I doubt it. Probably the same length as the previous ones. I noticed most devs are taking longer with the same output.
Yea "bigger" always becomes such a subjective word. Doesn't really matter if there's more renders or this or that if the playtime is pretty much about the same as versions with half the amount of renders.
Reminds me of those marketing ploys I'd always see in commercials as a kid. "Up to 50% off!" Which could literally mean 1% off and at the very most 50% and it's going to be the shittiest product they have.
It's not exactly the same since at the end of the day, those devs are in fact producing more content but I find people hype it up too much and they always equate "bigger" to "more playtime". My answer to that is: not exactly. ESPECIALLY, if it's just a giant-ass free roam. I mean yea sure man, it did take me an hour to finish playing through it but half the time was spent just clicking around. The story didn't move forward much and now we're looking at another 6+ months with endless hype about all the "cool new whizbangs and fireworks!

" in this upcoming version that doesn't really add much substance and just looks nice. "Oh yay cool, sex scenes in zero-g gravity and everything's spinning around. More meaningless flavor text to give us the illusion choice but ultimately being steamrolled by the overarching plot and the characters involved ... hooray."
I don't think Summer Heat is at that point yet where it'll have disappointed me immeasurably and I'm not going to deny the hard work devs put in by saying it's the same output. There's definitely MORE but it's usually not anything substantial and I've noticed that once dev time goes past 6 months, it's hit that plateau within the law of diminishing marginal returns. While it may not necessarily be the same output, the player experience will be about the same as if they had waited for 6 months.
There will definitely be little details/easter eggs here and there that you'll enjoy if you're incredibly observant or play it 100 times but shit, if the update itself isn't really all that enjoyable the first time through how the hell would you expect people to play it enough times to notice those things? I really like devs who put in those little details but at some point, it's just fucking overkill and you're sacrificing what made the game compelling in the first place for those little things.