VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Snow Daze: The Music of Winter [v1.6] [Outbreak Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphically awesome, the voice acting is wonderful and the extras are a great add-on. Corruption and incest mixed into a simple yet great story.
    Definitely on my top of best porn games of all times!!!
  2. E
    5.00 star(s)


    Played it all the way through, thanks to the awesome walkthroughs (which I highly encourage everyone use if they want to see everything) and the hotfix+mod (also a big recommendation from me, makes it that much easier). The art is phenomenal, the fact that there's voice acting (and the level of voice acting on top of that stirs slightly) would make it a 5/5 alone.

    Edit: The fact that this is a western game with voice acting makes it stand out so much.

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    As is written in the title, "The Music of Winter", this game has some good pieces, some of which you've probably heard before. I can't wait for the sequel "Tropical Daze" to finally start development.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    actually played it all the way through.

    considering it has no combat/RPG elements i'd call that a first for me. This game has amazing pic's as far as 2dcg thats not by a big corperation like alicesoft or eshully.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: 4/5, great game, totally worth it, use a walkthrough to don't waste time


    The story is good. At the very beggining the game really makes you feel like the unwanted son of the family and you start hating the characters by yourself, as the story goes you start developing each character and you start to understand them and at the end of the game they all have a good reason about why they treated you bad before. Maybe the hole hypnosis thing is just to simple but in most hypnosis games the thing isn't really deep, I would like to see something diferent some day but this game happens on 5 days, you can't go from 0 to harem master in 5 days without the cliches or rushing things. One thing it does different is that the hypnosis don't brainwash anybody, it just help to understand have a better understanding of the characters and push her limits further. Story: 4,5/5

    The writing is VERY GOOD, it will be the thing you will use to get off the most (the game use the words "get off" a lot by the way), the first day you wont really get to much beacuse the thing should escalate smoothly (again, the story is very good) but fron day 2 and 3 it would be glorious, it really turns you on how the characters naturally develop after every hypnosis session and how slutty they trully are (again, it's not about brainwashing). Day 4 and 5 the characters start saying so slutty things as if it was just common sense, and then they just keep saying slutty things but now beggin for it and you can tell how the game is able of writing and developing the story in a good way. Wrinting: 5/5

    The game itself:
    Now that I've talked about the story and the writing I can talk about the game itself. The game is just about choosing, now money system, you can't go from one place to another, is just choosing. The game is kinda short (I played from the end of day 1 to the end and them replayed it with the walkthrough in less than a day). It has a point system for every option you
    chose and the only rewars for that is the amount of text and CGs you get. The game is about incest and it doesn't have patches or anything. I really recomend to use a walktrough in your fisrt time playing beacuse you wont want to replay the game just to see the CGs you miss the first time, wich are totally worth it but there is no need to play it a second time if you can have everthing in you first time.

    Voice Acting:
    Just having a full voice acting would be a 5/5 for me, I really wasn't expecting this, but this is an in-depth review so I'm gonna talk more about it. I already said how good the writing is and the voice acting is a match for such quality. The VAs really makes you get in the story and you really feel how turned on the characters are. You really will want to heard the dialogue more than once. It is the second best thing in the game. Voice Acting: 4,5/5

    I will separte them in 3 parts, Character design, CGs and Sex Scenes and by sex scenes I mean about actual sex, no handjobs, blowjobs, etc, everthing else I gonna call it CGs

    Character Design: I really liked it, I can imagine if someone doesn't like it but I really enjoyed, the more slutty they dress the better. They are just the big tits, big but womans, nothing new, but it always work. Character Design: 3,5/5

    CGs: The CGs are great, they really are an upgrade from the character desing and it goes perfectly with the writing, you totally want to watch them all, I personally take and screen capture of almost every CG. It is the third best thing this game has. CGs: 4,5/5

    Sex Scenes: This is by far the worst thing in the game, you only have sex with each girl once and the quality and "animation" is very poor, like really, is bad in quality and quantity, wich is really bad if we think that this is the main reason why we play this game in the firt place, the CGs really carry all the sexual content. Sex Scenes: 0,5/5

    The Endings:
    This is weird, the game itself has a system point for each dialogue and each character and it let you know at the end of the day your points with each character, but nothing of that matter to get the endings, to get the true ending you just need to watch the other endings first, it doesn't matter if you have a negative score with every characters, you can see all the endings anyway. I really feel like they rushed the hell out of this game because:
    1) They make the whole point system useless, the points let you see more text and CGs so it isn't totally useless but for me the main reason to use a point system is to trigger certain ending.
    2) Again, the sex scenes are really bad
    The ending in itself are really good, specially the true ending (again, the story and the writing are great), but I really feel like they rushed the end. Endings: 4/5

    I didn't have any bugs, a solid 5/5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game!

    The story on this one is pretty cool, pretty straight forward, direct to the point. Albeit corruption is a common theme, this one has it's own particularity and has the gameplay focus directioned to the plot per se and not the corruption mechanics. Also the plot, for me, was really arousing. I guess I've never seen this concept either ("brain wash through sound").

    The art has a lot of details and is pretty good in general. A solid 7 or 8 in a 10th scale. It has full voice acting for all the girls, pretty cool! Unfortunately, I experienced some bugs (black screen/out of memory) which happened because of the said voice acting. I guess, but the issue was solved closing and opening the game again.

    Overall is a short game, but a very good one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The art style might not appeal to everyone but it has a high quality for what it is. Fully voiced western game is a rare gem. The voice actors did a good job with natural sounding delivery. Main theme is male dom where you try to turn them into submissive slaves via hypnosis. Overall the game is very very good. The scenes are a bit short (although the build up to the scene is good). Main reason for the missing star is due to the ending being a tad bit underwhelming. The true end was especially so, because the requirement to get it pretty much spoils 70% of it. You need to view the endings for each girl to unlock the true end, but the true end is a collage of the endings used to unlock it. I suggest using someone's 100% save to view the true end instead of trying to unlock it yourself (walkthrough required).
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I like that the game was actually finished. The art was OK but not exceptional in my view (probably a matter of taste). Also not a huge fan of the genre of VNs, of which this is an example, where you need to make exactly the right not at all obvious or intuitive choices to get the right ending, so you need lots of save-scumming or repeat plays or a walkthrough to get anywhere.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A great visual novel based on incest and mind control, the drawings are very well done and the dubbing is an added value that make all more exciting. The dialogues are good and the scenes are very intriguing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an exceptional game. The writing was very, very good. It was often quite funny, in particular Cypress Zeta's cameos, oh my! The quality was outstanding.

    At first, I wasn't sure if I liked the voice acting, but that did not last long. It was great! It's a shame that it forces a character name on us (and, frankly, I wouldn't mind if we could still pick our names for the text even if the VO says "Jason") but it was worth it. The voice actors did a great job and it complemented the great writing.

    While hypnotism isn't a fetish of mine, I have played quite a few games containing it. Not one had anywhere near the sophistication of Snow Daze with regard to the interactions and the results.

    The art is generally good. It's very stylized so if the style doesn't appeal to you, then you are not going to like any of it. The portraits were gorgeous but the sex scenes were mixed in quality. The few animations were generally flipping between 2 images, which I find fine but I know others dislike.

    There were also many little quality touches that I appreciated. The best being the backgrounds changing slightly over time.

    All told, it's one of the best hardcore porn games I've played.

    I did play with the mod that tells you the outcomes of your decisions. I don't think I'd have enjoyed the game at all if I hadn't (or significantly less if using a walkthrough due to the hassle), but since the mod made the game as enjoyable as it was for me, I'll rate it based on that experience.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one awesome game, I don't know why some of the reviews are negative complaining about the artstyle but I liked it a lot personally.

    Really great voice acting performances that most of the games here just don't have.

    Speaking of the plot, I found it less intriguing and you have to grind for the whole game just for individual H-scenes with the female NPCs (Always keep a saved game handy or use back key for dialogues to change your choices).

    I wanted this game to provide more BDSM choices as there are next to none. We are dealing with mind control and making submissive slaves so at least add some rope-play, gags, humiliation (other than pet-play) etc.

    Overall a nice game, thanks cypress!!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A excellent story line, the game-play is pretty straightforward an enjoyable (I hate games that are complex and you're trying to figure out what you have to do next), and the voice acting in this first time I've ever heard it in a game like this and it's amazing.. it makes it so much more enjoyable the biggest problem with this game is it has no scene gallery.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    quickly (completed)

    simple linear unbelievable story (terrible)

    the animation
    no animation

    about 4-5 hrs

    render and graphic
    characters not bad
    background terrible (seems like lazy developer)

    the best thing in the game is the voices and the only thing

    not bad

    so should you play it ??
    --only if you want to waste your time

    why 2 stars ???

    - bad and unbelievable story
    - terrible backgrounds (not colored)
    - NO animations
    - bad using of choices system i am forced to do everything
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    decent gameplay but the awsome voiceacting just realy made me enjoy the game alot. the dialoges are pretty entertaining and the details like the changing background are funny too. Also for once this is a finished game which, at least i feel like, doesnt happen very often. The art style is okay but i gueß tha depends on youre taste .And the best thing is the the musik in the credits is a fucking jam
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very well done, the voice acting is pretty good, the game has multiple routes which I like because I think visual novels need choice to be interesting, I like the both the main themes (incest and mind control)

    The only thing I wish is that the game gave more feedback on what the choices do, at least after you finish the game for the first time.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I give this game a 5 star because of the art style.. i like this kind of art style really it's awesome.. i hope there's more artist like cypress out there..

    but...the thing i didn't like is yeah mind control.. i don't hate it it's just i'm not into it.. it's like rape but instead of non-con it will be consensual because of it. anyway it seems like cypress is into mind control.. anyway good game nice art and the voice acting is hot as hell
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The voice acting for a indie porn game is incredible. The actors are believable as well as erotic. Unlike many attempts at this the dialogue doesn't come off as super cringey. The CGs are awesome as well and the story is erotic.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I am of two minds with this game. As a pregnant fetishist I like the endings and possible sequel hook but at the same time I couldn't see myself spending a dime on this game, luckily I didn't have to do that. I liked the art and loved the voice acting, but that's the only thing that really sets this game apart from any of it's competition. The story is strange to say the least and the music is fine but nothing superb. One of my biggest complaints is how necessary a walkthrough feels for this game, despite being a very linear story. There's only one real climactic ending, and multiple possible happily ever after choices, and for some reason a harem ending locked away until you chose each girls individual ending for multiple replay value or something? A solid game for sure but nothing better than average without the voice acting, which I never felt I needed anyway. At least you guys can download it here because it's not worth a penny in my opinion.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Snow Daze is a good visual novel about a teen boy mind breaking his Mom and 3 sisters. The story is pretty entertaining, and the dialogue has a few good laugh-out-loud moments. The voice acting is a top notch and done well; however, there is an option to individually mute each character if you find you can't stand any of the voices, which is a pretty cool feature.

    Why this isn't 5 stars for me:
    1) Zero actual gameplay. It's all dialogue choices, which can be alright, but there's only one "correct" option for each multiple-choice with all others leading to bad ends or granting no character points. This wouldn't be too bad, except that character points are not revealed when acquired, but instead are shown at the END of each day. This leads to a lot of save reloading, and dialogue skipping to see which dialogue choices actually grant points. Walkthrough strongly recommended.
    2) A few of the character ending scenes were pretty disappointing in the art/animation.
    3) The "true" ending is pointlessly gated. You have to see all individual endings before the "true" ending can be accessed. Really horrible game design, imo.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is for the most part... alright I suppose. It doesn't do anything particularly wrong just a little lacking here and there. I think I'll start with the art. It's good but it's inconsistent. Some scenes look amazing and some feel a little lacking. The bathroom scene with Jane and Noelle come to mind as a really good looking scene. Like in comparison, the last sex scenes aren't too impressive which is a shame since there are the scenes you really work your way too and it's just kinda lacking. Not bad but lacking.

    The Music is great. Nothing much to add to that.

    The story/dialog is pretty nice though. Some parts are a little overlong but as a guy that likes good dialog and story in his porn (yeah I'm that type of weirdo) it's something I don't mind too much. Now the choices are a different story. For the most part, it feels a little trial and error to figure out what answers to choose. Dialog choices should have a flow and getting into the brain of the character should lead you to the right choice naturally. If the choices are too similar or the flow of the conversation choices don't seem to lead to the right answer, I feel like the game part of the story becomes lacking. I shouldn't need a walkthough or worse, be looking at a walkthrough and still wonder how the conversation lead there.

    Now some minor things that are more personal preferences rather than general ones.

    I'm a bit into femdom... alright, I may be more than a bit (I don't like pegging and female smacking my privates around but I do like it when they are in control and when I'm at their whim) so I was a little disappointed Kira never got more of her way and just ended up kinda becoming like all the other characters. That's just me though.

    The voices are... Alright let me put it this way. I really like Japanese voice acting since for the most part, they're really into the role and it sounds natural. I don't like dubbing for the reason it feels a little half-asses most of the time. Now this isn't as bad as dubbing but it's needs work at some parts. The hypnotized parts were alright but when they started taking in proper conversations, it didn't flow too well. I think the best way I've seen that most games like this get a way with is making the character say only a single word/name or moan just so you get what the voice is suppose to be like. I wouldn't say they should remove the voices, just improved upon.

    Last thing, no replay function? I know there's a mod to add it in but kinda wish they had worked on it themselves. Oh well.

    Though yeah, in short, a good game with some missteps here and there but can easily be worked upon for their next game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A game well done, with an nice art style, the atosaving is perfect(is indeed perfect), the voices of the characters were recorded nice and clean.
    Some of the lines were a bit weird and the story is flipping but that is not a problem for the actual game.