
Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Funny thing is. If you are a dick to Anne with the choices, ie deny her sex, push her to sleep with someone. Not refuse the massage etc. You just so happen to have low enough points so the cheating path is entered automatically... So. It's definitely a conscious choice by the dev.
Here you are right but the point system is perfect! Because to prevent my wife Anne from doing what we agreed to do after 5 Years of monogamous and monotonous marriage is to contradict all the years that I was telling her that our story was becoming boring
Look at the prologue that contains the premise and reason about why if you stop her to have sex you become in my wife's eyes a weak man that after convincing her to accept your plan, you back down like a stupid scared little boy and that makes Anne think you are lying to her...and that's where the points go down
never forget the premise of this great story
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At this point Anne start to eccepting my plan
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And we are still on the same page in TACOS season 2
I've no problem with be given the choice. To be fair, as you said, it's a great save point for replay value. But if you make the choice and push Anne to cheat, those relationship points should be changed to reflect.
The point system is perfect!
And the points follow my morals as MC and my wife's morals Anne...evidently your morals/culture do not coincide with mine...so why do you keep repeating this nonsense all the time that only makes you look like a self-righteous fool...this game is not for you...your morals will forever be disappointed inside this game.... either you accept it or continuing to complain only highlights your weakness
There is absolute no drama in having Anne cheat while the points are high. It makes Anne look like a c*nt of a whore and Tony look like soft and weak
On the contrary this confirm you are not able to understand my culture and what the basis of my plan is...
I want to break down barriers and fuck all the women I like. I have been very strong in waiting for my wife to accept my plan to that she would realize that it would be a great jolt to our relationship in which both she and I would find enjoyment, the lost sexual satisfaction that would lead us to divorce, and the possibility of making the marriage last for a time that would lead us both to the decision to make our children and heirs... and change lifestyle---
life is very long, and changing lifestyles shows strength---my wife and I are too strong together, no one will ever break us apart

I've stopped ignoring you for a while---but as soon as I get tired it will come back to ignoring you
so you can buy popcorn.. 88stanford88 has arrived :cool:


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Forget it I will never be violent with my wife...in this game
everything is consensual between us, even what to you, it doesn't appear... because you filter it your head and + clearly you can't identify with me being the MC
This game is based on true mutual love where both of us are happy to know that the other is having fun and that is why we will never separate...you will never see violence between Anne and I in this game

Wrong...The two of us opened the door because the previous 5 years of monogamous relationship was leading us to separation due to monotony

there are no rules established or carved in stone like bible tablets in an open relationship...there was only one discussion but my wife ended it by saying she had to think about it
read how my wife answer to this question...
and the mistake that many of you make is not to understand about the lifestyle that Anne and I have started to walk... it is ours, not yours... I understand that you would do it in a different way instead of me... but you are not me and so you should always read the dialogues and avoid interpreting them with your own morals or culture. ... what you say I respect but I will never think with ua head because after 5 years of marriage we have decided to break down all moral barriers and we go with the events that happen... adjusting the rules from time to time... no rule is carved in stone
But I respect your point...

This game is a masterpiece just because it makes people open up and discover the way they think when they comment on it

But I decided instead to identify myself with the protagonist because I have experienced and am continuing to experience a relationship very similar to the one recounted here

this should make you realize that our north star is to live freely and in fact om the quoye there is Micom3D answerto a question

The full post was posted before the TACOS part1a in march 2023

here you're talking about how you're playing and you do well to play as many paths as you can as Mircom3D advised even though for me there is a main path... that is:
I want to discover the true Anne and she wants to discover her true husband... without any restriction.. we are on the same page.
Kinda confused on the conversation assuming you are taking on the role of the MC. (Hands Up in Surrender). Though there is one part I want to clarify when I say kicked out I mean have her leave. I don't do violence against women either.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Kinda confused on the conversation assuming you are taking on the role of the MC. (Hands Up in Surrender). Though there is one part I want to clarify when I say kicked out I mean have her leave. I don't do violence against women either.
It's a common problem with him to be fair. Takes things quite literal. A few updates ago when people were again talking about the cheating path, some e mentioned the phrase "can't do the time don't do crime" or similar. The response was something to do with the legality of cheating...

Honestly as trolls go. 100% class act. But the forum is 100% better with him not here. Never fear the ignore button.


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
This bit comes up quite often, so genuine question, since I can't remember it and I'm not going to play it through again to check, but is it accurate?
He is totally accurate --- you don't need to play again.
you can open Tacos s1 and start without skipping the prologue.. it requires just 3 minutes
or you can read one of my post bout the prologue... like this one
Well you have to read between the lines so to speak, but, and I can't rember what, something is mentioned right at the start. They also metion going to therapy is not an option.
there is no need to read between the lines.. it is clear in this phrase
Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 17.17.29.jpg

Without an active and exciting sex life a married couple in their twenties go on to divorce ... the stats speak for themselves ... .. the twenties are at the top and get divorced after 5/7 years of marriage they stand at the top of the list ... if I remember correctly more than 50% of these couples divorce out of boredom. and when a girl gets bored cheating is always close, especially if the young woman in her twenties has a body similar to my wife Anne's

being married and not having sex anymore leads to divorce ... or you are an old couple who is over 60 (but this is not the case for Anne and me)
Kinda confused on the conversation assuming you are taking on the role of the MC. (Hands Up in Surrender). Though there is one part I want to clarify when I say kicked out I mean have her leave. I don't do violence against women either.
The one who talked about violence it was you in that post and i replay to you that in this game there will never be violence or rape because I read this dev post some time ago

I already replay to you about that (if i remember well)... some page back?... Giving up easily is not for strong men...I like to understand how you think but since you play with my wife Anne it seems normal to me that you accept the protagonist's view.... I can only tell you to read the dialogues because the answers you are looking for, are written in the dialogues between me and my wife...

But I don't want to kick her out... Where did you read that I want to kick my wife out?
I had understood that you were talking about how you would react if you were in my place er I told you that it doesn't lead to anything your talk because The MC is a different person from you
So if you are confused by my speaking in the first person I will ask you some questions:

How old are you?

The MC of this game is around 27/28 and his wife Anne is the same age because they were in the same year in college when they got engaged
they got married as soon as they graduated (usually at 23)
they have been going out married for 5 Years--- their relationship lasts for about 8 years

Are you married?

I am and when I graduated I was with a girl similar to Anne we moved in together and for the first few years we were faithful...then to avoid separation we decided to experiment with an open relationship...I am still in contact with her....

Since my real life story is very similar to the one told in this game I feel very close to the MC...that's why I speak in the first person...I know how it feels...and how much fun you can have in such a relationship when you are young

I hope this can help you better understand the story between Anne and Tony! They were born with the same culture that I have in living my real life.

Thanks to replay to me
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
While I am not saying Tony is at fault here... Generally to get the points that low at the Martin fork. You do have to be a dick to Anne.
That is to say you deny her sex with yourself
You build her up to sleep with someone else on holiday, then say no. And so on.
This is not my path... this path is against the MC plan at the start of the game
Right the exact wording from the game is as follows:
But recently something has changed, you both talked about your sexlife and have agreed that is needing some help, something to give it a jolt or make it exciting again.
You told Anne that you would do some research and see if you can find a solution to spice things up.
She agreed and asked that you both stay away from couples therapy
Yes here you are right
finally you are understanding my plan

So it is open to some interpretation I guess, definitely a stale/mundane/boring sexlife, (some could argue this could equate to stale marriage, but I dunno)
Great now you've finally come to think exactly like me...so I see my posts have helped you make the right decision
But nothing but... you are on the path that is part of my plan not to divorce... in fact the plan is also Anne's because she is certainly not a spare tire,, my wife Anne is a free and independent woman who always loves me
Now the weekly tasks certainly helped and then Anne sleeping with others pushed it over the edge... But thats just the excitement. In the same prologue it mention Anne's an exhibitionist and likes being ogled and in her journey she discovers herself to be a sizequeen.
well well...well well...now you're talking about the prologue (y)...I'm happy!
So I'm no more a troll?? we are troll together... :LOL:

I mean yeah, I kinda am reading between the lines a little, but it's quite logical to think, with the info provided. Tony just didn't do it for Anne, hence the problems. It just took this lifestyle for her to realise.
My wife is in my same page.. she is realizing that in all the years of rejecting my pressures to have an open relationship she was wrong and now she is finally savoring the freedom I have always told her about...but as you see I held out and avoided cheating on her until the day she agreed to the plan described in the prologue


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
He is totally accurate --- you don't need to play again.
you can open Tacos s1 and start without skipping the prologue.. it requires just 3 minutes
or you can read one of my post bout the prologue... like this one

there is no need to read between the lines.. it is clear in this phrase
View attachment 4282013

Without an active and exciting sex life a married couple in their twenties go on to divorce ... the stats speak for themselves ... .. the twenties are at the top and get divorced after 5/7 years of marriage they stand at the top of the list ... if I remember correctly more than 50% of these couples divorce out of boredom. and when a girl gets bored cheating is always close, especially if the young woman in her twenties has a body similar to my wife Anne's

being married and not having sex anymore leads to divorce ... or you are an old couple who is over 60 (but this is not the case for Anne and me)

The one who talked about violence it was you in that post and i replay to you that in this game there will never be violence or rape because I read this dev post some time ago

I already replay to you about that (if i remember well)... some page back?... Giving up easily is not for strong men...I like to understand how you think but since you play with my wife Anne it seems normal to me that you accept the protagonist's view.... I can only tell you to read the dialogues because the answers you are looking for, are written in the dialogues between me and my wife...

But I don't want to kick her out... Where did you read that I want to kick my wife out?
I had understood that you were talking about how you would react if you were in my place er I told you that it doesn't lead to anything your talk because The MC is a different person from you
So if you are confused by my speaking in the first person I will ask you some questions:

How old are you?

The MC of this game is around 27/28 and his wife Anne is the same age because they were in the same year in college when they got engaged
they got married as soon as they graduated (usually at 23)
they have been going out married for 5 Years--- their relationship lasts for about 8 years

Are you married?

I am and when I graduated I was with a girl similar to Anne we moved in together and for the first few years we were faithful...then to avoid separation we decided to experiment with an open relationship...I am still in contact with her....

Since my real life story is very similar to the one told in this game I feel very close to the MC...that's why I speak in the first person...I know how it feels...and how much fun you can have in such a relationship when you are young

I hope this can help you better understand the story between Anne and Tony! They were born with the same culture that I have in living my real life.

Thanks to replay to me
Ok what are you talking about I didn't say anything about violence and I damn sure didn't say anything about something as disgusting as Rape. If you had that lifestyle in real life good for you. You have the right to do whatever you want to do with your life. To answer your marital question 50yrs old and married for 25yrs and still going.


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
I actually prefer this way onto the cheating path,because in the grand scheme of things there is justification. But for me this can only end in divorce. Otherwise, as I said, Tony just come across weak. Anne will forever walk all over him.
Let me understand if we don't divorce I show up as weak?
have you forgotten that I did all this to avoid divorce?
there you are back to the point of moralist idiots
To do what I decided to do by convincing my wife Anne takes a lot of willpower

look at this.
As you know you need 15 points to get for Anne the choice not to betray me and as you see I have 15 points and I voluntarily take the choice of Anne's cheating route

But please read the dialogues well
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So at this point don't you think it takes extreme willpower to put up with this? ...
But my reason is clear...I DO NOT WANT TO DIVORCE FROM ANNE! ---
This is the main reason for my project, because without an open relationship our marriage, written in the premise of the story, would have ended in a few weeks anyway because of boredom. Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.25.41.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.26.07.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.26.34.jpg
but to achieve victory I need to be strong... and when we back home.... Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.27.48.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.28.58.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.29.58.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.30.08.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.30.33.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.30.45.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.31.06.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.31.27.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 15.31.49.jpg
And now Martin talks about Emma---but do you really believe that I have not understood that the problem is not Martin ... I have slowly realized that it is my wife who wants to fuck her father-in-law ...
but I can't say anything to her because it would make the situation worse
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in fact as soon as Anne arrives I don't say anything more about what happened at the beach
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You as players, can't do anything if you don't want to lose your wife the same evening my daddy sleeps as a guest in our house,
MY WIFE ANNE INVITED HIM, for God's sake.... I as her husband can only hope that she will figure it out herself and if after Anne invited her father-in-law to spend the night at our house... you know that THE HOUSE IS ALSO ANNE'S
How can you not understand it?
Have you ever been married to a woman like my wife Anne?
Can you understand that it would be me, the one who would be kicked out of the house? .... How the fuck are you thinking!

From MC side, this is pure power and willpower.... it is you who do not read the dialogues...
It is all clear and there is no need to read between the lines!
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I understood perfectly well that Anne wants to fuck my daddy Martin.... I am not an idiot... It's you who haven't understood shit!

it happened to me and thanks to this show of strength I avoided burial for many years and my girlfriend stayed with me until the day she had to go to work in another city...only after that I got married to an already young girl...but we are still in touch...maybe we will go on vacation after Christmas with her and my wife...like we did last year...but I dunno
You guys have never been married, that's for sure, I can tell from your comments...and that's why you don't understand what goes on in a couple in their twenties.... I in my twenties always had a hard cock and fucked a lot of girls in the same day and my girlfriend was horny and nymphomaniac and acted like Anne in this game....
But we loved each other and we didn't break up because we had been together since we were teenagers and we felt like defying the rules because we felt strong but we loved each other and we were always together...like it is for Anne and Tony

Here in this game, we are not talking about a 40-year-old couple with children

Thank you for read my posts
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
Ok what are you talking about I didn't say anything about violence and I damn sure didn't say anything about something as disgusting as Rape. If you had that lifestyle in real life good for you. You have the right to do whatever you want to do with your life. To answer your marital question 50yrs old and married for 25yrs and still going.
you said this
The cameras is the drama if he catches daddy or Ryan fucking her especially daddy that I feel will be explosive. Possibly violent.
And I replay your that violence is impossible!
and this is the link of our post https://thef95zone.info/threads/the-adventurous-couple-tacos-s2-p2b-mircom3d.7192/post-15492280

I read before replay... are you sure to know what you wrote? :unsure:

if I misunderstood I apologize but I guarantee you that between my dad and Ryan who is a friend of mine that I asked him to go home before me... to see if Anne would get groped...I at first was focused in training my wife Anne to be comfortable being touched by my friend Ryan in front of me...for the plan is to get her used to my presence while others are fucking her...in fact I often join the party....
So I repeat there will never be violent scenes and rape in this game...my wife has the same rights as I do to fuck whoever she wants
I will never be violent with my dad or my friend Ryan!... Uncle Robert is our "shield" he is the only one uses violence to save us from criminals
Hope the case is closed
Thanks you
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
you said this

And I replay you that violence is impossible!
and this is the link of our post https://thef95zone.info/threads/the-adventurous-couple-tacos-s2-p2b-mircom3d.7192/post-15492280

if I misunderstood I apologize but I guarantee you that between my dad and Ryan who is a friend of mine that I asked him to go home before me...pr see if Anne would get groped...I at first was focused nekk'training my wife Anne to be comfortable being touched by my friend Ryan in front of me...for the plan is to abiyi her in my presence while others fuck her...in fact I often join the party....
So I repeat there will never be violent scenes and rape in this game...my wife has the same rights as I do to fuck whoever she wants
I will never be violent with my dad or my friend Ryan!
Hope the case is closed
Thanks you
I meant towards the guys, guess thats where the misunderstanding happened. If you would not do it to the guys fine. I just wanted to clarify not the female.
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
I meant towards the guys, guess thats where the misunderstanding happened. If you would not do it to the guys fine. I just wanted to clarify not the female.
reread my replay
I was talking about the fact that violence will never be possible in the game except for save us from criminals!

My dad and Ryan are my family
no violent also if they fuck my wife

hope the case is colsed



Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
I meant towards the guys, guess thats where the misunderstanding happened. If you would not do it to the guys fine. I just wanted to clarify not the female.
thanks for clarify... but in your sentence is implicit the fact that with my cameras I will become violent by seeing my wife fucked by Ryan

and for dad
Anne knows very well that there are cameras in our bedroom so she will never invite Martin and she will never disconnect the cameras bc she loves when i watch her being fucked!

maybe I'll watch her sex-teaching the children Luke and Alan so as not to disturb them
My wife is a good teacher-I am proud of her
Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 21.45.46.jpg
this scene was a pain
the dev was to much in a hurry and to avoid better rendering that require a lot of time he is back in the season 1 style
very bad scene monochromatic and with a single point of view (n) (n) (n) (n)


Nov 9, 2023
The Tony fault in that is in cheating himself, and pushing his wife towards someone who they know, who has ready access to them, and who already wants to do anything he can with her. It's a combination that makes it a lot more likely to happen (but not impossible to avoid).
You seem confuse the difference between influence and fault. or maybe you are hung up on the semantics, but in the case of betrayal, they matter. No one made Anne cheat, whether she was butt hurt or a slut she chose to, plain and simple. Having a reason to cheat does not put the responsibility on others, its always on the person who chose. When you break the rule for any reason and push blame on others for any reason its a cop out.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
You seem confuse the difference between influence and fault. or maybe you are hung up on the semantics, but in the case of betrayal, they matter. No one made Anne cheat, whether she was butt hurt or a slut she chose to, plain and simple. Having a reason to cheat does not put the responsibility on others, its always on the person who chose. When you break the rule for any reason and push blame on others for any reason its a cop out.
I'm not confusing anything, you just seem to be taking what I say to extremes. I've never said it's all Tony's fault, I'm just saying he must shoulder some of the blame, he isn't faultless in this. Just because Anne made the key choice of yes or no with regard to cheating with Ryan doesn't mean that she is the only one in the equation, regardless of how you look at it. Choosing to cheat here isn't down to just that single choice, there's a whole bunch of stuff that is built in to it, and some of that is on Tony's side as well.


Nov 9, 2023
I'm not confusing anything, you just seem to be taking what I say to extremes. I've never said it's all Tony's fault, I'm just saying he must shoulder some of the blame, he isn't faultless in this. Just because Anne made the key choice of yes or no with regard to cheating with Ryan doesn't mean that she is the only one in the equation, regardless of how you look at it. Choosing to cheat here isn't down to just that single choice, there's a whole bunch of stuff that is built in to it, and some of that is on Tony's side as well.
not his fault she cheated. period. he has partial blame to her being butt hurt, but is not responsible for her actions. i cant make you see that, so how can he force her to cheat? cant be dont. she chose to cheat you choose to be obtuse
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Oct 24, 2020
I'm not confusing anything, you just seem to be taking what I say to extremes. I've never said it's all Tony's fault, I'm just saying he must shoulder some of the blame, he isn't faultless in this. Just because Anne made the key choice of yes or no with regard to cheating with Ryan doesn't mean that she is the only one in the equation, regardless of how you look at it. Choosing to cheat here isn't down to just that single choice, there's a whole bunch of stuff that is built in to it, and some of that is on Tony's side as well.
No, none of this is on Tony. He told Anne not to fuck Ryan, that he was afraid it was mess up the friendship. Then she went a fucked him that same night then a did it again a few days later. Now she the thought with Tony given a lot more freedom to do things but like he told her if either one them were uncomfortable about anything to same something and they would stop. He did say something but she did It anyway=all Anne no Tony


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
The whole original premise of this blame game has now changed! When it first started yesterday or the day before the argument was that it was all Tony's fault because he opened the door to swinging. While that's the cop out... TonyMurray has never been arguing that. He's been specifically saying that the situation with Ryan is very complicated. More so than with Martin and others. He's never said the blame lies 100% with Tony. Just that it's not all on her.

While I 100% agree that ends never justify the means and you can't justify cheating with cheating. I mean Anne had a choice at the end of the day... But basically

The point isn't so much the blame game, but the dangers of swinging with a close personal/friend or family member and then the dangers of what happens when you take that away.

To me, and my apologies if I have missed your point here Tony. But he's saying MC is at fault here, because he introduced her to the lifestyle, introduced Ryan and then denyed her. It was basically Tony's fault Ryan was in there lives.

In simpler terms, if Anne was determined to cheat after Tony did it to her, who would it have been if Tony didn't bring Ryan into the experiment?


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
The whole original premise of this blame game has now changed! When it first started yesterday or the day before the argument was that it was all Tony's fault because he opened the door to swinging. While that's the cop out... TonyMurray has never been arguing that. He's been specifically saying that the situation with Ryan is very complicated. More so than with Martin and others. He's never said the blame lies 100% with Tony. Just that it's not all on her.

While I 100% agree that ends never justify the means and you can't justify cheating with cheating. I mean Anne had a choice at the end of the day... But basically

The point isn't so much the blame game, but the dangers of swinging with a close personal/friend or family member and then the dangers of what happens when you take that away.

To me, and my apologies if I have missed your point here Tony. But he's saying MC is at fault here, because he introduced her to the lifestyle, introduced Ryan and then denyed her. It was basically Tony's fault Ryan was in there lives.

In simpler terms, if Anne was determined to cheat after Tony did it to her, who would it have been if Tony didn't bring Ryan into the experiment?
Largely that. There's a difference between Tony having to shoulder some of the blame for Anne ending up cheating with Ryan (what I'm saying) and Tony making Anne cheat with Ryan (what duckydoodoo apparently thinks I'm saying). It's cause and effect, but it's just not as simple as that. There are a lot of factors in the equation, but the fact of it is that Anne wouldn't have cheated with Ryan if those factors weren't in place, and some of those factors are definitely on Tony.

Anne made the decision to cheat with Ryan, that last part of the equation is 100% on her. Tony isn't at fault for her making that one yes or no choice, but thinking that's all there is to it is quite naïve.

To clarify Lagunavii's last bit slightly, I'm saying Tony has some of the fault, not that he is at fault (which implies he's solely at fault, the way I read it).


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Largely that. There's a difference between Tony having to shoulder some of the blame for Anne ending up cheating with Ryan (what I'm saying) and Tony making Anne cheat with Ryan (what duckydoodoo apparently thinks I'm saying). It's cause and effect, but it's just not as simple as that. There are a lot of factors in the equation, but the fact of it is that Anne wouldn't have cheated with Ryan if those factors weren't in place, and some of those factors are definitely on Tony.

Anne made the decision to cheat with Ryan, that last part of the equation is 100% on her. Tony isn't at fault for her making that one yes or no choice, but thinking that's all there is to it is quite naïve.

To clarify Lagunavii's last bit slightly, I'm saying Tony has some of the fault, not that he is at fault (which implies he's solely at fault, the way I read it).
Yeah, I kinda got your point at the base level.

It's Annes fault she cheats
It's Tony's fault she cheat with Ryan.

We could talk all day about the complexities of how it happened and the little things behind it. Like
1. Would she have even cheated if they were not on the hot wife adventure or just left Tony completely?
2. Would she still have cheated if Ryan wasn't in the couples lives
3. Would she still go and cheat if Tony didn't put Ryan on the nogo list
And so on...

Those last two can probably be answered by the game itself (I've not really experiented with the routes to get them scenarios.)

So yes while it is a cop out to say this is 100% on Tony, he opened the door and let the entire neighbourhood plough his wife. Etc etc..

It's not entirely false to say that Tony doesn't bare some of the fault to why Anne chose Ryan.

The effect 100% on Anne,
The Cause it's definitely both of them, but the jury is still out on how much blame each get..
3.90 star(s) 128 Votes