Unreal Engine - Completed - Subverse [v1.1.0] [Studio Fow]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential but at the moment it's incredibly lacking. The animations and voice acting are great and get a 4/5. The porn though, 2/5. Basically at the moment there's no much of it at all. Right now the game is 4-5 hours of mind numbing gameplay for like 2 mins worth of porn.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Considering this is studio FOW, i must say this game was quite bad. The artworks and voice acting are amazing as always, but everything else feels a bit lacking. No story leading to the sex scene, just a few second long loops you can unlock with points. Maybe i have my expectation too high because FOW was amazing with their movies before. Will try again after a few more updates.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Expected more

    This game falls victim to its own hype and the expectations people had of it since it's been in development for so long.

    1. Too much grind very little reward for your efforts.

    2. World building is mediocre.

    3. The adult scenes are played in a gallery mode and they are about 10 seconds of looped animation of which it's mostly just teasing and idle animations rather than actual sex .
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Clunky
    Sex scenes: pointless / detached
    Protagonist: annoying
    Story: I came up with better stuff when I was 8

    I'm from germany, so torrenting was the only option for me to get this game and BOI am I glad that I didn't buy it, that saved me the effort of filing a refund request just 5 minutes into the game...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... the amount of "hate" and "disappointment this game has already garnered in the last 48 hours is absolutely baffling, seriously, if you just wanted to watch porn and jerk off there are plenty of other options available for you out there, namely one of the many porn sites *wink wink*

    You might have to work for it and yeah at the beginning you might be thinking "Wtf, i thought i could handle my d*ck in one hand while going through the game and just c*m constantly" Yeah.... no, this game has alot of content that isnt just w*nk off material created for the people that have supported it, there are plenty of jokes to go around, plenty of customization and PLENTY of choices of which kind of scenes you want to get your jollies off to and plenty of ACTUAL GAMEPLAY that is mostly missing from most of the other VN type of games, if you can even categorize this as such.

    The reason for most of the low rated reviews seem to be because their computers can't handle the Unreal engine, well tough fucking luck, the developers wanted to create something that you could just not get your jollies off to but something that you could enjoy while playing and have fun with, its absolutely disgusting to read some of the reviews on this site critizing this game because they themselves can't run it.

    After 6 hours, i can say its worth it to buy on steam on whatever other platform you wish, sure the jokes can be sort of hit-and-miss and there other issues such as not being able to do missions again at times but for the amount of content that has been released currently it is definately worth it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing gameplay, animations, and characters. Would have enjoyed more content but the 0.1 release still kept me busy for 6 hours. Looking forward to more sex scenes and waifus.

    Everyone complaining is adorable.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a good game, but a terrible porn game.

    So two stars, because the renders are good, and the gameplay is alright, it works, it's not something like innocent witches or some broken game. But having 2 stars because it's worse elsewere...

    But in the other hand, there isn't really an interest to play this game instead of just looking at the scenes on any porn site.
    I mean, you unlock the scenes without context, it's just loops. besides, they must be unlocked, like some sort of boring puzzle game no one plays, except if it's your first porn game. And yeah, in a porn game I'm wanting some porn, that's why I'm playing it. If I wanted to play a good shmup, I will not go to a porn game.
    I'm not claiming that the game should have porn every 5 minutes. But the time you don't have porn should be made to build up somthing, to tease you, not to be bored by an average shoot.

    As my PC is old, I can't really enjoy the sex scenes at their best. Besides there is no reason this game takes so much ressources. I can "understand" for the renders of the characters, but for shooting modes there is no excuse why my PC isn't running it at 60fps with how empty it is.

    The story is... made by something who think people wants in a porn game dick-shaped space ships and every artefact must have dick in their name ?
    Adding internet references doesn't make your game funny, except for the supporters who never touched a porn game in their life.
    And ironically, the game takes itself too seriously to be truly enjoyable, you always has this feeling the game is proud of what it's delivering to you. Like his story and characters has outside of the humour some deep backstory.

    The game is quite difficult. if it was just a normal game, why not, adding challenge is nice. But in a porn game having to try again and again isn't really what you want.

    I've read in another review it's just a flash game in disguise, I totally agree. The people who made this just wanted to make a porn game to say to themself "In my life I was developper of a video game", not to make a good porn game.

    And the cherry on the top, this game is at a 30$ price. This game will never be worth more than 10 $ when it will be completed, and as it stands now, it should be a free demo.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    So, after playing this for 3 hours all I can say is if this is what they were able to make with over 2 millions bucks and a talented animators... then they should do everyone a favor (including themselves) and stay away from the gamedev.
    Yes I know it's an early access but things like boring story, generic cartoonish girls with uninteresting personalities, grindy mobile game-tier gameplay, 15 sec looped sex scenes in which you can't even rotate camera (lol) that are disconected from the story and gameplay. It's not something that can be easily fixed or changed, we already have a general idea what this game will have to offer when (if) 1.0 drops.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    To put it simply, this is very tame for Studio FOW. This might be because of Steam's rules against rape and similar content, but the result is the same.

    The game looks great visually, but in terms of enjoyability, there are games on this site which are just plain more fun to play. This shouldn't have happened with professionals who had a very large budget to work with.

    This is early-access though, so significant improvement could be seen in the future. But for now it's just surprisingly bland. I'm really surprised at how they ended up being behind the amateur western ero-game creators in terms of making a game which is fun. If it didn't have such great graphics, I don't even know if I'd recommend it at all.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't understand the point of a million dollar game, where they did not develop any technology to literally shit out every possible sex position with the characters but instead we re stuck with 1-2 felacio, 1 sex scene with a human and then we got 3 bestiality scenes for no fucking reason.

    Also the game has no sense of real progress, everything is unfinished, not even half-backed additions to the game. Features are not even tapped, they are either holding back content to MILK even further people or they are incompetent enough to not have developed those features yet.

    The writing is not that bad, it is actually progressing way faster than it should be in my opinion. Instead of US the players discovering what is each faction, we just get exposition diarrhea, with Demi being the Deus ex machina of knowing everything.

    Again I do not understand, I can not fathom they fact that the H-scenes are so mediocre, with more than half of them being fucking tentacles and beastiality, or zombie men(?).
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted so much to like this game. And parts of it are actually good. But the good parts are too disconnected from each other, and the bad parts are too common.

    The game feels fairly polished...about equivalent to a decent (non-hentai) indie game. However, even after a very long development period the amount of playable content is still very minimal. The space combat is really good...challenging but not punishing. The ground combat, on the other hand is terrible...when you win, it often feels like a foregone conclusion...when you lose, it often feels like you never had a chance.

    The story just isn't interesting. I gave it a shot at first, but after half an hour or so, I was bored with it and just started skipping all of it. Worse still is the dialogue. Think Leisure Suit Larry, and all the obnoxious non-sexy sex jokes which are neither funny nor sexy.

    But perhaps the biggest missed opportunity once again is that the sex and the gameplay are as disconnected from each other as usual. You play some game, and then you get some sexy time. It makes both feel tacked on.

    That being said, its not like there is much competition in adult action games, and there is plenty of redeeming value here. Others will probably like this a lot more than I did.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Had tons of fun so far.

    Actually really enjoy the ground combat scenarios, ladies are all fun as fuck and well voiced, story is the kind of parody sillyness I expected. Don't let the Early Access status fool you, there's a fair bit of stuff to do already, even if the cast currently available is limited.

    The Pandora (sex scene simulator/scenario build room) is not the most organic way to stumble upon scenes certainly, but the content there so far is is good.

    Big bonus for the, eh, 'inspired' by Mass Effect 2 scenario setup / feel, it lends itself well for an erotic game as well, gives a way to introduce new crew mates and display their personalities nicely in the 'Recruitment' missions.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I was torn on which rating this game should receive. As an overall product it probably should get at least 2 stars in it's current state. If the combat systems will be updated in the future, it might even be a decent game.

    But let me get to the point, which most people already touched on. This is advertised and this should've been a biggest porn-game made. But it doesn't even come close to fullfilling that goal. All it has - some lewd dialog outside of sex-scenes, and a bunch of animations, that are not even tied to one another in any way. Only a couple of them have a "Cum" button, and 90% of them don't have even that amount of interactivity. And the animation quality in my opinion is actually a bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, it's good, but i've seen much better quality from other creators.

    As of 0.1 this game is a complete joke. It might change in the future, but i highly doubt that, since the core systems are already in place, and it is unlikely, that they will have time/funds to re-imagine their approach to the adult-content in the game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Well. This is definitly game with porn, not a porn game. Amount of nonsexual cutscenes makes you think that you are watching a movie. Yeah, there are a LOT OF CUTSCENES. Plot has potential here no doubt. Sadly most important parts are lacking. Space combat is so boring due to lack variaty. You are equiped with special attack (1 of three) and dodge. There are a lot of missions which consist only on surviving few waves, same thing with ground combat but imao it is done better. There are more enemies with specials abilities, shields etc. You can choose 1 girl and 3 (currently out of 4) minions with their own abilities.
    Most important porn. It seems MC is not going to be in center of attention. Scenes including MC are minority, currently Doc has 2 with him and rest are monsters. Those are pretty good but unfortunatly there is only 1 angle, most of them are loops and some are reused animations but with different waifus.
    In summary. Was it worth to wait? Well, not really. Expectations were not met. Was it worth to spend money on it? No, I pity people who did. Was it worth to test it? Yeah, I had a decent fap.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, i have been "playing" for about 1 or 2 hours right untill the sandbox part.

    This game has been uploaded to a porn site , so i will probably be unfair, but i have to judge it as a porn game.

    As a porn game it has 1 first major issue which is that instead of building up, it builds down. All those irrelevant dialogues turn the experience quite annoying.
    This insane amount of "funny" dialogue, made me chuckle once in the first 5 minutes and that was it, but this thing doesnt stop, doesnt want or maybe doesnt know how to do different, i saw no indication of that.

    The worst thing is that in the dialogues you can read that the writer is aware that this is a porn game, and people wants that, but it fails miserably to deliver.

    The sex scenes with the acting work pretty well because of the awesome design department.
    But, since its nothing more than sex scenes with almost no context, for me, it becomes an out of context porn scene, and for that matter, real porn is better.

    if you live in internet and like meme culture and you are younger than 25 and also if you are drunk, you will like the porn part of the game.
    For me it is a little more complex than usual porn card collector.

    AS A GAME:
    The game part if you like this card collectors and stuff, is a pretty good game, with very good music and visuals. It definetly looks like a AAA game in many parts. If it continues with this concept and adds more content to that part, it wil be awesome to play.

    Right now the porn part feels disconnected or out of context, but the game is solid, i will play it caase i like it. I just think is a poor porn VN/game
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclamer: This review is from the point of view of someone who did not hear anything about the game until a month before launch and whose opinion is based solely on the game itself, not the politics around it.

    In it's current state, the game is more than a little disappointing. It has high production value and great presentation, which leads you to believe you're in for a jolly grand time of a raunchy Mass Effect fuck-orgy.

    Well, you're not. Instead, you get blasted with expositionary dialogue at every turn that'll bore your brain out, intersected by passable, but wholly unnoteworthy Shmup and Turn-Based combat sessions, and more exposition sequences maybe sometimes spiced up by actually interesting dialogue that doesn't serve the sole purpose of explaining the game-world to you.

    But nobody gives a shit about that, right? It's a porn game, if we can play shitty MTLs and Russian crackhead games that make no sense as long as the porn is good, we don't care, right? Well, that's where, to me, the most disappointing part of Subverse comes in.

    The sex scenes amount to little more than a few second looped videos, some premium scenes have a speed slider with a cum animation. The animation is top notch, the waifu models are hot, and the voice acting even hotter. Sounds good so far, but they are completely ripped out of the game and utterly without context. You unlock additional scenes for each character in a Gallery called "Pandora", with PP points that you gain while raising affection with that character. And then, you just watch the loop. That's it. There is no story progression towards these scenes, no dialogue before, during or after. They are completely weightless and devoid of any eroticism, and frankly have no justification of being part of a game. You could upload these online (which people have already done) and they would lose nothing, so what's the point of building a game around them, then? Even their own flash games and movies had more context.

    As it stands right now, the game is passable, but leaves a bad taste in your mouth considering the budget and vision behind it. Games like Paralogue and Wildlife have similar quality of animation that are completely 3D and with customizable characters, and about the same context to them as of right now. Especially when it comes to the Xeno-scenes, I find the lack of context actually detracts so much, because without the context of a woman going on all fours to let herself get fucked by an animal, it's completely weightless.

    One can only hope that this wasn't their first idea, and they just ran out of time and money, and made mistakes along the way that caused this lackluster implementation of literally the most important part of a porn game. We get it, game development is hard, no hard feelings. The game has a lot of potential, but only if StudioFOW takes the criticism to heart and works to at least add some more dialogue to the sex scenes, in an ideal world they'd rework the whole system to accomodate more pre- and post-sex dialogue and add some story element to these scenes.

    TL;DR: The rest of the game is passable if at least the sex is good. Right now, it isn't.
  17. 2.00 star(s)



    What a huge disappointment this is.

    I'll get the good points out of the way first. Voice acting is great. The girls are nice eye candy. That's about it.

    The gameplay is bordering on "good" but it lacks depth. The ship combat is fun for a while, but there is no sense of progression. All missions play out pretty much the same way. The upgrades for the fighter ship are pitiful. It increases basic facets like damage, shield, energy by 5%... which is not even noticeable. We can only upgrade the first pip of each upgrade line, but if the continuation of these upgrades are limited to higher % of the same thing, that is incredibly dull. The secondary weapon for the ship changes based on who you take with you, but that is the only customization that really affects how the ship fights play out.

    The ground tactical combat is pretty much the same. It is almost good, but severely lacks depth or meaning customization. There are no equipment, There are no skill trees. You can unlock new monsters, but they all come with preset skills and passives that just get stronger as they gain lvls. The wasted potential is huge when these monsters are established as genetic amalgations of various beasts/aliens. You would think there would be a game mechanic that lets you breed/engineer/fuse these monsters to create something to your liking. The battlefield lacks any sort of terrain effects or cover mechanics. This lack of depth results in gameplay that starts out pretty fun, but gets old incredibly quickly.

    The "story" is pretty laughable. The tone of the game is that of a porn parody that constantly breaks the fourth wall. It relies heavily on meta humor and crude vulgarities to get it's laughs. I mean, it did make is chuckle a few times, but these are cheap laughs. Because the game takes itself entirely as a joke, it's pretty hard to get invested in the plot they are trying to deliver. Each planet you visit adds nothing to the plot. There is a short paragraph of meme filled joke about the planet and you either do a ship or ground combat. There is not a single choice to be made, whether it be in conversations with girls or in relation to the plot.

    The "porn" aspect of this game is ultimately what brings it all the way down. What a ridiculously stupid system they devised. First of all, the scenes are literally 3 second loops. The gold border scenes are glorified flash animations with a speed slider and cum button. Their idea was to have a bunch of these short animations and let us "create" our own scenes by mixing 5 of them. It's fucking retarded. You get no sense of a coherent scene by doing this. You just watch a bunch of animation loops that may or may not lead into each other. None of the scenes have dialogue of any kind, written or voiced. It's entirely unfappable. The nail in the coffin is that this entire system for dishing out sex scenes called "Pandora" is sequestered away from the plot progression. It lacks any set up or context. It seems meaningless and it really is. I played the entire game without even going back to Pandora until the end.

    I mean holy shit. I can't believe this is what they came up with after raising literally millions of dollars. The gameplay of this game might be above par when considering that it's a porn game. Unfortunately, the game absolutely fails on the porn aspect. Thus, we are left with just a mediocre game that we probably wouldn't bother playing if it didn't have naked chicks.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    We waited a long time and this is what we got ... we got the second cyberpunk
    In general, the game has potential, in a year or so it will be completed...
    but it's strange of course to release a "raw" game

    Animations : 7/10
    Story : 8/10
    Gameplay : 5/10
    Minigame : 8/10
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    So, it's finally out, is it?

    Here's my summary of what this game is: A Beautiful, Bodacious Mess.

    I'm not going to waste your time (or mine) saying too much, so here are the essentials.

    If you like sexy babes brought to life by excellent voice acting, the occasionally humorous script, and these same babes sucking on your dick 24/7, it's the game for you.

    But in between these girls, are a wall of repetitive battles, grinding, space shootouts, more grinding, lack of context, more grinding, and no interactivity with most of the beautiful shit you can see around you.

    Is it nearly as good as it was hyped to be? No, it falls so flat that it can start a new religion with a certain group of people. Is it a bad game by any means?


    Because to me, this is hardly a game. It feels more like a chore. Its one of those 'games' that you would rather know the story by watching someone else play it and skip all the battles in between to get to, and then rip out the CGs and Porn scenes to watch on their own.

    3/5. I understand that it's the first time Studio FOW has ever made a game, so I'll go a little easier on them. But the only thing they can do at this point is to fix the game with future updates, otherwise, it's pretty much a borefest with the occasional blowjob.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Piet Uytdebroeck

    > > > sex scenes are (too much) disconnected from the gameplay < < <

    I would rate this game/scene viewer a 3,5/5 so I'm beeing generous here, but I believe once the final game is ready it will be worth 4/5.

    The animations look amazing, I like the characters, I love the idea to create mantics, etc., there's a LOT to love! But oooh a small detail... the sex scenes are disconnected from the actual gameplay... <whuuut say again?!>... Yes, the scenes have almost nothing to do with the gameplay. The first scene I unlocked was a mantic I didn't met yet having sex with a waifu :/

    There's a point system which lets you unlock scenes of the waifu's you have on board your ship. The problem is that these scenes have nothing to do with the gameplay, breaking the immersion. This is just so dissapointing. If they would have made the scenes connected it would have a 5/5 from me easily. Also if you lose in combat... nothing. Like... couldn't they make the waifu gets taken by the enemy ('taken' in multiple definitions of the word) with some storyline immersion around it? Give the player some incentive not to lose, of which there is nothing now. Off course this would also require a more non-lineair storyline increasing production costs with animations only beeing triggered in certain situations, etc. But nope, thats too much asked for this supposed to be €40 game at release.

    Again the animations look next level and you can see StudioFow has done an amazing job for this (I know I'm repeating myself), but then again the scenes are discon..... Uh you get my point...

    The spacecombat with the Fenix ship is pretty cool and very nicely worked out, although after 3-4 minigames you get the idea and it becomes easy. It's nice though different waifu's give different secundary weapons. But the 'overall' game strategy for your primary gun stays the same. If StudioFOW could change some game elements forcing the player to use different tactics it could even be much more / next level fun.

    That said, I'm still happy I support StudioFOW and I will continue in the future, cause obviously they have some very talented people and we need more companies like them.

    Animations : 11/10
    Story : 8,5/10
    Gameplay : 3 /10
    Minigame : 9,5/10