Don't bother., These people aren't speaking out of ignorance. They know damn well the amount of content that was cut or changed. They are posturing. Their intent is to shift the narrative and make it flow on this thread as they want it to. In a manner that is more positive to Ocean and the game. Problem is, not everyone is as daft as they think we are.
There is one narrative now - Summers Gone Season 1 - it is what Ocean published on Steam/is releasing on Patreon/SS.
There are multiple perspectives.
Agree with some of those perspectives and not others - that is all good -- Each of us gets to have A perspective and discuss it here on this forum.
Like/dislike the rework done for Steam - that is fine.
Like/dislike the music - that is fine.
Like/dislike the changes from the old, darker version of the MC from 3 years ago - that is fine.
For those who keep pointing out all the things they don't like about Summers Gone - that is fine.
For those who keep pointing out all the things they like about Summers Gone - that is fine.
Agreement/disagreement with the positions of others makes no one daft.
It does mean that there are differences of opinion - that is fine.
There is no F95 Crusader's Award for forcing others to a particular point of view - there is only discussion.
If someone is truly bothered by another's negative opinion of Summers Gone - put them on ignore and move on.
If someone is truly bothered by another's positive opinion of Summers Gone - put them on ignore and move on.
If someone Truly hates what Summers Gone has become - why stay?
Time has value and I know I have left threads/stopped supporting devs when,
IMO, the dev/AVN/thread went off the rails and stayed there.
For those who want to keep focusing on what Summers Gone used to be - that is fine.
I'm enjoying Summers Gone Season 1 - what is - and looking forward to Season 2 - what will be - continuing with Ocean's dev log tomorrow.