Or, and humor me to think on it, she wants to monsterify humanity and herself into new species of monsterkind in somewhat controlled manner, and become the precursor/first among her kin, which with her as a chosen of Body would put her on top-dog spot. Like with Syla and Silats. Or like Indra and Devas. Or like Aos and Daoine Sidhe. Or Eisheth and her whatever she has, I think besides M66 it was not stated what name her kind has. Or like - probably - another instances of this happening in the past.
I'm not really sure this is the case, either with what Ella wants neither it usually happening like that, but many things point to it. Like there is multiple similar situations with chosen and their kin being most glaring - if there's a pattern, then it's probably for a reason. Aglaecwif stating monsters do not come to the human world to conquer it, as this is not their objective, indicates there is another. And there is -to our knowledge- no more Water People or Sky People or their versions of superhumans around, but we know at least some of Water People and their supers became Silats, like Syla for example. Indra also reminisces about time before becoming what he is, what his people were before now.
And we still do not know for what the Dark Moon entire deal is, but I'd have a guess it's to manifest Apostles for long enough to condust a ritual of some sorts, like permanently connecting the world to higher plane, creating new Qliphoth to terraform the world or/and force-infect entire population and put them on specific path of evolution. And since Ella wants more power and influence, getting entire race of beings on your command together with removing any locals who would challenge her - my money's on that.