The reviews for this game blow my mind. Like this game is on a level 99.9% of the games here will never reach or achieve. I even looked at reviews by some of the people giving it 2 and 3 starts, and then they give 5 stars to games that have even less gameplay, less quality and less content. It just goes to show how worthless most reviews are these days. I have 95 hours in the game because I bought it years ago when it first came out on Steam, so I've played it all along the way, multiple times through (well, to the end of the then-current content). It's not perfect, but man is it just simply top-tier all around. I get the criticism that there's not enough sex scenes during the story telling - but I disagree. There's the right amount - because this isn't a fucking porno story. They really tried to have a compelling story in a sex-crazed universe. I don't know, it really worked for me. I've played adult/hentai games since 2002 - I've seen very few games in this space reach this high and see completion.
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I gave it a 1/5, and its easy to explain why.
+ The characters (I really like the characters design and the personalities from the different characters)
+ animations (The sex scenes animations are great)
+ voice acting (moaning sounds during the H scene
o The plot (the plot is not interesting but also not bad)
- The writing from this game, this includes the main story, side story and interaction with the characters. (It is so badly written, that I “cringe” towards the writing. It is so over the top that I started to skip all dialogs.)
- no dialogue during H scene (This is definitely missing in the H scenes)
- The humor is with the writing so bad (That I started to skip all of the dialog)
- uninteresting combat combat (The combat missions are all repetitive and boring. At least the main story missions are different)
- They casted a SFW actress for Kasidora and made her un-lewdable (It was a stupid decision from the start of the devs. And I am surprised how out of touch they are. It was clear from the beginning, that there are people that will lewd Kasidora. But it is now impossible, to lewd her in game.)
- H-content mostly not integrated in the story and dumped in a Gallery system (This is my main critic point)
- The game forces you grind as much as possible to earn points to unlock the Gallery
There are games from this forum, created by small teams or even a single person, that I enjoy far more than this one.
The funny thing is, they mocked Mass Effect 3's ending, but I actually prefer that ending over this game.