
Active Member
Nov 3, 2020
I love the graphics the story looks really good as well BUt plz tell me when we will have sex in it. And Would we have ANal and all the other good stuff?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2021
Well only if you went to the gym with her...
But even that wouldn't make me sure that she would be on his side rather than Nadjas.
She's her friend longer than him and as some characters are prone to forget easily (Best example Nadja as she saw him doing everything in his power to help Sonja but still fell for his fake sexist comments) it's not far fetched to assume Bella isn't any different.
But maybe I'm underestimating the bond that formed between MC and Bella on the Bella route and you're right in thinking she would be on his side.
Based on what i gather from this update bella is out for the next couple of updates so i don't see her picking anyone's side.

But If we were to speculate:

Assuming MC & bella kissed & she recovers from her shock then i say she probably favours MC over Nadia.

If they don't Kiss then She sides with nadia.


Jul 21, 2021
I like this game, but... what happen with the characters? Literally they all are mentally unbalanced, overly emotional, or have some serious emotional trauma. Isn´t there someone normal in that college? Problem writing characters with a heavy emotional baggage is you need to know a lot about psychology and psychiatry to make them credible. If not, the characters are just weird: erratic behavior and random dialogues. And I think that's what happens with this game.

Also, I´m OK with "slow burning", but this game right now seems to advance in circles. Too many characters to get some good scenes of the one of two the player could prefer, a lot of uninteresting conversations and stuff that seems to be there to make the update last longer, like the scenes with the midget, and that thing of the basketball... The MC is kind of an hermit that avoids social contact and don´t gives a shit about other people, and suddenly it´s extraordinarily important for him to enter in the "first team" to beat "the rival college", an "enemy" that he didn't know a thing about the day before... It's already pretty weird to see a character that that only a week ago was so depressed that wouldn´t want to leave his home even to go buy bread and could shoot a woman out of despise, to care so much about the Muslim girl, but it´s OK, let´s say she's pretty and he likes her... but that thing of the basketball... That just doesn´t go with the character.

On the other hand, it seems that the dev is trying to introduce a bit of "spicy" (maybe he thinks people is going to lose interest in the game if not), but in a wrong way: it seems that all female characters are "virgin sluts". They dress super revealing clothes, flirt and tease others (even other girls, always giving each other compliments about their tits, touching each others in inappropriate ways... why all female characters in this kind of game have to behave as repressed, or not repressed, lesbians?) but at the end of the day, they make a big fuss about a kiss or finding a boy and a girl in a bathroom totally clothed and without even kissing or something... Why the female characters can't dress, talk and behave about sex in a more natural and realistic way, if this is supposed to be a "story focused" game, and not just a game for a quick fap?

PD. I get that, after months of development of this game, this tread is right now for fans of this game. People that don´t like this game forgot about it months ago. It means I´m going to receive, probably, mostly "facepalms" being critic with this game. I could have a conversation with people that think I´m wrong, if they are polite and their reasonings are good, but all users that give me "facepalm" for this comment will be ignored (hit the "ignore" button in their profiles).
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May 12, 2021
People who bitch over what Zara and Nadia did without even mentioning MC's actions either are hypocrites or lack the social skills to function in a real world. I don't defend neither Zara and Nadia nor the MC. MC acted like a piece of shit in order to win a practice game and got what he deserved in the end. Ayua warned him when he was playing his "mind games" before, which can put Nami in danger in the upcoming episodes.

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I won't delve into what Nadia and Zara did wrong, since anyone with two braincells can figure it out. What MC did wrong then, you may ask,

1. Stare at them like a creep and compare their bodies in order to make them angry and incite competition between them.

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2. Being a sexist in order to anger Zara and undermine her abilities, in which Mila calls him out.

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3. MC tries to push off Zara, while being aware of her clothing situation and meanwhile grope her ass. Also MC stands by and does nothing (like offering his own shirt) while Zara is nearly half naked in public and doesn't even try to apologize afterwards. Instead he celebrates the win like he won a tournament game.

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MC does all these things just to win a practice game. We are not talking about shit talking during a game, which is normal. Shit talking usually ends when a match ends and normally if someone thinks they overstepped they apologize which MC doesn't even consider. Also some people say that in a real world MC could get into major trouble with authority because of what Zara and Nadia did. In a real world MC would not be celebrating his win, instead he would be trying to explain his action to school authority.

Does all of this excuse Zara's and Nadia's actions. No. But it irks me when people act like they did what they did because they couldn't handle the loss. They acted like that because in their eyes MC acted like a creep and leered at them, undermined their skills just because they are woman, groped Zara and ripped her shirt off and acted like he won a tournament afterwards. I won't even comment on those who blame Robin. I will just leave a screenshots in which Robin lies for MC, to protect his reputation.

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Amazing what people can make a situation look like if they put all the points to the extreme, forgetting all the context.

"got what he deserved in the end"
Not defending the actions of Nadia and Zara? You are contradicting yourself with what you write and the way you write it.
You are defending Nadia and Zara because you are putting the MC's actions in court to win the game that does matter even if you don't believe it, against Nadia and Zara's actions against the MC as if they were understandable and even comparable, when they are not because of how competitive sports work and a bit of common sense.
The only thing I could understand is that they were angry and didn't want to talk to the MC but what they did exceeded all my expectations in their behavior and the lack of mental stability to endure losing a game when they didn't think clearly about their opponent when playing the game.

1. We already know that the MC is not a creep and what he is doing is intended to confuse Nadia and Zara. You are out of your mind if you think this deserves to be assaulted, taken off his clothes and left alone in shorts chained up against his will.
I love the double standard you use. From what the game showed us in this same chapter in the locker room these girls are not innocent, where they "objectified" the MC for his penis size and when they undressed him against his will (It was against his will even though he did not resist) Zara was looking at his crotch to see the size of his penis so let's stop pretending that only men are the "creeps".

2. "Being a sexist" The MC is not a sexist as he himself told Mila. It's to confuse and anger them so they don't think clearly, not something horrible like you make it sound like in your post. This is trash talking and it is very common in sports and obviously it would be even more common in unisex sports and it is not a bad thing. It's pure competitive spirit that the MC seems to be full of.

3. Zara pushed the MC to the floor and what he did is make her fall with him, he didn't want to tear her shirt off (it's not his fault that the material is so bad) and he didn't want to touch her ass either. He doesn't owe her an apology, it would be the opposite, Zara threw the MC to the ground and then there were consequences. Anyone could offer Zara a T-shirt or something not necessarily the MC.
She just got mad because she was losing and it is obvious that she is very competitive and didn't like that she misjudged the MC by someone who didn't know how to play or do tactics.

Not just a "practice game", this "practice" matters. These participants have to show the coaches what they are made of and that they have the necessary skills to be the best. Nadia and Zara would have done the same as the MC to win but you are putting that aside to justify the completely deplorable actions. As Mister Stahl said "Only the strong survive".

"But it irks me when people act like they did what they did because they couldn't handle the loss. They acted like that because in their eyes MC acted like a creep and leered at them, undermined their skills just because they are woman, groped Zara and ripped her shirt off and acted like he won a tournament afterwards. "
You are justifying their actions, they may be angry, okay I understand that but what they did was completely out of line.
Nadia and Zara did that to the MC out of revenge that they lost and underestimated the MC. They themselves said that "They had to take the hate out of their system."
The MC didn't tear the shirt or touch Zara on purpose and we know it and I am sure that Zara knows it too, in the end it was she who threw the MC to the ground on purpose, there are consequences for such actions.
Coach Hill said it like it happened and Zara knows it "There was no reason for you to go in like that in the first place. You obviously planned on crashim into him and you paid for it".
The truth is not a good idea to make men and women play against each other because this kind of thing happens.

What Robin did disgusted me, she basically lured the MC with that his sister/friend had a serious health accident and he has to rush to see her. I don't know in which universe that is fine. I wonder what justification she will give the MC.
Robin didn't lie to "protect" the MC. She is protecting herself and the MC at the same time. Nothing more.

The MC didn't act like "a piece of shit", that's completely exaggerated. I guess you never played a competitive game because there is a lot of trash talking and other tactics like that.
In the end those things have to stay on the court, luckily this is not real life because Nadia and Zara would have been expelled from school for what they did and with good reason. And no, what the MC did is not a reason for expulsion even if it surprises you. There is no place for weak links.

Another thing that you completely ignore is the attitude of Nadia and Zara (mainly Zara) a cocky attitude and completely underestimating the other players. That the MC took advantage of to win. It's not the MC's fault that they can't control their emotions and think tactically on the court just for a bit of trash talking. Simple, they underestimated the MC and paid the price for their ignorance of him.

In the end this is very simple, the MC won with smart/dirty tactics and skill, they lost and felt humiliated. So they went and assaulted the MC, stripping him against his will and chaining him to leave him there until someone finds him half naked. That shit that Zara did to put her foot in his mouth was disgusting, threatening the MC not to do something like that again because she was going to make him swallow her feet (WTF) and she wasn't referring to what you think were her reasons for doing that to the MC. The truth is, I thought that for such competitive women they would know how to lose with a little dignity, but no.
What I understand is that Nadia and Zara thought they were going to win because their opponents weren't comparable to them and reality hit them. Don't underestimate people without prior knowledge about them.
NO this is not justified by what the MC did in court, it was in the court and it isn't comparable to what they did to him at all.
I am not so surprised that the MC acts so calm when he realizes the trap, we have already seen that he is always 10 steps ahead of his opponents. And I hope there is some kind of payback for this against Nadia and Zara.


May 22, 2021
Based on what i gather from this update bella is out for the next couple of updates so i don't see her picking anyone's side.

But If we were to speculate:

Assuming MC & bella kissed & she recovers from her shock then i say she probably favours MC over Nadia.

If they don't Kiss then She sides with nadia.
Yep assuming you went all out on the Bella route then she could very well be on his side.
But it's that very likelyhood that she wouldn't be on your side if you even do 1 thing that is not optimal for her path.
And that's precisely the reason why I favour Nami, Mila and Victoria over her as they won't immediatly go nuts for a simple disagreement.
I put Sasha over her too because of the path were Bella knees you in the balls and the fact that Sasha so far has been nothing but kind to the MC with what little screentime she had and her beeing such a beautiful and mysterious character.
However if you went for the perfect Bella route then she could naturally become your biggest ally next to Nami.


Nov 3, 2020
Amazing what people can make a situation look like if they put all the points to the extreme, forgetting all the context.

"got what he deserved in the end"
Not defending the actions of Nadia and Zara? You are contradicting yourself with what you write and the way you write it.
You are defending Nadia and Zara because you are putting the MC's actions in court to win the game that does matter even if you don't believe it, against Nadia and Zara's actions against the MC as if they were understandable and even comparable, when they are not because of how competitive sports work and a bit of common sense.
The only thing I could understand is that they were angry and didn't want to talk to the MC but what they did exceeded all my expectations in their behavior and the lack of mental stability to endure losing a game when they didn't think clearly about their opponent when playing the game.

1. We already know that the MC is not a creep and what he is doing is intended to confuse Nadia and Zara. You are out of your mind if you think this deserves to be assaulted, taken off his clothes and left alone in shorts chained up against his will.
I love the double standard you use. From what the game showed us in this same chapter in the locker room these girls are not innocent, where they "objectified" the MC for his penis size and when they undressed him against his will (It was against his will even though he did not resist) Zara was looking at his crotch to see the size of his penis so let's stop pretending that only men are the "creeps".

2. "Being a sexist" The MC is not a sexist as he himself told Mila. It's to confuse and anger them so they don't think clearly, not something horrible like you make it sound like in your post. This is trash talking and it is very common in sports and obviously it would be even more common in unisex sports and it is not a bad thing. It's pure competitive spirit that the MC seems to be full of.

3. Zara pushed the MC to the floor and what he did is make her fall with him, he didn't want to tear her shirt off (it's not his fault that the material is so bad) and he didn't want to touch her ass either. He doesn't owe her an apology, it would be the opposite, Zara threw the MC to the ground and then there were consequences. Anyone could offer Zara a T-shirt or something not necessarily the MC.
She just got mad because she was losing and it is obvious that she is very competitive and didn't like that she misjudged the MC by someone who didn't know how to play or do tactics.

Not just a "practice game", this "practice" matters. These participants have to show the coaches what they are made of and that they have the necessary skills to be the best. Nadia and Zara would have done the same as the MC to win but you are putting that aside to justify the completely deplorable actions. As Mister Stahl said "Only the strong survive".

"But it irks me when people act like they did what they did because they couldn't handle the loss. They acted like that because in their eyes MC acted like a creep and leered at them, undermined their skills just because they are woman, groped Zara and ripped her shirt off and acted like he won a tournament afterwards. "
You are justifying their actions, they may be angry, okay I understand that but what they did was completely out of line.
Nadia and Zara did that to the MC out of revenge that they lost and underestimated the MC. They themselves said that "They had to take the hate out of their system."
The MC didn't tear the shirt or touch Zara on purpose and we know it and I am sure that Zara knows it too, in the end it was she who threw the MC to the ground on purpose, there are consequences for such actions.
Coach Hill said it like it happened and Zara knows it "There was no reason for you to go in like that in the first place. You obviously planned on crashim into him and you paid for it".
The truth is not a good idea to make men and women play against each other because this kind of thing happens.

What Robin did disgusted me, she basically lured the MC with that his sister/friend had a serious health accident and he has to rush to see her. I don't know in which universe that is fine. I wonder what justification she will give the MC.
Robin didn't lie to "protect" the MC. She is protecting herself and the MC at the same time. Nothing more.

The MC didn't act like "a piece of shit", that's completely exaggerated. I guess you never played a competitive game because there is a lot of trash talking and other tactics like that.
In the end those things have to stay on the court, luckily this is not real life because Nadia and Zara would have been expelled from school for what they did and with good reason. And no, what the MC did is not a reason for expulsion even if it surprises you. There is no place for weak links.

Another thing that you completely ignore is the attitude of Nadia and Zara (mainly Zara) a cocky attitude and completely underestimating the other players. That the MC took advantage of to win. It's not the MC's fault that they can't control their emotions and think tactically on the court just for a bit of trash talking. Simple, they underestimated the MC and paid the price for their ignorance of him.

In the end this is very simple, the MC won with smart/dirty tactics and skill, they lost and felt humiliated. So they went and assaulted the MC, stripping him against his will and chaining him to leave him there until someone finds him half naked. That shit that Zara did to put her foot in his mouth was disgusting, threatening the MC not to do something like that again because she was going to make him swallow her feet (WTF) and she wasn't referring to what you think were her reasons for doing that to the MC. The truth is, I thought that for such competitive women they would know how to lose with a little dignity, but no.
What I understand is that Nadia and Zara thought they were going to win because their opponents weren't comparable to them and reality hit them. Don't underestimate people without prior knowledge about them.
NO this is not justified by what the MC did in court, it was in the court and it isn't comparable to what they did to him at all.
I am not so surprised that the MC acts so calm when he realizes the trap, we have already seen that he is always 10 steps ahead of his opponents. And I hope there is some kind of payback for this against Nadia and Zara.

Bravo brother. You're absolutely right, and I gonna add more to your comment that Nadia also forgot how good MC is with his mind game and trick. For god sake, they were on the same team once and she knew how he used his mind game on Bella who had more control about her emotion when she lost than Nadia and Zara, Bella is so much more dangerous to mess with than those two cause of her personality. But even then she knew that that was a game and he could use whatever trick he wanted.

So all of that guy logic about what a creep and despicable MC is invalid, if he had played the game more carefully then he would have understood how good MC is with his mind game and he even used it on so much more people before that just to protect Mia.
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Oct 28, 2020
... a lot of uninteresting conversations and stuff that seems to be there to make the update last longer, like the scenes with the midget, and that thing of the basketball...
I absolutely, undoubtedly, wholeheartedly DISAGREE!

...but that thing of the basketball... That just doesn´t go with the character.
The MC himself said he played basketball before the incedent happened with summer... and he was quite good as a shooter...

..., but in a wrong way: it seems that all female characters are "virgin sluts".
Da Fuq you just said? :cautious: I DISAGREE!

why all female characters in this kind of game have to behave as repressed, or not repressed, lesbians?) but at the end of the day, they make a big fuss about a kiss...
Did you pay attention to the plot at all? If you are talking about Bella this behavior is obvious (trauma) and I'm not going to explain this to you. And if you are talking about Namis reaction after MC told her about the kiss, it's even more obvious (love). In fact this tells me that you didn't pay attention to the story at all!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I know what the problem is, the incest disabler and the WT function do not work together
Is there a walkthrough mod without the incest patch?
The walkthrough in the current Sam2504's Multi Mod is only for the incest patched version, which is why it doesn't work with the hack.

Sam2504 - you should probably mention this in your post, so people who don't want incest know not to use your mod.

scrappy has updated his mod to 3.5 though, and it works without the incest patch (they have an optional modded incest patch to download).
Updated for 3.5
Updated the incest path
Removed the gallery since the game dev added his own
A lot of signs point to Sasha being summer. Had an accident hence the scare and maybe some Amnesia. Her and Nami having 1 piece of the same earrings each and she wanted to ask Nami about it but got interrupted. the way she overstretched the MC could point out she recognizes him. Also, the Dev shifts the "camera" to her even when she is not relevant in the scene just to point out her facial expression when the MC does something. All hypothetical though.
I have no idea why this theory constantly pops up, but the dev has said Sasha isn't Summer:
I don't want to upset you, but.....
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so its another 6 months to complete ch 4 or 3.5 was just a taste?
is this final update for chapter 3.5 or normal version will be released
This is the Beta version of 3.5. There should be a 3.5 final in a week or two which fixes any bugs etc.

Oceanlab is now doing releases as half chapters: 3 > 3.5 > 4 etc. The release of 4 will be months away.
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May 4, 2020
I'm calling it now the reason for summer's disappearance, she somehow predicted the future that the mc will have that hair and she committed suicide to spare her from the fate of dating someone with that kind of hair and her suicide somehow traumatized our protagonist and he unknowingly let his hair grow and changed into his hair into his pre-date hairdo.

That or ocean just wanted the mc to have that hairdo just so he can have the excuse to try animate that ridiculous wavy hair dramatically
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