
New Member
Nov 6, 2017
In the interest of preventing RSI I'll suggest using a macro like AHK and the following script. Rename your game folder into something other than 'Slave Matrix', then load up the script.

It binds Lmouse+circular movement to your E button and Mmouse scrolling to your W button. Tapping the same button stops the action. And if you happen to be on some other screen when you hit either of those keys, it suspends the script so your mouse doesn't spaz out if you forget to turn the script off before doing something else on your PC. Worst case, ESC is your kill switch.

If you want 'faster results', just move your mouse in addition to the scripted E movement.

Partial credit goes to someone on the AHK forum, though he might be better off ignorant methinks. ;) Enjoy:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

MouseMove_Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, S=1, M=0, I="") {
    MouseGetPos, X0, Y0
        Random, I, 0, 1
   X1 := (X1 != "") ? X1 : X0, Y1 := (Y1 != "") ? Y1 : Y0, B := Abs(X1-X2), A := Abs(Y1-Y2), H := (X1<X2) ? ((Y1<Y2) ? ((I=0) ? X1:X2):((I=0) ? X2:X1)):((Y1<Y2) ? ((I=0) ? X2:X1):((I=0) ? X1:X2)), K := (Y1<Y2) ? ((X1<X2) ? ((I=0) ? Y2:Y1):((I=0) ? Y1:Y2)):((X1<X2) ? ((I=0) ? Y1:Y2):((I=0) ? Y2:Y1)), D := A_MouseDelay
    SetMouseDelay, 1
        BlockInput, Mouse
    If(B > A)
        Loop, % B / S
            M := (X1 < X2) ? ((I=0) ? -1:1):((I=0) ? 1:-1), X := (X1 < X2) ? (X1+A_Index*S) : (X1-A_Index*S), Y := M*Sqrt(A**2*((X-H)**2/B**2-1)*-1)+K
            MouseMove, %X%, %Y%, 0
        Loop, % A / S
            M := (Y1 < Y2) ? ((I=0) ? 1:-1):((I=0) ? -1:1), Y := (Y1 < Y2) ? (Y1+A_Index*S) : (Y1-A_Index*S), X := M*Sqrt(B**2*(1-(Y-K)**2/A**2))+H
            MouseMove, %X%, %Y%, 0
    MouseMove, %X2%, %Y2%, 0
    BlockInput, Off
    SetMouseDelay, % D


CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetBatchLines, -1

IfWinActive, Slave Matrix
SetTimer, circle, % (stop:=!stop) ? "Off" : -1    ; Press e to toggle on/off.

   Click, down
   MouseGetPos, X, Y
   Random, I, 0, 1 ;Random ellipse invert.
   MouseMove_Ellipse(X, Y, X+200, Y+200, 1, 0, I)
   MouseMove_Ellipse(X+200, Y+200, X, Y+400, 1, 0, I)
   MouseMove_Ellipse(X, Y+400, X-200, Y+200, 1, 0, I)
   MouseMove_Ellipse(X-200, Y+200, X, Y, 1, 0, I)
}until Stop
Click, up

IfWinActive, Slave Matrix
SetTimer, rolling, % (stop:=!stop) ? "Off" : -1    ; Press w to toggle on/off.

   Send {WheelUp 4}
   Sleep 50
   Send {WheelDown 4}
   Sleep 50
}until Stop
Edited to insert code block


Jul 23, 2017
Is there no way to cheat in this game, because i tried using "cheat engine" since i heard multiple people mentioning the use of it. But (although i dont really know how to use it) when i tried to use it it couldnt even open the file as it was a "non-supported extention".


Dec 16, 2017
What do you want to cheat?
There is no Game Over or Bad End - you can borrow money endlessly from Viola (50k each day if my memory is good).
If you want to end the game fast you need to wait for Albino/Color Mutation slave on the market on the lowest Race multiplier -> buy it -> sell it when she will have big Race multiplier.
Or buy slaves cost <1.000.000 and sell when they cost >10.000.000.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Is there no way to cheat in this game, because i tried using "cheat engine" since i heard multiple people mentioning the use of it. But (although i dont really know how to use it) when i tried to use it it couldnt even open the file as it was a "non-supported extention".
Really? My cheat engine works fine. There is however a limit to max amount of money u can change so you'll have to use the repay option several time to completely repay her. Maybe something wrong with your cheat engine. Download from the official site. Also cheat engine has tutorials. Just follow the basic tutorial. It should be enough to help u understand how to change the variables.


Dec 27, 2017
Really? My cheat engine works fine. There is however a limit to max amount of money u can change so you'll have to use the repay option several time to completely repay her. Maybe something wrong with your cheat engine. Download from the official site. Also cheat engine has tutorials. Just follow the basic tutorial. It should be enough to help u understand how to change the variables.
Has anyone managed to edit the save?
For those who want to change the money with Cheat engine you can, after finding the value, change it in 8byte, otherwise you can only reach 4,294,967,295 with that method, I'm not noticing crashes because of this.
Changing to 8byte you can get to over 999.999.999.999,
but then the other stats fall down...
so I suggest you set up to 9,999,999,999.
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Oct 10, 2017
This game pisses me off so much.
It has really well made monster girl generator and breeding system(this is more in theory than in practice).
But it's packaged into really really mediocre "game".
Touching game is fairly basic, most of the tools are kind of samey. There are too few instances of species having special interactions, even less meaningful ones. Training is too straightforward and gets old pretty quickly. No interraction with piercings, the only clothing that's on during traning. Some sort of edging system would be nice. Pixel-hunting with hand in the crotch-region is painful too, especially if the girl squirms.
The UI is quite good, especially for a Japanese game... except for 2 things: lack of settings(specifically sound/music) and changing clothes. Picking outfit for a leg-less/panty-less girl is not that expensive, only roll for type and texture of the underwear, but it's many times worse when you have to roll for panties too. I've sunk billions there.
Half of the species are a joke. In some cases variation within one species can be greater than variation between multiple reskins. It would've been fine if it was more top-down game where you breed from basic species into more complex, or as a constructor where you could pick and choose features you want, but it's just overstuffed with reskins.
Imagine this monster girl generator/breeder system in another game, an actual game, like portals pheoreon, and not this lazy thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
This game pisses me off so much.
It has really well made monster girl generator and breeding system(this is more in theory than in practice).
But it's packaged into really really mediocre "game".
Touching game is fairly basic, most of the tools are kind of samey. There are too few instances of species having special interactions, even less meaningful ones. Training is too straightforward and gets old pretty quickly. No interraction with piercings, the only clothing that's on during traning. Some sort of edging system would be nice. Pixel-hunting with hand in the crotch-region is painful too, especially if the girl squirms.
The UI is quite good, especially for a Japanese game... except for 2 things: lack of settings(specifically sound/music) and changing clothes. Picking outfit for a leg-less/panty-less girl is not that expensive, only roll for type and texture of the underwear, but it's many times worse when you have to roll for panties too. I've sunk billions there.
Half of the species are a joke. In some cases variation within one species can be greater than variation between multiple reskins. It would've been fine if it was more top-down game where you breed from basic species into more complex, or as a constructor where you could pick and choose features you want, but it's just overstuffed with reskins.
Imagine this monster girl generator/breeder system in another game, an actual game, like portals pheoreon, and not this lazy thing.
Agreed. You get bored easily.


New Member
Nov 6, 2017
There's a lot to grumble about in this game, but I think calling it lazy is hardly fair. If anything, it has incorporated more ideas into a functional package than any other sandbox game that I've encountered, at any rate.

The number of breeding interactions and mutations are pretty damn impressive. The touching game is simple in concept but incredible when you consider how much the girl's behavior changes as training continues. She goes from being chained to being passive to actively exposing herself/titfucking you. Subtle changes as you train oral. Concealed orifices that you have to open with foreplay. Fetishes like gape/preg/lact/wetting. The idea of various outfits/piercings/toys. Buffs being inheritable and combinable via various body parts. All in a largely bug free experience.

Sure the game could've been fleshed out a lot more. But for a $15 game, other games could probably benefit being more like it than less.
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Oct 10, 2017
There's a lot to grumble about in this game, but I think calling it lazy is hardly fair. If anything, it has incorporated more ideas into a functional package than any other sandbox game that I've encountered, at any rate.
I'm calling it lazy precisely because the game is barely more than "functional package". It reminds me of No Mans Sky, where the core system of generating planets and animals is great, but the gameplay attached to it is merely "functional" and not at all thought out. It's the contrast that kills.
The number of breeding interactions and mutations are pretty damn impressive. The touching game is simple in concept but incredible when you consider how much the girl's behavior changes as training continues. She goes from being chained to being passive to actively exposing herself/titfucking you. Subtle changes as you train oral. Concealed orifices that you have to open with foreplay. Fetishes like gape/preg/lact/wetting. The idea of various outfits/piercings/toys. Buffs being inheritable and combinable via various body parts. All in a largely bug free experience.
Species and breeding are impressive, touching is pretty good, but waaaaaay too repetitive(because it the only gameplay that's there). It's like someone talented has worked on species/breeding and touching and was about 70% done, then someone else took that code and wrapped it in most generic and badly thought out game and pushed it out to get the money.
Fetishes are fun, but some you have little control over and they have no effect other that visual.
Outfits would be good if you had control over them instead of clicking on a button, hoping to get a decent random combo. Piercings would've been good if they had any effect on training. You can't play with them and that's a bummer.

Sure the game could've been fleshed out a lot more. But for a $15 game, other games could probably benefit being more like it than less.
That's because the bar for porn games is so very low. Some other games would've absolutely benefited from this breeding and touching system. As I said, it would've been amazing in Portals of Pheroeon, but that's mostly due to PoP being more of an actual game with much more effort put into gameplay.
This game could've also benefited from being much simpler, a species constructor/generator with a petting game, instead of more complicated but ultimately pointless gameplay it has now.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Most of the labor that went into this game was, I would feel safe saying, the grunt-work of grinding out screencaps of all the species parts in 3D custom girl or whatever, and then the coding labor of getting the animations to not look too goofy. It's definitely not revolutionary gameplay, especially since the majority of it is a simple economics simulator.

(I guess I oughta make clear that I'm guessing about how the game was put together, based solely on watching how the girls move.)

I sorta wonder if the dev didn't do all that work intending just to make a breeding simulator, and then decided he needed to throw some gameplay on top of it to try to keep people engaged. Grinding numbers is an easy way to simulate engagement: look at the "clicker" and "idler" genres.

Don't get me wrong: I like this game. It feels, though, like a title developed through persistence rather than cleverness, if that makes any sense. An expansion in the same vein with more diverse touching interactions would help differentiate the species. In a porn game like this one with weird monster girls, what's the point of having hooves or tails or wings if you can't fuck them? One of the big draws of the monster girl genre is weirdness, after all. The way the girls are built kinda limits what the dev can do with them.

Heck, just another tier of items that allow the player to more directly raise and lower stats would go a long way to helping with the repetitiveness of the touching part.

I think I said it somewhere else, but this is the kind of game that the dev should keep developing, which is tough to do when it's being sold as a finished product. When the engine is as limited as this one is, the only thing that can make it great is to really push its boundaries and stuff it silly with content.


New Member
Nov 6, 2017
That's because the bar for porn games is so very low.
Pretty much this and what the post above said. The game could be much better and I fully agree that this sort of game would've benefited from ongoing development/expansions. But afaik there are no other breeding games that visually present the training/corruption in an interactive manner better than this one. I think there's a reason most games in this genre are either text-based or use static images.

If there are any games that do this idea better, I'd love to hear about them.


Jun 23, 2017

Is there a way to give the slaves more stamina? They barely last 2 minutes when I tickle them with a feather, let alone other more intense training tools...


Active Member
May 31, 2018

Is there a way to give the slaves more stamina? They barely last 2 minutes when I tickle them with a feather, let alone other more intense training tools...
I kinda have this problem as well. Slaves with maxed stats and that pelvic mark tend to orgasm so quickly and continually that sessions with them get really short. Only thing I've found that can help is restoring a little stamina by cumming in their mouth, if they'll swallow. Doesn't really help with the problem in the long term.

I guess you could breed slaves that have more endurance by crossing them with regenerating species or ones with more stamina, but that doesn't help with a particular slave. I think it's just something that doesn't work out very well in the game's "end game," such as it is.


New Member
May 29, 2017
There is a bit of a trick to cheating at this game with cheat engine, theoretically you can use this method to modify everything, but don't quote me on that. I can't remember where I found this but it does work, to be safe make sure to use cheat engine 6.6, that's what I use.

step one: Obviously you need to open up cheat engine and find the game process in the list.

step two: Set the value type to double

step three: Okay this needs a bit of explaining, but in order to modify the stat percentages, you'll need to convert them to decimals


1% to 0.01

25% to 0.25

25.5% to 0.255

100% to 1

skill lvl only goes to about 150% percent or so, if I remember correctly. There's a whole equation about it. Its something like 50% plus (the number of usable limbs times ten percent) I think? I can't remember of the top of my head.

It's pretty easy. Then you just narrow down the results like normal. If you've used cheat engine you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't, cheat engine comes with a tutorial, and it will explain how to do this.

to modify money just set value type to 4 bits and search for the amount you have, then narrow down the results like normal.
that's all I really know how to do with cheat engine, doing any more is a bit outside my experience range.
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Dec 27, 2017
ALL RANDOM :cautious:
They should to put a buyable editor to parts (genetic modification :unsure:), so that you could create the monster girl you wanted.
Even changing clothes is random...


Active Member
May 31, 2018
is there like a list of the hair types for your own character when you customize them?
I dunno, but with this game I wouldn't think so. The customization of the PC is pretty barebones. Only way I can even figure out to even SEE the PC is by looking at the parent of a child you've had without a blessing.
4.30 star(s) 22 Votes