I really, really like this game. There are plenty of females with different appearances, and a lot of them are hot. I like how you interview them with the secret goal of trying to get in their pants, and you have to figure out what works until you can give them the c*. It's really exciting and risky.
There are some things that can be improved with this game though (no particular order):
1.) The mouse cursor keeps leaving the window. You should make it so that the cursor is locked into the game window and only leaves the window when you Alt + Tab to another window. I plan on installing DxWnd later to fix this.
2.) I wish that you could save the particular situation you are in, like the female you are with. So you can revisit her and repeat sex scenes with her. Or if you screwed up with her before, you can try to do things right the second time around. But I think that the game only saves your Level, Week, and Day and not the female you are with.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore.
3.) I wish that there were 50 or more slave slots, but there is only one. It would be nice to save multiple favorite females so you can revisit them all.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore.
4.) I wish that you could Load Save from in the game. Sometimes if you quit the game and Continue where you last saved, you can start over with a female and try to do things right the second time around. But it is a tedious process having to restart the game each time you want to go back and try again.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore. But a Load Save would still be nice, because it is no fun to restart a game just to try something different with the female you just screwed up with.
5.) I wish that the normal walking (not holding Shift) was faster, like 1.5 to 2x faster. It's way too slow. The guy walks slower than a penguin.
UPDATE: I have sorta got used to the slow walking and the fast sprinting, so this is not as important to me anymore.
6.) The sprinting (hold down Shift) is actually too fast. I can only press the Shift button for less than a second and then I have to quickly let go of it, or I will end up running into furniture and walls. I think that we don't need sprinting at all. Just faster walking.
UPDATE: I have sorta got used to the slow walking and the fast sprinting, so this is not as important to me anymore.
7.) A cheat option would be nice if you get bored and just want to dominate women temporarily for fun. Also, I kinda wish that rape was an option. So they put up resistance and complain but you can still have your way with them.
UPDATE: I am starting to get lucky with tons of hot women, and I am only a Level 2.0. So I am less worried about cheats now. Also, rape isn't that important to me. It's just that one female kept telling me to stop touching her breasts and kept putting her hand in the way, but I kept doing it nonstop for half an hour and it never made her angry and never gave her any pain. So I thought that it would be cool if I could take it even further and have sex with her even though she was reluctant and telling me "no".
8.) I wish that the review ratings were a bit different. I like rating Overall Appearance and model conduct, but the physical traits are messed up. Overall Appearance goes from -10 to 10, but physical traits only go from 0 to 10. If I increase the Overall Appearance to greater than 0, all the physical traits increase in the same increment. But if I lower the Overall Appearance to less than 0, all the physical traits will only go as low as 0 and the game sometimes thinks that I did not make any rating changes so it won't submit my review. To fix this, all physical traits should be -10 to 10. Or change the Overall Appearance to just 0 to 10 instead of -10 to 10.
9.) There doesn't seem to be a Pause option. I tried pressing Esc to pause the game. I went to use the bathroom. When I came back, a very sexual woman who got off from me just touching her arm was complaining that she was tired and going home. Sometimes a person just wants to pause the game and take a break but resume the action later on. Knowing that the model will get angry and leave while being on the Options menu screen is not good.
10.) After pressing ESC to get to the Options menu, you should be able to press ESC again to exit out of the Options menu. Right now, you are required to click on an x button instead.
11.) It would be nice if you didn't move your arm when selecting stuff from the Interaction Menu because you don't want to accidentally punch her in the face or max out her pain level when selecting a request. I have been looking to the side and putting my hand away before using the Interaction Menu.
12.) It would be nice if we could press Spacebar to forward the text, instead of pressing the UI's Next button. It would speed things up a little and make gameplay easier.
13.) I try to type on the keyboard with one hand, and it is difficult to press Left Shift + P. It would be easier to press Right Shift + P (which doesn't work in this game), or even better - just let us press the O button instead since it is right next to the P button.
14.) If you cum in the game, your penis remains permanently flaccid during all the other sex scenes. That is too realistic. I want my penis to stay hard at all times and I want to cum over and over so I can enjoy the other sex scenes without looking like a limp dick idiot.
UPDATE: I read that a cheat will become available that will give me permanently hard penis. I am looking forward to that.
15.) I don't understand the lying on the floor pose because I can't do anything with her sexually in that position and once she is in that position I can't interact (press F) with her because she is too far from me. I was forced to dispatch someone because I could no longer interact with them.
UPDATE: I finally learned how to squat down using Ctrl + Mousewheel so i am able to do a lot more sex positions than before. So that solves this problem.
16.) As some people stated, it's too easy to max out a female's pain level in an instant. I would hold down Alt and slowly move my hand millimeters at a time, and sometimes that is enough to "hurt" her where her pain maxes out in a blink of an eye. Even though I'm being extremely careful and cautious like a surgeon with a medical knife. This is what one person said, and it is so true. "You should get yelled at for being too strong because you chose to be too strong, not because it's nearly impossible to control how strong you are. "
UPDATE: I played for 30 minutes today, and I didn't max out anyone's pain level. I have no idea why. Maybe it is because I can see the UI vertical bars now and I press 1 as soon as the meter climbs. Or maybe I just got lucky with the females that I interviewed. I will need to observe this more over time.
17.) It would be nice to be able to change the MC's name at any time, instead of just at the start of the game. If you use someone else's Save file, you will be stuck with their name that you might not like. Also, maybe you might change your mind later and want a different name.
18.) I honestly never use the CTRL button to rotate my hand because it never rotate like I want. I wanted to move my hand so that it was upside down, like feeding a dog a treat. I wanted to rub her vagina that way. But instead of doing that, it twisted my arm and hand in all sorts of wrong, weird, awful, and impossible ways. And then once my arm and hand were disfigured, I could not use the CTRL button to rotate it back to the default position. I was forced to press 1 twice to reset the hand position. The CTRL option has been completely useless to me. It's too difficult to use. So I've been playing the game without it.
19.) There should be a way to ESC out of a "Can I caress" submenu. I wanted to caress a girl's ass. I didn't know which submenu to use and I clicked the wrong one. Once I was in that wrong submenu, I was stuck with choices that I did not want to make. Actually this has happened to me over six times so far for different types of caresses. Sometimes, I misclicked and ended up in the wrong submenu too.
20.) I'm trying to improve my body movement, but there have been numerous times when my character lost control and slammed into walls, the floor, and her. Turning is a bit difficult, and sometimes when I am facing the wrong direction when behind her I have difficulty turning back around to face her. One time, I moved my penis back too fast and too far, I collided with the wall behind me, and then slammed myself back into her. It's a tight squeeze between her and he wall, and things often go wrong if I'm not careful enough. And even when I am careful, bad things sometimes happen because no one is perfect and maybe the game is glitched like that.
UPDATE: I think that I am getting better at moving and making less mistakes now.
21.) It would be nice if there was a Some Modeling Agency game icon, so if I pin this game to my taskbar I will see a game icon instead of a Unity game engine icon.
I glanced at someone's post on this game thread, and they had some good ideas too:
1.) Add a small crosshair or something else that is tiny but similar so the player knows where their mouse cursor is and where they are looking at.
2.) Nerf the spotlight in the center of the room some. The light(s) can be too bright. Also, sometimes the shadows are too dark so all you see is the shadow of the MC's head instead of the breasts and nipples.
3.) The feedback bars are actually confusing to me because I did not understand the instructions since it mentions different bars that are the same color and I don't want to bother trying to read, understand, and remember everything. The only ones that I remember are the vertical gray bar for boredom (it actually looks green), the vertical red bar for anger, and the vertical blue/purple bar for pain. But I don't know what the missing vertical bars are or what the tiny, hard to see horizontal bars are for. So I agree that there needs an easier to understand UI interface with indicators on what each bar does. I don't like going to the Options menu to read a tutorial. I want to know what they do by just looking at the game screen.
UPDATE: I've had sex with many women, but I never once saw a green vertical bar. Also, the tutorial is whack. It talks about red and pink vertical bars for the woman's horniness and pleasure, but those bars aren't vertical. They are horizontal. Not only that, but they are so tiny and thin that I can't make them out. I also don't know which bar tells me when I am getting close to cumming so I will know to slow down and back off.
Those are just some of the things that can improve this game, but I really enjoyed it a lot. I still give the game a 10/10 and I can't wait to play the finished version.
There are some things that can be improved with this game though (no particular order):
1.) The mouse cursor keeps leaving the window. You should make it so that the cursor is locked into the game window and only leaves the window when you Alt + Tab to another window. I plan on installing DxWnd later to fix this.
2.) I wish that you could save the particular situation you are in, like the female you are with. So you can revisit her and repeat sex scenes with her. Or if you screwed up with her before, you can try to do things right the second time around. But I think that the game only saves your Level, Week, and Day and not the female you are with.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore.
3.) I wish that there were 50 or more slave slots, but there is only one. It would be nice to save multiple favorite females so you can revisit them all.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore.
4.) I wish that you could Load Save from in the game. Sometimes if you quit the game and Continue where you last saved, you can start over with a female and try to do things right the second time around. But it is a tedious process having to restart the game each time you want to go back and try again.
UPDATE: I revisited the game a day later and for some reason I kept meeting hot female after hot female that I could go really far with, and I am only Level 2.0. So that makes me think that I don't need Saves anymore. But a Load Save would still be nice, because it is no fun to restart a game just to try something different with the female you just screwed up with.
5.) I wish that the normal walking (not holding Shift) was faster, like 1.5 to 2x faster. It's way too slow. The guy walks slower than a penguin.
UPDATE: I have sorta got used to the slow walking and the fast sprinting, so this is not as important to me anymore.
6.) The sprinting (hold down Shift) is actually too fast. I can only press the Shift button for less than a second and then I have to quickly let go of it, or I will end up running into furniture and walls. I think that we don't need sprinting at all. Just faster walking.
UPDATE: I have sorta got used to the slow walking and the fast sprinting, so this is not as important to me anymore.
7.) A cheat option would be nice if you get bored and just want to dominate women temporarily for fun. Also, I kinda wish that rape was an option. So they put up resistance and complain but you can still have your way with them.
UPDATE: I am starting to get lucky with tons of hot women, and I am only a Level 2.0. So I am less worried about cheats now. Also, rape isn't that important to me. It's just that one female kept telling me to stop touching her breasts and kept putting her hand in the way, but I kept doing it nonstop for half an hour and it never made her angry and never gave her any pain. So I thought that it would be cool if I could take it even further and have sex with her even though she was reluctant and telling me "no".
8.) I wish that the review ratings were a bit different. I like rating Overall Appearance and model conduct, but the physical traits are messed up. Overall Appearance goes from -10 to 10, but physical traits only go from 0 to 10. If I increase the Overall Appearance to greater than 0, all the physical traits increase in the same increment. But if I lower the Overall Appearance to less than 0, all the physical traits will only go as low as 0 and the game sometimes thinks that I did not make any rating changes so it won't submit my review. To fix this, all physical traits should be -10 to 10. Or change the Overall Appearance to just 0 to 10 instead of -10 to 10.
9.) There doesn't seem to be a Pause option. I tried pressing Esc to pause the game. I went to use the bathroom. When I came back, a very sexual woman who got off from me just touching her arm was complaining that she was tired and going home. Sometimes a person just wants to pause the game and take a break but resume the action later on. Knowing that the model will get angry and leave while being on the Options menu screen is not good.
10.) After pressing ESC to get to the Options menu, you should be able to press ESC again to exit out of the Options menu. Right now, you are required to click on an x button instead.
11.) It would be nice if you didn't move your arm when selecting stuff from the Interaction Menu because you don't want to accidentally punch her in the face or max out her pain level when selecting a request. I have been looking to the side and putting my hand away before using the Interaction Menu.
12.) It would be nice if we could press Spacebar to forward the text, instead of pressing the UI's Next button. It would speed things up a little and make gameplay easier.
13.) I try to type on the keyboard with one hand, and it is difficult to press Left Shift + P. It would be easier to press Right Shift + P (which doesn't work in this game), or even better - just let us press the O button instead since it is right next to the P button.
14.) If you cum in the game, your penis remains permanently flaccid during all the other sex scenes. That is too realistic. I want my penis to stay hard at all times and I want to cum over and over so I can enjoy the other sex scenes without looking like a limp dick idiot.
UPDATE: I read that a cheat will become available that will give me permanently hard penis. I am looking forward to that.
15.) I don't understand the lying on the floor pose because I can't do anything with her sexually in that position and once she is in that position I can't interact (press F) with her because she is too far from me. I was forced to dispatch someone because I could no longer interact with them.
UPDATE: I finally learned how to squat down using Ctrl + Mousewheel so i am able to do a lot more sex positions than before. So that solves this problem.
16.) As some people stated, it's too easy to max out a female's pain level in an instant. I would hold down Alt and slowly move my hand millimeters at a time, and sometimes that is enough to "hurt" her where her pain maxes out in a blink of an eye. Even though I'm being extremely careful and cautious like a surgeon with a medical knife. This is what one person said, and it is so true. "You should get yelled at for being too strong because you chose to be too strong, not because it's nearly impossible to control how strong you are. "
UPDATE: I played for 30 minutes today, and I didn't max out anyone's pain level. I have no idea why. Maybe it is because I can see the UI vertical bars now and I press 1 as soon as the meter climbs. Or maybe I just got lucky with the females that I interviewed. I will need to observe this more over time.
17.) It would be nice to be able to change the MC's name at any time, instead of just at the start of the game. If you use someone else's Save file, you will be stuck with their name that you might not like. Also, maybe you might change your mind later and want a different name.
18.) I honestly never use the CTRL button to rotate my hand because it never rotate like I want. I wanted to move my hand so that it was upside down, like feeding a dog a treat. I wanted to rub her vagina that way. But instead of doing that, it twisted my arm and hand in all sorts of wrong, weird, awful, and impossible ways. And then once my arm and hand were disfigured, I could not use the CTRL button to rotate it back to the default position. I was forced to press 1 twice to reset the hand position. The CTRL option has been completely useless to me. It's too difficult to use. So I've been playing the game without it.
19.) There should be a way to ESC out of a "Can I caress" submenu. I wanted to caress a girl's ass. I didn't know which submenu to use and I clicked the wrong one. Once I was in that wrong submenu, I was stuck with choices that I did not want to make. Actually this has happened to me over six times so far for different types of caresses. Sometimes, I misclicked and ended up in the wrong submenu too.
20.) I'm trying to improve my body movement, but there have been numerous times when my character lost control and slammed into walls, the floor, and her. Turning is a bit difficult, and sometimes when I am facing the wrong direction when behind her I have difficulty turning back around to face her. One time, I moved my penis back too fast and too far, I collided with the wall behind me, and then slammed myself back into her. It's a tight squeeze between her and he wall, and things often go wrong if I'm not careful enough. And even when I am careful, bad things sometimes happen because no one is perfect and maybe the game is glitched like that.
UPDATE: I think that I am getting better at moving and making less mistakes now.
21.) It would be nice if there was a Some Modeling Agency game icon, so if I pin this game to my taskbar I will see a game icon instead of a Unity game engine icon.
I glanced at someone's post on this game thread, and they had some good ideas too:
1.) Add a small crosshair or something else that is tiny but similar so the player knows where their mouse cursor is and where they are looking at.
2.) Nerf the spotlight in the center of the room some. The light(s) can be too bright. Also, sometimes the shadows are too dark so all you see is the shadow of the MC's head instead of the breasts and nipples.
3.) The feedback bars are actually confusing to me because I did not understand the instructions since it mentions different bars that are the same color and I don't want to bother trying to read, understand, and remember everything. The only ones that I remember are the vertical gray bar for boredom (it actually looks green), the vertical red bar for anger, and the vertical blue/purple bar for pain. But I don't know what the missing vertical bars are or what the tiny, hard to see horizontal bars are for. So I agree that there needs an easier to understand UI interface with indicators on what each bar does. I don't like going to the Options menu to read a tutorial. I want to know what they do by just looking at the game screen.
UPDATE: I've had sex with many women, but I never once saw a green vertical bar. Also, the tutorial is whack. It talks about red and pink vertical bars for the woman's horniness and pleasure, but those bars aren't vertical. They are horizontal. Not only that, but they are so tiny and thin that I can't make them out. I also don't know which bar tells me when I am getting close to cumming so I will know to slow down and back off.
Those are just some of the things that can improve this game, but I really enjoyed it a lot. I still give the game a 10/10 and I can't wait to play the finished version.