
May 11, 2020
By the way even if it’s not really a problem most of the time i think it would be nice if we were able to talk to the girl from a bigger distance, it’s really painful when you ask them to take a pose and they hit you if you aren’t fast enough to dodge when they move.
Ps: anyone got some tips on how to rate girl to get them the most open minded possible? I don’t really understand why but even though i rated women with big chest and slutty behaviour the highest possible they don’t appear anymore in my game and i was forced to restart a new one (all the women who appeared were flat like a board and the shield appeared at only 1/4 of the bar)


Oct 3, 2018
I didn't think I would spend so much time on this, lol

I like the fact that when the girl likes the action you are about to do (like stroking ass) she will literally push ass towards hand xD Made my hand bend quite severly few times ,lol

Controls were frustrating at first but I'm slowly getting hang of them. I like the game so far


Dec 20, 2020
Neat idea but incredibly frustrating.

Girls saying "get your eyes off me" immediately. Make this impossible. So bad. So so bad.

I downloaded the save game #2 and this happened on first interview. She immediately interrupted and left before I even walked over to press the interact button. Infuriating. Can you at least assume all girls don't mind being looked at? So so so so so so bad. Please.

Controls in general are bad. It would be perfect controls for VR, but trying to move a hand with a mouse in 3D space where I cannot even tell where is depth wise is frustrating. You do not need ALT, you need to fix the interaction. I would completely remove the mouse controls and just have buttons. "Touch belly" with a slider for intensity. Or click "touch belly" and automatically move the hand to the belly and lock it to only touch belly and only count touches to belly because the collision detection is bad, the rotating of the hand is bad. Remove all that. It would only be good for VR.

Hit detection and collision detection is off, girls will think I touched their back when I touched their shoulder, or think I touched their breast when I touched their belly. Again, constant interruptions. I will try to touch very gently and the physics constantly bounces my hand or girls head around. ALT button to slow movement is the wrong solution. A poor bandaid for more real problems.

Interruptions need to be cleaner. If the girl interrupts there is a forced animation of the camera to move back. Then a delay. Then I have to click a small button on the bottom right to advice time to the choice. Then the buttons to respond are in the middle of the screen. It is bad to move buttons all over the screen. Interruptions are a very problematic issue in all UI, be very careful what you force users to sit through. I get that it is part of core gameplay and seducing the girls needs some negative feedback. Just pick somewhere to put all buttons. Bottom. Left. Right, whatever. Pick something. Do not make me click bottom right of screen when all other buttons are center. Make the interruption go faster, take out delays.

I do think there is a lot of opportunity, great concept and could be really good if you simplify gameplay and improve the UI.
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Dec 20, 2020
Few more:

Labels the feedback bars. Annoyed, turnedon, whatever. I do not know why I need to memorize this. Too many bars. I would recommend simplifying. No more than 3 bars. Remove boredom. You're making it way too complicated.

I press ESC and get menu. TINY BUTTON top right is the only way to get back. Let me just press ESC again or make the buttons together. Do not put tiny buttons in corners! Big buttons in the center of the screen for all menus. All menu buttons. Big. Center. Game buttons can be left or right but do not put these in corners! The whole game I am having to move my mouse around to click, you put buttons randomly around screen. Big button, consistently placed. Pay attention when you interact when you are constantly moving mouse from top to bottom then center, left, to a corner. All over, bad UI design.

Add very small crosshair so its is more clear what I am looking at. Or a UI tip that shows eyeballs and the word "breast" or "back" so I understand what the game thinks I am looking at. It is not easy to tell where precise center of screen is. Problem is compounded because girls don't even like being looked at their back? Their arms? I cannot explain how silly this is. Only ass/breast should trigger this at most. And how can a girl tell where I'm looking when she is looking away? SO FRUSTRATING.
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Dec 20, 2020
General gameplay: not enough to do to work girls up. Add more non-sexual poses and talk to improve girl morale so there is something to do but hit all the hidden brick walls on what girls are willing to do. Let players do something other that constantly dismiss dismiss dismiss dismiss dismiss.

Maybe add a rating to poses how how "sexual" they are so some. Show the player the value. Like "go to wall" is 1/10. Lean forward is 2/10. Bend over is 8/10. Legs up on desk is 10/10. Make sure poses are spread out from 1-10 so you progress as girl morale improves.

I also am not sure advancement should unlock feedback bars. You need feedback bars at all times. Should not be locked at all. I cannot understand your explanation of advancing level at all. Remove it. Also things should unlock at whole integer values. At level 2.0 unlock something. At level 2.5 just show 50% progress. Maybe levels just unlock the ability to "find girls". Spend points so you can unlock a "search" for girls with specific features. Spend 50 points to be able to search for girls with whatever breast size. Spend 25 points to be able to find girls with certain eyes, etc. Rating system and genetic algo is interesting but I think spending points is more straight forward. Genetic too fancy, just a toy for a programmer to show off.
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Apr 1, 2018
How do you do the action after the girl agrees and says yes to the actions? like I random picked caress hands and she said something along the lines of "Sure go ahead" and I thought the hand caress animations would start playing after she agrees but nothing happened? what am I missed here? do I need to do something else?


Dec 20, 2020
How do you do the action after the girl agrees and says yes to the actions? like I random picked caress hands and she said something along the lines of "Sure go ahead" and I thought the hand caress animations would start playing after she agrees but nothing happened? what am I missed here? do I need to do something else?
Press 1 and your hand appears, wave it around with mouse. Hold CTRL to change angle of hand. Good luck getting it to work well, though. It is very clunky.

As other post says, this should be point and click, or I think automatically bounded. Allow player to move hand but bound it within only that specific region you clicked on, no mistakes because collision detection is bad. It is impossible to touch belly
without also triggering breast. The collision detection is horrible!

How it should work:
"Can I caress..."
"Your hand"
she says: "Yes"
Player hand appears at girl's hand, you can move around within certain region and IMPOSSIBLE to accidentally trigger other regions. Gameplay fixed! Leave the completely manual hand waving for the VR version later.


Dec 20, 2020
Please #1 priority: some girls bruise/pain with slightest touch. It is ridiculous. Should be easy fix? Change your bounds for how sensitive they are. It is ok there is a range, some girls more or less sensitive, but the range is too wide. No girl should be completely made of glass. Too frustrating.
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Apr 1, 2018
Press 1 and your hand appears, wave it around with mouse. Hold CTRL to change angle of hand. Good luck getting it to work well, though. It is very clunky.

As other post says, this should be point and click, or I think automatically bounded. Allow player to move hand but bound it within only that specific region you clicked on, no mistakes because collision detection is bad. It is impossible to touch belly
without also triggering breast. The collision detection is horrible!

How it should work:
"Can I caress..."
"Your hand"
she says: "Yes"
Player hand appears at girl's hand, you can move around within certain region and IMPOSSIBLE to accidentally trigger other regions. Gameplay fixed! Leave the completely manual hand waving for the VR version later.
ah shit well thanks for the info time to use 30 more minutes trying to find and convince a girl to let me caress her *that came out kinda creepy ngl* but thanks


May 11, 2020
ah shit well thanks for the info time to use 30 more minutes trying to find and convince a girl to let me caress her *that came out kinda creepy ngl* but thanks
Don’t forget to rate girls who are more sluty as having great potential for a modelling career, after some time the number of slutty girl will increase until the point where you find some who are fine with touching everywhere (and they tell you so themselves when asking to touch one of their body part) i even found one who undressed on her own (dunno why tho, only happened once after she asked me if the room was hot and i answered yes) still need to work on them to actually get laid tho (make them cum to push back the green shield further up on the green bar until they accept all your request)

ps: it would be nice if anyone who played the game could post a fair review on it, that will bring more peoples on the thread so more chance for some who will support it and so give the dev an easier time to work on it.


Dec 20, 2020
Hunting for what to caress is too cumbersome. This is how you have to play the game over and over to progress. Clicking through menus to find the one thing she allows you to touch, if any. It it click click click click left screen, center, bottom right, click click click, buttons move all over the screen and often do nothing of value. Annoying gameplay loop.

I have to get close to interact. Sometimes so close I almost run into girl and she gets max pain level and leaves. Interact should work from infinte distance. When girl is faced away against wall you have to get too close... Just make it infinte distance, easy, done, never worry about this again.

"Can I" middle right of screen. Buttons here should be bigger. Still seem randomly placed. Maybe just pick left for UI elements while leaving room to show the girl

Next can only press "Caress..." Why is this even here, why do I have to click again if there is only one choice?

Back to the 5 button layout. Pick something, lets say Arms.

Now a dialog appears and I have to click at the very bottom right. This is bad design. Tiny button in the corner, moving my mouse all over the screen.

Now five large buttons appear that spans almost the entire screen width. Not consistent. Put all the buttons in one place so I only have to move my mouse small amounts.

Now I select shouldersor whatever. Again, dialog and I have to click a small button at the bottom right of the screen. Very annoying, unnecessary steps. You do not need to jump the button around all over the screen.

In general, why 5 arms? Make ONE arm. Why would a girl be ok with forearm touching but not hands, etc? This design makes no sense!

Waist, hip, belly, how can you possible touch one without the other? Combine these to ONE. It is impossible to play if the the girl does not accept touching of one of these and you need to touch one of the other 2. You will touch all of them without the ability to control what you actually touch. Again, this all makes no sense and is far too fine-grained. Keep it simple!

After dismissing girl there is no reason to move around the room. Movement is clunky anyway. Turning is is difficult. You should just display a full screen 2D menu to rate or move on to the next day. There is nothing in the room to do but click the computer. Don't make me move in 3D to click the computer if it is the only thing possible to do. I do not suggest adding more to do by moving around the room. Just use menus, only need to move around the room while inspecting girls.

I do not like the 3D rating menu. Make it simple 2D.

Also, press 1 to bring out hand, it flies out at 100mph and hits the girl, and now the encounter is ruined. So annoying.

T valle

Oct 2, 2017
thank you maxdannis, I write down a lot of what you said.
I know the hand movement is clunky, I have already some ideas to improve it, and I'm developing finger, mouth, tongue, and maybe a dildo.

So that's why I must tell you all, that I'm not interested in developing a "Click Here" to touch x part, or "Click Here" to fuck x hole, system/game. And then use a slider to tell the game how fast you want it to go.
There are a lot of games like that already. why would I be interested in doing what everyone else is doing??

I want my game to be as a simulation as possible. I know a game like that is not for everyone and I wish I could please everyone. I cant.

I know as well developing a game like this is INSANE hard. I don't know why I like it.

About everything else you said, you are right, thank you and ill do my best, this is my first game you know. (lol)

Some weird things that everyone keeps saying are that you get automatically interrupted and rejected as soon as they see you, it would be great to have one of those save games to understand what's going on.
I know there is a small chance for this to happen with some females, but not so many. are you sure you all have your pants on? or maybe some of the females in the first save game posted by the OP (by my request) are batshit crazy. still... ill reduce the chance for this to happen to zero.


Aug 6, 2016
Yeah, it's good to check if you have pants, I though I had 3 batshit crazy in a row then I noticed my mistake, however I also had some rather difficult to work with. I'm also not a huge fan of shiled randomly popping up.

Another thing I noticed, it's insaly hard to insert penis where it shoudl go. I mean I'm able to poke almost anything except what I tried...


May 11, 2020
Yeah, it's good to check if you have pants, I though I had 3 batshit crazy in a row then I noticed my mistake, however I also had some rather difficult to work with. I'm also not a huge fan of shiled randomly popping up.

Another thing I noticed, it's insaly hard to insert penis where it shoudl go. I mean I'm able to poke almost anything except what I tried...
I didn’t have any problems with that, did you change your elevation by using wheel+ctrl ?


May 10, 2017
so figured something out, there's a second red bar behinde the horny bar, which only starts filling up by orgasme, filling this second bar up fully basicly allow's you to do whatever you want to the girl, with no complaints from her at all,

Maneged to fill it up by wedging the hand between her arms as she was very sensitive between the arms, and then i went afk....


New Member
Mar 23, 2020
WoW. Very Nice for a first release. Good concept. Need improvement. It takes a while to learn, the alt and touch. Good poses and H mechanics. Can't wait to see how it improves. Good work.
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Dec 20, 2020
Yeah keep at it, great start, but some really big time annoyances that make it almost unplayable. Get a girl going then the experience completely shits the bed for unknown reasons with little to no feedback to the player. I got one going, naked, meters looked good, asked her to lean up against the wall, she says yes, then BOOM GONE instantly after she moves to the wall. No idea why.

When you do get a girl going, she gets sweaty, pants, blushes, that's super hot, there's something there if you can give players proper feedback and control. It's fine to have a challenge but... even a bad dice roll in a board game you SEE the dice roll and are at least encouraged to try again and hope for a better dice roll next. I think there's too much machinery behind how you generate girls' willingness that it is only frustrating the player. Body/looks works better because we get ten, ten-point sliders. The behavior score is a complete crapshoot and I don't think you even get convergence at all.


Dec 20, 2020
Girl comes in. Red bar just keeps rising. No idea why. Click wait, it just rises to max again. Looking away, looking at her face, looking at the ceiling, whatever, my character is fully clothed. Using save 2.


Jul 18, 2017
All of my other complaints have been brought up in earlier in the thread, so I'm not going to bother repeating all of them. That only leaves one thing: There needs to be an option to change the amount of times the player can bust his nut. I spent actual hours fiddling with the obnoxious systems and finally got to the point where the model let me put it in, only to have the game go "nope, you nutted twice already, no more sex for you"
Some cheat options would be nice. The ability to lock pain/anger/orgasm bars in place or give yourself infinite orgasms or something.
It's in a really weird spot right now. The game is too complicated to be played for a quick wank, but it's also not interesting enough to be played for non-horny purposes.

T valle

Oct 2, 2017
maxdannis you are right again. there are 291 modifiers for her body divided into many sliders, BUT there are more than 800 modifiers for her personality/emotions/AI in just one dropdown. I know that's some serious unbalance.
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4.10 star(s) 161 Votes