Is there a way to breed pure races? even with both parents are of the same race, e.g elf and elf, i still get mix as the result
Rules in breeding:
1. To have a Blessing, you must Train your "Trained" girl without active Blessing. Check it by clicking Blessing button on the Main/Dungeon Screen.
2. If you have active Blessing, breading girl from Blessing Race will give you Pure Race offspring of the Blessing (so Pure Elf + Pure Elf Blessing => Pure Elf offspring).
3. If you breed the girl who gave you a Blessing, she will give you Bastard/Mixed Race offspring (2nd parent will be your Avatar - btw you can change it clicking button in the lower left corner).
4. The more the Girl have Magic Concentration Stat the more is chance for random mutation.
5. If you made your Trained Girls Prostitutes there is a chance, that they will be impregnated by customer, giving you Bastard/Mixed Race (but if you impregnate 2 or 3 girls per day that will not happen!).
6. My other observations:
- most traits are inherited not from the parents of the offspring, but from the grandparents (when you have SimpleMating:0 in Config.ini)!!! Author (authors??) made strange formula that isn't working like IRL genetics (well it would be very hard to do that).
- inbreeding sadly won't give you more Magic Concentration/Mutation Chance - tested on 6 generations of my research group of 15 Arachne girls and my human avatar.