I just finished all missions on version 2.00, next weekend I'll hopefully have time to check out the new stuff and save compatibility.
As already written, I still like that this is actually primarily a game with mechanics and stuff and erotic content is a secondary attribute. Not just a fap and skip thing as many other "games" here are.
Here are some things I found strange as a feedback (all on the base 2.00). Maybe some things got already repoted and might even be different by now:
- Nimhe SLU 14 unlocks second angle but the WT PDF says 15
- T'Ris says "I'll be in my quarters." when she returns from the pet class, but instead sits in the mess room (maybe change her dialogue to "I'll go for a break in the mess room." or something similar instead)
- At Arellarti Station the option "praise pet" exits the interaction with the Krell, while all other dialogue options return back to the dialogue menu.
- The quest "Ponygirl On Board" is hinted okay but in my case it did not help. It tells you to practice walks with Nimhe in her Pony Costume around the ship, the hint tells you to ask her in her quarters about it. I tried different thinks way to long, until I concentrated on other quests again. Turns out, "A Special Request" (retrieving the infiltrator shell) is a prerequisite for the other one and I haven't finished that one yet.
- The quest "Crew Wear For Seraphine - Revealing" has a typo, it says: "If you have hear wear it until EXH 6 you unlock bonus content..." [sic].
- The cargo drones:
- If you try to call stuff from your warehouse but you misremembered and don't actually have those items, you still only have the menu option "Activate Drone", a cancel option would be nice, because I like to leave one drone at the warehouse to use if needed.
- When sending stuff to the warehouse, your ships inventory sorts after every click, and I coudn't recognize a pattern of sorting except the stack I was trying to send 10 pieces off, moved further to the bottom. That resorting is not helpfull, when you try to send 10 of the same stuff away and it suddenly changes position. I think sorting once when opening the drone menu could be enough.
- In the Krell Pet Store and also in Shady's trading interface only 32 items of your inventory are visible and if you have more you cannot sell items from those invisible stacks. In your inventory box all are still there.
- The Underverse Rift in NX-010 can be placed on the top left corner where the Voron Beacon is displayed. Due to the rectangular hitbox of the beacon but the shaped hitbox of the rift it's very nonintuitive to click at the first time.
- If you end your day at the Underverse Rift and wait for Vee to find a new one, your ship has changed location and is already next to the new rift. (I know why it technically behaves that way, you move and display the same location) but it's not intuitile because if no new rift is found, you also stay in the middle of nowhere.
For the end just a fun thing: It cracks me up evry time to see T'Ris in the mess room watching me and silently judging me for running errands and fetching cocktails for the princess.