Well, very short start. But nevermind, its the first Release meant to get you first impressions.
And the first impression is very good. Good Background sound is the first thing i noticed.
The Renders are looking awesome, absolutely top notch.
The writing is very good too, little bit funny if it has to be, and overall realistic, its believeable that young people actually talk like that. So very good job at this department too.
The look of the girls are very nice, great varity, will be hard too choose here

but i have a thing for red heads and innocent girls... so, Mia and Bree are ahead so far

And every girl seems to have unique profiles too, which is very good.
Its obvious that Miller is supposed to be a shady guy, and will be the antagonist for sure. If its well made i can like that.
So the MC, Mia and Mike share history together, seems to me like best friends for a while and that Mia has a huge crush on the MC and the MC isnt aware of that so far cause she is too shy and innocent to show him. But in the few scenes so far it was very obvious.
What i like the most is the "natural" behavior of everybody... the expressions, how they talk and everything looks just good, they dont stand there like puppets, they sit, they walk, and so on... good natural expressions. Like that.
Well thats about it, only Meet and Greet so far, nothing more. But i already can see that this "setup", the technical side and the well written dialogues have the potential to become a great game, that is if the story can be a good one (saw the spoilers, hope you guys have a good written plan about the game til the end and dont just come up with something out of your sleeves all the time, improvised stories are most of the time really bad)
Iam a guy who likes a well written story and a good build up between the characters, dont need lewd things right away. I dont mind slow burns at all, if they are well made, i prefer them. The first impression is that this could be right up my alley, but its way to early for now...
The start is short, lets see when the next update will be out and how much content it has and how the game proceeds. Than i can decide if i want to be a patron or not, for now its not enough to decide for me. But it looks really promising. Could be a really good one.