Intertwined and Leap of Faith (last one is already in your sig, so it has to be on your list too i think

Babysitter is a good one too, nice lovestory.
Iam much like you, a VN without a good story and character development is nothing that interest me long... I like to dive in the story and characters. Iam really surprised how many really really good stories are on this platform where the focus is much more on lewd scenes. I came to this site because i stumbled over "Melody", first VN for me with lewd content like this, cant really remeber how and where i stumbled over it... but i saw something about it, searched for a download and this led towards F95, and now im stuck here and played endless VNs so far and i am supporting some DEVs too
Another suggestion wpuld be "life happened" i would say, but its in early states...
And i think you have to play A.O.A... but i guess you already played that.
My suggestions are nothing "new" though... all the games are big favorites around this site. Besides Life happened... thats kinda "new"
And if you like penny for your thoughts, i would say you have to play Avalon first

I admit, i dont like penny for your thoughts... but Avalon was really nice.
But Babysitter and Avalon have incest in it... but i dont think its a problem here, some other games of your list include incest too, and i admit... i got a little fetish for incest storys too.
Bad Memories should be a good one too for you.
Hm let me think.... A Mother's love is story driven too, like it very much, but very slow development now... last update was in february, hopefully it will go on.
I really like "Haley's Story" but its kinda forced relationship with haley. But without it, the game wouldnt work... if you dont like Haley in the first place, this game is nothing for you. Kinda like Melody... if you dont Like Melody the whole game doesnt really work out.
In one post you asked if the girls in "Intertwined" are all falling magicly in love with the MC, i would say... some do, some not. And it depends heavily on you choices. AND you cant get all of them, as far as i played (and i played it a lot with different paths) there is no way you will be in a position with more than one girl in the end... and if you try, i think it will end badly

There are already heavy consequences in the game if you try to get in the pants of more than one girl... But the huge plus of the game is just that really everything is intertwined and that makes the game very exciting. So just try it out, and always have in mind... if you go for a girl, there will be consequences
But lets face it... we are on F95, so in every game the MC is kinda a womanizer... and can get the girls "somewhat" easy.
I do like it very much if you have to "win" her over and have to decide and choose between them, and dpending on your decision you can get or lose the girl... But overall the writing, characters and story must be a good one and i have to "feel" it in someway... Games where you open your pants and every girl magically jumps you are not my thing... There has to be a realtionship build up to really draw me in.
*edit* btw thank you for this thread and list... i saw some games posted here i didnt noticed before, and will try them out now... like Ripples for example.