On 2.05 (edit: 2.05c; after I posted this, I saw that there's now a 2.05e, so I don't know if any of these things are still happening or not), I started a fresh playthrough and I'm running into a few minor bugs that I'm not entirely sure are bugs (as in, am I imagining it or what?). All little things, so far. I use the itch.io launcher to install the game, and have never used any mods (well, not with this or any other Ren'Py game).
For example, early on, I ran into a ship in distress. He needed an Output Controller; I didn't have any spare, but I could pick the option to uninstall one from my ship and give it to them... which I did. Only, I'm pretty sure it didn't uninstall it from my ship, even though I got the reward anyway... but I'm not CERTAIN that's what happened; I may have just lost track of how many I'd already had installed. But it happened more than once, and I'm not always the most attentive to things like that, but I thought I'd been keeping track of it after the first time it occurred, so... was it just me, or was it really a bug?
Another thing that might be a case of RNG or it might be a bug, but by the time I unlocked the bot lab, I'd collected 30+ Bot Part crates. I opened them all, went down to the bot lab, and while there were plenty of parts of all levels and repair available, there was a complete set of parts that were Level I, 0% Repair. I'd never seen a single 0% repair bot component, before, that I can recall, so it kind of stood out.
Finally, I've been having some glitches with the save/load directory. Sometimes, saves from my old (pre-2.05) games show up as available when I go to load a new game; sometimes they don't. That's been the weirdest glitch of the bunch... but it doesn't happen consistently enough for me to be able to figure out a pattern. It's not important, as I don't particularly want to keep those old saves, and I might wind up deleting them anyway, but it's absolutely bizarre that they disappear and reappear like that.
There had been other things I'd been noting down, but I've searched through this thread and found answers (for example, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't repair bot parts; I'd always been able to repair bot parts from the moment I unlocked the lab, before. I went through this thread to see if others were having the same problem, and saw that (1) I had to raise my character's tech level to 5 (never had that restriction, before, but it makes sense), and (2) I had to send a bot to the arcade, first (which I find a bit annoying, as I don't like sending damaged bots to the arcade, and there is no way to do that until you unlock the repair ability; but it's just a minor annoyance. I sent it in, unlocked the repair ability, and then immediately recalled the bot so I can start fixing it up, and I'm only delayed one in-game day before I can start fixing it). But I figured I should mention the things I hadn't seen reported, elsewhere.
Edit: The saved-game thing may be related to the Itch.io launcher. I just found the pattern I hadn't noticed before -- whenever anything gets updated on the itch.io launcher, and then I launch this game through said launcher, the saves vanish. Reboot itch.io and suddenly the saves show up again. Not sure if there's anything you can do about that one, because it's absolutely bizarre, but there it is.