I noticed Nika asked Nami how long Nojiko was going to the book club she says ever since we got here. Which means they didn't always live there, we know they went to tropic high school. Where were they before?
If you look at the flashback's the house appears different, with a different outlook. So it appears to be a different house.
Things we know:
- The cabin is a 6 hour drive away from where they are now.
- Nika and Summer presumably walked to the cabin as they weren't old enough to drive.
- Tropics was out west, Nika, Nami, Nia and Summer went there.
- Nika has memories of Obama's Kebabs and a pizza shop called Gio's that's on the other side of the city.
- The current house is close to a lake, which suggests it's not central. It's a lake Nika and Nami went to before with Noji when they were younger, last time was several years ago. Nami and Summer wanted to go to the same lake but it was raining which also means they could walk there.
- Aqualia hospital is where Nika was treated for the violent incident.
- Current commute isn't too long - Nika doesn't worry about being late for Nia who seems to be central, there's plenty of time to get around the city.
- The beach is south.
- House 1 was the house which Nika met Summer, and was going to Tropics.
- Gossip of Nika's basketball skills
reached coach hill at ZPR, even though he lost the drive once Summer disappeared. Coach hill is a grunt level coach, so doesn't have a network in the same way a lead coach would have, so chances are Tropics isn't too far from ZPR.
- Memories of local shops probably predate the violent incident, because after it, he (presumably) became withdrawn and house bound.
- Noji worked with Scarlet at the hospital she still works at, so she doesn't have a terrible commute to be able to drop Nika and Nami off at Tropics or ZPR.
If we ignore the cabin, Tropics is out west (of where they are), so the lake is east of the city, and presumably the cabin is further east, or north asthe beach is by taking the subway south, so the hospital is probably central. If the violent incident was to do with school, the school is close enough to Aqualia hospital that emergency took Nika there, just like it was close enough to take Vic there. So the old house would be basically a similar distance from hospital as it is now, and the school had to be close enough for Noji to commute to work if she needed to drop them off.
It makes it seem like the lake and the hospital are the fixed points of the geography, as they went there as kids with Summer, and now, and it's close enough that they can walk, and the hospital was the closest hospital to where they lived before and after. I imagine they moved after the violent incident for safety reasons? Privacy reasons? But they didn't move too far from Noji's work or the lake.
I think Ocean has a pretty conflicted geography. The lake being the same lake and being walking distance, Summer and Nika walking off to the cabin, and the cabin being a six hour drive from the current house is all incompatible. I'm sure they didn't go for a 6 hour bus trip to the cabin, as it would be 12 hours all up, given both houses were close to the lake. There's no indication that they went to Tropics for any special reason, so presumably it was close enough. I'm guessing it's just in another suburb, not a different county.
...I just spent waaaaaay too long thinking about this, and we're still no closer. Maybe Tropics is as far away as yesterday, or even Season 2 perhaps?

There is no indication that they were always living in Wollust, right? We even know that both the MC and Nami went to a different highschool than Jeff, Mila and Trey. Somehwere out West or East I don't remember. Besides we're all just speculating here. We can't be sure of anything.
Even the similarities between characters don't actually prove any relation since Ocean may just be using the same base models for the vast array of chars in SG. However I can't ignore that young Leia is the spitting image of young Summer. The MC shares tons of similarities with Willi. Nami is remarkably similar to Daphne. Funny thing is we know that Ayua is a Zane yet I don't think she looks anything like any of the Zanes we know. She doesn't even look like Miru at all.
Yes, there is evidence they lived in Wollust, as the hospital that Nika went to is the same one that Vic was at (local emergency), and the lake is one they went to as kids with Noji, and Summer and Nami wanted to go there but it was raining. Tropics was out west - I put all the details above, but I'll condense it.
Regards Willi - Ocean used the same model for young Nika as young Willi in Old WiaB, pre rework. Now young WIlli is different.