Nah cant imagine that those two games will ever be "merged" or something. They are so different in just everything, besides renderquality.I'd really like to know the reason(s) behind this decision. I may be wrong but the way I see it if he'd concentrate on SG alone the updates would come faster, he would then gain more patrons for sure and thus more money for more/better equipment, beneficial to both WiAB and SG. But maybe he's planning on having them interconnect at some point and that might be why... I dunno.
MAYBE some characters from one game will have a cameo in the other for a short notice... to show that its the same universe (like Melody, DmD, Sunshine Love for example) but i dont think so... wouldnt add anything to the games.
Why Ocean decided to develop both games at the same time? Well i would say... they startet with WIAB, i played the "old" version once, wasnt my thing... than i stumbled over SG and wondered how it can be that the quality is so different... obviously they improved a lot in making renders/animations/cinematics And they startet to remake WIAB completely. To bring it up to the level of SG in technically quality so to speak...
They never intented do drop one game over the other. And i think it has something to do with "not getting bored" it can be very exhausting to write just von VN for many years... Most DEVs just quit at some point, or dont have any ideas anymore. Or are going over to just milk the patreon site with making wallpapers and rather small updates with nearly no progress at all, cause they dont know how to progress their game, have no ideas to finsih it, and no ideas to start a new one... dont know why so many patreons stay behind these DEVs. But well, thats another story...
So i think Ocean makes both games at the same time to stay "inspired" cause both games are so different. The remake of WIAB was necessary cause the "old" game was kinda a mess at some point and the render quality was way behind SG... and i think they want to use the same software and so on for both games to make it easier to create content for both.
and we should not forget... Oceanlab is NOT a one-man-show as far as i know that was the case at the start of WIAB but not anymore.
I think too that if they would focus on one game, to make faster and bigger updates for it, it would lead to more supporters... but maybe not? Maybe its a good strategy too to deliver to very different games to widen the "target group" i dont know.
Maybe they are just to fond of the two games and cant let one go for the other.
Let me say it like this... if the quality of storytelling and overall quality stays high like this, and we at least get an SG update every 7-8 months... well i can live with that.
Just one thing... MAYBE it would be agood idead to cut the fantasy board game sessions way shorter... it was really nice and well made, but lets face it... it was the major part of chapter 4, and i think most people dont care about that, they want content with the actual real characters ^^
In some other games there were some parts like this too, but were a lot shorter, it a nice distraction, and iam fine with it... but not that long please. Was to time consuming.