
Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2022
Well, to be perfectly honest I'm not really attracted to most of them. I'm in the "small boobs are better camp" , and Ocean very definitely is not ;)

Goddamn right!
There are still a few golden nuggets in SG though. Nojiko is sexy as hell. The twins are super underrated, probably because most people go the Bella route but they are both hot as all fk! Sasha and Vanessa are absolute smokeshows. Nami and Robin are also super sexy.

My personal favorite when it comes to looks though is Maja. If she was a brunette with green eyes...godfuckingdamn that would be an undisputed 10/10 for me.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Well, to be perfectly honest I'm not really attracted to most of them. I'm in the "small boobs are better camp" , and Ocean very definitely is not ;)
I can only imaging what you think of Mila then :lepew:

There are still a few golden nuggets in SG though. Nojiko is sexy as hell. The twins are super underrated, probably because most people go the Bella route but they are both hot as all fk! Sasha and Vanessa are absolute smokeshows. Nami and Robin are also super sexy.

My personal favorite when it comes to looks though is Maja. If she was a brunette with green eyes...godfuckingdamn that would be an undisputed 10/10 for me.
You have great taste.


Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
We're just having a discussion and I love it.
Cool, my brother from team Vanessa (we’ll see what we can do about that). It seems like we agree after all. Bella is a dumb mean girl looking for trouble and she has to learn the hard way somehow. She’s not a horrible person (other characters come to mind), but she’s hot-headed, bitchy and vengeful. She has her own demons (the bullying and her sister’s coma) and we can understand her more in light of that, but we can’t excuse her behavior. Nika and her really are good for each other.
Bella’s strong suit is her chemistry with Nika. They’re literally partners in crime and people love that stuff. They don’t necessarily forgive her immoral actions. They look past them cause she’s a bad girl, it’s her appeal. I suspect Ocean wanted us to fall for her and care before hitting her (and us) with some sweet deserved consequence.

Vanessa is the better character for me and you. She’s a better person too as far as we know but her mindset seems more fucked up. I wouldn’t care if she turns out worst than Bella, I’d still like her :coffee:

She realises her bad act in the scene with the woman in the restroom, but is completely blind to the Vanessa's situation. Change my mind if you want but corruption of a woman is literally the worst idea that ever crossed the minds of SG characters.
Eh, corrupting is an extreme word. More like manipulating and using her for an end. Still bad, but not nearly to the same extent as “corrupting”.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
Goddamn right!
There are still a few golden nuggets in SG though. Nojiko is sexy as hell. The twins are super underrated, probably because most people go the
Nojiko is absolutely lovely. I hope Nick proves to be a decent guy and makes her very happy.
She deserves that. I mean, raising Nika and Nami on her own...
I can't help but wonder what she'd look like in WiaB, it may not be entirely impossible that we'll see her in there too. Though I have a feeling her role there would not be an entirely happy one. I digress!

The twins? The two dark-skinned girls from the captivating scene in the locker room? Yeah, gorgeous and really hot. But did both of them get a brain? And yes, Mmmm braaains... Gotta have brains.

The various blondes don't really do it for me. They are all very attractive, but I'm not attracted.

Sonya though, beautiful eyes.
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Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
Nojiko is absolutely lovely. I hope Nick proves to be a decent guy and makes her very happy.

The twins? The two dark-skinned girls from the captivating scene in the locker room? Yeah, gorgeous and really hot. But did both of them get a brain? And yes, Mmmm braaains... Gotta have brains.

The various blondes don't really do it for me. They are all very attractive, but I'm not attracted.

Sonya though, beautiful eyes.
I don't care about Nick, honestly. Could do without hearing about the dude. Might be an asshole behind the scenes (cheats, lies etc) The only thing he'll be bringing to the table are his 2 daughters. The way Nojiko is towards the MC, I feel like she'll happily ride him, being filled with pure joy while doing so.

Eh, they look okay, nothing special or amazing. Whatcha mean? did you mean to say, "but do both of them have brains?" because I can't understand the way you worded that.

So, you're not attracted to the attractive? got it. They can look okay, but they just aren't your cup of tea. I think there are too many LI's/Side girls. We aren't even in Season 2 yet. Too many damn names/characters to remember for me o_O

These girls do be having nice eyes.

Friend zoned together with Vic. She's nice.
Mila yeah, friend zoned but I'll be going out with Vic (whenever the hell that will be) I mean, I had a "date" with Bella before having a date with Vic lol

Hmm, the Steam version just got a 11.7MB update/patch. Don't know what the hell it's for. If they are fixes, what got fixed? no notes or anything.

Any experts out there (and owns the game on Steam) can you (whoever) look through the game to see what has been fixed?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
Could do without hearing about the dude. Might be an asshole behind the scenes (cheats, lies etc) The only thing he'll be bringing to the table are his 2 daughters. The way Nojiko is towards the MC, I feel like she'll happily ride him, being filled with pure joy while doing so.
I guess we'll see what else Nick can bring to the story, besides beautiful daughters. In my book he's off to a good start, but we'll see what Ocean cooks up for him. If he's decent to Nojiko I'm perfectly ok with him, if he hurts her- then he goes down painfully. Nick, that is. Not Ocean.;)
Eh, they look okay, nothing special or amazing. Whatcha mean? did you mean to say, "but do both of them have brains?" because I can't understand the way you worded that.
The one Nika was handcuffed too seemed a little ditzy while her sister tried to make her stop making things worse. That's all I meant. I don't think I have seen them in any other scenes, so maybe it was just in that one.
So, you're not attracted to the attractive? got it. They can look okay, but they just aren't your cup of tea. I think there are too many LI's/Side girls. We aren't even in Season 2 yet. Too many damn names/characters to remember for me o_O
Pretty much, yes. All the girls are gorgeous in this game, doesn't mean I want to bang them.
Definitely agree on the number of girls, and add in WiaB and I'm quickly loosing track. :)

Old Man Al

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2022
I remembered she was dead, it’s been a while since I played that part. Fixed it.
As far as I remember it was never said she was dead. With the last updates (around the bookclub visit I think) we just see Bella reading here comatose sister from a book.


May 29, 2023
I don't believe Bella to be such a threat in general. She is a sociopath, but she is not a psychopath. The main difference between the two, if recall correctly is that psychopath are unable to feel empathy. Bella does show empathy and guilt when they hurt that woman innthe bathroom.

Vanessa, on the other hand, has had simply too little screen time to make a comparison. Yet, from what its seen, she is clearly a bigger threat that Bella could ever be. The fact that Bella is trying to get close to her and fail to see Vanessa's nature implies Vanessa would eat her alive if they were fighting on equal grounds. She also seems to show no regret in manipulating people. If anything, she seems proud. Including her BF. More on the psychopath than on the sociopath scale.

Now, and this IS plot, but in the end, so far, this is not a Vanessa vs Bella situation. Vanessa is a means to an end for Bella and MC and unlike Bella, MC did figured out Vanessa's nature. To be fair, mainly becuase Vanessa wanted him to know. But also Bella is way more likely to have real friends like MC and Ayua than Vanessa. Which is a strength. Vanessa can pretend to be friend with someone, but thise things eventually dont last.
Hold on! Let me put on my smart-ass glasses. :geek:

Mostwanted and I have already discussed the topic sociopath/psychopath. Here, here.

My words, in brief, there is no established distinction between a psychopath and a sociopath. Some people say sociopaths are more prone to aggression and psychopaths are lack empathy and are more calculating, others say the opposite. In medical psychiatry there is only antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy and sociopathy are synonyms. In general, sociopath is just a popularised term used in different contexts.

In criminal psychiatry, antisocial personality disorder and psychopath are sometimes separated. A person with APD has a much higher risk of suicide than a psychopath who essentially should not have feelings of remorse and guilt. Simply put, a person with APD could be Bella and a psychopath is a typical recidivist criminal or a serial killer who also does not suffer from other disorders that can provoke a suicide attempt. Vanessa doesn't fit the description of psychopaths because they are very impulsive and aggressive.

I believe that Bella may have APD (or sociopathy, whatever). At first I was leaning more towards Vanessa being a sociopath and I'm still admitting that possibility, but then I read the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the US personality disorders manual) and now I'm pretty sure she has narcissistic personality disorder.

Yes, she shares some traits common to sociopaths/psychopaths. But her predominant personality trait is narcissism.

"People with antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders are tough-minded, exploitative, manipulative, egocentric, and deceptive. Vanessa has all these traits. However, narcissistic personality disorder does not always include impulsivity and aggressive. Vanessa is actually pretty bad at hiding her negative emotions, but she can control herself. When Nika makes verbal attacks towards her, she shows this angry face :mad: and then tries to cover her dissatisfied reaction behind a fake smile. She would be much more hot-tempered if she had APD. She also doesn't have any history of bad behavior in childhood or criminal behavior in adulthood, at least we don't know anything about it. Otherwise her childhood would be more like the one Leia and William had. Vanessa with APD is basically Leia minus her affection for her brother. Finally, people with APD do not crave admiration and envy and do not reflect it on others as passionately as Vanessa does.

She is obsessed with self-praise and self-love to the point where she more-likely sees it as the purpose of her life. It's the difference between being a narcissist and having a narcissistic disorder. We all know she's a narcissist, but it's one thing to have a tendency toward it, and another to have it as a major trait that interferes your daily life."

Here is my more detailed post about that. Open the description of narcissistic personality disorder under the spoiler, it's basically a detailed description of Vanessa.

I agree about Vanessa being more dangerous than Bella. Hell, I even think that Vanessa might be more dangerous than Leia. And Vanessa is definitely the most intelligent of them, while Bella is far behind of both. But I don't think that more dangerous = worse person. I think so far Bella has shown herself to be much more awful than Vanessa. But from what we know about Vanessa she may be worse.
Vanessa is the better character for me and you.
Damn straight!
I wouldn’t care if she turns out worst than Bella in did too, I’d still like her
I care. :devilish:
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Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
I guess we'll see what else Nick can bring to the story, besides beautiful daughters. In my book he's off to a good start, but we'll see what Ocean cooks up for him. If he's decent to Nojiko I'm perfectly ok with him, if he hurts her- then he goes down painfully. Nick, that is. Not Ocean.;)

The one Nika was handcuffed too seemed a little ditzy while her sister tried to make her stop making things worse. That's all I meant. I don't think I have seen them in any other scenes, so maybe it was just in that one.

Pretty much, yes. All the girls are gorgeous in this game, doesn't mean I want to bang them.

Definitely agree on the number of girls, and add in WiaB and I'm quickly loosing track. :)

Yeah, he seems "too" good. Like, Mr. Perfect. They didn't argue yet? (maybe still in a lovey dovey phase) we will definitely see. Pretty sure in Season 2 we'll get more info. Since she did say he wanted to meet the MC and Nami, we'll probably get a scene or so with that.

I still can't stop shaking the feeling that Noji wants the MC lol. Then that kiss she gives him while not covering herself up, like (look at my boobies!) idk. If Nick is fine, Noji is definitely sending some weird signals to the MC or the player, whichever. I could just be looking into it too much, idk.

Eh, I don't remember how exactly it played it in the locker room, it's been a long while. I guess it's one of those, one Twin is smart, clever, etc while the other one is ditzy and whatnot. You see them here and there in earlier scenes, you just have to pay attention. I know I definitely saw them around lol

I agree. I like who I like, I don't go for just the appearance alone. I'm not a shallow person who mainly just focuses on the looks of someone and not the whole package. What do you hear half the time from someone in a relationship? how their partner is an asshole/bitch/liar etc. They only focused on the looks of the person, not the complete package.

I guess I'm glad I don't play WIAB then. But I do play other ones so, it doesn't matter lol. I'll just try to remember the ones I am actually on the paths for.

About the Update/Patch for Steam version. Could be just fixes etc

" Pretty much just typos etc. If there is no announcement with the patch it's mostly just typos/bug fixes."

One of the mods posted that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Nice Mods over there at Steam SG Discussions ... We where just interested what the new Update is again since nothing was written. Mod came, said if nothing was posted just small fixes and shortly after he deleted the Fred ... Even more Hardcore then the Mods here. :ROFLMAO:
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Oct 23, 2019
Nice Mods over there at Steam SG Discussions ... We where just interested what the new Update is again since nothing was written. Mod came, said if nothing was posted just small fixes and shortly after he deleted the Fred ... Even more Hardcore then the Mods here. :ROFLMAO:
Yeah that thread got removed real quick.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
Yeah, he seems "too" good. Like, Mr. Perfect. They didn't argue yet? (maybe still in a lovey dovey phase) we will definitely see. Pretty sure in Season 2 we'll get more info. Since she did say he wanted to meet the MC and Nami, we'll probably get a scene or so with that.
They did meet in my playthrough. Nika interacted more with his daughters and Nami, but Nick seemed perfectly nice.

I don't really get that feeling from Nojika, perhaps Ocean hasn't made up his mind about her yet. But, I could be reading it wrong too.

I agree. I like who I like, I don't go for just the appearance alone. I'm not a shallow person who mainly just focuses on the looks of someone and not the whole package.
Absolutely. Appearance is obviously important for first impressions, and may play a role if I like two girls equally (and can't have both in a game). That said, petite dark-haired girls with small boobs do catch my attention easier than big blondes with huge boobs.

I guess I'm glad I don't play WIAB then. But I do play other ones so, it doesn't matter lol. I'll just try to remember the ones I am actually on the paths for.
If you are referring to Nojika here, she isn't in WiaB (yet) as far as I can remember. It's a great game though, definitely recommend it. It's not as far along as this one, but I think I may prefer it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Well ... nothing importend but image ee219 was changed with the update. and some small fixes on other files.
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