VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Snow Daze: The Music of Winter [v1.6] [Outbreak Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game some time ago but sometimes I keep coming to its excellent ending. It is excellent in so many ways. Art is great, the characters are fun and the theme just ticks all the right marks for me. The voice acting from the girls is amazing and adds soo much to the experience. It has to be one of my favourites and I will likely replay it soon.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid 8/10

    It kind of pains me to rate this game so low. There was a lot that was done well. But the polish wasn't as good as expected.

    Gameplay 5/10

    Standard VN gameplay. Click through text. Multiple choices. Very vanilla.

    However with multiple choices should come multiple outcomes. This just wasn't there. This game was essentially a hallway simulator or a kinetic novel. There's choices, but the choices only lead to failure events.

    I get it. Branching paths is difficult and it leads to an exponential amount of work. But that's what makes a 10/10 game.

    Story 10/10

    Incest. Yep. With that out of the way.

    The hypnotism was quite fun. Each hypnotism session is like a little mini-game of multiple choices which lead to an outcome. The text for each sessions was also quite enjoyable.

    Each character is unique in their own way with their own personalities. You hypnotize them through their personality quirks and that's what made the game really enjoyable.

    Corruption 11/10

    Ahh. The shining gem. This is one of the best corruption games I've ever played.

    Instant hypnotism is boring. Instant submission is boring.

    Slow and deliberate corruption is where it's at. And this game has it in spades. Four individual paths of mental corruption.

    Voice Acting 9/10

    Fucking. English. Voice Acting. Wowzers.

    I've never had English VA in a VN before and boy is it awesome. I've heard plenty of Japanese VAs and it's always a plus but English VA is really something else.

    With Japanese VAing, the voice is nice to put to a face, but really, you just skip the VAing once you've read the text. But here, even after reading the text, you wait to hear the English VAing. Just wow. I can't believe what a difference it made.

    However, I rated this 9/10. It's high because of the novelty of English voice acting. The voice actresses were... novices. Sarah talked way too fast for some lines. Kira's VA sometimes deadpaned a line, just kind of read it instead of voice acted it. Noelle's voice fluctuated from authoritative voice to non, which can be argued as intentional.

    Art 5/10

    It's not my style. Might be yours. In general, the art was mediocre.

    However, the art was inconsistent. High quality here and there, lower quality strewn about. Consistency is important.

    Then there were just some weirdness like Noelle's hair. It would be up/down within a single scene. Either not enough art assets or laziness.

    Overall 8/10

    Again, it hurts to rate this so low. I greatly enjoyed my time playing this game and would highly recommend it (barring you don't have problems with incest). But the lack of choice and the art brings this down to a mere 8/10 from me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best western porn games, being voiced, and actually quality voiced is such a rarity this immediately stand outs, it's not perfect and won't appeal to everyone's fetish but it's one hell of a ride for those of us who are in that kind of stuff.

    The art is really good, it is kind of inconsistent in the way that the model look from conversation to when they are in sex scene but that's trivial, in general it's great, all girls have big tits and are thicc as fuck, not really any diversity between the design but that's not too much of a problem as this game is all about the porn anyway.

    The writing is um......something, so many lines are hilarious on they're own but the fact that they're voiced made me laugh a few times. The girls have they're specific personality and quirk, all starting of as bitch making it very easy to actually want to hypnotize them and turn them into sex slaves.

    Overall a must play for western porn game fan, undoubtedly recommended !
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has voice acting! That is so cool. :p I

    The story is OK, its a bit cliche but then this is a porn game so whatever. The characters have their own personailities and quirks which is nice. The voice acting is pretty spot on for the entire game, there are maybe one or two lines here and there that are a bit bland but still, very impressive.

    The art is fine, but a bit more attention to detail could have helped.

    Overall, a well paced well voice acted game.

    Kudos. :D
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Phenomenal game! Voice acting is great overall and makes the game what it is. The writing is ok, and does its job with some good comedy, and characters that feel unique, cute, and desirable. The art is fantastic and is a definite plus as well!

    My biggest issues were that the game didn't build up much of an emotional attachment to the characters. Sure the sex scenes were amazing, and the voice actors pulled their weight in droves, but I felt like having a bit more empathy for the girls would've made these scenes all the better. Although if you're someone whose only here for the sex, then this is 100% and 5 stars for you.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was a little weird for me. The leadup to the climax of this game ended up being much more enjoyable than the ending. This is probably a 3.5 for me but I would have loved to have a bit more of an ending scene for each of the girls.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game feels like a hentai plot.
    The music and moans also voice actors/actresses are perfect.
    I really like the models and all the girls.
    Funny how the MC can still choose when he can get all the girls.
    A very very great game
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Plurmp McFlurnten

    Finished the game today. Here's my takeaway:

    + Excellent voice acting. This game is filthy even by h-game standards, and I'm not talking about just the incest aspect. The dialogue is extremely raunchy with phrases like 'I'm your anal-loving buttslut' and 'make me cum my brains out', and the voice actresses deliver those lines with such passion that it's hard to not be turned on.
    + Good variety of characters with strong personalities. In the beginning all the characters feel pretty unlikable, but that just makes it more rewarding and hot when their barriers start breaking under Jason's hypnosis.

    - Like Rambling Noob said, the art style is very inconsistent. The sprites look great, but the pictures in the actual h-scenes look like they were drawn by a completely different artist. I won't say the anatomy is necessarily bad, but the faces are definitely off and the overall presentation just didn't feel sexy to me. I liked the Sarah buttjob scene, but other than that the h-stuff was very disappointing. Especially the scenes with Noelle looked nothing like her sprite.
    - Jason's hypnosis shenanigans get a bit repetitive. It's cool to see a couple times how he puts his siblings / mom in a trance, but having the same thing happen like 30 in the game gets boring. We get it, he puts them in a trance with music, we don't need to read about the process every single time, just get to the interesting part.

    This is a decent game that could have been great if the h-scenes looked as good as the character sprites. I loved the voice actresses and I hope to hear them again in other h-games. I'm not usually into hypnosis as I'm a pretty vanilla type guy, but I still enjoyed the story of this game because although it was raunchy as hell, it didn't feel too mean-spirited or rapey in spite of the subject matter.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Quirky and with the best writing I've seen, the story is the personification of a cat. You could question its whims but at the same time it's fluffy and you love it. Its charm brings characters to life, helped by equally dynamic voice-acting. Hearing a girl occasionally bark will make you laugh. I'm not going to spoil any more about her or others - you'll just have to play!

    Its 3-4 hours' length almost impacted the scoring I gave. But you know what? It's short but not unfinished. The story wraps up fine. So this urge to want more comes from enjoying it. It aimed to be a lighthearted comic more than a novel, and it achieved exactly what it set out to do.

    It left a smile.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's 2020 and I cannot believe it's taken me so long to find Snow Daze.

    This is one of the most superlative adult games, period. The voice acting, writing, art, and interface are all top quality; the attention to detail is excellent and there's solid replay value. I was stunned to find such a good game so randomly (thank you, aimless F95 site scrolling) and hope others enjoy too!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily my favorite and most played game of all time. Story and graphics are great, and I really enjoy the voice acting which takes it to another level. Replayed several times and still get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The rating is based on my feelings and enjoyment of the game first and I’ve tried to put it into words as best as I can.

    This game has a very good concept, and the mind control is done well, it clearly shows that it's not as easy as just using a spell or slipping a potion, and the MC(and you) have to put some work into it, which I really liked. The mind control requires you to use subliminal messages and just the right words so there are many dead ends and game overs and choices that have negative effects, it could be annoying for some people but I though it fit the narrative, and the game is very short so it's not really an issue.

    The fetishes involved are also some of my favorites on paper, mind control, domination, pet play, exhibitionism, polyamory/harem ending, pregnancy, incest with all the family joining in etc.

    But in the end it didn't really mean much and I found myself left disappointed. It is just way too short and most of it is just buildup, which as a result fails to deliver on it's promises (at least for me). It's like spending 2 hours in foreplay but the actual sex only lasts 2 minutes. If this was short story I could at least use my imagination, but a visual novel needs to deliver on the visual part for me to get satisfaction.

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    The game seems like a bullet point version of a much better game, it just gives a taste of different fetishes but doesn’t really deliver on them satisfactorily (for me).

    The writing didn’t grab me as much as I wanted it to, by the end I was just skimming through just getting a gist of what was happening. Sometimes writing can make up for lack in the art department, but not here.

    There is voice acting in the game. I don’t like voice acting in porn games in general, but I gave it a shot as it looked like they put some effort into it, didn’t really work for me so I turned it off. Not a negative but not a positive either, although it could be for others.

    Overall If you go in knowing it’s really short, it’s well made (except for the ending which could have used more work IMO). I want to give it 3 stars just for the production value, it's not a bad game for what it is, but for the blue balls it gave me I can’t bring myself to go over 2. If I didn’t like the tags/fetishes involved so much, maybe I wouldn’t have been so disappointed, but this one really didn’t connect with me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game did not follow the path of quantity, but quality. Although the content is quite enough. Ren'py engine, there were no errors, but the extra menu, namely the bonus menu, doesn’t have very responsive controls, if you can choose a bonus story at all. The art style is cool, where the use of solid color in the background is quite well remembered among other games. A lot of sexual preferences and a variety of endings. Therefore, the game deserves such a subjective assessment.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    gewd. i liked this game very much, it was well voice acted. could have used more foot stuff and more preg stuff. i cant wait for the sequel, tropical daze. its gunna b gewd. i hope CZ keeps making games like this
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is still my favorite game on here, and the reason I registered. the art, the voice acting, the story, the humor! I'm lovin it and I can't wait for the follow up. Maybe I could play it once more...
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is quite a unique game: voice acting in a VN as well as how it plugs any plot holes a player thinks of along the way in the game.

    Props to who I believe is OolayTiger and others for the entertaining listen. I usually click right through the text because I read fast, but the voices slowed me down so I could enjoy the game better.

    The art is very nice. Reminds me of Milftoons-8muses style comics. Those too were about a boy getting up to no good with his sisters and mother. The depictions, as well as the previously mentioned voice acting, give a nice combination. It leaves little to the imagination for those who have none. Unfortunately, the lack of animation -especially at the end- was disappointing and made for an anti-climatic resolution...

    I liked the realistic factors of this game; it kept the experience from feeling too rediculous or way too real and tedious. Jason was going to get punished for perving, and that didn't escape any of the family's minds for a long time. The brainwashing was like a debate: Jason would attempt a command by way of persuasion, to which one of the girls would counter (revealing an insecurity), and he used that insecurity to drive his message. In the end, each girl still had their doubts, and one of them even discovered their hypnotic states.

    The fact that each girl had an unwavering theme was great. Kira was uptight but wanted to unwind and have attention, the method being an exhibitionist role. Sarah wanted to not be lonely and found it by way of being a puppy. Jane felt like she was unfeminine (due to trying to stop Jason the perv), and with the aid of her twin she became more girly. Noelle, a control freak, found pleasure in submission and guilt, and that was unlocked by her son. It was nice to see how the girls interacted with another's theme.

    The music is interestingly fitting. I didn't know how "Habenera" from "Carmen" made sense in the game but it did. Jason being a musician and his main plot-moving tool being a music (and hypnotical) device gave a destinct identity to this game.

    When I said the plot-hole plugs were appreciated, I meant it. For example, Jason had to upgrade the subliminal device and verbally push the girls to the next level; it wasn't just "play this as is and all will be well." Another, realistically Jason would get tired from working on his subliminal device, resulting in a crash of exhaustion. Being affected by the device as well was a clever thing. Of course Jason would not be miraculously immune. I also liked that Jason was called out for being sexist when trying to place gender dominance over the girls.

    It's just the little things that contribute to the quality of the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is well done and the voice acting was particularly nice. I won't say that the best option of each choice was easy to find, but there are walkthroughs if you have trouble. A nice touch is that while the MC starts out ill-treated by his family, you learn through the story there are reasons for that behavior.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Didn't really enjoy this at all. The art is good but there just isn't much of it. One or two sex stills for each of the four girls, and some teases, and that's pretty much it.. The game is fully voiced in English, the first I've seen to do that, but in the end it's not that impactful for the overall game.

    My biggest sticking point is that the story and dialog was completely uninteresting for me. Moreover, the choices made very little sense, forcing the use of a walkthrough in order to make the right choices (or turn on the built-in hint system I guess). I quickly found myself just reading the walkthrough and skipping past everything without reading, and the payoff wasn't worth it in the end.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Nicely Done and I want to see more of this. Jason deserve a harem and He'll get one. This Voice actors are splendid and the animation and design is pretty sweet. I really really hope there would be a part two in the process of this game. There's not that many mind control voice acting harem base games and SnowDaze is just the one to break that mold. I'm Really looking forward to see if this game will have a part two.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Air Space Frame

    DesignVN with no added features.2
    ProgrammingNo major bugs were observed and the game runs smoothly.2
    Level creationSimple and easy to understand.1
    Art productionArt is hand drawn with some animation.2
    Audio productionVoice acting is good and choice of music is pleasant.2
    Final statementOverall fantastic game that delivers a solid VN experience.9