VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Tangled Up [v11] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game in my opinion captures the true meaning of Ren'Py games. There is some repetition, but the story is more believable than most that I have seen. I didn't think I would be one to be drawn into the story, but this one caught me off guard. I will be signing up at Patreon soon.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Really bad dialog. Broken english, missing words. Lack of context in the dialog, and the dialog could have been written and thought up by a kid most of the time. With a few words thrown in from a dictionary, words nobody actually uses. So its clear these words are thrown in to try to get the dialog up a level, but it fails hard.
    No strong mechanics. No clues as to what to do for the player. Not even a worthwhile story... The story doesnt lead you anywhere as such. Its discontinued dialog, that leaves you thinking ok, that is done, now what. Mom and dads gone, here you are with sister, and here are 12 rooms. When you enter one youre not supposed to, youre just flatly ejected from the room, and loose time of day.
    Lack of mechanics makes the game really tedious and boring. There is not much to do or to have fun with. You basicly just run from room to room to find a random dialog at a random time. (maybe not so random, but with no clues or pointers, thats how it feels)

    Its pretty much a run of the mill game of the lowest tier. It has some effort in graphics, but lacks game knowledge and story badly. Thats only 1 out of 3 must haves.
    Even for a visual novel, this is a boring game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game is more about teasing you (the player) endlessly, rather than just straight up giving you what you want.

    People that like being teased, and love foreplay, will typically love these kinds of games, while people that just want to get to sex, will typically hate these games.

    Ultimately, I think this game is meant to be a TON of foreplay and lots of events leading up to having sex with the character you desire, but since this is an unfinished game, we only get to see the foreplay so far.

    Regardless, whether you really like this game or not, one thing cannot be denied: There are so many amazing images of sexy characters in bikinis, underwear, and sexy poses, that this game will catch your eye no matter what.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    After replaying the whole game for v7 I can only give this a lower rating.
    The daily grind gets way too annoying and you can really notice the different parts added with every upgrade. It all feels a bit disconnected. The different storylines really branching off requiring replaying and then again suffering through the daily grind sequences only got more and more annoying as well.
    The actual sex scenes with the sister could have been so much better as well. Have the MC masturbate her and the having her orgasm would be way better than watching her from a bloody closet 20 times.
    The story progressing towards the ends doesn't make much sense either and then that final scene comes way too quickly.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has 1 great thing: the character of the charming sister, and 1 bad thing: everything else.

    The system of dairy events is extremely repetitive. Actually, the MC. lives inside "Groundhog day", repeating the same events again and again in order of getting a little advance, just as Bill Murray in the famous movie, but less funny.

    The events and characters have no head or tail. There is not a real plot in this game, actually. It seems that the dev just introduce in the game random elements: cosplay one update, a party "Eyes wide shut" style another, new characters come into the game and go without much explanation... Everything without much sense or being well done.

    I used to like a lot this game when there were just a couple of updates and was logical not to know where the game is going. But it´s version 0.6 already, and the flaws of the first updates are not being corrected, but increased.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    myfu's reviews are all option if you like the games I review or you dislike them then that's a good thing I am just giving my option for thought's who haven't played said game yet.

    Tangled up is a very odd game in my option where you can clearly see the development process in the game the first few days have shit writing and weird as hell features but as it goes on everything changes and it becomes the game I feel like the beginning should be I'm going to keep this review short sense this game in the current version is a shorter game.
    the good: very very very pretty. great writing (past day 8) and I interesting premise with the friends parents )or who ever they are supposed to be they changed so many times through out the game I lost track) leaving just leaving the to of you to do what ever you want.

    the bad: again the first 8 or so days is so odd and weird that it drops it down a point all on its own, also the game is very oddly written people come in for little to no reason and a lot happens that just doesn't make any sense (no spoilers). when you are playing this game you feel as if you aren't meant to be playing it when you are going into the final days it just gives of a very of feeling that your hacking into this unfinished secret part of the game witch idk why it is tbh.

    in my option this game is a 3 out of 5 if they we did the first several days and made things more straight and not jumping around if who is related to who and they stick to just one story then I believe this game could be a 4.5 out of 5 but for now it gets a 3/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great! it starts really slow, but give it a chance, it´s one of the best games I've played. The story its pretty good and the way you advance corrupting your sister it´s not just good but also kind of realistic.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    After giving later updates some tries, I have to lower the rating from 4 to 3. The grind is real, as in the sense that you'll do exactly the same thing every day. More or less. Although the contained environs are also part of the advantage of the game (no wasted effort on pointless assets, and well defined play area) but it does require some more thinking on making it feel interesting. Which is annoying, and the older stuff hasn't improved much. Although I think it has seen some fixes, or I just don't remember well enough.

    This game has an excellent sexual tension vs escalation of affections, for the most part. There's few nonsensical things that ruin the otherwise pristine escalation. That said the biggest problem this game has is simply that it is technical mess. It has bugs, glitches, and possibly more than one game breaking bug. It certainly has at least one for sure. It also has old lines that should have been removed after the updates made those lines obsolete/false. This is incredibly confusing for new players as you can never quite trust what the game tells you, as suddenly without explanation a room that wasn't in working order before, is now working just fine.

    The game gets 4 stars DESPITE these bugs and the technical mess it is. This is mostly because of the slow escalation and the well defined personalities, while the story isn't something deep or even all that well written, it is consistent and perfectly suited for a game that is essentially about porn.

    That said, the bugs URGENTLY need to be fixed, as do the obsolete lines. This review refers to the v5 (IIRC) so future versions might be better -- or worse.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game so far contains high quality renders that are visually appealing. The story line is an interesting one of forbidden desires that continues to develop as the story continues. You couldn't call it "corruption" as such but the growing awakening of love & lust between to two main characters is really well written - even if it is all a little cliche with the hundreds of incest games going around.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn that game is so fucked up, but I loved and enjoyed evrery bit,
    The renders are great
    the girl is so cute
    story is nice and not jumping to sex in 2nd scene
    for the play i found one bug, but never kick out from game

    This should be one top game list.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really loved this game the graphics are good and doesn't take much to run. Now the progression is good but could be better with more clear in where one action will lead. As well the story could be a lot better as well from where I liked it personally but appealing to a larger audience the story could be more detailing and explains some of the lesser knowns. But other than that probably one of my favorite games on this site!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Better than the run of the mill incest story where the brother is out to corrupt his sister. Tangled up is more of brother and sister who over time become aware of the feelings they have for each other and begin to explore them. I also like the hinted at scheming of the mother and house keepr which at some point will add a bit more depth to the story
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (12/07/2017 - Review of v2.0)

    Ok, I played the 2.0 version of this visual novel/game and for the most part the script was fun and interesting, although there were a few spelling errors, but only a few... I enjoyed the story and the interactions through out the home, and even enjoyed figuring out what to do next... My only qualm was that there was ALOT of repeating of scene text even though sometimes it was altered in certain parts depending if you were pushing the main plot along... The repeated text could probably be shortened to help the story feel more like it was going forward at a steady pace without having the space bar through the repeated text every time...

    The visuals were very good, and I enjoyed the plot... Because of the repeat in text and some visuals, the plot did move a bit slow at times, and felt like it was constantly teasing you with just a tiny bit more than the previous game day, before doing it again the next game day... After several hours of game play it ended with another character entering the story, which I kinda felt like it was one of those doh!! moments, as I felt the plot was finally gaining some momentum, then pow a wrench was thrown into the works followed by a cliff hanger (since it stopped at that point)... I don't want to say I was annoyed, but I did feel ever so slightly disappointed, as the story had me hooked...

    It'll be interesting where the authors actually take this VN/game's story as it continues, but I hope it doesn't continue to tease again with yet another character as another possible love interest, and who knows what is up with the mom and dad... Because of the time investment up to the point it stopped, I did feel unsatisfied with how it abruptly stopped, but I understand it's not a finished product... I also hope there aren't huge plot twists in this vn/games future that might take away from what already exists...

    I felt like it was playing out like a love story, which I was enjoying, but with the addition of Vicky, I don't know now what will happen going forward... Will it continue it's trend, or become more chaotic? (monkey wrench's are not always good if you throw too many) Only time will tell...

    I'll have to wait till it's done before I revisit it, because I couldn't handle another piece of the pie when I want the whole enchilada...

    (01/05/2018 - Review Update - v3.1 Beta)

    Because I really enjoyed the content from the previous version I decided to try out the next update and I have some mixed feelings...

    I do still like this VN/game, but it's a bit confusing about what direction the story is going now... As there seems to be the introduction of several twists in the story, or at least hints at what direction the story may possibly go...

    As an example, with the addition of the Maid into the story, she appears to have some underhanded plans involving the protagonist and his sister, which makes my protective senses fire off... The story through v2.0 was lengthy and there was already something brewing with the parents, without more plot twisting with the maid... I sort of felt the story was more focused on the love/romance story side of things previously, but now it seems to be shifting more towards a lust vibe, with lots of bad guy twists thrown into the mix... I don't know if I should be worried, or if it will not be as big of a deal (aka as much of a monkey wrench thrown into the works) as I fear it might be... The protagonist seems to be shifting more from a loving romance/seducing sister motif to a, I want my way with all the hot women around me motif, with the introduction of the Maid... And the Maid seems to be another copy of the protagonists mother, since she has no real interest in the wellbeing of the two main characters... She's just doing what ever it is she's doing, to get money, with no interest in the protagonist or his sister...

    Now, they do give a few more details about the parent twist, which makes you really understand why the protagonist hates his mother... Because she is selfish and could really care less about her kids wellbeing... Who knows, maybe she's in league with the Maid and her evil plot? Don't know, and not sure I want to know...

    All that sub-plotting, and then add in the costume stuff along with what keeps being hinted as the torture room... What are their plans for that? Because this update seems to be hinting at the protagonist and his sister doing stuff in their costumes, in the storage room... I really hope the personality of the sister is not going to completely and utterly altered into some S&M sadist... I thought with v2.0 that this was more a love story, not a domination story... Who knows, as this is just teasing of possibilities at this moment in the story, nothing actually concrete at this point...

    Overall, I still like this visual novel/game, but i have reservations with not really knowing what true direction the author's have for it... I hope it doesn't go off the deep end, because what drew me in was the love story, possible romance stuff, that even though yes the protagonist lusts after his sister, he still loves her and showed compassion for her in v2.0... And if it begins completely going crazy with subplots and bad guys who have it out for the protagonist and his sister, and their relationship suffers and becomes something twisted and without compassion, just something totally perverted and without love, I'm not sure I'll continue following along with it... Only time will tell, as it's really up in the air right now, with this update adding a lot more questions then answers...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    it is emotional game a lot of feeling, it have bein sooo long since feel like thes about a game , and the sister is sooo cutiy
    and so innocent and for the first version it is vere good

    thanks a lot for the lovle game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game so far has some potential and has little as i can tell ver 3.1. It has decent buildup though a system to tell how far you are in the game (completion wise) and hints on how to progress would make the game more enjoyable
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to say this game does a lot right.
    It's a slow burn corruption/seduction, but enough is happening that you get some nice things to see each update and more importantly actually experience how the feelings between the siblings evolve.

    An impressive step up from serialnumbers first game, which already had its moments.

    Also, the art is nice. I especially like how the sister has a nice body, without being a total sex bomb.
    And after all we've got Vicki and the mother for the big t&as.

    It started out a bit slow but from update to update it managed to win me over more and more. One thing you can't leave out in any review of Tangled Up and that is the terrible, annoying grind.

    In the past I cut the dev a lot of slack, because he had plans to release another version of this game, where he would either go the complete VN route OR at least cut the grind down significantly.
    He never did, hence my review goes down to three stars, because while what I wrote above still stands, you can't deny how much fun the grind takes away from this one.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    So far so good, there is little content and there are useless parts which are left over for future use. Its good or bad, you can decide that. For most part art and renders are getting better, so our characters and their story too.

    There is clear as pool water evidance that it gets better, to damn good or simply good there is few patches missing but concept is quite good. Nerdy sis and outcast sporty son MC.. it can be interesting. At the end of 0,2 part is introduced the most sexy bombshell of a maid as a next character in our story. She will add spice to it or nothing good will come out of it?

    Edit: changed from 4 stars to 5 couse of how much renders improved and story was better. So far it is on right track to success. I would like for our MC to be getting better looking with time like his sister. So they will grow up into lovely sibilings/pair