Great. As good or better than those of any other erotic game.

-ANIMATIONS: few, short and
add nothing to the game. In fact, the developers waste time and resources on making unnecessary animations.
-PLAYABILITY: Decisions only change the dialogues, or if MC hits on a girl, or not. There are very simple 'free roams', in which you only choose the order in which you talk to other characters, and maybe, you look for some hidden object.

-CHARACTERS: There are
too many characters, considering that this is a modest game developed by amateurs with small and infrequent updates. As love/sexual interests there are a couple of MILFs, several girls of the MC's age (19) and several more secondary girls. In general, the main love interests have
distinct and reasonably well written personalities. They are generally attractive, and not just because of their looks, although one of the girls appears to have a mental age of 12.

-MC: The classic young adult with a
magic dick that all the girls fall in love with or are instantly sexually attracted to, for no apparent reason. His face is not shown in the game.
-HISTORY, DIALOGUES AND SCENES: For some reason, the writer has decided to compress all the scenes into the first day and a half of the game, which means that in this game the days have 60 hours, or something like that. It's
absurd considering that the game is supposed to span several weeks. All the girls become (very) interested in the MC in a matter of hours and without barely knowing him, and he has sex with several of them without even trying very hard to get it. The dialogues are very average. They're not terrible, but not particularly good either. Overall, the scenes make little sense, and you don't know where the story is going because it's barely been pitched yet, despite the fact that this game has been in development for two years.
-MUSIC: Adequate. Not brilliant.

fairly standard. Exciting, though very vanilla.

-ROMANCE: Several options with
attractive girls, though too rushed and forced. Some of the scenes are not bad.

One a year, and disappointingly short.


None, that I can perceive so far.

Wasted potential. It could be a great game, and it stays at 'average'.