
Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Another Question. Is there an election for commissioner. In Game it is stated that they are elected for 6 Months and with enough wealth you could influence who becomes commissioner. I played from January to October and i did not get informed that an election happens. Also if there is an election is it possible to become a commisioner yourself?
That should be coming in the next version. Being a commissioner is a full time job and you can't do that and be an owner at the same time (or hold another job).

TotalFluke I just wanted to report a slightly obscure bug. Currently, interaction !reassign_job relies on &jobs_avail_at_club when you want to change an employee's job. This function returns an empty container if all positions are filled, which makes sense. Unfortunately, if you are trying to change a person's job to another that uses the same "slot" in a room it's also wrong. So, say your club is full and you want to change a singer to a dancer, it won't allow you to do so.
Yeah, this is an issue. It's not ideal, and need a way to do it for when the club is full.

Is it possible to expand more than 61 employee?
Also, more janitors needed.
Wow. That's way further than I've gotten. Actually, the limit is 49 employees including the owner unless there's something wrong with the locker room limit. And I figured at some point 2 janitors may not be enough to keep up. Honestly don't want to have to dedicate more slots to janitors so maybe I'll add a room upgrade that makes them work more efficiently.

I get that almost daily now, while i havent changed anything and for sure did not cancel it.
I just get the message, that it ran its 30day course and i need to post new, coz then i can also not talk to peole offering them jobs, as "no postings are available".
Sometimes i thought it was because i got someone for one of the positions, but that would be dumb, also there were more than one openings for some positions, like singers and co, but it also happend with no one taking a position and none were there to even talk about it.
Thanks, I did find a bug that may be the cause for this issue. Will be fixed in the next version.


Jun 15, 2017
Actually, the limit is 49 employees including the owner unless there's something wrong with the locker room limit.
Console cheat add locker
Tbh, u need way more than 61 in order to have full built club operational with "free roaming" dancers, singers, strippers.
Also, storage room need more upgrade, and food/drink ordering volume should be scaled with storage upgrade.
Security keep coming back on getting dirt from one person, even I told them who to spy next...
Arousal from private lapdence does not goes down.
One more thing, when change job from any to sex worker, person is no more in your employee list, and it seems to "work" outside of ur place...
Last edited:


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
Loving the game.

Few comments:
* Somehow managed to hire waitresses when I no longer had any free waitress slots. Ended up with them not appearing in my Employee list, but when viewing their details they are listed as being employed by me
* The three manager roles seem to regularly "forget" what their duties are
* Trying to find the managers in a large club can be tricky, might be better to have the ability to assign their duties from the aux office, even if they're not physically there
* Inventory management by these managers isn't sufficient. Even when one of them only has only that task assigned I'm finding that I need to constantly refill alcohol and food manually
* When viewing the Employee list in the management panel, it would be good to have a way to view what contributes to the "Skill" value. e.g. I have a stripper with 100 dancing and 100 stripping, but is still listed as 11 skill and gives bad performances
* It would be nice to have a way to increase my character's Focus value (unless there already is and I've missed it). Maybe studying at the library/university


New Member
May 22, 2023
I can no longer hire any staff. I have 4 locker rooms and advertise jobs but no one applies. When I approach an unemployed character they reply "the don't feel the need for an interview". Only interview I get are characters suggest by my brother and they wont take the job even if I offer they huge wages. I currently have only 10 staff work in my club.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Console cheat add locker
Tbh, u need way more than 61 in order to have full built club operational with "free roaming" dancers, singers, strippers.
Also, storage room need more upgrade, and food/drink ordering volume should be scaled with storage upgrade.
Security keep coming back on getting dirt from one person, even I told them who to spy next...
Arousal from private lapdence does not goes down.
One more thing, when change job from any to sex worker, person is no more in your employee list, and it seems to "work" outside of ur place...
Ok that explains it. The bouncer just focusing on one person is annoying, I need to fix that. He picks one person he doesn't like usually someone who makes more than him. I see the private dance issue, will need to fix that. As for the sex workers, I haven't implemented any logic for them to be hired or do work in the club. That's still to come.

Loving the game.

Few comments:
* Somehow managed to hire waitresses when I no longer had any free waitress slots. Ended up with them not appearing in my Employee list, but when viewing their details they are listed as being employed by me
* The three manager roles seem to regularly "forget" what their duties are
* Trying to find the managers in a large club can be tricky, might be better to have the ability to assign their duties from the aux office, even if they're not physically there
* Inventory management by these managers isn't sufficient. Even when one of them only has only that task assigned I'm finding that I need to constantly refill alcohol and food manually
* When viewing the Employee list in the management panel, it would be good to have a way to view what contributes to the "Skill" value. e.g. I have a stripper with 100 dancing and 100 stripping, but is still listed as 11 skill and gives bad performances
* It would be nice to have a way to increase my character's Focus value (unless there already is and I've missed it). Maybe studying at the library/university
* Not sure what the issue with the waitresses are. Would need more details if you have them.
* The managers don't forget their duties, but they will ask you periodically to verify them.
* While you can text them to find out where they are, I do like the idea of assigning them from the Aux Off. Will look into that.
* The managers only work 5 days a week, so Sundays and Mondays you have to handle the shortages. That said I made it so that they are more likely to buy more at all times to hopefully lower the times that happens.
* Agreed on the job skills. Need to figure out a way to present that info.
* Drinking coffee raises your focus skill a tiny bit. You need a lot of coffee though, like 5 cups will raise it a point.

I can no longer hire any staff. I have 4 locker rooms and advertise jobs but no one applies. When I approach an unemployed character they reply "the don't feel the need for an interview". Only interview I get are characters suggest by my brother and they wont take the job even if I offer they huge wages. I currently have only 10 staff work in my club.
That message means that they are either very happy not working or they don't like you very much. It's unlikely a lot of people are happy not working (the very lazy and very ungreedy may be, but in general being unemployed hurts happiness). So my guess is that many people have negative opinion about you. Try to fix that first. It also could be they don't like your club. If you have a lot debt they may not trust you and may not want to work for you. Or if you club is lagging behind the others in terms of fame they also may not want to work there, although the impact of that much less.
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New Member
Dec 3, 2018
why i can build only seated area ( i have 3) and no one of the other performer rooms is avaible ?
i've upgraded all


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
why i can build only seated area ( i have 3) and no one of the other performer rooms is avaible ?
i've upgraded all
Other rooms such as back room, massage room etc are locked until the relevant laws have been passed.

You might need to start checking with the commissioners and influencing which laws they vote on and ensuring they pass to help speed the right ones along.
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Jun 14, 2019
* The managers don't forget their duties, but they will ask you periodically to verify them.
Sorry, but I'm not sure about it. First - after a month? - they asked about them, I said no change, and they didn't ask again. Maybe. And then they forget. I've definitely found them doing nothing (no training employees, etc. in the log), and when I asked them about their duties, they said: "What duties? No duties here."

Other annoying problem (and maybe connected, maybe that is the forgetting time), when some pipes broke or something, and I have to shut down the bar, after the new opening, I have to do the my policies again (opening hours, etc.), 'cos it goes back to the default.

(Some other issues already addressed.)

I really enjoying the game, thank you!
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New Member
Aug 9, 2017
Sorry, but I'm not sure about it. First - after a month? - they asked about them, I said no change, and they didn't ask again. Maybe. And then they forget. I've definitely found them doing nothing (no training employees, etc. in the log), and when I asked them about their duties, they said: "What duties? No duties here."
Have you been using the "Skip Day" button much at the bottom right?
I'm wondering if using that can prevent the "Review Duties" prompt from appearing resulting in them just ending up with no duties.


Aug 5, 2018
Here's my feedback- I played about 3/4 through the current content, modifying some parameters as I went. Mainly I changed the job efficiency contributors (I only figured out intelligence was detrimental halfway through and rationalized the change by saying that you need a good memory to wait tables, also I felt social should have a bigger impact on a lot of areas) and removed the opinion malus from rejecting requests from girlfriends to dump their rivals. I was bf to all 15 employees (sister was tricky) and my change made the opinions fine, but yeah, too much dating! Next time I think I'll simply promote saying no to monogamy and advocate for casualness. I also figured out how to swap portraits, so that meant I could hire girls not based on looks.

Anyway, I agree with other commenters who feel the intro is weak- I very nearly stopped before the first month, though I'm very glad I didn't. The problem being that you have very little to do (especially if you focus on building endurance) and waiting for the council to change laws is very passive. Compare that to Hentai Highschool, where you need to schmooze and corrupt the PTA to get anywhere so that you feel that you've achieved the change, not that it's been simply handed to you. In my game, the council was happily corrupting the town with negligible input from me. The trouble with HHS is that it's a bit all or nothing, I think you could make it much more nuanced here.

My idea would be to make one of the commissioners a relative (an Aunt or family friend for incest-safe) who isn't up for the town becoming a hooker's paradise like your character (at least initially) but does think the last council were idiots and would like to see some fun in the city, if only for the economy. She could give you advice on how to approach some commissioners (only needing half) based on their personality- a greedy one might want you to approach from a business angle, compassionate would like a sob story about your father's dream etc. She'd be clear that you're not coercing or bribing anyone, just doing a little lobbying. You could choose which ones to approach and you'd design it so spending 1 time slot every one or two days would let the vote for extended hours pass. You're right in not wanting to be too wordy, hopefully you could keep the above to being little more verbose than your sisters' events (ie not very). You could even make that the basic tutorial, with nerds like me who like reading having the option to use the help as they go.

Once the more mundane laws pass, I'd crank up the difficulty requirements so that, again, you the player have to actively corrupt/manipulate the council to get the more exploitative laws through but you may have to wait until your club is properly profitable.

Hopefully this would give the first month a bit more structure, the player an achievable (but ignore-able) goal and more agency in town changes. Of course, you're the dev, take or leave what you will.

Smaller issues:
-Like I said it's unclear what's needed for a job. I probably don't want it spelled out like int=-.1 but some kind of job description saying intellect is slightly detrimental to it would help a lot.
-I feel travel time should only use a quarter of a tick. There was never anyone at the uni for example and so I ended up save scumming to not waste time slots. If an action is taken at any point, that would end the tick though.
-Recruitment seems heavily weighted towards traits and lewdness. You can get physical stats from the gym and job skills from books, then fairly easily pass those onto your employees but those others you can't. This leads to the weird situation of not caring that my potential dancer tripped over 6 times during the interview, just because she kept making bawdy jokes. Maybe skills need a soft cap derived from their traits, and traits should be malleable (one goes up, another down, perhaps with a reversion to their natural state barring continued influence). It's not realistic, but it's not realistic that I can convince my workers that they love working weekends. I think it's OK to have the game's characters more changeable than reality's.
-If I want my cook to switch to my new manager position but don't know her manager skill, I should be able to ask her to take a test. She may refuse or get grumpy, I think that tradeoff could be interesting.
-I'd also love a football manager style spreadsheet when you're recruiting, highlighting the needed skills and, where known, how the candidates match up. You could filter unemployed/working/own employees and of course m/f. Maybe at the end of each row, an assistant could estimate their job skill based on available info and their own managerial skill.
-I see that "attract" is a variable in some jobs' efficiencies. Is a character's attractiveness stated anywhere in game?
-More interaction (animosity?) with the rival owners, since it is SC Wars.
-Is a quicksave, quickload possible?

So yes, I'm asking for more complexity when you're probably trying to uncomplicate stuff. I also don't know how feasible any of this is (not a game designer) and I realize it would all take a heap of time. But please take it as a compliment that I've put this much brain juice into this, it's a very solid base to be launching from and I'm looking forward to whatever the next release brings.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Sorry, but I'm not sure about it. First - after a month? - they asked about them, I said no change, and they didn't ask again. Maybe. And then they forget. I've definitely found them doing nothing (no training employees, etc. in the log), and when I asked them about their duties, they said: "What duties? No duties here."

Other annoying problem (and maybe connected, maybe that is the forgetting time), when some pipes broke or something, and I have to shut down the bar, after the new opening, I have to do the my policies again (opening hours, etc.), 'cos it goes back to the default.

(Some other issues already addressed.)

I really enjoying the game, thank you!
So apparently they do forget, after 90 days. I will fix that so that they don't. As for finding them doing nothing, other than the covering for missing workers task, the other duties are only checked at most once a day.

And good catch on the resetting the policies when club reopens. That's a bug which will get fixed. I think it only affects the opening hours but will check the others just in case.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Here's my feedback- ...

Smaller issues:
-Like I said it's unclear what's needed for a job. I probably don't want it spelled out like int=-.1 but some kind of job description saying intellect is slightly detrimental to it would help a lot.
-I feel travel time should only use a quarter of a tick. There was never anyone at the uni for example and so I ended up save scumming to not waste time slots. If an action is taken at any point, that would end the tick though.
-Recruitment seems heavily weighted towards traits and lewdness. You can get physical stats from the gym and job skills from books, then fairly easily pass those onto your employees but those others you can't. This leads to the weird situation of not caring that my potential dancer tripped over 6 times during the interview, just because she kept making bawdy jokes. Maybe skills need a soft cap derived from their traits, and traits should be malleable (one goes up, another down, perhaps with a reversion to their natural state barring continued influence). It's not realistic, but it's not realistic that I can convince my workers that they love working weekends. I think it's OK to have the game's characters more changeable than reality's.
-If I want my cook to switch to my new manager position but don't know her manager skill, I should be able to ask her to take a test. She may refuse or get grumpy, I think that tradeoff could be interesting.
-I'd also love a football manager style spreadsheet when you're recruiting, highlighting the needed skills and, where known, how the candidates match up. You could filter unemployed/working/own employees and of course m/f. Maybe at the end of each row, an assistant could estimate their job skill based on available info and their own managerial skill.
-I see that "attract" is a variable in some jobs' efficiencies. Is a character's attractiveness stated anywhere in game?
-More interaction (animosity?) with the rival owners, since it is SC Wars.
-Is a quicksave, quickload possible?

So yes, I'm asking for more complexity when you're probably trying to uncomplicate stuff. I also don't know how feasible any of this is (not a game designer) and I realize it would all take a heap of time. But please take it as a compliment that I've put this much brain juice into this, it's a very solid base to be launching from and I'm looking forward to whatever the next release brings.
Thanks for your feedback. A lot of good ideas here, some of which are already in the plan (or something close to it). The way you describe the city commission is the way it's supposed to work even if not there yet (other than the relative aspect you suggested which seems interesting). Each commissioner should have their own personality with some more likely to implement a type of law that others. In general however, I haven't come up with the sweet spot yet of creating interesting enough set that are not too easy like you seem to have run into or too hard. Definitively a work in progress.

As for more information is something that needs to happen too. I don't want to show every formula because there's a lot of randomness involved. This is not supposed to be a spreadsheet min/max game that has an optimal answer to every situation. It's more about how to deal with things that come up. But providing more visibility into certain things like job skills is def needed.

You are correct that lewdness and traits are the things that really matter for recruitment. Traits never change, and lewdness changes in a very passive way that you have very little control over. (Basically your club's fame raises people lewdness very slowly). The other things you can usually work around it. Raising the skill should get harder and harder the higher they get, so I need to check to make sure that's still happening. You can get lucky and find a very high skilled person, but taking a middling one to close to 100 shouldn't be easy at all.

There's a generic "attraction" value that every person has that's used for a few places, like the stripper skill includes some base attractiveness that's based on the popular standards of attraction. Essentially is the average of everyone's attraction to that person.

Lots of plans for the owners to sabotage each other.

Will look into quicksave/quickload at some point.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2017
Not sure what the issue with the waitresses are. Would need more details if you have them.
I've attached my latest save file incase that helps.

The two characters that are impacted are:
Barbara Bridges - Dancer
J A Prince - Waitress

I'm not 100% sure on what actually happened. I think it may have been that I had interviews arranged for these positions, but then filled the positions. And yet was still able to hire them.
I did have additional seating areas and dressing rooms under construction at the time, unsure if the game might've viewed those as available slots.

There is second issue with that save file.
It seems to work fine normally, but if I enable the console and load that save it doesn't let me perform any new saves.
I see an error in the console:

"No object with type ScheduleList and sid 176033"
"No object with sid 176033"
"ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range."


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I've attached my latest save file incase that helps.

The two characters that are impacted are:
Barbara Bridges - Dancer
J A Prince - Waitress

I'm not 100% sure on what actually happened. I think it may have been that I had interviews arranged for these positions, but then filled the positions. And yet was still able to hire them.
I did have additional seating areas and dressing rooms under construction at the time, unsure if the game might've viewed those as available slots.

There is second issue with that save file.
It seems to work fine normally, but if I enable the console and load that save it doesn't let me perform any new saves.
I see an error in the console:

"No object with type ScheduleList and sid 176033"
"No object with sid 176033"
"ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range."
So yeah there's a bug that if you hire someone and don't have room for them they get the job working for you but they are not actually in your club (or actually employed by you). I don't think it causes any issues other than you probably can't hire them again until they get a new job. I'll put in a fix for that.

I did see the issue with the save file. Not sure what happened but something got corrupted. I think I cleaned it up and attached a fixed version of it here in case you want it.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2017
So yeah there's a bug that if you hire someone and don't have room for them they get the job working for you but they are not actually in your club (or actually employed by you). I don't think it causes any issues other than you probably can't hire them again until they get a new job. I'll put in a fix for that.

I did see the issue with the save file. Not sure what happened but something got corrupted. I think I cleaned it up and attached a fixed version of it here in case you want it.
Don't load the save file
Yeah, looks like the save was made with "testmod" loaded and doesn't play nice if loaded into the vanilla game.
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