Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    as someone who prefer the more domination type games this is right up my alley

    Story is actually really good in fact its the first time i actually care about it in a renpy game

    gameplay is your standart fetch quest get scenes with minor minigames nothing to write home about but that isn't the focus

    The fetishes are great i mean look at the tags alone and i like it you have some choices and its not just your typical kinetic novel with different paths(I'm on the maledom one so far that's pretty good)

    The art is different some might not like it(i dint at first) but it will grow on you especially given the later scenes seem to be in much higher quality then the old scenes

    I had to subtract some bugs before but turns out the recent patch fixed most of the games previous issues so right know I'm going to give it a full on 5 stars

  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit to an old review: The game has only shown signs of decline. Many of the newer reviews cover it. Plot worse. Game becoming needlessly convoluted with now two separate versions instead of...I don't know...players having in-game choices? Like a game? Art is worse, and that was one of the biggest drivers. A classic case of trying to compromise with everyone by offering what no one wanted. None of the complaints I have in my original view were resolved, only worsened. All I can do is drop the score I give it.

    Original review:

    Okay, let's try and break this down because it's a big one. Consider much of the following to be like a sports fan ranting about the state of the sport. Doesn't matter how much negativity they show, you know they love it. Most of the issues I suspect are a result of the scale of the game and the work that goes into producing it.

    First thing is, there's a lot of content right now. Places to go, people to see, dialogue to be had, stuff to buy. There's some minigames. Those minigames are skippable with the Patreon pass if you hate them, and that password is in the OP of the thread.

    Next thing is the art work. That's the biggest draw to this game. You can use your own eyes and check out the screenshots. Don't expect particularly realistic proportions, but if you like big asses and big tits then this is probably for you. Personally, I fucking love it.

    After that, we'll go dialogue. The script is good if you want a MC who is a total asshole and fairly well onto the rapey side of things. The MC has a split personality, but the good side isn't the one who does the "seducing". In with this I'll say the plot is interesting and keeps you wondering about where it'll go (obviously towards a massive harem, but I mean aside from that). I absolutely love the depravity, the exploitation, and some of the cruelty. It's not the most extreme game, it all stays within the boundaries of Patreon rules, but it certainly pushes it to the limits (by the way, did I mention that renaming Mary fits the dialogue better if you make it a shorter title beginning with an M?).

    So why the need to break this game down in a review? Because I think the quality of what I've mentioned so far is very high, but there are some downsides coming and it's tough to balance. The plot, the porn, the art, the corruption, is all so good and the quantity is so impressive that it makes up for a ton. It just can't make up for everything.

    Continuity matters! This game suffers from obvious rewrites. Again, not wanting to spoil anything but a character will leave town forever and then be seen in the background having conversations with no mention of the fact they just fled. It's just annoying. And I'm commenting after the latest update which was supposed to fix the many more problems like this in the past. Ugh.

    Continuity also matters when you give me a quest that says "Talk to x" and then x appears in four different locations across the map at the same time but only talking to them in a specific one of those locations will satisfy the quest. Have fun guessing which on your first playthrough!

    Bugs. There are some real pain in the ass bugs. One major one was supposed to be fixed for sure this time out and yet I managed to get it. I had to rollback an hour to an older save because I'm pretty sure the trigger is an inventory issue in spite of the devs apparently not being able to recreate this very common bug. There are cases of people getting stuck in rooms or buildings during quests. SAVE REGULARLY AND YOU'LL BE FINE BUT SAVE REGULARLY TO AVOID HEARTBREAK.

    The issue of writing what people vote to see: people vote for their favourite character and not what actually develops the game in a sensible way. Currently a character has gone missing in the plot, but that character has not returned or really been mentioned because they aren't popular. I don't want janky half-finished stories and quests because that's not conducive to the narrative. Sure, people will be happy if their choice gets a good sex scene but the game suffers by not being driven by any rhyme or reason.

    The game is both linear and not linear in an annoying way. I don't mind either, but it feels like another place where the devs flip flopped over what they were going for and ended up with neither. By which I mean, a lot of the time you have exactly one quest, and others you have several, and when there are several they're still sometimes written as though they shouldn't overlap or should be in a certain order for narrative reasons. This is more a minor quibble, it's just irritating now and then.

    To get back where I started, I fucking loved this play through. I like the humour, I LOVE the artwork. I could watch these women get corrupted all day long. For any of the complaints I've made, which I think are legitimate criticisms and may bother some players, I will stand by the claim that the quality elsewhere more than compensates for it in terms of enjoyability. They're enough that I can't honestly give it full marks, and they've wound me up a bit, it's just that I can't stay mad at this game. Four stars it has to be and I wish I could give it more.

    Token mention to the ever controversial NTR: you can skip it, but you can't skip the threat of it. Without risking spoilers, imagine you walk in on someone about to commit the most egregious crime of NTR but you stop it just in time (or not, but currently there's very little for the "or not" option). If you can't handle that then this game will enrage you a few times. If, on the other hand, you don't want to stop it at all then prepare to be underwhelmed by how little NTR is present.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game, the quality of it art it by far the best on this platform.

    Yet it has many flaws:

    - There is still no NTR (even tho it tagged)
    - It barely get 1 update per year
    - The quests are confusing (Many times the quest will put you to talk with someone without giving you any names or where are they, or find objects without any hints)
    - The textures are sometimes messed up as well
    - The story is just boring and you will end up playing it only for the gorgeous H-scenes

    This game would have been without a doubt a 5/5 if it deliverd on it promises
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games of the site. The art style is really good and unique. And also it's made with Unity, which for some reason I really llike.

    There is a lot of female asses and anal sex, which I really love. Great game overall, and gets better by the day with new content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the satisfying yet simplistic games out there.
    The art style is fabulous with the comic feel. The animations and storylines are all immersive and well thought out. love the creators for keeping us engaged all the while as wait for new updates. ez 5 stars
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense


    The leading man
    Stalling with favorable characters
    Overdone content

    This got old fairly quick me, some of these games developers act like they're immune to creating quality main characters. I guess in hindsight you'd have to be a shitty person to do some of the things the leading man does. And the characters, good God, none of them are really worth it. Well maybe the Mom but look how much foolishness have to go through to get content with her, it just didn't appeal to me.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have an interesting story with interesting characters.
    + Art style looks good.
    + We got proper/real animations with v0.89.8a and they do look good.

    Bad Points
    - This game save compatibility issues are messy AF... Even after all these years DEV still doesn't know how to give his players save compatibility for new versions and that's just frustrating. I lost count of how many times we lost save compatibility for our saves and can't use them... DEV gives you an option for starting from new content at least but it's still not gonna change nearly every update destroying your saves and you have to start with base choices like everyone and not with own choices you made.
    - Sometimes you do see some dialogues you shouldn't like you had scenes with Danny or some scenes you actually prevented from happening or avoided and it's connected to the first bad point. Because of not having to save compatibility these types of things happen and they are un-immersive AF.
    - Not everything is avoidable, you still gonna see some content you don't like because of the way of the main story goes like Mia's/Ash's content or like Tiffany's content at the club.
    - Even after 4 years we still have only 162 save slots while nearly all games for years have 999+ pages with x6 slots for each page. We need more.
    - Nearly all sex scenes have weird blurry static ''animations'' made from 1-3 pictures and they look bad. And only in the latest update (v0.89.8a), we got proper animations and honestly they look good, I wish DEV didn't wait that much for adding them to this game or at least remake old sex scenes as well.
    - While the art style looks good sadly this game's quality didn't improve enough to reach today's standards and now it looks nothing more than average.
    - We have too much text and not enough variety of pictures for scenes.
    -Thanks to unity additional buttons like left ctrl and left enter are not useable and we have some other minor annoying problems.

    For The End
    Honestly, normally I would give 2 stars because of how messy this game is but... V0.89.8a changed my mind a little bit and I'm gonna give it 3 stars and hope DEV will make this game better after this point. Keep adding proper animations, remake old sex scenes with new animations, add more save slots, and fix save compability problems...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Aging like a fine wine, incredible game
    Filled with great story and even greater fucking love making
    One of the best porn games out there!
    I've kept up to date with each and every release

    -Good story with something for everyone
    -Incredible art and it's even getting better
    -Plenty of characters to fall for you
    -A good amount of choice in your actions

    -Stuck as a male main character (ultimately the devs choice)
    -Gameplay can get pretty stale especially when you're low on money
    -Can be a bit buggy at times and they are usually game breaking (Save often and on different slots to avoid)
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    i liked it, the game play is simple yet a little grindy. but was a bit disappointing after unlocking everything and not getting a scene with that hot mommie, and i didn't get the sis either, i remember in an older playthrough there was but in the recent one it wasn't idk whats happening with this game at this point.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the artistic style and the diversity of the characters, both behavioral and physical. Also, the story of the MC amuses me a lot. Although the beginning may seem confusing, for me it is a good game and I trust the developers in the hope that in the future they can keep their promises.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I remember playing an early version of this game a while ago and it was very interesting but I recently downloaded 0.85.1a and started a new game and the game is a complete and utter mess. Just a collection of random, out of sequence and unrelated events. with no coherent storyline whatsoever. Unless something is wrong with my particular installation, I don't see how people could actually be playing it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    If you aren't especially interested in Clara (the school janitor), humiliation, and explicit cuckolding relationships where you force other men to watch you have sex, then enough of this game is locked behind a long plot focusing on exactly those things that it's just not worth your time holding the "skip text" button to get to something you're more interested in.

    Taffy Tales is a game that presents itself as a sandbox and gives up after a few hours, because it just isn't very good at being a sandbox game. Characters constantly appear in multiple locations at the same time throughout the day as ambient NPCs who have a short conversation and advance time (which can mess you up on time-sensitive events). If you want to find a character to advance a quest, you need to learn to ignore those "ambient" instances of them, except when those locations are where you're supposed to go after all.

    Quest triggers that involve arriving at a particular location sometimes require you to arrive from the town map instead of the "go next door" button.

    The two stats are either entirely pointless (corruption) or become redundant once you get past the two events that require you to have maxed it out (strength). To be fair: Summertime Saga (the game that Taffy Tales is aping for the first few hours) also doesn't seem to know why it has player stats.

    Once you've burned through the few short questlines that don't go anywhere in the sandbox section, you quickly run out of things to do and get into a loop of "wake up, do the one quest trigger for the game, go to sleep, repeat."

    Once the game finally embraces being what's effectively a linear visual novel, the writing is careless enough that characters swap between calling you by your chosen name and by the default MC name multiple times, which is especially unfortunate during the emotional first-time PIV scene with a particular girl when she starts calling out for "Peter" mid-sex. Considering how much the game likes weaving cuckolding elements into most of its routes, it couldn't resist having you cuck yourself.

    Good art though.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I changed my review from 5 stars to a 1 star.

    Ever since they lost their Amazing Art, and switched to AI garbage, I just lost all interest. The Amazing art was the game's major selling point.

    It also made me realize some of the game's glaring imperfections that I was too blind to see.

    The Story: Some parts were fantastic, like the janitor scenes with clara, but other parts not so much. Like when the rich milf gets captured the MC decides to completely ignore it and go on with his day like nothing happened.

    Re-writes, re-writes, re-writes. Enough said.

    Heavy NTR elements despite being in the 'alpha' route. The demon in the mc's head has stated numerous times that it will kill the mc's bully if the bully tried anything, but yet the bully has tried to rape the mc's mom & sister and he still does nothing (all because the author wanted to have a cuck route three quarters of the way into a mostly finished game where you have spent most of your time slaying thots with your giga-dong)

    Author cant decide whether he wants harem or NTR and it shows itself in bad writing.

    Sandboxing - I like sandbox games, and even I think the bloat and grind are way too much with this one.

    The characters were mostly great. If there's one thing uberpie did well, its the characters.

    But that doesnt change the betrayal fans felt when he switched the art on us
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Taffy Tales is perhaps one of the buggiest messes I have ever played, with events that happen when they shouldn't, chronologically fucked up dialogue, characters that shouldn't be around still showing up, main events triggering for no reason when you walk into somewhere, a couple of bugs, and a time system that honestly just barely works.

    Story-wise, the substance is close to nil and is just about like every other single game you've read on this site - porn with some mystery elements. Except the mystery elements are woefully underdone, so it's just porn after porn after porn.

    For the characters, the developer somehow managed to underuse every single one of them except for three - the three most boring ones, by the way - and with such a huge cast of characters, the game tries to give you the illusion you could chase the ones you like most to at least get the porn scenes YOU'D want to see, but unfortunately that's just a gimmick that doesn't last over 10 minutes (much like the good storytelling portions of the game put together), and you quickly discover the game is exceedingly linear for no particular reason and you can't really pursue the characters you want.

    All in all this is probably one of the most disappointing games I've played on this site.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I see this project get a lot of praise for its art and themes, but I'm just not seeing it, all looks weird and unattractive with highly overblown proportions that are just not sexy.

    And that's just the art the game itself is very bland, boring, and extremely frustrating to slog through its like the whole thing went through a dozen scene rewrites and therefore nothing makes sense.

    The gameplay is atrocious, this is not one of those projects that incorporate gameplay well or has decent sandbox features. It is very bad and frustrating to click through so much useless bullshit that you might as well just use a save instead to see the scenes.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Recent updates have screwed this game up beyond belief. The story used to be coherent, now everything just jumps everywhere, you can find yourself in so many situations with no context to them at all, and items just disappear from your inventory. The art is great, but it's so disjointed now, it's hardly worth playing.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This is the kind of game you play with a gallery unlocker.
    I was hoping for a similar game to Summertime Saga, but this is effectively THAT if the MC was a total cuck. The whole start of this game seems built around worshiping the black bully at your school as he rapes and insults every woman in range, and you are left to whimper in the background and hope for sloppy seconds. I'm sure at some point you get to one-up him, but the horrific dialogue and wonky, confusing 'checklist' mechanic make it such a pain to even bother.

    It's a shame because I like the art style, and the characters seem spread enough, but man...some stories just cannot be sat through.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The whole game seems like a massive jerking session the author makes in front of a mirror hitting us with a wall of insulse text based on ntr, blackmail, tedious and over-exaggerated descriptions and most of all a mc that I still struggle to place in a normal or kinky scenario.
    I don't really know if it's the idea he wanted at the beginning, but fuck man that's the most preposterous gameplay I've ever faced in a porn game, even having played other ones focused on hypno/extreme-fetishes.
    If you enjoy a similar attitude from a mc it means you've indeed some mental issues.

    I give 2 stars as total just for the artworks as I enjoyed it, but for the rest, from the gameplay to especially the writing part I'd never spend a single minute of my time on it.

    Artworks: 3/5
    Story(writing,gameplay): 1/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have a lot of fun playing it updates don't come out fast but it seems they are working on making updates come out sooner game has a lot of different fetishes and most a written well wish the game had a little more focus but over all worth backing on Patreon
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, I starded praising this game when I started playing it, but after going through everything I have a better view of the whole. The writing is extremelly bad, the story, substories and everything lore related its very bad, but this wouldnt really be a problem if wasnt for SO MUCH USELESS, BAD, UNFUNNY, UNINTERESTIN TEXT! WHY THE FUCK SO MUCH TEXT? Dude, the story in this game is bad but ok, the insane amount of text put to make it seen like a good story only make it worst! Also some scenes and drawings for different angles have nothing to do with the original image of some characters, the art style seemed nice at first but become very exaggerated at some point. But the worst is definitely the insane amount of text in a game with bad uninteresting story, it makes so much worse. If it was only bad writing its acceptable, but the amount of uninteresting text draws much more attention to that.