Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating : 9.9/10, the best porn game in my opinion.

    • Excellent artwork
    • Storyline is great and also has great potential
    • The MC's dark personality
    • Great character gallery
    • Pretty good sandbox
    • Slooooowww updates, I keep checking in on this game a lot for updates :\
    • Animations appear halfway-ish through the game
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Now I'm not gonna lie I really enjoy this game. The art is phenomenal and the story is enjoyable. Now I know this isn't the full game and I will most likely change my rating later on if possible but there a few flaws. I am not a game developer so I have no idea how hard it is to make a game but every now and then the writing is misspelled, the game freaks out and has black everywhere, and like I said its not complete so some game aspects aren't in yet but I completely understand how humans aren't perfect and in tiredness could have missed a few things. I apologize if this review is a little harsh because I really enjoy this game which is why the review may rude. I will be honest though I (despite what I just wrote) can't wait for the final game.

    All the best - [Mister_Arch]

    (For Version: v0.68.2a)
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.68.2a

    Well lets start with the good, i really like this game art, its got an unique flare to it that makes it stand out apart from other games. The ""Animation"" in the art is an absolute joke, its just 2-4 pictures moving rapidly with blurry effect, in all honesty it would have been better if there was no attempt at this so called animation.
    The story i have enjoyed, the character interactions between Mc and his Ego were pretty fun, yet i honesty think the relationship between the two were sidestepped and sidelined, it could have been so much more fun if they had more refined interaction between each other.
    The story itself is divided into character arcs and in all honesty its really hit or miss depending on the character.

    Good game, but i would not call it great.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece!
    Picture are magnificent and the story keeps you in like some kind of drug. Every character gives you a rich story in this great point and click game were scenes rewards you wonderfully. Need more NTR though ;p . One of my fav game. I recommend this game a lot.
    Can't wait to see the next update.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is good but not a lot of hot characters, though. 3.5/5
    The story and dialogue are quite mediocre 2.5/5
    The sex scenes could be better executed. Too stiff. 3/5

    TT deserves some praises but not a lot.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Gonna try to keep it clean and simple:

    If you like to be DOMINANT in BDSM plus Women with exaggerated bodies, you will have a lot of fun with this game, this game is designed to be dirty and doing a good job at doing it.

    Since the start of development, this game thrived both in art design and gameplay mechanics which is promising.

    Give this game a try if you’re into both of the words I highlighted above.
    there's a good amount of content to keep you entertained.
    and keep in mind to Support your favorite developers, indie developers won't thrive unlike those who mess up a multi-billion dollar franchize.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, great art. The fetish list is clearly interesting, the BDSM part isnt maybe my favorite but the corruption increase on the most beachy characters is totally great. Cant wait to the next update!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version: 0.68.2a

    A Jekyl and Hyde tale of a MC plowing his way through all the girls (and then some) in town.


    This 5-star rating is inflated like the MC's horse cock due to the game's potential. Honestly, it's 4- or maybe even 3-star worthy at the moment with all the bugs the game has, but I'm assuming the 'a' in the version indicates that it's alpha and therefore forgiving those issues--for now.


    The art style is unique, beautiful and somehow feels distinctly British. I prefer slender characters and generally dislike exaggerated T&A, but everything else is so gorgeous that I can overlook it. Faces, expressions, gestures--gaping anuses (anii? anii-chan???)--all are lovely. The styling is top notch and some of the best I've seen. However, animation is minimal; it's present and exquisitely subtle in characters at times, but the lewd scenes consist mainly of stills or a series two-image transitions.


    The tale this game tells is entertaining enough, and the two-faced nature of the MC and plotting by other individuals and groups can leave you questioning who is playing who. The MC himself can alternate between tender (simpy/wimpy/pussy/cucky/fuckboi) and harsh to the point of cruelty, but his egos also seem to influence each other throughout the course of the game. I expect the MC's house of cards to mostly remain standing in the end--it is a porn game after all--but there's enough doubt to keep things interesting.

    Characters are unique! Each person has a very distinct personality which adds a ton of flavor to the story, and the characters' personalities occasionally change or become revealed over time. Authors of other games could learn a lot about characterizations from Taffy Tales.

    This story seems like it's written by a Brit and an American. Some obviously British words, but later on some American-based history references and quizzes. A bit weird but no biggie.

    There are a few relatively trivial problems:

    * Text doesn't always match the artwork (ex: "She stroked her hair" while both girls' hair is under head gear)
    * Spelling is atrocious. I'm probably the only one who cares about this. :)
    * Some of the wording is repetitive. This game badly needs a proofreader or editor.
    * 'Peter' is hard coded as a name in several areas, which is obvious if you rename the MC.
    * Names are switched in several dialogues.


    Some directions and locations are non-obvious and unintuitive. The first few days ('Raise immorality to n') can be confusing and may drive away new players. This *really* needs to be made more descriptive.

    Quest directions in general need to be tightened up along with some descriptions. (A 'school closet' makes you think of an indoor location, right? Tip: It's not.)

    Also, occasionally exiting and reentering a room is necessary to trigger an event.

    There are a few minigames that are mostly done well; however, some of them appear to be designed to thwart autoclickers and require some serious keyboard mashing if you don't use autohotkey.

    A bright spot is the multiple choice questions that force you into eventually selecting the correct answer before continuing the dialogue. This prevents save scumming and branching inadvertently into an unwanted path.

    Completion flags are wildly inconsistent, with some events being repeatable (Violet has a long one) or conversations happen out of order ("My first BJ!" ehhh, nope.) This and quest descriptions are mostly what needs to be cleaned up.

    No text rollback (I think?)

    The dialogue skip button is only selectable while a conversation is active. Combine that + no rollback and conversations can be accidentally and permanently missed, unless you roll back to an earlier save. The Options screen has a skip read/unread toggle but it appears to work independently of the skip button in the conversation UI.

    Characters are duplicated. Becca can show up twice in the classroom in one instance. Occasionally a character is not visible ('Talk to Priscilla about her grades').

    Unity putting saved games in the Windows registry. It's not really the author's fault but I hate it. This could be encoded inside the PNG images that are generated for each save slot.


    Great corruption game. Give it a whirl. I think most of the NTR is skippable but you'll have to cuck a dude a few times to build a complete harem. Worth.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Best summarised as an inferior version of Summertime Saga, with significantly worse art and gameplay, and incredibly bloated writing.
    Ah, and lots of (sexual) violence and rape directed in women, frequently under the effects of drugs whilst doing so.

    Made the mistake of playing this on mobile, and one might think in Summertime Saga props were small, this game takes the cake by a mile. There are a ton of small items sitting at very sharp angles as to convey horizontal rest, making the attempted gathering a real trial and error.
    Outlining is further inconsistent, with enviromental objects seemingly outlined as to signal interactivity, despite not being so. The vica versa is also true.

    Gameplay is rather monotonous, with little in way of variety, usually consisting of get x then go to y, or meet with character at z location.
    Many hours in I came across only two minigames, neither particularly original, or great for that matter.

    Not great is also what the writing is, being ludicrously bloated.
    Being a fan of text based and reading in general I am not one to skim writing, but fucking hell is this thing a creamy pastry somehow filled with 90% air. I don't remember the last time I saw this amount of needless dialouge with the self, fialing to convey meaningful information or advance character development.
    Large portions are spent on spewing insults at one another and swearing, which of course all women present find secretely seductive.
    Not to mention the MC devotes significant energy to the exploitation of the disadvanteged, whether those come in the form of financial instability, drug dependency or social status; or just downright drugging and rape. Frankly the subject matter is depressing and concerning to be of joy to some.
    No points for creativity either, as we have all the stereotypical characature present; with MC gaining distinctive identity disorder (usually referred to as schizo) after an injury of sorts, rich girl with parental figure issues, black guy secretely dealing with drugs, monetarily adventagious male being a cuck and so on.

    The worst aspect by a mile is the art. In most cases it is comically bad, coming so from not bad rendering or anything alike, rather anatomy and form proportions.
    Women have a borderline anorexic body, with freaksihly long limbs and neck. Attachment of large breasts onto these frail bodies makes them all look all the more entertaining, but certanily not as intended. Quite a few have their breasts as perfectly rounded masses on their chest without any natural curvature, eliciting laughter the first time I saw it. I cannot fathom how this terrible anatomy can come to be from someone who's clearly adept at rendering.
    Despite being visually focused, art has a tendency to change drastically (presume to be different artists) between scneses, particuarly for intercourse, but on ocassion changes mid scene. These styles are quite different as well, with some relying havily on line work whilst others use none of it.
    Further worth mentioning some strange design decisions, such as the map being ortographic with locations only placed along two roads, resulting in a massive green void of grass in the middle, and the look of a poorly planned SimCity block.

    Bugs were plentiful, with a number of soft locks, menu non-interactivity or items failing to show up, fortunately most were possible to clear with a reload, but still not ideal for budget of this size.

    Overall, this game comes to second compared to alternatives, failing to contribute anything more than rape and violence.
    I am genuenyl surprised for the amount of attention and funding it managed to keep over the years.

    I'd also advise the degenerative nature of the project be declared more visibly, but that's here nor there.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not the most polished piece of pornographic gaming, but it has a little of everything for everyone, and it is still being updated. It isn't a full release build yet of course, but you can help by going to their patreon.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    let it be 4. somewhere inbetween 'above average' and 'good' [068.2a] and as some bonus to battle some ntr haters with few stars.

    (y)the good
    -developed /with content
    -qol (cash-stats cheats, ingame tips, minigame skipping)
    -no crucial bugs (havent run into any)

    -saves are incompatible (i play for the first time and dont care rn, regular followers prolly use a cheat to get the save of a previous version ending but what about those who play it occasionally and dont follow up quick enough )
    -no teleport to your room to avoid some extra clicking
    -text skipping is at decent rate but not insta-renpy like (cannot help myself)
    -ingame tips are often vague (especially if you dont read dialogues). u can run into by chance or figure out quickly about 2/3 of it ; for another 1/3 searching the thread is advisable.
    -some quests are troublesome (find becca. for that dont forget to 'try to fap' in the stall and follow the quest chain to have 2 french lessons, after that her house door is interactable)
    -later mechanics with picking npc/mary feels unnecessary overall. mostly mary has only one action so id prefer some pop-up event instead of extra clicking&skiping: walking-going somewhere-action-going back to sleep-skipping her thoughts before sleep (semi-grind) ; also once she took the sunday slot i needed, so id opt for the ability to change npc 24/7 (as mostly with mary it feels like waste of day) or for day+1 /-1 cheat

    the bad the ugly - ART
    - big boobs (meh) and ugly big boobs (shame shame shame!)
    - some visual inconsistencies & dispropotions (incl rather abnormal arses and shapes) especially during sex scenes.
    - mc has horsy dick sometimes expanding to rocket launcher. (so it is more like monster girl boy fantasy game which means rip all the sex scenes and any possible immersion)
    - sometimes art feels animeish-hentaish. (not an expert)
    - no fem npc face is good enough.
    all milfs look like being on drugs.
    no gial is cute and catchy (well natalie from the shop and the redhead gial seems ok - but almost no content. all the others id range from okeish to tolerable )

    it is kinda upsetting as it feels like that artist is capable of having much better drawings (black stud and principal are kinda tracish & somewhat realistic but who cares; some occasional shots and angles of fems are quite alright, some attention to faces details and shades) so i have no idea why not to make more realistic and-or more attractive fems .
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has good art, ok stories and ok gameplay. It's basically a VN with the classic tacked-on point and click puzzles and day/night cycle. They're all easy and don't get in the way that much. The reason to play this game is if you like the art, which tbf is really good. But the stories that lead to the art are often underwhelming and not compelling at all. They swing from generic (rich girl being stuckup until you fuck her senseless) to just downright mismanaged, specifically with the qt next door neighbour who's relationship progresses extremely fast, going from your high school crush to a masochistic slut in like 3 scenes. Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing for a porn game, but, in terms of having a character that has a cohesive character, it doesnt rly work. At least for me.

    That isn't to say the stories don't serve their purpose, because they do, they are there to shove some porn into your face, but beyond that, they're very forgettable.

    It's a 4/5 stars because the art is really good, and the annoying elements listed above aren't *that* annoying.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Games good and better than many peersonally i dont udnerstand why people gives low rating i think 3 is okay but 1 and 2 is insult for this game yeah i know theres problems here and i know NTR not liked by mand plus pussy mc personality but still art is good some characters good many sexy scenes good yeah some characters and scenes not that good and characters too like some characters act like moron idiot or even they have no power or anything like that they act like bossy but still i dont think this game deserves less than 3.5 .

    Yeah NTR is big dislike for me too i know people dont like that but i dont like stories where mc stay pussy coward while girls get banged other than that meh dont care.

    I cant say sure but maybe my score can go down with future updates like mc becoming retard or that one stupid character still acting like boss and fucking other girls other than that i dont care.

    For last i really wish author not adding NTR or cuck scenes to main story that always ruined by them and games believe me i play western and japanese games just add them as side stories or if stories.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.68.2a

    Beautiful artwork and well-written characters and on top of that interesting main plot. If your main fetish maledom or corruption, than I strongly recommend to at least to try this game for 30 minutes.+

    Outstanding art, you can see it in game locations, characters, backgrounds and sex scenes. There is blink animation in standing pose, but in sex scenes there is only alternation between 2 pictures, I know it sounds quite bad, but actually it is well produced and better than full animations in some games.

    Fetishes and sex scenes
    Many moons ago author promised 2 separated path: Normal and NTR, but 3 years after and there is only 1 mini NTR scene, so further I will describe only available path now. Lead fetish is maledom with accompanying fetishes like: bdsm, exbitionism, slave, sex toys and netori. Worth noticing trap content, which is skippable. Sex scenes are absolutely astonishing, author undoubtedly knows, that hotness of situation is a half of success of sex scene and other half is distributed between art and dialogues. For examples of such I can refer to these: Loving mom of your best friend sucks under the table, while you casually talk with him or MC use his "landlady" as carpet for his feet.

    Characters development
    Each character has an unique temper and while you corrupting them your interactions with them changes too. Some can be corrupted and fucked very easily, others can deny your requests and after that you only want try harder to corrupt them. But this department has a problem, characters can drastically change their relations with others without proper reason for that. Yeah, I know sometimes this is because of hiring new writer, other times because of patreon TOS, but it just confusing.

    You play as barely legal shy boy living with caring "landlady" and bratty "roommate", your father is dead (most dangerous role in porn games, amirite?) and you are only man in the house, also you go in school full of hot girls. Then after accident you start hearing another voice in your head, more sadistic and self assuring, and after that it start corrupt women and changing boy. Also there are secret high society, occult things and chance to know whom your father really was.
    Anyway story is good for porn game with this kind of fetishes, so I recommend you to try follow it.

    Game design is similar to Summertime saga with addition minigames. Stats and money systems absolutely useless, so you can save your time and simple use cheatcode or modify savefile. The game is basically linear, this means if you want to get scenes with one character and completely ignore another then I can tell, that you just can't do it and you will need press good old ctrl for skipping text. Also there are in-game walkthrough, which is quite hard to understand sometimes and good gallery, where is almost all scenes that in a game, except short ones.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Horrible dialog. I mean, insufferable. MC is a typical evil/good schizo, but good version is a total goober and evil version is a rapist. Both are detestable. There's so much rape/sexual assault in this "game". Grotesque oversized boobs and penises. Thinly veiled racism. Very little guidance as to what to do. "Story" is disjointed and nonsensical. Bad grammar and spelling. Only "mini-game" encountered so far is a tedious and not at all fun click at the right time type game. The art is okay, but poorly utilized. Three hours in and nothing worth fapping to.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful artwork, lots of content (as of v0. 68.2a) all kinds of different characters with cool stories and fetishes for all tastes. Only con is that some characters get unlocked only pretty late in the game, kinda wish I, could pursue them since day 1. Overall best 2D game here.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    great game remind me of princess trainer also i love that story gets more deeper and there's good drama in story so overall really great game
    and also i am gald it's not confusing as other point and click games
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Feels like its trying to copy summertime saga ,which would be great if the dev could pull it off, the game is extremely linear, and you can't just go after the characters you are interested in, also it is still full of bugs even in the intro.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    A slow buggy mess. The art style is passable at best and laughably bad at worst (the women are largely grotesque inflated monsters and the main characters penis is the size of a small child). A bizarre obsession with fetishising making someone a crossdressing twink and then not raping him completely when vulnerable.

    Why this gets any money or attention on patreon honestly reminds me of suspiciously wealthy gay furries
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay. Let's talk!
    For a loooooong time I didn't want to play this game. I found the graphic style, and all that cuck shit off-putting.
    In the end, there's a lot of NTR, but you're the bull ( otherwise, you're warned you're gonna get cuck
    and you can avoid it).
    In the end, the graphical style is easy to get used to ( and yet I'm not a fan of big monstrous dicks and gaping holes ). There is also a trap, but you can choose to avoid it.
    The scenario is mostly based around corruption. It's quite dark, the MC goes far in his plan, it's vanilla, but not far from deep festish.
    In the end, I kind of regret not having played this game before!