VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tangled Up [v11] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A thoroughly enjoyable VN, I've not completed all routes as it is quite a long-winded grind, but the visuals more than make up for that.
    I did stop playing at some point during development, but I'm so glad I saw the completed tag and came back for a nosy.
    I did try to play without a walkthrough, don't. Use a walkthrough and save time and frustration.
    Overall, the renders made it a worthwhile evening. I can't give an exact time as I was called away to do family stuff etc, but it's no quickie - bring a drink & snacks!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ridiculous amount of grind for very little substance. I am currently on day 48, and the most action that the MC has gotten has been a blowjob. Story makes no sense, scenes are seemingly out of order and characters act nothing like regular humans.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Guy Guyminheimer

    I really want to like this game, but it is such a mess. So much repetition, such slow payoff. It was hard to get as far as I did without a walkthrough and I am not going to progress further without one, and even then many of the scenes would be good only if they were viewed once and not multiple times. It would benefit from linear gameplay since it's already attempting a linear routine, and if there wasn't grinding for invisible stats just to progress it might even be enjoyable.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I would have given this game a full 5 stars if it wasn't for one little thing:

    While the graphics are great, the characters are good-looking enough, and the story interesting, the repetitiveness of having to do the same thing day after day after day is annoying as fuck. If it wasn't for the Walkthrough on here, I would have had no clue what the hell I was doing. I was honestly ready to uninstall the game before Day 20 because of the annoying repetitiveness. But I stuck it out and kept going, mainly because I want to see the sex scenes.

    And don't do what I did and screw up when you are almost close to the finish line. I was on day 51, I believe, and didn't get the scene I wanted and when I went to reload the game, I accidentally hit the Save button instead. Now, I have to start over from the very beginning and do this shit all over again.

    Honestly, you need to go back through this game and remove this grinding/repetitive nonsense. A good game doesn't need this crap if it has worthy characters and a good storyline. And if you ever make a sequel or another game, I would suggest not doing this type of stuff again. It really annoys some of your players.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The story grind is really strong with this one it has some good scenes but it becomes diluted when you have to watch them over and over again in order to make progress in the game furthermore with multiple paths and no scenes replay in order to see all the scenes you'll have to go through the grind all over again in short it's about a 1 hour game but it takes 10+ hours to play assuming you don't Rage Quit from what must feel like you making no progress.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1023239

    "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

    I really enjoyed the overarching plot and twists in this game, as it encompasses all the classic elements of a good story. Although the standalone routes weren’t by any means remarkable, they were great at building suspense and a sense of urgency to figure out the pieces of the puzzle in order to solve the mystery. The universe of this games grows increasingly more complex and interesting the further you delve into the storyline. This demonstrates solid world-building and good storyline pacing by the writers.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    would be a REALLY REALLY nice game, but playing the same scenes over and over again (felt like 1000 times) until you get any progress makes it extreme boring. Also it makes no sense that MC apologizes for what he had done - but doing the same next day and gets same reaction -> STOP REPEATING SENSELESS STUFF !!! (i mean 80% repeated stuff is really too much)
    therefore i just can give 2 out of 5 stars
    (1 for basics, 1 for story - missing 1 for beeing grindy like hell, 1 for animations missing, and last one missing for renderings which are good, but not the best)
    extreme example:
    Day 62:
    ** repeat day 61 **
    Day 63:
    ** repeat day 61 **
    Day 64:
    ** repeat day 61 **
    Day 65:
    ** repeat day 61 **
    just: WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Wicked Garden

    Very repetitive at first but once the story really picks up it gets better, a lot of unanswered questions in which I hope can be addressed.. eventually. Graphics is pretty decent, love the Vicky and Mom character also. The ending (If it's actually the real ending) however wasn't well thought out and felt very much rushed.

    Not a fan of Developers luring fans in the early point only to put out lackluster endings. It's like they throw in the towel way too early, an that doesn't do anyone any favors it just wastes time ultimately.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The characters and artwork are all very beautiful. However, it is GRINDY as hell. You have to repeat each sequence of scenes (with the same exact dialogue and options) correctly multiple times before the storyline will advance to the next step, where you will grind again. Definitely, use the walkthrough if you want to play through this game. It'll be around day 50 or so before you actually get any action with the main love interest.

    Also, the main character is a total ass (if you choose the options that advance the story), even for a sex game. Tossing your sister/friend into the pool when she can't swim (and is scared of the water), slapping her in the face with your cock, etc..

    There are other games with hotter characters that are easier to advance and more enjoyable to play.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Ti'elby Mercedes

    I played this game (ver. 10) through to about day 50 without a walkthrough, and then when it seemed like I was stuck in an infinite loop, I combed through the day-by-day walkthrough (for ver. 9) to try to figure out how to unlock the next stage. Honestly, up to that point, or maybe about day 35-40, I thought the progression was pretty steady and the pacing was well done.
    One thing I did not notice until I read the walkthrough is that some events are just random (after they're unlocked). If that's true, it would explain the plethora of posts here, "I'm stuck! I've done x and y, but z never triggers!" etc, etc. IMHO, that is the one thing the developers should yank from this game. (Probably too late for this game. Just don't do it in future games.) It turned a nice-but-slow seduction/corruption game into a frustrating, boring grindfest.
    Personally, I don't really like the graphics, but I have nothing but respect for the developers' attempt to take the main love interest from ugly duckling to lovely swan. I look forward to SerialNumberComics' future works!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game V 10 is:

    -Great Beginning
    -Great Text
    -Great Renders
    -Nice Story

    -To many Paths
    -Too often always repeating the same stuff.
    -Sometimes Confusing Game Play

    Like the Story,its different than others.
    When something happens new (Triggering) then it is Great,but this sometimes takes to long,and your wasting time going over the same stuff over and over again.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev does a great job at ramping up the sexyness. It starts with little touches, then kisses, caresses, and it builds up to full on sex between siblings.
    The scenes are very very hot, and it probably does the best job I have seen so far to give some sense of "believability".
    I recommend
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    To be honest, I've been trying to keep playing this game during 5 updates. I kept finding myself hopping back and forth inside and outside the house, hoping it would trigger an event. It feels like you have to keep hopping back and forth for hours to trigger the hidden events that the developer programmed in the game. Seeing the fact that I really hat grinding, I decided to no longer giving this game another try.

    The renders are okay, though, that's why I kept trying to play the game, but because of the grinding it takes to play this game, I eventually gave up on this game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Good over all but too grindy. It brings down what should be a fairly ok game down to a near stand still, making it feel like it doesn't respect the time of the players. If you've played all other games, and have a walkthrough in hand, this MIGHT be worth a try. Otherwise? Probably not worth it.

    But if you do it DOES have things to offer in terms of characterization and plot. Just not enough to justify it's dragging grind.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 900601

    Game is pretty poor. The plot is alright but the facial expression used are pretty creepy. The biggest downside of this game are useless, repetitive grind. It takes 35+ days to get anywhere and even with skip unseen text, you're looking at 2 hours of looking at the walkthrough to click the right options until you finally get to something that is decent. Another big issue, the game has a dead path. If you chose the office path, it literally goes nowhere.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Repeating scenes forever untill minor changes occur. I catched my self to use the skip option all the time.

    Not consistent diologues and choices-> poorly coded. Why do I have two options "buy a new outfit". Why is mc surprised every time he enters the basement. Why does he promises to fix the AC, while he refuses it for a long time because "not included in this version", untill a particular progress is achieved.
    At least both main characters are looking good and have nerdy charm. Therefore two stars.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Innocence and exploration.

    Really like the game. The graphics have gotten better over the time and the story is intriguing enough to hold one for more.

    The sister is nerdy but very hot. So is the mom and female friend.

    One of those games where you constantly ask, "when is the next update coming"

  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Boy where do I start... This is another one of those endlessly tedious grindfests where you have to repeat the exact same thing day after day, until eventually some minor scene change occurs and you get to repeat more days until the next one.

    In earlier reviews people compare this kind of game to Groundhog Day, but could we all please remember that Groundhog Day had a hand-wavey magical/mysterious REASON for people to do the same goddamn thing every day... This game doesn't have that; it just has a premise so fundamentally stupid that it utterly defies belief: Two teens, on a summer break, with no obligations and unlimited cash reserves choose to do... The exact same sequence of NOTHING, day after day, FOR A MONTH (actually even longer).
    Literally... They get up and do the same things, have the same conversations, in the same rooms, at the same times. Every. Single. Day. With only occasional incremental changes.

    Dude goes into the basement. Every day. For weeks on end... Still makes the identical "what a strange room" comment as the first time. Every time.

    Chick gets pushed into the pool every day. Acts surprised every time. Never bothers to dodge it.

    Twenty mornings of hugging your sister, complimenting her thighs, tricking her into letting you get handsy, and then stopping... She's clueless, you're clueless; it's painful.

    Twenty two days of going to the toilet THREE TIMES IN A ROW, every day, to progress the "story"... Holy shit, this pacing.

    The art is average. We've all seen these same sets in every other game. They're rendered with full Global Illumination which means they have no real depth or warmth to them, but at least they're clear.
    The animations are wooden and boring single loops. They exist, but aren't anything to write home about.
    Trying to play without a walkthrough is torture. The game is so miserly with its feedback that you'll worry it's bugged out, even when it turns out you're on the right path.
    This is an experience for only the hardiest grind-masochists.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice storytelling, very good quality renders and I just like the female character (reasonably sized boobs unlike those baloons we see too often, hairy pussy though I'm not sure this will last, I haven't reached the end of the story...)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics. The game has a good development and, unlike others, it does not focus on direct porn. For me this is the second most quality game after DMD. My rating is not excellent, just because of the excessive repetition of the same scenes in the gameplay. I'm not a programmer, but I think the developer can score minimal differences without too much work in these scenes that keep the interest.
    Excuse my bad English.