VN - Ren'Py - Summer Heat [v0.6.1] [Naughty Fox Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, this game took an unfortunate turn. We're on 6.1 now, so I guess that means that the first half or so of the game was a promising exploration of MC's relations with all the potential LI's involved in this "Art Camp" weirdness. Nice renders, very pretty LI's, mostly. But this odd crime element keeps popping up, involving a strip club that the MC, doofus kid that he is, just happens to be roped into going to because he has to obey the mysterious Male who my or not be related somehow to the big-breasted matron of the "Camp". A cop, phantom $$ -- and then he's back at camp, drunk, making a pass at the matron -- who then, apparently, expels him -- but not until 3 more days have passed.
    And maybe he ends up not being expelled? I don't know, because anything that happened after that convo was just blather that I eventually gave up on.
    So too bad. Coulda been a really good game. Oh well.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I've played on this site in a long while. The story is interesting, the characters are fantastic, and the naughty fun time stuff is great. Don't know how I've missed this one until now, but glad i noticed it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    12/10 - the story is quite something. Unexpected plot twists and quite fun in general. I highly recommend it to anyone, who likes to live the "I'm 19 again dream" lol... Can't wait for the next part.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the market.

    The visuals are astounding. Every render is fantastic looking. Super hot and good body proportions. Bree, Mia, and Kate stand out the most for me, but honestly everyone else is a 9/10.

    Dialogue is really really good. Lots of amazing flirty moments. As well as really well written emotional moments. Every character feels unique in their own way.

    Both of the things listed above make this game a 5/5 for me. But I do have some issues with parts of the game. The MC is good at moments and bland during others. I kinda feel like we needed to see a little bit more of his face as other than his really good flirting and nice dick, we dont understand why most these girls like him so much.

    I think the story is another issue. It sorta is going somewhere but then it goes another completely different direction. The writers just need to chose a lane. Ether make it a crime thing, or make it a camp drama thing. Or do both, you cant just ditch it for one section and then randomly bring it up in another section. Currently the game is at this state in the storyline, where its meandering and while i like spending time with hot girls, i do need some more interesting stuff to happen.

    I wish i could give this game a 4.5/5 because that's where i think this game is at right now. But i think its closer to a 5 then a 4.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    -3D MODELS OF THE CHARACTERS: Great. As good or better than those of any other erotic game. :love::love::love::love::love:

    -ANIMATIONS: few, short and add nothing to the game. In fact, the developers waste time and resources on making unnecessary animations. :love:

    -PLAYABILITY: Decisions only change the dialogues, or if MC hits on a girl, or not. There are very simple 'free roams', in which you only choose the order in which you talk to other characters, and maybe, you look for some hidden object. :love::love::love:

    -CHARACTERS: There are too many characters, considering that this is a modest game developed by amateurs with small and infrequent updates. As love/sexual interests there are a couple of MILFs, several girls of the MC's age (19) and several more secondary girls. In general, the main love interests have distinct and reasonably well written personalities. They are generally attractive, and not just because of their looks, although one of the girls appears to have a mental age of 12. :love::love::love::love:

    -MC: The classic young adult with a magic dick that all the girls fall in love with or are instantly sexually attracted to, for no apparent reason. His face is not shown in the game. :love:

    -HISTORY, DIALOGUES AND SCENES: For some reason, the writer has decided to compress all the scenes into the first day and a half of the game, which means that in this game the days have 60 hours, or something like that. It's absurd considering that the game is supposed to span several weeks. All the girls become (very) interested in the MC in a matter of hours and without barely knowing him, and he has sex with several of them without even trying very hard to get it. The dialogues are very average. They're not terrible, but not particularly good either. Overall, the scenes make little sense, and you don't know where the story is going because it's barely been pitched yet, despite the fact that this game has been in development for two years. :love:

    -MUSIC: Adequate. Not brilliant. :love::love::love:

    -EROTIC SCENES: Several, fairly standard. Exciting, though very vanilla. :love::love::love:

    -ROMANCE: Several options with attractive girls, though too rushed and forced. Some of the scenes are not bad.:love::love::love:

    -UPDATES: One a year, and disappointingly short. :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

    -WOKE POLITICAL AGENDA :poop:: None, that I can perceive so far. :love::love::love::love::love:

    -CONCLUSION: Wasted potential. It could be a great game, and it stays at 'average'. :love::love::love::poop::poop:
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    - Story: I have to say it's not that interesting, not that bad either. So far, I'm not entirely sure what the main plot is about yet. Writing feels good. I liked its humor. It's a bit dissapointing that we only get to have sex with side girls

    - Characters: My congrats, Girls look fking great, smoking hot (maybe the best designs I've seen, Top notch), BUT, for some reason, the developer decided to give lame personalities to most of them. MC is average.

    -Renders: Top Notch. Every render is very detailed. My congrats.

    -Animations: They look fking great, however, there are only a few (3 or 4 I think)

    -Music/Sounds: Great as well, I appreciate that there are a lot of ambient sounds.

    Overall it's a very good AVN with beautiful girls designs and renders, I hope that story gets more interesting in future updates. So far, I'd give it an 8/10. It's definitely worth checking out .
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Kudos to the developer for delivering an incredibly visually pleasing game. From an artistic standpoint, the shots, and their composition are outstanding, complemented by fluid animations. That sort of talent cannot be understated. I'm looking forwards to seeing more.

    However, the writing and pacing of the story leaves much to be desired. While the visuals easily reach a 9/10, the story writing lags behind at around 6/10. Without going into spoilers, the majority of the characters fall into familiar stereotypes—such as the posh girl, the hyperactive and giddy girl, and the “secretly in love with the protagonist but won't admit it” girl. These archetypes aren't inherently bad, but from a narrative perspective, the story feels more like an early draft. It’s the kind of draft that needs revisiting, revision, and more depth to reach its full potential.

    The primary reason I felt compelled to write this review is the 0.6 update. I believe the developer may be inadvertently undermining their own work by releasing updates that are too small. There's a delicate balance between maintaining support and providing new content to justify that support. Unfortunately, this project seems to be falling short of that balance, and I feel this update could have benefitted from more story content before its release.

    In conclusion, it’s evident that this project highlights a developer with immense talent in visual design, but one who still needs to develop the foresight and creative drive required to craft a compelling and well-paced story.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    (As of 0.6) Summer Heat is a conundrum. At face value should be a dime a dozen on here, and it has many of the familiar features you would expect from an adult VN: you are put in a situation where you are the sole sexual interest of 5+ beautiful women, none of whom have a boyfriend waiting back home despite being super model gorgeous, your masculine counterparts exist not as competition but rather comic relief or to advance story beats, and there is a mysterious, shady subplot involving organized crime. In spite of this, it execution of these standard-issue tropes makes it stand alone among its peers. I struggle to explain why, only to say that it succeeds because it embraces its slice of life nature -- nearly every part of the game feels plausible. Maybe a childhood friend takes this summer art camp as new opportunity to expand our relationship, or maybe I could share a romantic moment with someone I just met because we found ourselves alone, doing something new for the first time. It almost never feels like you are put in an unrealistic situation that could pull you out of the narrative. I say almost, because although the game is ostensibly set in a small, rural American town in the mountains, there is one glaring issue: the European mind cannot fathom living anywhere without what appears to be a mafia-connected club, even in a town which appears to only have a gas station, cafe, and a club with 20 employees . I'd just as hope this serves no purpose other than to provide secondary women to have sex with while your relationships with the heroines bloom, but I'm not convinced based on how many story beats in 0.5 were focused on it. Thankfully, although the setting could have easily made for an "auntie" or "landlady" style relationship with any of the heroines, you are thankfully complete strangers to everyone in the game outside of your two childhood best friends. Pacing in Summer Heat does feel a little off, as the first 5 updates cover only your first day at summer camp -- the devs could spread things out a little time-wise for believability.

    Dialogue is important in a game like this. Summer Heat works so well because the dialogue, particularly coming from the player character, feels natural. And not just because it is competently written (although this is a huge plus in the game's favor, as it is a rare AVN that doesn't sound like English is the 4th language of the author), but rather the game takes itself seriously. For instance, when a character makes a joke, there isn't a 400% volume increase guitar riff, a smash cut or dramatic zoom to an exaggerated reaction face, etc., as is all too often the case in these games. Even with such a low bar to clear, Summer Heat does a great job taking itself seriously without overcorrecting into melodrama. The main character not being a sex pest (again, another low bar) or a complete moron really helps a great deal here as well.

    Summer Heat is far and away the best looking of the Daz 3D VNs, not just in its the sense of the models and lighting, but also their staging in a natural way. The developers clearly care a great deal about the way the game looks visually and they have improved a great deal since v0.1, which is the only place you'll find graphical issues like poorly fitting clothing that are commonplace in other games. The problem is that these painstakingly crafted renders make development of the game obscenely long, with 8-10 months between updates now the norm. If they managed a shorter development cycle with fewer unnecessary renders, they could maintain the same development cycle while making the shorter content updates more palatable to players (hence the 4/5 star rating). I may grumble about the development time, but there is genuinely nothing of this quality on the market, so I'll be back next year, grumbling about the time 0.7 surely will take.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game - like the sense for detail.

    The last update 0.6 took a while and not much content added but anyway it's high quality. Especially the renders and animations. The best from all games here I'd say.

    And I prefer quality over quantity.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting characters, good looking characters, good dialogue, awesome setting.
    Not sure what more to say. There isn't anything I don't like about the game.
    Probably the second game on there where I read all dialogue.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I’m gonna keep it short: the renders are great and the writing can be funny sometimes, but not the corporate kind—actual good humor, which is unusual. But that’s about it. The story is all over the place, with relationships developing so quickly they might as well be on fast forward. Updates come at a glacial pace, making it feel like the game is in a permanent state of “coming soon.” The main character is bland and uninteresting, and the gameplay often gets stuck on boring tasks like setting up lights or running errands, rather than actually moving the story forward.

    What really frustrates me is that the only love interest who’s seen any real progress is Mia, and we’ve barely interacted with her, while the other characters, who’ve been around forever, are still waiting at the starting line. It feels like the developers are playing a long game of “let’s see how long we can drag this out to squeeze more cash” rather than giving us something worth waiting for. Also, the pacing is atrocious, with days dragging on like a never-ending Monday, making every bit of progress feel like a fucking chore. While the animations aren’t bad, there just aren’t enough of them. Overall, despite the great visuals and the very attractive models, except Helen, the game is a letdown with its poor storytelling, slow updates, endless blueballing, and boring characters. It’s like a flashy car with no engine—looks good but goes nowhere.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is one of the most promising VNs out there at the moment. The renders are insanely high quality, both of the girls and the background scenery, the story is very intriguing (albeit confusing) and it is just in general a very fun game to play so far. With a little bit of love for the itty bitty tittie committee it would be absolutely perfect. Still 5/5 stars, cannot wait for more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good writing and well-developed characters. The artwork in this game is superb, and it is expertly crafted. As a visual novel, this game truly stands alone. Not even a lengthy update is required. The scenes are well-written, and each of the several love interests feels distinct and original. It also has humour and other qualities like a dating app that intruduces you to more interesting characters. It's just an amazing AVN.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Most beautiful render models I have seen yet in my opinion.

    The story is fun and engaging with enough originality to not get stale. I like the freedom of choices to pursue different girls and that there are no unavoidable sex scenes.

    The hints are very helpful without spoiling any content.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played update 6.

    Very few developers put this much effort into making the love interests look so hot and amazing in every image and animation. There's so much to look at and admire down to the posing, lighting, scenery, and how the sex scenes capture the hottest angles and allow you to flip between different views.

    I'm giving 4/5 because of how inconsistent the development of the story, relationships, and intimacy has been across updates. Chapter 4 and 5 were packed with sexual content and love interest progression, but in chapter 3 and 6, the progression stops and there's only one brief scene in 6, and it's very forgettable. Also, the interactions with LIs in chapter 6 don't enter any new territory. It's odd since the MC is presented with a new dilemma this update where he should start making riskier, bolder decisions with Bree/Sophie/Mia/Kate, but he continues acting passively--even when the girls are basically throwing themselves at him.

    I'm hoping the future update take more risks with the characters and story. The developers sometimes focus too much on non-essential (and I assume time-consuming) animations. It could easily become a 5 star game for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be remembered. Summer Heat is turning out to be one of the best VNs ever. I love the attention to detail in this game—the kind of detail that one might take for granted if done properly and unknowingly miss if absent.

    These details culminate in a more natural experience rather than a robotic one. From their writing to their expertly crafted design, the characters are great. The environments may not look super "lived-in," but they have enough atmosphere to pull you in and leave you wanting to tour them in real life.

    When it comes to content, the drama ties in well with the spiciness one would expect from VN scenes. However, it's as if you're dealing with real people, which turns this buffet line of hot babes into a potential minefield. Coupled with the creatively done spicy scenes, it's a minefield in which you'd be tempted to
    dolphin dive.

    After waiting a year for update 0.6, it seems that frequent updates are the way to go, especially since there will be more content to play by the end of a given year. To conclude, I'm itching for more. Miller is the GOAT. Eve is making it hard to be a playboy.

    Have a good one, Naughty Fox, and thanks for the game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.6 (Spoilers)

    I had high hopes for this game when I first played it but there are just too many short comings for me to give it a very good rating.

    The overview of the game is "Experience the ups and downs of summer class! Meet girls, earn their trust (or break their hearts) and practice your photography skill in the process. No matter what you choose, you'll feel the heat." You would think that with that explanation of the game there would be a focus on an art class and character interaction, sadly that is far from what actually happens in the game.

    The art camp is almost entirely ignored so far as well as the photography the MC has apparently gone to this camp for. There are three short "photo sessions" that take place. This art camp also starts out with with the MC having to clean his room and a exercise program, for reasons. It's not until the second day that you do anything related to improving or learning about art at all. It may not sound so bad but it has take around two years of development to get through a single in game day. It's made worse by the fact that you are constantly dragged along on errands to make the place ready for everyone else with no say in the matter. You will be doing fun activities such as going shopping, hanging lights on a porch and tagging along with an instructor to help him take care of his personal tasks. There is also almost no time spent with the LI's overall. It has some of the worst pacing I have seen in an AVN.

    The pacing and lack time spent with the LI's adds even more problems the the actual relationship buildig. And it seems to have just gotten worse after the last update where the MC is told he has to leave in a few days because of something the player had no control over. As I said it may have take years to get to this point but any progress you make is still the LI's meeting the MC a few hours ago so everything is very, very rushed. What little you can do that is. Mia has the most lewd content so care aside from Cassandra but I don't think she is an LI, just another side character to ham-fist sex into the game. Anyway, Mia is a character you probaly spend the least amount of time with out of everyone but she can get sexy with the MC at the end of the first day. Everyone else though, is still in the very early stages of a path. If nothing happens to where the MC can stay every sex scene will likely happen 48 hours after saying "hello" to any of the girls. There will be no earning trust or breaking of hearts because they still know almost nothing about each other let alone be madly in love. It's all pretty much just flirting at this point. But it's not just about the lack of sex, I really like slow burns. For that to work though you actually have to be making a steady push forward to that reward and it just isn't there. Most of the limited interaction with the girls are just run of the mill "Hey how was your day?" conversations that don't progress anything at all until they throw in a "romantic" scene out of no where to force it along really.

    The renders of the game have no bearing on my rating but they are far from the worst I have seen. The animations are kind of a hit or miss though. They aren't bad per se, but the camera angles leave a lot to be desired. I believe the devs said it was because it was limited due to it be a first person game but there are many others that do it much, much better that are also first person. And honestly they have been working in DAZ for years now so I think that is a significant amount of time to wrap your head around camera angles at the very least.

    TLDR: It started off nice enough but don't judge the game based off the overview because it doesn't represent the actual content. The pacing is also very bad and there is very little progress with many of the LIs. The renders are above average but the animations could use some work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most enjoyable and lighter visual novellas.
    The plot progression is a bit slow, but the visual quality is amazing.
    I can confidently say that this is one of the best in market in terms of rendering.
    Sure it would be nice if the development time for the update was shorter, but
    I give it 5 stars for Bree alone. In my opinion, the aura and development of the relationship with Bree is one of the most romantic and heart-warming slow burns ever.
    All in all Pros: beautiful locations and girls, a world with great plot potential, interesting characters, a balanced personality MC and a solid 4-5 hours of gameplay.
    The downside is the long awaiting time for updates, and only two fabular days of the camp passed in the novel, although the first day was full of action though.
    I highly recommend playing it,
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    So I had been waiting for the new update to review the game, before it was around a 3.5, but after the very poor and lackluster update I'd have to bump it down to a 2.

    The good things:
    -The graphics, some of the best ones I've seen hoenstly, and the few animations we have are really really good
    -The girls have great designs.

    The bad:
    Sadly the story of the game is not super engaging so far, it's passable for a AVN but not one of it's strong points.
    -The timeline is VERY poorly timed, before the last update everything that had happened in the game had ocurred basically in 1 day time, actually, more like 1 afternoon, which makes it feel very rushed and it just feels like all the girls are super horny and throw themselves to the MC for little to no reason, considering they just met him like 2 hours ago, even one girl that acts like she doesn't want anything to do with you the entire morning at night is already looking at your dick...
    -And honestly I dont even want to talk about the MC, he's super boring, no motivations, no good backstory, nothing. He's just the average nice guy you see in AVN with a big dick and that's it, he really couldn't be any less interesting right now.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Amazing visuals, this is one of the best visually looking game on the website.

    The story and plot just is not there, dialogues are worth skipping.

    MC chasing every skirt, too many characters that don't open up properly.

    The reason for a low score, and even wanted to give it 2 out of 5, is lack of any meaningful content or progression. There are in total as of version 0.6 about 3 sex scenes, of which 2 feel like a filler content. Scenes are not hot, are dull and boring.

    It would do better if you cut half of the girls out, especially seeing as there is no content with them anyway.

    This looks like a beatifully packaged product, but dull and empty inside.