The low rating is most likely due to Dev changing his mind several times. First he said that certain scenes could be avoided, then that they could be skipped, but now they will be unavoidable.
Most people aren't asking for the trans content to be removed, they would just like an option to avoid it happening. With the option to avoid (as in, it never happens and it's never talked about as if it did happen if the option to avoid is chosen), then people that want to see it still get that content and the that don't want that content can simply chose to avoid it and the game still remains playable for them.
The issue with them just finishing this story and moving on to the next is that their next game is planned to be a sequel to this one. That means, if the trans content remains unavoidable in this game, it doesn't really matter if the trans content is avoidable in the next game, the story has already been ruined for anyone that doesn't like LI's fucking around with other dicks and they won't bother with the sequel.
As I've mentioned before, I have enjoyed the game so far and I appreciate the Dev's willingness to change parts of their story to make it more accessible to a wider audience. The only reason I continue to comment is because I enjoy the game and would love to continue enjoying the game, unfortunately some content just completely ruins a story for me, and LI's fucking other dicks, regardless of who that dick is attached to, is one of the worst for me. I wouldn't at all blame the Dev for continuing with the story as they wish, I just offer my input in the hopes that the Dev might offer options that would keep the game playable for me. None of my comments come from a place of hatred or malice toward the Dev.
You all have your part of reason, and I love that you give me this feedback because it helps me to learn more and to understand what most players seem to think.
That said, I would like to say 2 things about the general conversation that has taken place between yesterday and today.
The first thing is regarding my changes of opinion and the tags, my fault not to give in the past the importance that the tags have, I as a player particularly never give that importance beyond something more general when I look for something very specific, then at first my mind acted as a player and did not give them that importance.
Regarding the changes of opinion, it has a very simple explanation really, as a new developer obviously I want to please as many people as possible and I make some decisions, but I receive feedback and I value things in a different way so I go back to the initial point and so on.
But of course, then I find contradictions in some comments because you want to be able to avoid content, but at the same time as the facts have happened even though you could have skipped it, it still ruins the individual experience because you know that even though you haven't seen it, it has happened. So, it doesn't matter if you could skip it or not because it doesn't bother you to see it, it bothers you that it happened.
And as I said yesterday, the script has been finished for a long time, making the content avoidable has many more implications than just changing a few lines of dialogue and the script did not have any kind of structure other than making the dialogues and then placing the number of scenes, it was part of the rookie mistakes I made. So, not having any kind of structure, as it is obvious it is not intended to suffer drastic modifications like that and even more without any experience in it.
In fact, right now while I'm developing shades of the past, in parallel I'm working on a smaller project to gain the ability to easily manage a project with multiple paths and options since as I mentioned, it requires a lot of planning, planning that shades of the past didn't have.
And the second thing I wanted to say, and it is a slight spoiler of how some events develop without incurring important things or that have real relation with the story, but I put it blurred for those who want to avoid reading it. (Basically how the sexual encounters with the trans character unfold, so that those of you who like the visual novel can decide here and now if this is within your tolerance levels and still give the game a chance).
If I remember correctly, there are 2 sexual encounters, one is more than obvious, it will be a threesome with mc and yuko. This first encounter the maximum interaction shandy and yuko have is:
- Oral sex from shandy to yuko.
-Black kissing from yuko to shandy.
And the second encounter, is a forced sexual relationship against beth (for having bothered mc) in which yuko and mc will be present but they do not interact, they are only spectators.
Now, beth is not and will not be a love/sexual interest of mc, she is a complete antagonist.
I believe that with this information, everything is clarified and you can evaluate if you continue in the ship of shades of the past or if you get off.
That said, thanks again to everyone for the comments and constructive criticism. It is with these comments that we devs can see where we fail and improve.