VN - Ren'Py - Summer Heat [v0.6.1] [Naughty Fox Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing through ver0.3 and have to say that so far the character models and dialogue that follow them are amazing. I don't have any problems with what is presented so far. Though in the long run a concern would be the branching storyline, but that is later down the line.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    While short (as of 0.3) this looks quite promising. The renders are excellent and there's an effort to introduce the characters and their personalities. The writing is good and while it's impossible to say where the story might go or what scenarios might come up, I think there are plenty of good opportunities.

    The photoshoot idea is an interesting one... It might be interesting if the photos that you could take were limited by the relationship status with the person. At the moment there's only really Bree to use as an example, but there isn't really any reason not to just take all the photos.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow this is actually an incredible VN. It has it all, excellent story progression, good and perfectly-timed humor, gorgeous love interests that actually have unique characteristics... and don't even get me started with the renders - jeez, probably the best ones I've seen, and trust me I've played way too many Daz3D games.

    As someone who enjoys "monogamous romance", I really liked how the LIs actually show a bit of jealousy when you speak to the other LIs. I've never seen that in other VNs with multiple LIs, even non-harem ones; usually they just don't care. Hoping it stays that way, where in the latter stages of the game you can only pursue one of them (which I'm very optimistic about since the planned tags mentions multiple endings and not harem! Woo!)

    I usually don't give out five stars like it's nothing, but this game really has it all whilst not having any negatives - at least none that I've noticed, which is a good sign if the game is so good you don't even realize any errors. On the more personal side, this game ticks all the boxes for me.

    Oh and I'd like to add that it's okay and BETTER if updates take longer. I noticed it's already the third update but still has the length of just a prologue. I'd much rather an update every two, three, or even four months if it means that the update is well-polished and at a respectable length.

    Alright, that's enough dickriding. Highly recommend the game and I wish the developer the best!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    As of v0.3

    4 of 5 Stars!
    Technically 5 Stars but missing Linux support in a Ren'Py game has to cost something.
    Dear Dev don't lock out a potential Patreon, especially if it's just a bloody checkbox when building.

    On to the game itself.

    The Pros:

    • Stellar presentation, in every aspect.
    • The story itself hasn't really picked up yet but you get some hint of mystery for both the general story and the characters stories.
    • Characters look great & differ in their looks.
    • Environments look great, fit well and are not your usual run of the mill.
    • The UI is elegant and easy to navigate.
    • The Freeroam mode is rare and if available serves an actual purpose. Be it to find secrets or to chat with characters.
    • Solid english, no Google Translate nightmare.

    The Cons:
    • Some may find the lack of lewd content a con but given how it's presented i personally don't mind.
    • Not very long, yet.


    Visual appealing VN with a possible intriguing story that might offer great replayability (too early to make a fair assessment).
    And it's the first game that blew my mind when i scrolled back at a certain point, just to see that the dialog suddenly changed. I didn't even know that this was possible, great work.

    Give it a shot and consider chipping in if you can. Would be a shame to see the Abandoned tag on this one.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been a long time since I've taken interest in a new games after playing the "classics", but that one caught my attention from the start.

    The renders are ridiculously good. One of the best I've seen. Realistic with a touch of stilization.

    The setup is great, we have a goofy fun friend and beautiful girls around. Some dating app, summer, bright colors all around - what's not to like!

    About the things that needs work - dialogs might have been little more sophisticated.

    Hopefully the game will go the same beautiful way it starts for many month to come.

    Note to the creator: Please don't make us chose only one girl. Or two. There should be at least 3 girls in a loving weird relationships with mc!
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Alien Zer0

    I don't even know where to start. This is without a doubt the best erotic game I've ever played. The fidelity with which the characters are presented and developed is unparalleled.

    The script is rich and faithful to the context created, the characters and their expressions integrate the realism of the world which is presented to us, and the subtlety of the choices towards the story enhances the personality of the MC and the others.

    It's amazing how you can create scenes within the silence and pauses, it's only 3 updates, but I can already see the maturity of the plot. It reminds me of a Japanese concept called "Ma 間", which values the negative space of an image, the silences of a song, the doorway that allows us to pass through it. Without these voids, the world would be saturated with unrecognizable meanings.

    Furthermore, the quality of the game's technical aspects is excellent. Not in the sense of being the best on the market, but because they fit perfectly into the story created, the "enough" that elevates, that generates wealth in simplicity, so there is more time for the reader (player) to focus on the features of the world itself.

    I wish you the best of luck, and that you work hard to maintain the desired quality.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Lurker Luke

    Amazing game so far! The models looks great, and the storytelling is sound. Its almost refreshing to have the first few updates w/o any adult content (other than unlockable found items) as it really focuses on the story. Lots of different plots unfolding here .

    Eve is obviously he best so far, but your mileage may vary :)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    (As of 0.2.2)

    Super casual and light hearted fun with render quality so excellent it almost hurts your eyes! Jokes aside, the plot and character dynamics were incredibly fluid and left me itching for what comes next. Not many initial releases get me this truly excited for future updates so keep doing what you're doing
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A beautiful game with high quality renders, wonderfully written dialogues that read easily and without compulsion. All of the characters have a future in mind, not cardboard figures. By the end of the year, It would be great to see animations., and you can elevate it to the top 10 without the slightest doubt.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Early days but this looks to be a great game. Unique and beautiful renders, as well as character personalities. Compelling dialogue with many choices, and good scenes (the cop one killed me :p ). Exciting to see how mechanics such as the dating app develop further as well.
    All-time great potential, can't wait to see more.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Content is limited at this moment (V0.2.2) but lets just say that this games has lots and lots of potential. Graphics are amazing and the girls look very good. Mechanics are nice and the setting of the story is also really good. Nothing to critisize at this moment.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's start off with the obvious, the story is nothing like we have seen yet, that I am aware of. Every female is beautiful and unique with their own style. The personalities are matched perfectly well with their looks. Having a best friend that adds to the dynamic, and the other guy in the house that seems to be hiding something can't wait for more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the newest game with the most promise. The renders are amazing, the girls all look great and unique, the writing is well done, and the game has left me wanting to learn more about the characters. The setting should create lots of fun moments too. More importantly, the game just feels real right now (ie. how people would actually interact in this scenario). I am loving it and I can't wait for future updates!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    We need to keep an eye on this one. So far so good, but we'll need to see if the developer can keep this level of quality.
    Consistency with updates will also be a key factor.
    So far, 10/10 start.

    story: 2/5 (not much going on at the moment, just introduction)
    models: 5/5
    dialogues: 5/5
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    VERY impressed with what ive seen so far.. Will keep an interested eye on this one.. ki ki ki, ma ma ma lol
    The characters are well designed and varied.. could use a softness tweak on a few facial points but overall HIGH above many others out there
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start, beautiful girls, nice renders overall. Story isn't complicated, easy to read. For the v0.2 there really almost 0 content but the game looks promising. There is a feature to look from different angles in certain renders.

    Certainly will lookforward to future updates
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The potential of the game is in the god tier. Giving less than five stars would be really unfair.

    Characters- The characters are all gorgeous, there are character models for everyone's taste. The physiques of the characters are pretty good. If you are asked to make a choice in the future, choosing one would be a really difficult decision.

    Render Quality- A very solid quality. Colors are saturated, not pale. This is a great thing for me.

    The Story and the Venue- The story intrigued me a lot, I loved the venue selection. I'm very curious to see what awaits us in the future in the same house with these gorgeous girls.

    Sounds- Sound effects suitable for the ambiance were preferred instead of the unnecessary music in the background. It was one of my favorite aspects of the game. Very good sounds have been chosen suitable for the ambiance. It certainly doesn't hold artificial, it feels like you're in the game.

    Gameplay- As someone who likes sandbox gameplay, it's good to see free roaming added to the gameplay. Although it isn't complicated for now, I have received signals that it will be more diverse in the future. A joint gameplay for sandbox lovers and people who don't.

    GUI- A very clean gui. It's neither complex nor ordinary.

    One of the best and most promising games to come out lately. I'm very impatient for the future of the game. My few expectations for the game are that it's more of a romantic progression than a sexual one. Or it would be nice if it could be presented as two different routes. And a little more diversification of free roam. Definitely keep going, good luck.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man, this has the potential to be one of the best games out, it has stunning visuals, clear dialogue and the models are spectacular!
    Give it like a year and i swear this will be one of the top games

  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are absolutely gorgeous, maybe the best I've seen from any Ren'pys, and the characters are unique in the archetypical way. I have no idea why the game isn't more popular. Excited to see where the story develops.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The models and visuals in this game are near flawless. Some of the best I've ever seen. The story could be utter garbage and I'd still play this for the graphics alone they're so good. Luckily the story is good as well!