
Active Member
May 17, 2022
I really wish MC would knock up Nami already (before we all die of old age). I mean c'mon, he has a dry spell that needs to end and she's the best option. Incest is better than resorting to stick your dick in crazy and she wants his bad anyway.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2022
Just finished the Summer's Gone update, as I didn't play since v3.5. Gotta say, for an update that took 11 months... it didn't disappoint. I went in like this update better be good and it atleast met my expectations.

Renders are phenomenal and MC is kinda coming out of his shell and is implied that he is bringing back his old attitude, so it's good and that's something.

The step-sister storyline is a nice addition so that MC being around more girls doesn't feel forced and feels natural because it is indeed an AVN. Not to mention MC and Zara's competitiveness with and against each other.

The other step-sis, Vanessa is going to be a force to be reckoned with. Her interactions with the MC felt like this anime-styled, who will big brain each other and who is more intelligent to win this game of chess.

Bella looked like she really didn't want to hit pause on their relationship and it feels like she wants more and she really misses him.

Nami lake scene AND jacuzzi scene might probably be the highlight of the update for me. Lake scene fortifies their relationship even more and jacuzzi scene advances their "physical" intimacy even more. Great scenes.

The tabletop game, I think gives bonding time and relationship points for Nadia, Nancy, and especially Sonya with her occasional glances towards MC and playfulness towards the figurines suggests likeness towards MC.

In the chapter 1 rework, the MC's interaction with the child with candies in the hospital scene and in another scene where MC took Bella's sandwich is a nice addition and gave a little humor to the story and a little personality to the MC.
It also added life into the environment. So it wouldn't feel like it's dead, the environment felt alive. I really liked it.

Also, just to bring up the render quality again... Ocean gave the background NPCs/characters unique faces and also made them hella attractive. No complaints here though.
But for those who despised the hella long development time the update took, this could be one of the things you could blame. It's unnecessary, although I liked it.


Nov 12, 2019
hello all

HELLO OCEANLAB i really thanks to you for this amazing job's you do.

Very great job indeed, it takes a lot of times and effort indeed for remastering quality of this game, nothing to complain about it, you reached perfectly well and some caractere s are well reveled now. (little animation, slow motion place as well, many little détails not forget give a very immertion and a special atmosphere that i like to find in some game (like broken dreamer as exemple). In fact this game past in hight lvl renders, graphics and atmosphere.

The story and the multiple road issue offer of the mc's give a real interesting potential. But the developpement can be a little to slow and give the impression to start in any direction's...A big puzzle, but without progression on the main stories.

So many thing's stay hanging on...
what do the barber, inquieries on mc's, what he gona discovere ? does he gonna play a double game and a bad tricks to bella on mc s ? What about the thugs guy's reaction after mc's fighing ?

what about the date with victoria ?? she still in the shadows, as a second plan..

i m agree with some point of view. like victoria be in denial at the begining is totaly real aspcet and credible, but its also impossible to not have a depression mood time after a choc like this. And same she stay in denial postmind. Because the reality the trauma, make realise what s you loose and you have to past about normal psychologic process, denial, depression, anger, of what happen, and of course the cause of all this; what about marla's acting react against her. Time to resilience, pardon take a lot of time, and pardon steal already incertain. that can change mindstate people a lot, enough to be the opposite of what they are.....this is a normal psychologic human process.

Obviously mc's have a point of remember, a confrontation experiences with summer issue through the victoria case. Something he is not able to do with summer but maybe try to recover and heal by support and take care as victoria date or something like this...

Gives bella's road exclusivity for now is not completly out, bella change a lot and the mc s find someone who seam's to be the miror of him..inside and outside the buisness they do...
Also all time, story suggest harem or multiple choice road but without give any begining of issue or real decision into this.. Strange...give like floated feelings and down the story a bit

But above all this point, i really thinks time as come to stopping teasing and turn around. i mean's
some sex scene will be very welcome and not deserve the game at all..but make it growing up really. Especially if they rise up the story and interaction between caractere's.. mc's and nany have cross the line's for this..etc etc

So you said it can t !? because the Mc s have some traumatic experience ?

Well, there's enough beautifull woman for some girl / girl (like vanessa /nani after nani stay in trouble after the spa, for exemple) and some girl s interaction.

And so many situation for the mc's. Like Mc s and bella's mother.
The mc's patient fall in love to her therapsit, second mother , with give the teddy to the mc, interaction can't be neutral, they can cross the line for the mutliple reason, don't you think ? (in fact it s a bit case between mc's and nai relation)
Does she considerate him as own child ? as a sort of under oedipus complexe, she want realise it for his health, to cure and deliver him ? Developped a competiton beetwen bella's and her own mother for the mc's ? All this situation are credible and could give some spicy to the game.

or simply Bella and the mc's (in the logic on they relation grows, basic but a little be anoying, not ? ;))
And a lot of situation can open by some different road...

the important is not for me sex scene for sex scene, but give a rise up of this game....Until touch the star

i really thinks with a potential of this game . it s a shame stay in blue ball way......

What do you think Guy's ?


Nov 12, 2019
This is no problem for me, i prefer a good written story more then lewd scenes wich are just a lil Bonus for me. Love the VN how it is. It makes the Lewds even more Special when it happens. Since this is not a Porn Logic VN this is the way to go. :unsure:
iI completely agree with you, but as I explain, one does not prevent the other and can enrich each other when they are creating a good axle just like animations..and of course turn this game in simply porn vn will be a complet desaster...


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
Mild continuity thing, dunno how much it'll bother the dev, but when you go to the restaurant with Bella she has red nails, then as soon as you step outside and she's leaning on the car they go back to a natural colour and then stay that way for the rest of the evening.

Speaking of Bella I kinda wish it'd been the MC's choice on whether he agreed with her about if they could be together or not, especially as he admits that she's the reason he's changing... even if he thinks it'd go sour after the honeymoon phase I feel like it should be our choice where he falls on that side of things. (I'm presuming they can still end up together as it'd be silly otherwise, but that felt like an important moment and I really didn't vibe how it went down and there was no player agency).

I was by and large following the walkthrough mod's choices for a fresh playthrough... but I think whenever chapter 2 is redone I'll go back through and maybe do more of a pure Bella route as characters like Mila I'm not really interested in, I want to be nice and help her out but not lead her on about a date and things... if characters like Bella's mother (dear god I hope so, but I've got a feeling it's an unrealistic hope), Sasha, etc. become romancable I'll give them their own playthrough... prob should have one for Nami as I feel bad for her (though she's a bit of a dick for rocking Summer's haircut)... Nia and Ayua could be fun too.

Would be nice if he could figure out a way to stop cinematics being skipped when you've got transitions off, as having to keep toggling it each time does break you out of the story a bit, but it'd be unbearable to play with them left on given he's made every single render have a fade - you'd more than double the time you spend going through the game just due to those.

Oh and real minor thing, but isn't some of the character's fake eyelashes getting a little bit ridiculous as time goes on...

Cut to the wrong screen, when the parent is talking to MC and sister, before meeting her BF... but that could be a compressed or walkthrough mod issue.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Hey, I'm having a problem pertaining the sound in cutscenes and video's in your game.

The sound of cutscenes or videos that have their own audio build in don't play. I can see the the video and hear an intermittent cracking and popping noise but any other sound of the video is silent. I can hear the separate audio of the game like the music tracks or ambiant sounds, but not the one included in the webm file of the cutscene.
I extracted the archives and played the videos on my media player and there the sound was perfectly clear but in game it failed to be audible.

I'm playing your game on windows 7. Any help would be apreciated
It would be the best, if you take this into discord of Oceanlab
I I asume, that you getting there more and faster support than here! :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Speaking of Bella I kinda wish it'd been the MC's choice on whether he agreed with her about if they could be together or not, especially as he admits that she's the reason he's changing... even if he thinks it'd go sour after the honeymoon phase I feel like it should be our choice where he falls on that side of things. (I'm presuming they can still end up together as it'd be silly otherwise, but that felt like an important moment and I really didn't vibe how it went down and there was no player agency).
Sure they end up together (if we want her as LI), unless the MC does something very stupid or we are forced to decide whether to take Bella or Nami, Mila, whoever we want out of the burning house at a certain little house BBQ ...

Either way, we should keep this handy, just i case Ocean is a sadistic bastard...


Anyway, even if the MC decides to end the story with Bella, the game shows us that we are still on the Bella part, or what LI we preffer. The first one with Bella on the homescreen of the smarphone is shown after the, lets call it "one sided breakup" with Bella.



Active Member
May 17, 2022
So when's Nami getiing knocked up by the
It seems like your the dev and if you want developer tags you will need to pm one of the staff for it, @TCMS is one of them.

Incest is my main fetish and I hope there will be lots of kissing and maybe pregnancy later in the VN.:p:love::giggle:
Downloading now.
Be prepared to be disappointed, as it's posssibly quicker to corrupt/seduce/fuck/inpregnate your sis in real life and the screen before the title states as much. And yeah wondering when Nami is getting knocked up by the MC. It makes me wish AVN's and particularly MC and other character personalities were optionally written by AI after answering a bunch of questions during an intro. Ie if you are like me and knocked up and married your sis in real life (incest isn't just a fantasy fetish) you can make your MC as close to the real life you as possible for those that are into realistic AVN's (in my case Nami and MC would be less hesitant to fuck and give less of a shit what anyone else thinks of it after, depending on story setting and whether it's legal there or not, it is in Ohio). And even if that would make walkthrough's impossible as then virtually every playthrough would be unique. It's a shame that Renpy probably can't handle something like running AI in the background.
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Jun 14, 2021
compelling story, I like it

renders are wonderful, adds so much to the atmosphere of the story

aside from the sister thing ... I do like Nami as a LI ... she cares for MC so much

as for the others, most have their good points and all have a mysterious edge .... kinda felt forced into the Bella thing, but am ok with that ... tho I'd rather not hurt her more then she has already been

the others, Mila, Vic, and the others are all special in their own way (any of them would be good choices), even the current non LI's have potential ... still leaning towards Nami, tho kinda wish she was not a sis, hopefully she's just a 'step'

and Nojika is the best milf in the running (outside of her bein step-mom), and that says alot because the other milfs are also top-notch in their own way

anyway, keep up the good work
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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
I have been saving this up for a while, haven't played it since Ch3. Now I started it from the beginning, and damn it was worth it.
This is the stuff of legends. I usually skip most dialogue in games(except Eternum, Hillside and Chasing Sunsets), because in all earnest most of them are utterly boring and badly written. Here however, there are so many subtle hints, quirks etc. that it is worth not skipping, since they deliver an immersion of a one of a kind level. This masterpiece is not a game, it goes way beyond that, it is the pinnacle of digital art embedded in a really well written story. No adult scenes?? So what? The tease in this novel beats out most hardcore scenes in any other game. I can hardly imagine how it will be, if there will be finally lewd scenes of this depth.
In most games, I like one or two girls, typically mostly side LI s. But in this one, they are all very unique, interesting, I cannot find any woman, which I do not find to be interesting/gorgeous. (personality + appearance) It will be damn hard to make a choice. Yes this is ART my fellow pirates, hands down the best creation here on this site, no contest here.
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Active Member
May 17, 2022
Ok, i have a question, Nami is the only blood related character right? Nojiko really is supposed to be yours and Nami's adoptive mother, right?


Dec 9, 2017
Ok, i have a question, Nami is the only blood related character right? Nojiko really is supposed to be yours and Nami's adoptive mother, right?
I'd say yes, but something about her being a redhead where the story is constantly reminding you of that seems fishy imo...


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
I don't get it. It says Nami's photo book will be released with chapter 4, yet it is empty. Did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
will the earings play a part in later chapters? i know a little bit is somewhat answered
also can we have a spin-off of the board game they were playing? i was really into that maybe have Bella join too?


Sep 18, 2021
will the earings play a part in later chapters? i know a little bit is somewhat answered
also can we have a spin-off of the board game they were playing? i was really into that maybe have Bella join too?
Yeah the earings will lay a story arc between Nami and Sasha which might connect us back to some event and character of WIAB.
If you mean that they play the game again ? Yeah they'll but it's kept aside for a good number of updates. So don't expect it any soon


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Yeah the earings will lay a story arc between Nami and Sasha which might connect us back to some event and character of WIAB.
If you mean that they play the game again ? Yeah they'll but it's kept aside for a good number of updates. So don't expect it any soon
yeah Naomi said that a woman gave it to her after she found out about MC and Summer she felt alone betrayed and all that then this woman appeared and gave it to her
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