the thing with me skippin the racy uniform registration- i got both it and the ravealing uniform registration images unlocked in the gallery, but i went and did the revealing one skipping the racy one, when i played. maybe i had stats good enough for taht one already? i think i may have had Tris do public wak on iltari station to unlock the racy uniform registration, and then isntead of registaring the racy uniform went and did the walks for the revealing one.
Incidently, i got the galaxina reward fro the shell episode, and then left the station and did a lot of other things, now i cant seem to trigger the event in enerintainment district to get the vixens galaxina episode. what triggers that event?
NVM, 'i keep forgetting that this only triggers if i leave the entrernteinment district directly into the ship, and usually i either go to the ship from the bar directly or from the zone where the administrative office is. i got it now.
-BTW, i love the new bot shell crafting GUI. good job there