Ren'Py - Abandoned - Story [v0.3] [story and magic]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The STORY could have been a good game in the future but it was abandoned. Too bad, there was a lot of potential and good scenes and stories. In Chapter 3 the got a little plain and I think the were no more good ideas. The STORY could have been a good story with good pacing and not such a big world. The Magic Part of the game should have a little more interesting. The mistress / sorceres is a plain and boring character. The girls you meet are not ugly as in other games. Had a good time even the game was never finished. 4 of 5 Stars.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game got abandoned and rightfully so, contradictory to some other reviews - there wasn't really any potential to begin with.
    • Visuals are fine, but it features stupid cutscenes with hideous animations, that CAN NOT be skipped with a mouse click.
    • Dialogue that feels like it was written by a caveman.
    • Scenes and commentary that repeat dozens of times for each of in-game days, which creates a feeling of routine.
    • The non-choises where both options lead to the exact same outcome are everywhere. Literally the first decision you make is fake, then comes the second one, where you touch (or not) the stone that activates your magic powers, which may appear as important, but it isn't. A little later you will be forced to walk back and touch it anyways.
    • Sex scenes (i think there are like two or maybe three of them) are AWFUL: positions, animations, camera angles, lighting, build-up - everything is poorly done. The "sex mini-game" feature is literally just a clicker.
    • Morale system is autistic (and unfinished). MC basically reacts to murder/torture in either caricature evil or caricature good manner.
    • IU has a dedicated map icon, it opens the map as you could have guessed. The problem is - this map is useless. It shows you a rough draft of nearby settlements, but what for? It's not even interactive, why does it take space on the screen? Inventory/skills menu is also a placeholder and isn't used yet.

    It takes about 1.5-2hrs to finish this build, should've been less if there weren't any redundant repetitive content.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    At a first glance this game might not seem like much looking at the title but it's really a diamond in the rough. "Story" slaps you across the face with your preconceptions and simply drags you on an adventure.

    Sure there is some "Engrish" here and there & some places could use some polish but overall it's a surprisingly good game. A little more polish, interesting story & sex and this game could easily be a 5* in my book.

    The only real sad part about the game is the time between releases. I played version 0.3 (released Nov 23, 2022) so it's been well over a year since last release.

    Recommended for those that enjoy story, adventure + isekai.
    Likes: dundo
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Tirthankar Mandal

    The story is phenomenal! The world is phenomenal! The character models and designs are phenomenal! The music choices are perfect! There are a few great "superhero" games out there but this one stands out among them for the fact that this is the only game that's bold enough to go with a middle aged man which was the reason I decided to give it a try the instant I saw it. I played it about 2/3 months ago and I certainly remember making a review here but I can't find it, maybe cuz of the fact that I was expressing my sadness for something which is also the reason why the dev can't really release updates at the speed we'd like. And that certain something may have violated the rules. Anyways I find it very inspiring that despite of that certain something (which is the most important thing to survive next to air and water) the dev is still honing his animation skills rigorously. Maybe one day he'd be able to resume his work for the game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a great setting. The world that is introduced is interesting and expansive, and the different areas being different cultures based on real world civilizations is an interesting take. However, I think that's where the strengths end. The renders are poor to average, the writing is FILLED with typos, grammatical errors, and horrible dialogue. The conversations are very awkward english and they rarely make complete sense. You can tell english is probably a second or even third language for the writer. The dialogue also doesn't make sense from a conversation standpoint. This is not how normal people converse and it's very awkward and out of place. Also, you are thrown into this world abruptly and your MC adjusts so quickly and just joins this random tribe and accepts that he's in this magical world without any type of adjustment period. You are in this magic bizarre world now, we are a random tribe that has been attacked by enslavers, join us and make this random girl your wife. Ok. Hello my wife, my love. Excuse me what I don't even know what's going on yet why do I now have a wife and a tribe and why are they trying to make me a shaman? The choices also make no sense and that is entangled with the poor english. Most of the choices seem to be a simple yes i want to be an asshole vs no I don't want to be an asshole, but none of the choices are described well enough to let you know what they might even do. What's the deal with the crystals? Why am I training in these skills? Should I be hunting or fishing? What happens if I pick this choice? You are left in the dark and I still have no idea what any of it meant. Also, the game has sandbox "grinding" to slowly level up your "skills" without being told if they will ever even be used, because there are no skill checks or anything. To wrap things up, the sex scenes are also just the same thing over and over, same animations with the EXACT same broken english dialogue. This really is just an average fantasy sandbox/VN game with horrible english and absolutely no information given to the player on wtf is going on. As of now I'd recommend a pass.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Its aight. It has potential. The story for now is pretty linear an nothing special. There is a right and a wrong choice. 'Do you want this person to like you or not?' kind of choice.

    The visuals are average. The game mechanics are average. The animations are average.

    Something that is annoying me a little is that the main girl is the ugliest girl model in the game. I like the looks of literally every girl better then her. But thats taste i guess.

    As for the scenes... well there are only 2. Very tame 2. Just some vanilla pipi in the vivi. No bj's, tj's and whatever other j's exist. You dont even see close ups of the girl genitals. So do with that what you like but calling this an erotic game is like calling game of thrones a porno. Its just a visual novel with sexual themes. If you remove one or to slides with the MCs dick showing you could easiely pass this as an FSK-16 game.

    To summe it up 3 stars, Literally labled 'Average', is all i can give for now.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is great so far. It is very well written and has great pacing, its very satisfying watching the MC become more powerful, anticipating the eventual power-fantasy payoff.

    The game deserves much more of a following than it is currently receiving.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's always nice to see something with ambition. This feels like an adventure game, not just an AVN filled with cringe humor and the same overused models. The creator is putting effort to learning new skills, and I really want to see what he manages to pull off in the future. Hoping it doesn't become another great game Abandoned before completion.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Release v0.3

    Engaging story, great worldbuilding and phenomenal potential.

    Game is currently lacking in terms of raw content but the foundations are incredibly solid. What is currently playable is also very hot as well. Dev seems to be very active in terms of community engagement on top of all of this too. Genuinely could become an incredible game with enough time and patience.

    Highly recommend
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Version played [V0.3]

    First of all the name sucks, good luck finding this VN again by name.

    Story wise it seems pretty decent, good enough for me to keep following and outside of a poor sex minigame which can be disabled in options it is pretty straightforward, sure there are choices but so far they seem rather obvious. The story flows along nicely without being overly verbose. Length wise it is not that long right now but also not terribly short so nothing to complain about that.

    Visually the models are nothing to write home about, certainly not ugly but also nothing special. The animations are probably a bit above average but certainly nothing special either.

    The number of scenes is somewhat limited but okay for what it is.It tries to keep things a bit more realistic so no slow trickle feed just straight to sex, which really does make sense. However on the flip side the scenes do lack some variety.

    Overal I would say It is the type of vn I will keep following but definitely not on top of the list.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I still remember when I found the first iteration of the game and I loved the idea immediately. Now, English is my second language and can overlook the grammatical errors, I do hope that area is one those points that would be getting a polish in the future. The visuals are pretty and the story does take you places and in a unique manner at that. You should try it and if the cons outweigh the pros then you do you. For me its an amazing project.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the fantasy setting of this game and the idea behind it. Plenty of different places and cultures to discover soon

    Graphics and characters are well done, while dialogues could use some polish.

    The only anoying thing is the sex mini game from chapter 1, but can be skipped in options.

    Overall a really great game that earns five stars.

    Can't wait for the next update!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the most wonderfully created storyline. However, you only missed on the language. Plot placements, story branches are excellent along with great quality animations and renders. The most important thing that I've noticed is that you have made the development of the MC quite realistic and not like an emerging superhuman. We watch Rocky because of the struggles he has faced in training to become top and not for being Saitama.

  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Just the beginning but so far it is REALLY promising.
    Engaging and uncommon storyline.
    Very Very good art and animations.
    Hit of magic and combact systems that seems good.
    Good world building (so far).
    THE ELF.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A "Story" sooo badly told - with loads of the almost worst 'Engrish' ever possible - can't be a good "Story"!

    From the visuals this could be decent up to good .
    The initial trailer from the games start menu was even better...
    real nicely animated stuff!
    Simplistic narratives for the very simple minded with the pure 'magic' essence of the english language like
    "I prey to the gods..." or "I naver leave you" ...tbc...
    instantly kills every wannabe sorcerer and turns every adventure into a most ridiculous farce.

    I can't (under)stand how it's even possible to create/write any VN, without any skills in writing and at least some essentials, proper basics of the language in which it is going to be publically released. Every online translator could do better!

    As this is soooo far from being professional, I was tempted to give this "game" only 1 star (=terrible)...

    However this could be a decent "Story"...
    • if the narratives and dialogues weren't so poor.
    • and if the title "Story" (= uhm, really?!) wasn't so incredibly uninventive and inexpressive!
    • and if the characters weren't so bland and plain stereotypes of blank beings
    • and if the world of this "Story" was really unique and not more or less a copy of some similar 'adventurous' stories,
      which are only much better told than this one.
    Due to the quite pleasant music and good use of some fx sounds , no bugs and the decent visuals, this "Story" - state of v0.2 - is 'magically enhanced' to 2 stars from my point of view.
    If the developers are going to fix their obvious language issues and strongly improve their story-telling and characterisation, I'm willing to adjust my rating in the future.

    As of now, there's unfortunately no good reason to play this one, except you don't care about a well-written story at all.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game with awesome graphics and story. waiting for the next update already. I hope they update more often not like the other popular game which doesn't update in a year. From the photos, it seems more adventure and new characters will come. One thing I hope they improve is the sex scenes, they are almost censored.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Overa all this dev is doing a great job on this VN, versions 0.2.
    -The art is top notch and well implemented.
    -There story is well written and there is a difference between the characters personalities, it's not just the same thing being stated over and over again. There is some grammar issues but it looks like the dev is trying to take care of them as people report the issues. Key point here is report the issue, don't just complain about it as it's easy for the one to read what they think/expect is there instead of what is actually there.
    -The UI is simple and easy to use. The only downside is that there isn't any tutorials in the game so one may not understand how to advance the mini game quickly, but the dev allows one to turn off the mini game in the options menu.
    -There are some bugs in the game such as buttons staying on the screen when one presses the fast forward button while the mini game is turned off. This is why I have removed half a star from my rating.
    -I have also removed half a star because it is easy to miss some content if you don't choose to relax you can miss some scenes while others such as magic train are force onto you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the game so far! I think this could really be a great game. There is certainly some things that need working on... .and the mini game gets old pretty quickly. But the visuals are great and I really enjoy the storyline so far. Looking forward to more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying the story so far. It seems like choices will have consequences as we move along in the game. There is still a lot to be uncovered but the base is solid and it has an intriguing story line that should be fun to uncover. Could use with some proofreading as there are some grammatical errors but overall it looks like it could be a great game with something different to offer. I will be interested to see how many LI there are and how they will be handled as I could see this being an issue as there seem to be a number of different areas available and I'm assuming the mc will be moving around. I'm afraid that if you fall for one LI in particular how they will be incorporated to get time with them and fit in with the story.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I went into this with very low expectations. If the author is so unimaginative as to name their game "story" then what else can I expect to be half assed?
    I was instead very pleasantly surprised. The story is fantastic, the game is fantastic, the waifus are fantastic, the sex scenes are fantastic (also well animated).
    Only complaint I have is that this is only v0.2 so there is not much to do, yet.
    I really can't wait to see more of it.