Don Sucio

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
I mean Ocean definitely toned him down to what he used to be, he is still somewhat of a cold prick. While i dont really like his overall attitude, what i dont like it is because it works flawlessly in the game, every girl is either ok with or likes him, in reality most would just think him to be weird and anti-social.
This is true, i´m waiting for a girl who hates Nika, we have those rich dudes (and a girl) who bully Mila and we have Sai , but not any real main girl acting like a real enemy for Nika. I think Cerill could be the first one but is true that even Vanessa , who i thought would be a real hater of Nika, end liking him or at least enduring him.

I don´t like how the game force you to be friendly with Bella or Zara, i would prefer to have options for evite or antagonize them because even if you try to evite them the game force Nika to share moments with them, i understand having to do the school project with Bella, after all you can´t just say no to the teacher or even keep quite around Zara because Nika doesn´t want to harm Noji but all the others scenarios...

Again the lewd scenes will happen. If you follow a romantic path, I don't expect you'll get to see all the content - ie Bella might be fine with you kissing Vic, but if she finds out you and Mila have done something, she'll probably withold sex. :sneaky: Just let the story develop at it's pace, and I'm pretty sure we'll see mainly softcore for the next season, because we've got to remember Nika is a virgin. Maybe Bella, Mila or Nia will be the first to teach him? Maybe there is super awkward sex with Nami as they both have no experience? I don't expect him to perform like a stud in the next season at all, it wouldn't make sense. I can also imagine Bella being left unsatisfied when he's premature once it works. There's going to be a while before he can build up his endurance, so I guess there will be some practice required...:KEK:
Without a doubt that is what is going to happen, Ocean puts a lot of effort in to real building relationships and i don´t think Nika is going to have a fantastic perfomance in his firt time, i think even he is going to stop in the middle of the sex at some point because he needs time to get used to it. And pretty sure too he is going to start with blowjobs or some handjob.

Like you said he needs a process and of course to practice with someone. I suppose Bella or Mila. I would say Nami could be one of his first ones but she is a virgin too so... Maybe they watch some porn together and try to imitate the actors?

Guys, tinfoil hat time. Hear me out... Summer lives on, inside one or some of the other characters.

There are flashbacks and hints of ER / hospital and that Nika saw summer one last time but cut off and didn't speak on it.

Amber: But not the last time you saw her?
Nika: *You slowly shake your head* I did see her one more time and-...

Nika connects with some people, like Bella, as if he had known her for so long, and she mentions that she feels the same when you go to the gym with her. Something happened with her twin sister, and she might have been involved, others like Sasha etc. might have as well. It's possible they all ended up in some huge accident (or victims of some kind of attack).

What if the reason Nika feels like he is connecting with them so easily is because... Perhaps summer's heart, other organs, are inside some of these others because she died and the others were able to be saved because of her. People who get donated implants often say sometimes things change, like they like eating something they never have before... It's a stretch on logic, but in this game-world, he could be "connecting" with her in this sense. Taking this logic in, besides the beginning prank pulled on her, it would also add on to why Nami feels some kind of resentment / jealousy towards Bella, if a part of Summer was inside her for example, but even if not, Sasha might be related in this sense. She certainly eyes Nika, a lot.

What do you guys think? XD
I mean... Wtf?

Jokes asides is an interesting theory, i don´t think that is the story Ocean wants to tell but it would be an absolutely crazy plot twist!

If Bella has a bubble that protects her from the consequences of her actions, that bubble must have a physical manifestation. For example, a powerful parent who pulls her out of every mess she gets into. Amber falls under that definition. But do you really think that's what this story really needs? It's a very hypocritical plot turn and completely contradicts Bella's theme of healing.

However, it can work if we apply Mila. Amber pulls Bella out of the situation, but Mila gets hit. Bella doesn't care and this leads to a big conflict with Nika. And I mean real conflict with significant consequences in their relationship. This will be especially useful if Nika is on her path.

I don't see it yet. But if it happens it will be good.
Oh yes, i would love that, more problems and drama in the plot! Give me more!

If that happens just imagine how difficult is going to be for us if we are in Bella path and Nika likes Mila too, like a friend or something more... It would be a reflection point with the duality of keep Bella with us or leave her and saty with Mila.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2022
That is censorship...

And that is obviously bullshit. There was nothing in this Game that was not allowed on Steam. The Game barely had anything going on before anyways. It was super vanilla.
Careful...some folks 'round these parts don't much care for that word. Call them "ajustments", call them "creative changes" or call them whatever the fuck you'd like, you can't escape the fact that it is censorship pure and simple.

But as mentioned multiple times before, it seems like there were as many concessions made to music license holders as to Steam itself. Which is still utterly insane to me. I'd rather listen to "Yakety Sax" on a loop for the entire duration of the original cut of the game than this butchered teen visual novel garbage he released.

But to each their own...

Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
There was nothing in this Game that was not allowed on Steam.
Well, for the rating he was trying to get, especially for more moneyz, he tried to remove/edit what could stop him from being able to do that.

Since it has "Partial Nudity" butt cheeks and boobs can be shown, just not anything else. Which is weird if the famous "jacuzzi" scene has bubbles covering them up... is there a pussy shot? because if so, I haven't seen it yet. Granted, I am only 3.2 hours in (taking my time) and have only seen bare boobs and ass (here and there) I don't care if there isn't a single pussy shot, I am just curious.

Like, the render of Nami in the bathroom... why is she wearing panties then? unless of course she was indeed doing her regular morning routine, but the MC busted in and etc or you could think you might see some pussy from behind with no panties, but I guess it depends on how she is posed?

Like I mentioned before, this whole thing is a mess. It's too late to continue bashing the stupidity of Ocean's thinking and choice making so, why keep going? just saying, in general.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Yeah, it's definitely a first person memory Nika has of being on a gurney.
If I recall correctly, the render of that hospital memory is such that it can only be a first-person perspective, i.e. Nika looking forwards with his own eyes while laid out on the gurney.
It's actually third person perspective. Every scene is external from Nika, there is nothing first persective the entire game. Look at the angles - the hand is closest, down at the bottom the the screen and the shouder recedes into the background. If it was first person, Nika would be looking at someone else's arm, to look at his own the hand would be receding. Everything is from the cinematic, external view. The reason we think it is Nika's is because we hear his internal dialogue the most. There is the scene with Sasha and Robin calling either Marla or Bella that is completely divorced from Nika, but it's the same third person view.

So it could be a guy Nika saw, and both of them beat each other senseless. I prefer the simpler more common view it's Nika though, as we don't need to add a mysterious extra nameless wounded guy to the narrative for any reason ...Ocean can complicate it easily enough without me wanting extra characters :sneaky:

I guess this is something new; she wasn't there before the rework. But she's a new character, so the intrigue intensifies.
After goth bus/pizza girl, she's my favourite unknown. Actually more interested in finding out about those two than some characters like Nadia or Sonja. But really Ocean will make anyone look hot the minute he focuses on them.

*...Always have been!*

If the game will not have sex, this game shouldn’t be in this website, F95 it’s for porn games.
if u want to create some drama sh8 story you are in the wrong place to share it. Don’t bullsh8 me that I need to accept it ..No! ….porn game it’s a porn game,this game should be out of this forum. Accept the facts.
As has been stated many times, there is a tag in the games section for 'no sexual content'. there's a list 22 pages long with games with this tag, around 650. Why would the forum mods need this tag if it is a porn forum? And this doesn't count the games that have content such as partial nudity, so there's even more games that arent doing 18+ content. You might find games that only have handholding here even.

The no sexual content tags


You keep telling me about Bella's feelings/regrets as if they have some weight in the real world when they actually should not. Like there's some magical bubble around her that protects her. It ricochets all the consequences of her decisions and actions. Other characters like Vanessa, Leia, and someone else are less likeable, so of course this doesn't apply to them. They don't have that magical bubble. Despite the fact that all the characters live in the same world that operates under the same rules.

I'll repeat what I meant earlier. It's cheap, it's artificial. It disrupts the natural order of things in the world of the game. It is perceived as the intervention of beyond force, and I mean the author. The author is always watching. They tell the story and directs it as they see necessary. In good stories, the author's interference is unnoticeable. Unless of course the noticeable interference is justified and done intentionally. But SG is clearly in the wrong genre, it's more for stories from antiquity. What you're talking about isn't good storytelling, but bad writing. I'm telling you this as someone who is actually interested in screenwriting. I have a story that I've been working on for 15 years and writing my own screenplay. You open any book about screenwriting and it will tell you exactly that. A character who commits bad acts but doesn't pay a price for them in the physical world because he has some feelings is terrible writing.

I mentioned Better Call Saul earlier for a reason. Bella/Nika and Jimmy/Kim have a huge amount of parallels. They literally do the same things, often for the same reasons. Jimmy and Kim were likeable and had a lot of feelings and regrets. They did a lot of bad things, sometimes for good reasons, but always faced the consequences. Sometimes the consequences turned in their favour, sometimes they did not. In the end, they paid the price. Was this price justified? Hell no. Not even close. But they live in the real world, just like Bella and Nika. Consequences are not based on morality.

Now, I'm not saying that Bella and Nika should pay the same price that BCS characters paid. But there has to be some price that affects them personally, not Mila. Because if they don't pay a price for their acts, then what does it even matter what they do? Their acts have no real value.

The characters' acts and the consequences they face are what should be the main driving force for the story, not their damn feelings. Their feelings are what provoke their acts. After all, that's particularly important for stories about change, especially those that lead to healing.

If Bella has a bubble that protects her from the consequences of her actions, that bubble must have a physical manifestation. For example, a powerful parent who pulls her out of every mess she gets into. Amber falls under that definition. But do you really think that's what this story really needs? It's a very hypocritical plot turn and completely contradicts Bella's theme of healing.

However, it can work if we apply Mila. Amber pulls Bella out of the situation, but Mila gets hit. Bella doesn't care and this leads to a big conflict with Nika. And I mean real conflict with significant consequences in their relationship. This will be especially useful if Nika is on her path.

I don't see it yet. But if it happens it will be good.
Great post. Here's an idea for a script though: a character never suffers any repercussions, but it always falls on the people they care about instead. It's only bad writing if the writer is oblivious to the pitfalls. I mean, Star Wars, being one of Ocean's favourites, you have the upstart rebels chopping people up vigilante style. What matters is not whether there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action, but whether the story creates sufficient reason why the axe never falls. Even the threat of consequences can be enough if done well. Given that Ocean acknowledges there are consequences for actions with the whole locker room scenario, the reasons Nika and Bella might avoid consequences are: other people have bigger goals and use the situation to manipulate them, it sets of a chain of events and the tally is only over at the end, there are people on Nika's side who have a criminal empire who disappear the problems. Ultimately it's a question of power - justice isn't always the most powerful force in a society, and we don't yet know all the politics that have happened or even the current politics of Wollust.

But even if the get to skip jail, monopoly style, whoever helped them has control.

I do agree that these concepts of morality suit WiaB for more, but even sufficient indirect consequences can be enough to cover the crime without trivialising it. It'd certain be rich if Bella and Nika's scheming is dealt with more trivially than the locker room - everyone seems polarised by that and Robin being so evil, while giving Bella and Nika's criminality a free pass.

View attachment 3646719
Oh yeah! OOOH Yeaah! I'm going to give you your usual routine...
View attachment 3646723
I can't help but wonder if they chaffed the whole day, like Vanessa was saying. It's almost solid iron, lucky her booty looks like treasure!

Old Man Al

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2022
Nika is either gay, or attracted to minors, which is why his dick doesn't rise for women.
Even if a person has depression, the dick still rises
Many people with an ongoing depressions can't even rise out of bed on many days, just saying. So yeah I get you, they just keep laying there cause they wait for someone to jump of their boner.

And just to make sure
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Jan 20, 2022
If the game will not have sex, this game shouldn’t be in this website, F95 it’s for porn games.
if u want to create some drama sh8 story you are in the wrong place to share it. Don’t bullsh8 me that I need to accept it ..No! ….porn game it’s a porn game,this game should be out of this forum. Accept the facts.
Hmm, it seems the admins and moderators don't think so.

Please complain to them.


Jan 20, 2022
That is censorship...

And that is obviously bullshit. There was nothing in this Game that was not allowed on Steam. The Game barely had anything going on before anyways. It was super vanilla.
Yes, you are right, but not with German Steam. If SG is published from a Latin country it may have an age limit of 14+.

From my understanding so far :unsure:, from the start, SG season 1 was aimed at the German version of PG 16 (I forget what it's called), yes, even with Nika's visible penis (here we get Ocean's first hurdle regarding the music license). But to play it safe, Steam Germany did not approve it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2018
It's actually third person perspective. Every scene is external from Nika, there is nothing first persective the entire game. Look at the angles - the hand is closest, down at the bottom the the screen and the shouder recedes into the background. If it was first person, Nika would be looking at someone else's arm, to look at his own the hand would be receding. Everything is from the cinematic, external view. The reason we think it is Nika's is because we hear his internal dialogue the most. There is the scene with Sasha and Robin calling either Marla or Bella that is completely divorced from Nika, but it's the same third person view.

So it could be a guy Nika saw, and both of them beat each other senseless. I prefer the simpler more common view it's Nika though, as we don't need to add a mysterious extra nameless wounded guy to the narrative for any reason ...Ocean can complicate it easily enough without me wanting extra characters :sneaky:
MY MISTAKE! You're right!

The same two images are in Ch 5 Beta and I assume they've been the same since the first Ch 1 rework was released, although I could've sworn they were first-person perspective and not an external view of a person's arm.

Surely, the memory has to show another person (unless Nika got his head detached from his body in addition to collapsed lungs :)), because the memory shows that haziness of being barely conscious.

Boy, this changes things dramatically. Who has the collapsed lungs - Nika or the other person?

I will check the original Ch 1 rework renders to see if they're the same because I really would've though the second person would've been brought up before, especially regarding the collapsed lungs.

PS - it's arguable that the game switches from first-person renders to third-person renders with Nika, because there are plenty of scenes with characters looking at and speaking to Nika directly from a close distance.
May 28, 2017
If the game will not have sex, this game shouldn’t be in this website, F95 it’s for porn games.
if u want to create some drama sh8 story you are in the wrong place to share it. Don’t bullsh8 me that I need to accept it ..No! ….porn game it’s a porn game,this game should be out of this forum. Accept the facts.
F95 Tags
Screenshot 2024-05-18 160923.png


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
MY MISTAKE! You're right!

The same two images are in Ch 5 Beta and I assume they've been the same since the first Ch 1 rework was released, although I could've sworn they were first-person perspective and not an external view of a person's arm.

Surely, the memory has to show another person (unless Nika got his head detached from his body in addition to collapsed lungs :)), because the memory shows that haziness of being barely conscious.

Boy, this changes things dramatically. Who has the collapsed lungs - Nika or the other person?

I will check the original Ch 1 rework renders to see if they're the same because I really would've though the second person would've been brought up before, especially regarding the collapsed lungs.
Oh no, I still think it's Nika, all his flashbacks are third person - the icecream with Elsa, the dream, everything. The entire game is third person. But it DOES allow for it to be some other guy being spoken about with the collapsed lung. Given the context though, if Nika was with someone in the hospital, it's be because both of them were injured. If Nika was the guy who caused the violent incident, he'd be in custody, not staying by the gurney. And, as you say, the scene is hazy, so if it was (for some reason) first person, Nika is still hazy, likely also injured.
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Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
After goth bus/pizza girl, she's my favourite unknown. Actually more interested in finding out about those two than some characters like Nadia or Sonja. But really Ocean will make anyone look hot the minute he focuses on them.
At first I even thought the goth girl was Melanie :) But there’s no point for her in lurking in the ZPR.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
At first I even thought the goth girl was Melanie :) But there’s no point for her in lurking in the ZPR.
Yeah, I thought the same. But my feeling is she could be one of Ayua's sisters/cousins, maybe Leia's daughter - she certainly has the complexion, and she keeps looking at Nami's earring.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
If the game will not have sex, this game shouldn’t be in this website, F95 it’s for porn games.
if u want to create some drama sh8 story you are in the wrong place to share it. Don’t bullsh8 me that I need to accept it ..No! ….porn game it’s a porn game,this game should be out of this forum. Accept the facts.

No, you need to accept the facts.

F95 is an adult game site, not porn game site. Adult is not the same as porn.


Where do these people keep coming from with the same comment over and over?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2022

No, you need to accept the facts.

F95 is an adult game site, not porn game site. Adult is not the same as porn.

View attachment 3647010

Where do these people keep coming from with the same comment over and over?
Wait...isn't the game 16+? Thus making it NOT an adult game? Why would a 16+ age rating game be featured on a forum that is meant for adult games?


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Wait...isn't the game 16+? Thus making it NOT an adult game? Why would a 16+ age rating game be featured on a forum that is meant for adult games?
As has been stated many times, there is a tag in the games section for 'no sexual content'. there's a list 22 pages long with games with this tag, around 650. Why would the forum mods need this tag if it is a porn forum? And this doesn't count the games that have content such as partial nudity, so there's even more games that arent doing 18+ content. You might find games that only have handholding here even.

The no sexual content tags
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Wait...isn't the game 16+? Thus making it NOT an adult game? Why would a 16+ age rating game be featured on a forum that is meant for adult games?
First. the game was here before Steam.

Second, Steam is not the king of game age ratings we must all adhere to. It's rating are just what they considered to be, or taken from more official sites if they happen to have one.

Third, there are other 17+ games also in this website that has no sexual content. My very favorite one, for example. House in Fata Morgana, which is Mature 17+ according to

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