I wonder for some time now, the MC seems not to be a womanizer.
First girlfriend Shannon, dumped him in a mean way... kind of.
Second girlfriend... what I didn't get, were they married with the love for each other or were they married so that Abby has a Dad?
Then Abby's Mom died, grieving time. Next Shannon walks back into his/their life and she fucks around. Next shock.
I would have a pretty hard time getting into the next relationship because of trust problems that the next woman would leave me too.
Yeah, he is a bit weird portrayed with stuttering around, maybe because of not much experience.

But I wouldn't call it he is a pussy. I would say he acts that meek because his self-esteem seems quite low towards women.
(Hope that makes sense. I guess there would be a much better way to describe this but language barrier.^^)