I've seen mention here of rare mothers who want to perform as strippers at the same place as their daughters, rather than trying to stop them. Since I've never encountered it, I do not know if that event goes any farther than that, but given that we have mentions of other relationships, and even some of the images look alike, I thought I'd mention that I used to know a pair of identical twin strippers who performed under the name the Porcelain Twinz. That suggests adding to the list the possibility of twins or sisters performing at a club. Perhaps as a visiting act.
Sisters working as strippers can happen organically but there's no actual code to force it to happen. I've added it to my list of things to consider adding in the future. Twins would be cool to have but there's no good way to do it. Using the same image for both twins would be confusing and lame. It would need to be a couple of images created specifically for that and that breaks too many things.
Really, they are invisible then? Read the post, 1 unemployed, no people to be discovered. 0 people to employ.
Yeah but no. I carried on playing even with no staff, cleared my debt in 6 months, still no people to employ. No people undiscovered that I can find. Tried employing other peoples staff, got 1. Game obviously can't cope with aggressive playstyle, which is my style.
At any point in time there's probably a dozen or two characters you haven't met. So they may exist, you don't know about them. As time passes you will eventually run into them. If you have your club clean, with low debt and are posting open positions, you should get people asking for jobs. I'm not sure why you are not seeing that.
I've started playing this. Seems interesting. Although the offering a job ("Consider for Job") is too weird for my liking. In order to consider someone for a job I have to have a post about an open job as if I couldn't offer a job if there is a vacancy for one. And when I have no open job searches on, my sibling sends bartender candidates to my way. I can't offer a job under the counter but my sibling sends their friends to be interviewed. That's silly. Also, sometimes NPCs send their request for an interview after I cancelled the job posting. Please dev do something to this.
Welcome to the US legal system for hiring. You can't offer jobs to people without them being publicly available. Family businesses are exempt. The sister sending a recommendation over is a grey area. Sending a request after the posting ended is a perfectly natural thing that happens. They saw the ad right before it expired but they don't know that.
You may want to take a look at the % - of course you're the dev but I started dozens of new games and the chance of meeting the Leader on Mon, Jan 2 in the library is like 100%, provided you pick the right sex skill book (not flirting, kissing, dirty talking) and you never met her before.
It's literally the first thing I do on monday in all of my saves, and if I don't find "backdoor sex", "how to have sex", "groping", etc. I just try again or save-scum.
You are correct. At some point I raised it from 50% to 100%. So yes, if you haven't met her before, the first time you checkout a naughty book (grope or higher) she will appear. After that is 25%.
I found a discrepancy between the help info box and the laws.txt code.
The Law: Revealing Clothing Performers Allowed
The prereq law in the Help Box say it needs "Open Evening and Night - All Day", but in the laws.txt it also requires "Dancers Allowed". One of these needs to be changed.
Yeah, the help screen is only showing the last requirement if there's more than one. Will fix it.
Question, what to do with the constant "accounting discrepancy" ?
Build a security office and hire a bouncer. That means that someone is stealing from you and they are good at it so you haven't caught them. Having a security office will improve the chances of you catching them and a good bouncer will increase it even more.
For another feedback on the suddenly closed dialogs.
When I tried offer a medium salary to the npc the event suddenly finish without response or result. Here is the log what happened:
Something similar hapens at mafia fight when you call for help but no bouncer at there and fight your own. Without calling help for the the fight event closing normally, same if the bouncer(s) are working and come to help you.
Also I found out if consider a job what requires high lewdness (like sexworker) and the npc isn't have that much they still accept your invitation and go to interview with you. The sux is at the end when you can't offer anything exept the only 'No' option.
And if I already mentioned the sexworkers: If you hire some they start randomly poking you with sex-for-cash offers like the street hookers do in downtown, even in your own club, regardless you're they boss. As I remember it isn't a fresh problem, but its still exist.
Thanks!. The salary issue is related to another one others reported and should be fixed in the next version. I think. I will keep doing some more testing on it. The mafia one is a new issue so I'll have to look into that.
As for the issue with the lewdness not being high enough to offer a job. That's a situation I'm struggling with. I see that's frustrating when it gets to the end and turns out they are not qualified (can also happen with bartenders that are too young and males that want to be singers/dancers). I want to allow them to come to the interview so that you can learn about them and maybe offer them a different job. And if they want those jobs it means that they like them (i.e. like entertainment jobs) so they will be happier there once their lewdness is addressed.
As for offering their services to you, you are probably right. I should remove that.
My rant time, my first one on this game. I usually play one game per update, and I admit, it is addictive and had been really fun.
But the biggest complaint I had seen was the ability to get laws passed.
idk, may be there is a cheat for it, but it has gotten worse, much, much worse.
In this version, the first time I played, it took a year to open the club more than evenings. By that time, you have accumulated so much debt that it is tough to hire anyone.
So I restarted, giving myse3lf more initial cash. 6 months into it, I haven't had one law passed. Not one. There was a vote or two in the beginning, which failed, but it has been 4 months since they even voted on something.
But I have gotten at least a dozen notices saying that this stupid cult has been able to make it more difficult to pass laws.
It isn't like I haven't tried. Mornings and afternoons are spent at City Hall trying to schmooze Commissioners. I have 3 at over 50 in likeability and 1 over 90.
I am not even close to taking over the cult.
And even if I keep grinding, its going to be a long long while before I can get past opening for more than an hour an evening. Much less adding rooms or hiring more people.
This version is a terrible grind. Maybe Im missing something.
/rant over.
None of that is different on the latest version. In all likelihood you got unlucky with the commissioners and got a bad group.
Considering the most image packs are done via AI, any one know if there's one that just renders the girl and not the background? Would make things much easier.
I wish. The only solution is what Numerious said. Specify a solid background in the prompt (don't use white but rather grey or brown), use a Remove Background plug in to remove it and then use a tool like Gimp to clean it up further if need be.
I loaded a recent game that had been nagging me to build a sound booth, but now both the sound booth and the security office are missing form my 'Add Room' menu. I had previously selected them to build just to check the price, but then backed out on the confirmation menu. Could that have removed them as options?
No rooms currently show as under construction. My storage room is being upgraded to level 2. I have expanded the club but haven't built any additional rooms yet (10/20).
Edit: After I started construction on the Auxiliary Office, now the sound booth and security office are back on the menu (along with VIP Area and Back Room which were also missing).
That's weird. I have no idea what would cause that. Pretty sure is not the select/cancel, but will check that out just in case.
Here are some suggestions which I think would be cool to see.
Thanks for the ideas. Have added them to the list of things to consider.
Invalid means that the image is mean for a character of a different gender, race or age.