Thanks for saving my time, I'm getting fed up with all these games that are just too big for the dev to handle. It's not like they are developing Manor Lord, Banished or Stardew Valley either. Yet many of the games (not necessarily this game) on here take as long or longer to develop.
No point comparing these games to any of those you mentioned , they are totally different and developed by professionals, these ones are heavily focused on visuals and keeping up with the steady flow of story with attention grabbing writing.
The normal video games development process usually tend to have a big ass development team.
Oceanlab and other few in here are only making their way to be one in this environment. Some quit due to lack of motivation and passion for their current work...some abandon due to lack of funding, apparently this crisis forces those bunch to resume their job as a full-time worker and the pay supposedly makes up more than enough for their daily budget.
Hmm...what I don't get is..What was the point of your post again ?...The incompetence of the lousy developers ? or Could it be you making a point out of a bunch of commas ?..It is the time hole we all fall into while we wait, isn't it ?...You catch on quick mate.