Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good for what it is but ultimately the terrible grammar, spelling, and malapropisms (kept forgetting that word until I read another review, thanks) just destroy this game for me.
    All the question marks at the end of sentences as well as overuse of the word "though" frustrate the hell out of me as well. "I wonder though?", "I wonder blah blah?", "Maybe blah blah ?", or something passive-aggressive/stupid like that.
    I don't really have any problem with the common complaints:
    - NTR is pretty easy to avoid. Just don't get rid of "Red" and then from there, just use common sense to "not watch" something or to " intervene".
    - not really a sandbox since you have to progress with each character but I'm okay with that since the story's interesting enough
    - Red is indeed a psychopath but so is almost every other character. Not an excuse but I just see it as an extreme overreaction to the games with spineless MCs who have 2 brain cells.
    - I haven't played since version 0.68.2a but it looks like most bugs have been eliminated (Edit: except for maybe one or two). Not entirely sure so don't quote me on that.

    Things I didn't like however were:
    - Obviously the poor English. It dramatically improves at random times and that's all I can say. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason I can guess as to why that happens other than maybe there's more than one writer. I'm not even asking for "adequate". I'm just asking for basic grammar and spelling that doesn't remind me of the two vaguely Scandinavian guys from Family Guy who almost get an American phrase correct but are off by one or two words.
    - Most of the body types just aren't for me. I like milfs but I'm not really into "thicc" milfs. At some point, everything just looks like blobs of flesh which is pretty gross.
    - I don't mind that the quests just seem to railroad you into doing whatever the overall plot dictates. It's just that I wish the hints/objectives weren't so vague. When I first played this, I remember going back and forth from the game to this thread to search for explanations to a lot of quests. I still had to do that for a few quests. Unclear instructions that require constant browsing of a forum full of people who already played the game is a sign of a bad game. (Shout out to Count Morado the MVP, single-handedly fielding all questions and concerns.)
    - Map design seems kind of meh. Everything is either at the Mall or I just buy everything from the "Shop". Although, I'm not crying over it. I'd rather development of the story continue and not get sidetracked by things like expanding on map assets. That'd be such a dumb move.
    - Not a fan of switching the player character around. It's not a big deal and I think it was interesting to try it out but overall I just don't care about playing from other characters' perspectives when you can already just read their inner monologues anyway.
    - More and more characters are being added when I just wish the more underutilized characters had more content. (But if that's what Patreon supporters want then it is what it is.) Still, it feels like I'm going to be dead before I see anything besides the Mom and Clara taking up what feels like half of the game's content.
    - Sandbox features like quick travel within a location would be nice to have. Especially when at some point, you're just having to go do one thing then going back to bed for several days to a week. Shit, even just a bed icon at the top of the screen would make sense.
    Edit: I forgot one more thing. The assets that already exist seem to be underutilized or sometimes really fucking random. Everything is either "click the bed" or something even when it'd make more sense to use the laptop or check the chest. It just seems non-intuitive or lazy. The random parts would be suddenly having to check the stairs to the roof when if you explore at the beginning of the game, it basically telling you it's pretty much closed off and not to bother checking it unless specifically prompted. (It could have prompted me but damn, I was so fed up with the broken English that I just hit "skip" for most of it.
    - That reminds me. "Skip already read" doesn't seem to work as intended. There are some points I know I didn't see yet but the dialogue was still skipped. I even checked to make sure I didn't have it on "skip everything". Not the actual terms used but you know what I mean. So that might be a bug.

    I think I covered all my thoughts about this game. Overall, there are things about the game that make it not for some people but there are things that make it interesting and I appreciate the different art style. However, there's still a lot of room for improvement even though it's been around for a while now. It's an "okay" game but could be better but at the same time, it's been this way for so long that I don't think "better" is ever going to come along.
    Although, to be honest I'd be satisfied with the devs just hiring a good proofreader and giving more attention to characters with little to no content. If I was a more skeptical person, I'd think it was on purpose to egg on supporters to keep them donating to maybe one day see their favored characters. In reality, I'm thinking I'm just the odd man out and the characters with the most content are who patreon supporters actually want to see.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    In love the huge penis art. Bigger than any other game! story is fun and characters are all good and interesting . More games need nice hand drawn art like this is gives them such a more distinct style and look. Definitely worth playing such a great game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Gave this a try since I love the art style. Seriously, whoever does the art for this is phenomenal. The varying body types was exceptional, and my attention was hooked from the bush on Mary. Sometimes, the art seems like it varies a bit from itself, but it's mostly fantastic.

    Storyline's decent, but the two people in one body thing isn't my personal cup of tea. Not a huge fan of how much of a loser the main character is, or how much of a scumbag the alter ego is. It's like they're both extreme opposites of each other and it's not really enjoyable to play as them.

    Gameplay is typical sandbox stuff, which is kind of a mixed bag for me personally. There's just a bit too much going on on-screen that is functionally useless. There's so many doors and objects on the screen that are clickable, but do absolutely nothing. It doesn't make the world feel more alive; quite the opposite.

    Honestly too cucky for me though. It says it's optional, but it seems to be screaming in your face at every turn. Vast majority of the lewd content is cucky in some capacity. To each their own, but it takes me out of it. First sex scene I saw in the game was Darnell railing the redhead chick. And from then on out, just about every girl in the game is in his orbit, heavily implying that he's railing them too or just shoving the threat of it in your face.

    I see some reviews from fans of NTR who insist it's optional, but it's implied throughout the game and you still wind up in those scenes without even realizing you're entering them. You could theoretically load game if you click into a scene that turns into it, but there's no toggle to turn it off so you don't have to load game. You have to walk into it in order to walk out. So, sure, maybe you can load game, but I think people are missing that it doesn't change the visceral disgust still being activated for people who don't like it. It's like if there were scat in the game and you could
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Taffy Tales [v0.89.8b]

    Art's nice, like the variety of character design instead of all being the same render software teen trying to pass as a MILF.

    Writing is all over. Scenario's trite (basically Mom + 2 Hot Sisters Minus One), but narrative is unique enough. Voice wobbles a bit and there're typos and malapropisms aplenty but characterization is well done and the whole experience is overall enjoyable.

    Porn's fine. Too much anal and traps aren't my thing, and I wish there were more group scenes and preggo stuff. I do appreciate the girl/girl and having love interests who take an active role in corruption.

    Gameplay is my main stumbling block: it's presented as a sandbox but gates things off in a way that feels railroad-y. I don't feel there's any choice in which love interests to pursue; you wind up with all of them just in slightly different order maybe. Unrelated events seem to gate each other off weirdly; you'll have events that say 'tomorrow' or 'next saturday' that you can trigger the very next turn, and some seeming emergencies that persist for ingame days as you either trawl around looking for the next event trigger or spend a few days fapping for cash. The character select feels vestigial and time-wasting as well.

    TLDR: Nicely depraved but a bit clunky.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. First and foremost, like in most of my reviews, I'll preface this by saying that one of the reasons this game gets a high grade is because the focus is squarely on the NSFW-content - there's no baiting or lengthy, boring lead-up. The writing sets up interesting, somewhat believable kinky scenarios and plays those out. Like any good NSFW-game should.

    That said, the writing is decent, the art is great (if not perfect) and the kinks are diverse and excellent.

    The reason this only gets four stars is that the game can get a little repetitive and doesn't linger enough on individual scenes. As well, the amount of choice feels very restrictive - there's very little wiggle room with regards to just how much of an asshole you want the MC to be.

    That said, this is definitely one of the better games of this site.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Writing: 1/5
    Art 3.5/5
    Gameplay: 3/5

    I can't bring myself it enjoy this one. The writing is a struggle to get through. The easiest way to put it, is there is a lot of fluff. Your basically told a situation, and then the writer continues to try and convince you of what they just told you on the situation, then concludes it with something like, "So its suffice to say," and then just repeats the original line of the situation. This happens EVERY single time someone is introduced, or any route unfolds. Its begins to drive you crazy cuz your just reading a bunch of nothing, so you start to skip the text little by little, when you suddenly passed something that's actually important to read in along with all said fluff, and because you can't go back to previous text, your now lost.

    So you are left with two choices, either read a bunch of nothing that attempts to convince you its nothing, and catch the few bits you actually need to know, or skip it and be completely lost as to whats going on, cuz nothing else explains it to you.

    It's decent enough. Although there is a lot of repeating body types, so this doesn't really rate higher due to a lack of diversity when it comes to preferences. If you like all girls to have huge boobs and butts, with tiny arms, and shoulders, and they all look like they haven't slept days, then this is your art style.

    It's your average gameplay loop for these sort of games. Nothing really good, or bad about it. In the past the quest log was an atrocity, but its been resolved enough that if you don't care about the text, you can still stumble through the game.

    Overall: Its hard to recommend this game, as the writing is incredibly redundant. Characters personalities are overshadowed due to this. When someones introduced, you initially like what your reading, but then it goes on to "convince" you, and you quickly lose interest.

    Unless your an insane speed reader, you will have a hard time getting through the story with this one.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a lot of potentials. The art is wonderful, painting like 2dcg are best for building dramatic imagination while not too cartoony. Animations are good enough. Surprising, candid, or voyeurism element is the power of the game where we can't find it irl. Yet, it still has some flaws, especially when it played on Windows tablet PC. Text can't move on whatsoever with only touch mode. Seems like it doesn't recognize touch as mouse clicks. Need "Auto" mode reading. Sometimes the resolution changes by itself. Just played it for in-game few days though. Not too comfortable continuing to play on Windows tablet.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Such a nice wank. Loved the gameplay, the art, the story and the babes. UberPie is just amazing in his work. I hope this does not get abandoned. Looking forward to playing more games from UberPie
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art of this game, the story and the girls, I think it's a great game. What I didn't like is that some items are hard to find and can ruin your experience.
    But it is a game that you enjoy more than once.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Well... This was more dissapointing than what I thought I was going to be. Taffy Tales has the essence of many other games that mixed a VN with a sandbox which normally results in a very interesting game; not this case tho. We will see the MC fight against his own demon in a extremely brutal difference of behaviours battle as the MC is the kinda of boy who will reject something so simple as an invitation of a hot girl to the cinema, while his inner demon has the very weird desire of rape every single woman in his way. There's many mini storylines all around the game and the most of them doesn't bring you to any interesting point. The main plot of the game seems to be the struggling of the MC against his demon, but again, there's no evolution at all and you eventually get tired of watching always the same scene but with different text. The art of the game is not bad at all, I would say is the best part of the game. Every character is very well designed and presented, with their own and unique appearence. The personality of every character in the game are very good and also their roles are somehow unavoidable at one point, which forces you to interact with them, and I actually liked that because any of them seems to be there just to fill an empty place, no.

    The principal problem of the game in my opinion is the lack of decisions. Everything what you do is the only choice that you have. Normally you'll have the chance of picking between two options and with the way this game is presented it screams that, but don't happen. You can't control the MC screwing moments with girls as you can't control the MC's demon just being mean with everyone. There's poor rewards after completing storylines that makes you want to quit this game after going from place to place, buying things and waiting days for the shortest scene ever. There's a lot of effort in this game. Is just bad organized, and more than made thinking on giving to the player, is made thinking in giving to the game itself, which at this point I guess the only ones who'll keep playing it will be their true supporters.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    +Diversity of content
    +the girls
    +sissy/cuck content
    -Confusing how to progress at times
    -Easy to miss content
    -Hard to find certain items

    Overall I really enjoyed this game, it has a lot to offer to a variety of tastes especially if you are into harem and dom/sub content. I also greatly enjoyed this girls in this and especially the one subby boy. You should give this one a try for sure!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The amount of girls wear off the corruption part of this.
    While the first route is exciting and satisfactory, the other ones and cross events become boring or unsurprising.
    What's left is the same formula for everyone: meeting>girl sees dick>slave
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Its one of those games where the mc has 2 personalities, 1. a little whinny cuck with no backbone and 2. a complete psychopath no in between so ultimately you degrade and rape pretty much every girl you come in contact with and afterwards they love and lust for you, which personally Im not a fan of. Didnt find the story interesting, walls of text that add nothing to the plot and mc constanly arguing with his alter ego got boring real quick for me. The game is basically a linear VN with some sandbox elements. One thing i did enjoy was the art even if youre not into blown out proportions its pretty good. Oh and ofc mc has a forearm for a schlong.

    Not my cup of tea but if youre into heavy dom stuff you might enjoy this.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    A complete mess best skipped altogether.

    Gameplay: Broken, confusing, ridiculously linear.

    You'll have a couple of encounters with a character then nothing happens with them for a month in game while you follow another character. Hints appear for events you can't trigger for a month going forward, time of day jumps around randomly with some conversations that do nothing advancing time and others resetting it to the start of the day. Go to someone's house and you see three different ways to knock on the door two doing nothing one advancing your quest.

    Visuals: Some artistic talent here but most characters are drawn with massive resting bitch face and grossly exaggerated bodies. Of course this is subjective I just find the whole "DICKS MUST BE THICK AS ARM TITS HANG DOWN TO HER WAIST" immaturity tiresome and obnoxious.

    Writing: Should't have bothered, plot is a mess, too much dialogue that says nothing. Main character is an unlikable ass that wants to run around blackmailing and enslaving everyone and takes up pages and pages of dialogue arguing with himself. No character or event is remotely believable or engaging.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    Really wanted to like this game, but grew more and more and more frustated the longer I played.

    First of all, it's an incredibly linear game that for some reason is portrayed as a wannabe dating sim, as you have stats, or rather, a stat, and can earn money for various things. It almost all feels like an afterthought that was quickly abandoned after the team decided to instead make a straightforward visual novel instead. Frankly, it's all shallow and really needs to be removed. Wasting days (that have no real penalty) to just play a stupid mingame just to buy another stupid item to move the glacial story a bit further isn't fun.

    That's the other problem. The pacing of this game is horrific. and really hurts an already forgettable story that makes it difficult to care about what's going on or other characters. To make matters worse, the game is playing an especially bad take on the alpha wolf trope in a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde format. Your alter ego is a literal pychopath and is incredibly unlikable despite frankly hilarious (and late) attempts to humanize him and make him less of an ass. The irony grows sharper when the writers don't seem to realize that Darnell (the positioned rival and 'bad guy') is basically a mirror clone of the MC's alter ego. While I'm hardly new to the "rape is a form of love and all girls are secretly horny sluts so they like it" trope that makes up most of erotic game scene, it's especially awkward here. Most of the game is you basically raping and gaslighting girls into being sex slaves, which is fine, none of this is real, but I mean, doesn't exactly make for the most interesting visual novel unless that's specifically what you're looking for ala Rance style. Thing is, Rance was hilarious and fun to hate on as a piece of shit, and the surrounding story/characters/content was pretty good. This game doesn't do that. The individual character stories are boring and you really struggle to care about the overarching plot.

    Game should have just been generic hentai dude going around throwing gals into his harem and skipped all the attempts at being more than a shallow galley builder, because that's basically what it is.

    If you do care about any of the characters, though, well too freaking bad. There are no routes, you can't choose to focus on a specific character, and if you hate others, you're going to still have to sit through their arcs and scenes at random. The game's so incredibly linear that I'm not even sure why it bothers giving you objectives or a typical dating sim day-schedule as all you do is literally (litterally) check stuff off a list one by one.

    The arte is good though so game is worth it for the gallery rip. I personally didn't enjoy it too much, but that's my subjective opinion so I'm not going to knock on it; objectively, there's a lot most people will like.

    If you're someone who dislikes large boobs like me, however, that's about 99% of the girls. All triple d's or higher, lol. The one 'average' girl who is probably already a big c cup is portrayed as some super small petite in narritive, which literally made me laugh out loud.

    Overall, this really isn't a game you should waste your time on. There are major mechanic changes scattered through out as if the game doesn't know what it wants to be, characters come up and then are completely abandoned, and it's all incredibly linear and more drawn out than it needs to be.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing little gem I'm glad I stumbled upon. Once I downloaded and started playing the game, I couldn't stop until I reached the end of the current version! Other than the amazing sex cutscenes, I loved the humor and story dialogue even more.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    When I first started this game I thought to myself, DAMN that looks bad and weird. Next thing i knew it was 7 am, and i was still playing the game trying to max it out. Very fun gameplay and actually funny dialogue i didn't skip which is rare. Scenes and tags are great. Characters have personality which I love.
    Art 4/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability (not a fan of huge milkers giant chonkers) 4/5
    Originality 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say the writing and art in this game is pretty top notch. As a game there isn't really too much to it, but there is enough to make you feel like your choices matter and that you have agency over what happens so it's on the better end of visual novels. Almost all of the characters are well written and some even surprised me with their interactions. Content is also very well tagged as far as avoiding major turn offs like traps and NTR. Despite what some people say there is no unavoidable NTR in this game where the MC is cucked, only two instances where he cucks others, and in one case it is an ex-husband and in the other the husband is into it and fully consents to the experience.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5404891

    Great art but otherwise just another boring sandbox game ... go here at the right time ... go there over and over until something happens .... have the same (or similar) conversation that goes nowhere 100 times ... click on highlighted people hoping something happens ... click on locations and props that have no bearing on anything .... 'this area is under construction'.

    Played it for a good while but other than a few stills of the leftovers from sex scenes that happened before MC got there, there has been no H-scenes. I can't even tell what genre the game is - corruption? harem? NTR/bully? Femboy? Who knows. All are suggested, but none seem to actually happen.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    Taffy Tales is a near masterpiece as a porn game. It belongs to my least favourite style of game (point and click), features absolutely no choices or scene variation, and doesn't have much variety for female body type (most of the women are cow titted). It makes up for this with tons of well written scenes (not vanilla either, pretty kinky) and a gripping plot.