic" is just as unproductive on your part. It's perfectly okay for someone to choose not to engage with art created by individuals who have committed serious wrongdoings, just as it's fine for others to appreciate the art independently of the artist and enjoy the game for what it is. Nobody is stopping you lot from doing that at all.
I am sure I did not make a bunch of personal attacks and assumptions of character to xionding as he did to me, so there is a clear difference. I will say that me saying that "yapping is childish and moronic" could be seen as a insulting remark towards people with opposing views so I will concede to your first point. This is a clear case of people having very different worldviews in this situation. I won't change my stance and you no doubt won't change yours. So let us just agree to disagree, i explained my stance and you did yours. Thanks for the constructive reply. I would just wish some people learned not to make attacks or wild assumptions about people, just because they like or dislike the art regardless of the artist. It kinda demeans this whole "ethical consumption" arguments when their users start saying shit like "His entertainment is more important than the suffering of some girls" and "I can already see him encounter one of the victims terrified because he did enjoy a story partially based on her experience as a victim ", you know? Militant stance against those who have different opinions than yours is why majority of people do not give a shit about "ethical consumption" and their proponets. Lets end this subject on this good note, since even my more or less civil comment is still a bit aggressive, so it is most likely the continuation of the subject will just turn into throwing shit at the fan.
Sep 26, 2021
any chance to unlock all gallery?
I know this isn't quite what you're looking for, but all of the gallery images are controlled by variables called ruben1, ruben2, ruben3, etc etc all the way through ruben71. If you open your save and press Shift + D it'll open the developer menu. Go to variable viewer and scroll down until you find all of the ruben variables and see which ones you're missing. Then go back to the developer menu, open the console and set any of the ones you need to True. So if you're missing ruben60 then input:

ruben60 = True
And then that gallery image should unlock. Kind of a pain, I know, but that should unlock them all for you.


Oct 3, 2022
sometimes I like going through some of the relatively popular games that got abandoned to see what lead to it ending up like that, needless to say this has to be one of the craziest ones lmao
  • Yay, update!
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Jan 21, 2021
Holy shit there's no bloody way you're actually serious saying all of that, it's one thing to separate the art from artist but excusing his irl actions is fucking insanity and there's no way you believe he wouldn't be up to the same shit given the chance. Get your head checked mate, I'm done replying to this. :FacePalm:
What idolizing media does to some people. Like imagine someone said epstein made some good shit so if he was still alive I wouldn't mind he pick up/expand the projects he was in. It was just a silly mistake.
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Dec 4, 2022
So was it confirmed he was actually looking at real ** or just loli shit? Because if it's real ** I hope he fucking rots. If it's just loli shit, the sentencing is insanely harsh. Anyone who can't make the distinction between real life people and cartoons is unhinged. That's what made me start hating Shadman, when he started drawing art of Keemstar's irl 8 y/o daughter, which is the most vile shit ever.
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