Agh, I personally hate when that happens XD Not only I (
me, I solely, me as a person, just talking about MY personal preferences, don't eat me alive) found Miru the least 'attractive' cause I couldn't like her personality, then I went back to old WIAB and realized that she was plain annoying and her model was the less...
physically appealing. Same happened in WVM, you start with a girfrield (who again, I find the most physically unattractive in the game), but you also can't get rid of her or break up with her. In old WIAB there was a point where you could get rid of Miru, but at this point the damage was done: She already did tons of childish things that got MC in trouble, and despite being annoying, I'm a softie who hates to break Miru's heart, even if she's a fictional character and I don't like her that much

Gotta admit new Miru is miles better than the original, but it still sucks that we have to stick with her when I personally (and I assume some others as well) just want a blank slate. However, the story, visuals and music are so good that I still got hooked enough to keep playing and waiting for updates.
Also, on another topic.... SG's reworked scenes look great, but I gotta agree with Bella's change of outfit, gonna miss her casual tee and her shorts.