
New Member
Jan 21, 2018
The game has potential for sure, I like the challenge, but it needs better controls, also the UI is bugged, it disappear into tiny pixels as soon as you approach a girl.


Dec 26, 2017
I'm just gonna put this here

This game is a bit grindy at first (lot of rinse and repeat mechanics) BUT... this is the initial release and for what it is already it is amazing, the interactions feel somewhat real, it has fun mechanics to mess around with and it looks amazing so far

It has a lot of potential and i'll be watching this with great interest


New Member
Nov 19, 2018
The game has potential and I kind of enjoyed trying to get the girls to like me and all but after like 4 girls I got a bug or something where every single woman that comes in to the office just hates me for looking at them and wont let me do anything with them so the game became unplayable
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Mar 23, 2019
I think the game has a good concept, and it is executed relatively well.
There are some issues with it such as the difficulty of scoring with a model (although it should not be easy as well).
  • I believe that the pain threshold is way too overtuned. You lose a decent amount of models through mistakes that are sometimes not your fault. At some point, I decided to slap models when they felt A LOT of pain as I groped them slowly (while holding ALT).
  • The anger threshold is at an OKAY spot. I actually enjoy it since it gives the game a bit of "realism"; however, I understand if you decide to tune it down a bit. Although, some model's anger increases without being provoked (not looking at her, nor am I naked).
  • The character level system is wack NGL. You kinda have to "grind" A LOT just to make the game a tad easier. I think that whenever items are implemented they should replace the leveling systems' pupose of viewing the models' meters.
  • The interview level system KEEPS RESETTING and I do not know why. Feels like I've lost progress into the game by continuously playing it. Not sure if resetting was intentional, but It looks like a massive oversight. Although, I do not know what interview levels do.
  • The menu interface looks like its intended for VR; however, It kinda comes with a few drawbacks. The "Employee" Monitor interface does not scale to how close or far the player is positioned; therefore, the menu can either be too big (My main issue), or too small. Maybe having it pop-out as a "traditional" UI instead would be beneficial for people without VR.
  • The cursor constantly leaving the game and affect other windows. I am always Right-Clicking outside the game, and I have to address whatever I right clicked. Holding CTRL does the same too. I am zooming in and out of the other window thats not the game. Hopefully this gets fixed, since its the IMO the biggest issue.
Some suggestions (In no particular order) :
  • Maybe add AN OPTION to enable a crosshair, or dot. Its just to have an idea to where the player is looking at.
  • Nerf the light. The spotlight is a bit too bright.
  • The room is a bit tight. Maybe make it a bit more spacious allowing the player to maneuver around better. (Running at walls triggers ragdoll).
  • Expanding the X-Rays so that we can see deeper into the model.
  • The only cheat option that is needed is probably being able to View and Edit the model's meter multipliers.
  • ESC does not pause the game, maybe adding an option to pause the game would be nice. (Model got bored because I decided to press ESC, and do something else).
Overall, I enjoyed the game. I believe with its upcoming updates, this game will flourish into something great.

Few Bugs? :
  • Running into the wall triggers ragdoll.
  • I ran at the wall and the model was permanently ragged doll because the player kept trying to restand on the wall instead of the ground.
  • Interview level resetting


New Member
Oct 26, 2018
Very promising, but way too hard for my taste. Nearly impossible.... Make it easier and you will reach out more people with this game.
Apr 1, 2018
Honestly the game needs to give and make you do something like a tutorial when you first play it gets confusing asf if you don't get the hang of it fast and lose interest soon when every thing you ask for is denied by the girl. Like there needs to be a indicator or a tutorial of some sorts that teaches you beforehand what to do, how to do it, what to check for, how to persuade the girls and make them do the things etc. Took me a good few minutes to figure it out but that's just because I'm patient with 1st releases and see potential in this game most people will just instantly delete and leave a 1 star because of the confusion on how to persuade the girls. At least make a youtube video or something to explain the process that will do too if you don't wanna make a tutorial. Also one more thing I really like what you got going I really do I would love to support you on patreon. I never thought I would say this but can you tone down the graphic stuff a little bit? feel like my pc is on fire after playing a good 10 minutes I just feel bad for people with potato pc like myself.
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Nov 11, 2017
There's a lot of potential here if the dev makes some major changes/improvements. Some QoL suggestions:

- Body parts are too granular. It's...interesting to be yelled at for staring at somebody's eyebrows. I think a serious simplification on that front would be good.
- The current touching system, as everyone has said, is insanely difficult and ungainly. The whole system isn't really for me personally (particularly the groping/unwanted touching stuff), but what I'd do is implement a point-and-click system. Click a body part to touch, then maybe use the mouse wheel to adjust strength/direction. You should get yelled at for being too strong because you chose to be too strong, not because it's nearly impossible to control how strong you are.

And highly subjectively, I would love to have a full dialogue system, since the 'story' is what I personally like about this idea. You should be able to judge a model's personality based on how she reacts to dialogue choices, not...however you currently do it. And you should be able to convince them to do things in a natural, logical way rather than just touching random body parts and hoping they work. I know it'd be complicated, but given that there's already a status bar system in place, the worst part would probably just be the amount of dialogue writing you'd need to do. (Hint hint, I'd love to help.)


Jan 22, 2019
Ok so....
Graphics. 9.0
Gameplay. roughly a 5.0 Even when you "softly" touch a girl you beat her brains out, unintended (or not) ;)
INteractions: 5.0 cause every girl is upset by everything
Sex: I dont really know how to rate. lets just put a 6 cause I havente see to much of it
But kkep going! looking forward to new updates, way to goo bro! It really has potential!
Thanks :D
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Dec 2, 2017
Can anyone upload a save where it's more than immediate failure? Even Dev saves are pretty much fail on anything.
Apr 1, 2018
I can't put the saves in my files because there is no folder called "saves" in my game file directory. Can someone help? I'm taking about this btw if someone's wondering what save file I'm taking about.
4.10 star(s) 161 Votes