Its early but I think the story so far is very lacking and honestly not that engaging. Im here for the girls because they all look smacking and the lewds so far is great. The writing is meh, I cant say its a super funny game or that you care that much about the characters. I like Sophie
Great renders
great m,suic
mini game with potention
sensible storylines
innovative sensusal play
funy choices, with subtle shift in stoiry line with great future potential
To short to judge its true scope, but with what is availabble it desrves to be counted in future goats
The graphics quality in "Sumer Heat" is outstanding. The scenery is a treat for the eyes, and the ambient sound effects create a wonderfully relaxing atmosphere.
Almost all the girls are drop dead gorgeous. How can I choose just one?
The teasing is off the charts; at times, it feels unbearable with so many curvy beauties inviting you in with flirtatious glances. Thank goodness for Cassandra, the nympho.
Unfortunately, the plot is a bit weak. Some of the interactions, especially those between the main character and the art camp teachers and with the local girls, come off as just plain weird.
I liked the free roam and the chat app is fun, I really hope the MC gets to meet some girls outside the app in future updates. The nightclub scenes with Jenni, Officer Lainey, and the stripper are surreal.
A lot of things happens in just over two in-game day. I can’t wait to see what unfolds over two weeks—or will it all wrap up in three more days like Kate said? That seems unlikely after three years in development, though. I appreciated Mia’s proactive approach towards the MC in the last episode, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how things develop with Eve and Kate.
So far, the game (version 0.6.1) feels a bit short. I hope it doesn’t get abandoned. Honestly, I’ve really enjoyed playing it.
Engaging and fun visual novel with good renders, writing, and fun characters. The unique personalities of the camp girls is excellent. Graphically the game looks great. The character models are good to excellent although there is definitely some fantasy with exaggerated body proportions (tits and asses). I never encountered an adult female in the game with smaller than D cup breasts.
The animations are hit and miss, some good, some poor. The problem with some of the animations is the lack of movement and penetration. Sometimes the MC's dick is only moving back and forth inside the girl's pussy one to two inches which looks funny (lacking passion and realism). All animations are slow and tender. There's no hard, aggressive, or fast animations.
I really want to give the game 5 stars but it has several story and plot problems as well as pacing issues.
The game is three years old now and the MC still hasn't had vaginal sex with any of the main love interests. He does fuck several side LIs but not main girls (camp girls). Why is this a problem? Because at the current release schedule the game won't be completed for another three or more years (assuming the game doesn't get abandoned during that time).
There's numerous plot and story problems with the game.
Honestly, I oftentimes skim a VN. I tend to not actually read of have some dedication to being invested in a story. The written narrative is actually compelling. Cannot recommend this enough. I eagerly wait for more
This game is great, all the interactions with the girls are really top tier, i ended up caring about all of them. It'll be HARD to choose between them, since i think there won't be a harem (it wouldn't make sense).
The background story is intriguing, and even with some things i don't understand why the hell Mr. Miller takes you to the club outta nowhere i think it will all come together, the mystery is always lingering.
The sex isn't frequent (at all) and the scenes aren't truly well animated, but i usually don't care very much about that. The game is very beautiful anyway. I'll stay tuned for the next updates
Great game, I really liked it,I liked all the characters except Helen, I also liked that the main characters don't have big boobs and butts, they don't fit into pants right away, your Bree turned out very beautiful, you need to make big updates every year or every six months, I understand that it's not that easy for two people, but maybe if you work at full strength everything will work out, I mean that if you drag out the game for another 2 years, then it may slightly fail due to the high expectations of fans, since the game is one of the best on the list on Island
Out of all games I've played on this site, this is probably the one where I like the interactions between the characters the most. They've managed to make me care about every single character introduced at this point, which I don't think has ever happened before
Possibly one of the easiest five-stars rating to give here on the forum.
Amazing renders and animations, great writing and characters... everything in here is incredibly engaging and I really don't have much else to add, just give it a try and you'll see.
Probably my favorite renders I've seen so far, the quality and attention to detail is superb, but specially because every character has layers and feels well thought.
The story is remarkable, even though it falls into the terrain of many AVN's, it has a special feeling to it. Came here to crank it, stayed for the quality.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this VN so far. The renders are superb, as are the character designs. All the ladies feel pretty unique and distinct with their own style. It's hard to pick a favorite out of the main cast but if I were to choose it'd have to be either Eve or Kate.
I am pretty interested to see where the story goes, I feel like there is some potential there. There's set up for some shadiness and corruption going on in this small town.
The sound design is ok for the most part. There should be a bit more BGM but the ambient sounds are fine.
Miller is a sly dog and I can't wait to see what he's up to. I get the feeling he's been through it all and he's secretly the best wingman a guy could ask for.
My heart melts for Eve and Sophie.
I don't know if this VN is being made by a bigger team or just some very talented people, but the animation, sets, writing come together in a way that's rare to see. See you guys in 5 years when the game's almost finished XD
It's on a weaker side if you're looking for lewd content, but is superb in it's writing. Not the story, it's irrelevant, but the interaction between all the characters and establishing the relationships. The teasing part of that communication (Bree, Eve) is almost unmatched across all AVNs.
This game is deeply flawed but still on a very short list of best VNs I’ve ever played.
The Good:
Best-rendered VN I’ve ever seen, certainly among those set in conventional reality. Though many technicalities are surely over my head, some obvious reasons are, some of the girls are absolutely stunning, the backgrounds are top notch, the use of light is great, and there are a high number of unique and varied renders per scene.
This is also the most wildly refreshing VN I’ve ever played for a number of reasons, some of which might change to a degree: 1) Though there are some attractive older women and mild exhibitionism here, the story’s virtually kink-free to date. I enjoy loads of kinks, including darker ones, but I find this relatively wholesome central cast to be an absolutely delightful change of pace. 2) For people like me who appreciate “conventionally beautiful” women, this is your jam. Not every character is going to fit that description exactly, but nobody looks like they’re trying to win the prize for most hideous aesthetic. 3) There’s a wonderful “slice of life” quality here, meaning there seems to be a developing plot, but it might be even better if there weren’t, as simply watching these characters go about their daily lives is entertainment enough.
There’s also some great humor sprinkled throughout, and the spelling/grammar/punctuation/etc. are extraordinarily sound.
The Mixed:
Sexiest VN I’ve ever played, though there is astonishingly little sexual content three years in. If you can’t be happy until the clothes come off, this game might not be for you, but you might want to give it a try anyway. Personally, I could go to any random render in any random scene and have about an 80% chance of being turned on. I do imagine lots of sex is on the way, but this game is the epitome of slow burn. With some glaring exceptions noted below, the writing is also quite good in regard to situations and dialogue. Notably, gallery scenes are variously labeled “Intimate,” “Lewd,” and/or “Sexual,” and ideal readers will appreciate all three.
The animations are some of the best and worst I’ve ever seen. NFG is a master of small, slow, subtle, and delicate movements, but they are sadly incapable of animating deep, hard, animalistic sex. To make matters worse, females consistently go crazy when timidly fucked by MC or even when slightly touched by him, so there’s an awful discrepancy between dialogue and on-screen action. This best-worst duality is perhaps most noticeable where breasts are concerned. It’s beautiful how breasts sometimes move subtly when a girl simply breathes, but don’t hold out any hope for tits flopping around wildly when a girl’s getting banged. Not gonna happen.
The Bad:
Do you ever fantasize about being a giant fucking pussy? If yes, welcome to heaven. MC has a wildly inconsistent personality, and sometimes he’s quite bold, but more often he suffers from a profound lack of assertiveness. This results in MC: 1) failing to make intimate advances, even when a wildly attractive girl is openly begging for it, 2) not only failing to call bitches out when they pull absurd shit, leaving him (and readers) blue-balled, but worsening the situations by going into simp mode, 3) telling a girl he doesn’t want to “pressure her” when she’s the one making bold moves on his pathetic ass, and 4) consistently failing to stand up for himself and others in non-sexual situations amidst much mistreatment, sometimes including profound abuse, usually in cases where he fails to realize he has the upper hand.
Also, the number of unforgivably stupid plot points is incredibly high.
In addition, there are two unavoidable characters I can’t stand. One of your teachers who exercises a lot of control over your pathetic ass is an unrelenting asshole. Meanwhile, one of your housemates and potential love interests is an ugly, self-absorbed bitch. She could be a lot prettier with a good makeover and a better personality, but that’s not the world MC lives in. As much as possible, I fast-forward through scenes involving these two, but this causes me to lose track of the scintillating plot. Deal with these two however you must.
Now understand my rating of 3:
minimalist roaming but at least there is one present!
I chose the role of photographer so I can take pictures of girls and so much the better because they are all magnificent except for one ^^. Bravo for the idea
The setting, the background of the story; the secondary characters, the phone and its applications, the real quality of rendering and image, the aesthetics... everything is there!
YES but here it is.... too few adult scenes (no control option) or too short, or too naive at times like some action choices. Photographer yes but ultimately not so much because the MC does not take group photos, of everyone; in the club, he does not even think to talk about it, integrating this possibility into a free roam would be a big plus....
We feel that there is a plot but it takes forever to get going, too long. Or the chapters are not long enough. A huge inconsistency to correct: how after opening the envelope full of money the MC just manages to hide it without even talking to Kate? Either he keeps it for himself or he gives it back right away the rest is incongruous and throws everything into disarray! It's really a shame because the girls are excellently done, beautiful and interesting. Unless there's a very very long sequel to restore rhythm and content, I even wonder if this game will go all the way! I dare to hope so because there is gold in this VN which can easily become one of the TOP 5! Honestly I have become a fan of Bree, Sophie, Mina, Kat and her sister and Eve, they deserve to survive!
summer heat, despite a few minor flaws, is among the best visual novels. The characters are beautiful, with depth and well-developed personalities. The protagonist is neither shallow nor foolish or spoil. The sound effects are nearly flawless. The dating app in mc mobile- ember- feature adds to the novel's appeal. i like that very much. There is sufficient story development, and overall, everything reflects the significant effort invested in it. good work devs
Visuals: The graphics are the best in the genre and the animations look stunning. The models are unique and frankly breathtaking. Together with good sound effects the visuals enable a high degree of player immersion.
Story: The story has a decent amount of mystery and keeps the reader engaged beyond the visuals. It is not far enough advanced as of the current update (0.6.1.) to really assess this much further. Characters have their own motivations which seem plausible so far. Of course, the ladies are much more forthcoming than IRL but that is part of the genre. Reliability and branching are not on par with the best in the genre, but this could still be further developed as the story progresses.
Pr0n: Very high quality. Touches a nerve. Does both wild cougar and girl next door chemistry very well and convincingly. Also, the photographer mechanic adds a nice touch.
Overall: One of the best AVNs on this site. Absolutely worth a download. Will probably buy it at full release.
The release schedule is not very quick but at this level of quality that is something I can live with.
Its more a slower building up, but it sets up the story, not great (I think) if you're looking for a quick fap, but its great if you're looking for a story.
I'm looking forward to more updates on this
Edit: As I forgot to mention, the up close shots of the characters is actually really well done, I haven't seen a vn that does up close shots and art style just like this. However the creator is doing it, he/she is doing something right.
I need to give this game 5 stars, there's no other way. It's not without a flaw but it is by far the best looking AVN I've ever seen. Nothing comes even close to its renders IMO. People making this clearly have background in photography and the way the work with light makes this feel AAA at times. Like some of those renders could be key arts for games with 100M budget, it's that good.
It's a relatively slowburn game, with many sweet and romantic scenes which combined with the stellar visuals makes for an experience that honestly fucks with my brain and heart a little. I find myself thinking about the girls and there's a hole in my soul that nothing but the next update can fill.
There are 3 flaws worth mentioning.
I think there could be more music, some scenes are silent and it's a shame. Ended up playing Being a DIK soundtrack in the background, worked wonders.
The release schedule seems rather slow, it's been in the making for almost 3 years now and honestly I can't stop but wonder if it wasn't possible to have twice as much content by now. On the other hand the level of quality for the renders is through the roof so... Conflicted on this.
The pacing could be better, but I think that's connected to the slow release schedule. I bet if you play this all at once in 5 years it will feel right.