1.6 million dollarydoos upfront and they put out what is unironically, constructively, truthfully, an unsalvagable mess.
Any rating above a two is sunk cost and cope.
Technical Failings
The game is 17 gigs and yet everything is liverendered. The total number of CGs in this game is 27(25 actually, they're already recycling) and if you go on rule34 all of them put together as .webms don't equal 200mb.
There is no costume system, no complex loop controls, no free camera to justify the "right" way of doing it; it just makes the game run like crap and be a bloated, animation error filled mess. Honey select, let alone a AAA Hgame this is fucking not. This is a barely newgrounds flash game at 1000x the size.
Everything in game is liverendered which is why it's both resource intensive, glitchy, and has a loadcell between every button click. Every background in this game could be a prerendered loop , every CG a string of .webms, and the game would run on your smart toaster. As it sits you need a moderately decent PC and GPU to play it on Low-med. Which is a better experience than ultra by simple fact they added seisure inducing motionblur to every scene. They aren't doing anything fancy with lighting either to justify liverendering; everything is corner lightsource, and their models texture maps have typical baked in shadows. Right off the bat the game needs to be totally rebuilt from the ground up in concept and architecture to make this the ~900mb mobilegame it actually is supposed to be on technical merit.
The sprites use freeware tier assetstore animations and there is no lip sync mocap
Kills it as a fully voiced game to watch them bumble through the same 3 poses and generic reactions and For Studio FOW being a purported animation studio it's just embarrassing.
Story (narrative)
It's a one hour pirate hunt game intercut with expositional cutscenes clearly originally meant for dozens of chapters in the future. The demon girl and the bar is clearly meant to be the first, not second companion. It introduces a creepshot mechanic (not currently in game, wew) and use for the trash items you collect all game... at the literal end of the game. It also introduces something sorely lacking , motivation for anything to happen. Why game. The demongirl's race has tragic backstory.exe preloaded and colors you against the imperium. If only you weren't on paper already fighting them. Everything is out of order and a cludgejob.
The larger metaplot has nothing to do with this builds gameplay outside of cutscenes. They drop scenes from other galaxies spoiling the entire story and potential double crosses because they didn't have shit for a build longer than an hour or two without it.
Surely studio FOW nailed the one thing they're good at right? The whole game can be unplayable as long as they delivered tens of minutes of high quality animated sex scenes....
>They fucked it up
Demi doesn't even have nipples.
The loops unilaterally are very low quality. Short, choppy, and not complex. Only "premium" scenes have a speed slider and cum button, the latter not even working on the 3rd girl. No camera control, no zoom, no multiple angles, no multiple part or progressive scenes. And they have zero dialogue or framing due to the ridiculously poorly thought out pandora interface.
25 loops. I kid you not, there is less than Three Minutes of unique rigged animation in this 1.6 million dollar game, and thats being generous.. There are 3 girls with 9 scenes... but note I said 25. Demongirl is already an asset flip for two of her loops. One stolen from the scientist and one for the robot. They aren't sitting on some treasure trove of rigged animation for their models just around the corner, they're already running on empty.
Not worth the bandwidth, not even for free. Just watch the loops on Rule34 and you've gotten a better experience than the game they're from.
People will write thesis length dissertations about Subverse and hold it up there with Star Citizen as examples of the death of crowdfunding and runaway scope far outstripping skill no amount of money can be burned to fix. There are a myriad of less important major bugs and failings of game design that pale in comparison to nuking your story, progression, and putting out a generally bad product underneath the quality standard past work set for them.
Any rating above a two is sunk cost and cope.
Technical Failings
The game is 17 gigs and yet everything is liverendered. The total number of CGs in this game is 27(25 actually, they're already recycling) and if you go on rule34 all of them put together as .webms don't equal 200mb.
There is no costume system, no complex loop controls, no free camera to justify the "right" way of doing it; it just makes the game run like crap and be a bloated, animation error filled mess. Honey select, let alone a AAA Hgame this is fucking not. This is a barely newgrounds flash game at 1000x the size.
Everything in game is liverendered which is why it's both resource intensive, glitchy, and has a loadcell between every button click. Every background in this game could be a prerendered loop , every CG a string of .webms, and the game would run on your smart toaster. As it sits you need a moderately decent PC and GPU to play it on Low-med. Which is a better experience than ultra by simple fact they added seisure inducing motionblur to every scene. They aren't doing anything fancy with lighting either to justify liverendering; everything is corner lightsource, and their models texture maps have typical baked in shadows. Right off the bat the game needs to be totally rebuilt from the ground up in concept and architecture to make this the ~900mb mobilegame it actually is supposed to be on technical merit.
The sprites use freeware tier assetstore animations and there is no lip sync mocap
Kills it as a fully voiced game to watch them bumble through the same 3 poses and generic reactions and For Studio FOW being a purported animation studio it's just embarrassing.
Story (narrative)
It's a one hour pirate hunt game intercut with expositional cutscenes clearly originally meant for dozens of chapters in the future. The demon girl and the bar is clearly meant to be the first, not second companion. It introduces a creepshot mechanic (not currently in game, wew) and use for the trash items you collect all game... at the literal end of the game. It also introduces something sorely lacking , motivation for anything to happen. Why game. The demongirl's race has tragic backstory.exe preloaded and colors you against the imperium. If only you weren't on paper already fighting them. Everything is out of order and a cludgejob.
The larger metaplot has nothing to do with this builds gameplay outside of cutscenes. They drop scenes from other galaxies spoiling the entire story and potential double crosses because they didn't have shit for a build longer than an hour or two without it.
Surely studio FOW nailed the one thing they're good at right? The whole game can be unplayable as long as they delivered tens of minutes of high quality animated sex scenes....
>They fucked it up
Demi doesn't even have nipples.
The loops unilaterally are very low quality. Short, choppy, and not complex. Only "premium" scenes have a speed slider and cum button, the latter not even working on the 3rd girl. No camera control, no zoom, no multiple angles, no multiple part or progressive scenes. And they have zero dialogue or framing due to the ridiculously poorly thought out pandora interface.
25 loops. I kid you not, there is less than Three Minutes of unique rigged animation in this 1.6 million dollar game, and thats being generous.. There are 3 girls with 9 scenes... but note I said 25. Demongirl is already an asset flip for two of her loops. One stolen from the scientist and one for the robot. They aren't sitting on some treasure trove of rigged animation for their models just around the corner, they're already running on empty.
Not worth the bandwidth, not even for free. Just watch the loops on Rule34 and you've gotten a better experience than the game they're from.
People will write thesis length dissertations about Subverse and hold it up there with Star Citizen as examples of the death of crowdfunding and runaway scope far outstripping skill no amount of money can be burned to fix. There are a myriad of less important major bugs and failings of game design that pale in comparison to nuking your story, progression, and putting out a generally bad product underneath the quality standard past work set for them.