Hold on, you're talking about chapter 1 - 2, right? You need to have the lantern equipped in your off-hand slot, and after that it's essentially a game of pattern recognition.Does anyone know how to cheat in this game?
I'm familiar with cheat engine and rpg-save edit website. The reason I want to cheat is because the section with the plant girl-maze in the dark, gave me PTSD. Not to mention that most of the fights in this game are puzzle fights. If I had superstats in game, I can brute force my way out of it.
Of course, if you're feeling murderous today, you could always just burn them all to the ground before you get in there...
Unfortunately, I'm not sure of how you would be able to cheat the game. I'd heavily suggest being on the easiest difficulty that isn't Spectator if you aren't already since it gets unfairly hard without it. Really, it's just best to find the safe spots and try your best to time out the pollen clouds to get past them. Sorry I can't be more helpful to you, my man.