A "Story" sooo badly told - with loads of the almost worst 'Engrish' ever possible -
can't be a good "Story"!
From the
visuals this could be
decent up to
good .
The initial trailer from the games start menu was even better...
real nicely animated stuff!
Simplistic narratives for the very simple minded with the pure 'magic' essence of the english language like
"I pr
ey to the gods..." or "I n
aver leave you" ...tbc...
instantly kills every wannabe sorcerer and turns every adventure into a most ridiculous farce.
I can't (under)stand how it's even possible to create/write any VN, without any skills in writing
and at least some essentials, proper basics of the language in which it is going to be publically released. Every online translator could do better!
As this is soooo
far from being professional, I was tempted to give this "game" only 1 star (=terrible)...
However this
could be a decent "Story"...
- if the narratives and dialogues weren't so poor.
- and if the title "Story" (= uhm, really?!) wasn't so incredibly uninventive and inexpressive!
- and if the characters weren't so bland and plain stereotypes of blank beings
- and if the world of this "Story" was really unique and not more or less a copy of some similar 'adventurous' stories,
which are only much better told than this one.
Due to the
quite pleasant music and
good use of some fx sounds ,
no bugs and the decent visuals, this "Story" - state of v0.2 - is 'magically enhanced' to
2 stars from my point of view.
If the developers are going to fix their obvious language issues and strongly improve their
story-telling and characterisation, I'm willing to adjust my rating in the future.
As of now, there's unfortunately no good reason to play this one, except you don't care about a well-written
story at all.