
Devoted Member
May 11, 2020
Started playing this game yesterday and so far it hooked me good. Reminded me of the old Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 among some others from genre.

I can say I got far in the story and did use the walkthrough mod to guide me a bit. Nothing too much but now I'm at a point where I have 3 quests unlocked and after I did the one with the doctor (2nd visit where she explained more about lore and took blood) I can't progress anymore once I get back home.

When I look on map one of the quests has the title but no description and the other 2 when I click on them it keeps saying I can't go there yet. Same for the neighbors when I knock on their door.

Did I soft locked myself somewhere down the road? I did refuse that girl at coffee shop earlier telling I'm not interested in her but it's such a stupid way to get locked out. Also did follow the guy who stabbed me at the start and spared him.

The game is really great so far but I don't really think I can start over again considering how long I've been playing up to this point? If it's just a known bug I suppose it's better to wait for future fixes.
TLDR: the Dev forgot to ad the notification when you reach the end of content, and no you didn't softlock yourself no worries,
all good.


Game Developer
Jan 19, 2020
I am no longer able to request my post get promoted to the OP from the mods. Only the owner of this thread can do it for me now. Otherwise this is the only notice you get that I have updated my android port.
Oh, no! How can I help? Do I need to report your post?

on remake no meeting mommy, 1st date with zoey and few other scenes.
I read the entire comment exchange a couple of you guys had, and I must admit I have no idea what the hell are y'all talking about. There was no game remake, all the content that was in the game in v0.7 is still in the game in v0.8.

What happens if your control or energy goes below zero? Will it be just game over or different content path?
Energy is used for activating powers (the mechanics is already implemented but it doesn't really do anything yet). No concequences for negative energy except not being able to activate powers. Control shuts down some paths and opens up (or forces down) some others. It also serves as a sort of a balancing act, as many choices that give you power, allowing you to expand your vampire skill set, reduce control.

I have to say, i dislike the new skill progression system a bit where checks are made based on maximum possible points: E.g. a nerdy DnD background guy with high base science (10) will miss the science check with the doctor, just because he didn't use the "computer isn't working" excuse at work & didn't like the vampire life after talking to the forger. Imo if you are good at something, you should generally be able to make a check even if you don't single-minded always choose a vaguely science related answer. Also, some way of catching up (e.g. "learn" how to be more intimidating based on your new circumstances) over time would be great, so easy and (with some experience) normal checks get in range. But i understand that 2nd wish is way harder & would require lots of extra work.

I can understand the "percentage of max" system for relationships - but for abilities i would prefer if it wasn't so strict in disabling related content.

Thats nothing big tho & great game, reminds me of Vampire:Bloodlines and Vampire:Swansong
Thanks a lot for the input, it is very much appreciated! It's very hard to balance things out with so many variables at play, so these kinds of issues might pop up here and there.
That beings said, I believe the choice you mentioned was about knowing that sea sponges have stem cells system which is not a common thing to know, so I feel like a harder check is warranted in this particular case. With more choices adding skill points these checks will be relatively easier to get as you won't have only 2-3 opportunities to boost your stats to adequate level.

How did it take me so long to realize that the same developer of this game was the same one that did Robbin Hoods... I was sad when that game wasn't continued... damn... I gotta play this game now if it's even a fraction of how good that one was :D

Quick question, would you ever consider returning to Robbin Hoods? It was such a great game and premise :love:
I'd like to finish that game, and I promised that when I'm done with this one I'll spend some time figuring out an ending, but I have to say that I barely remember much of what I wanted to do and the documentation is spotty at best.
I asked what "Psychology 101" is, the incomplete Quest with no information.
It's a bug, you shouldn't have that quest available. Will be fixed in v0.9.
Yeah, it was her stat checks I went back for the most.
First time around she threatened to rip my heart out (& did, if I made the wrong choice!).
Next time she didn't even really threaten me, she seemed far more curious, than angry.

I'll give it another update & see how it goes, once it's settled.
But, if it continues like this I don't think I'll bother much further.
I don't want to have to keep a spreadsheet, for a basic game. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I sympathize with your plight, I truly do, but I have to say that having someone complain about too many choices is a good problem to have as a game designer.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
I read the entire comment exchange a couple of you guys had, and I must admit I have no idea what the hell are y'all talking about. There was no game remake, all the content that was in the game in v0.7 is still in the game in v0.8.
oh? well then how to trigger going to yoga class?


Dev/Head Writer of Unexpected Opportunity
Game Developer
May 9, 2017
I'd like to finish that game, and I promised that when I'm done with this one I'll spend some time figuring out an ending, but I have to say that I barely remember much of what I wanted to do and the documentation is spotty at best.
I just remember that I really liked the bashful (redhaired?) tough chick and the sister. Though there was some lesbianism mixed in which was a bit weird, but all in all, it was great.

You introduced that game as "Oh, do you see my life is perfect? Want to know how I got here? Let me show you how I managed to have my way with my sister and all the other women in my life in this mansion." It seemed it was a bit ambitious that's for sure. haha!

As for this game, it doesn't seem to have the I word, so I'm not AS interested, but if it's as good as Robbin Hoods, I'll check it out!


Game Developer
Jan 19, 2020
oh? well then how to trigger going to yoga class?
You can't, it's not implemented yet. I forgot to add the end of content messages when doing the implemented quests.
I just remember that I really liked the bashful (redhaired?) tough chick and the sister. Though there was some lesbianism mixed in which was a bit weird, but all in all, it was great.

You introduced that game as "Oh, do you see my life is perfect? Want to know how I got here? Let me show you how I managed to have my way with my sister and all the other women in my life in this mansion." It seemed it was a bit ambitious that's for sure. haha!

As for this game, it doesn't seem to have the I word, so I'm not AS interested, but if it's as good as Robbin Hoods, I'll check it out!
I tend to drift to the megalomaniac side of things, that's true. And for Robbin' Hoods I was mostly unprepared, just jumped into it with a couple of ideas. This time around I took more time to figure things out, though as they say, you can never have enough preparation.
The Bite still has a narrator, though it's not an annoying braggart from the future, but more of a classic book type of a narrator, switching between inner monologues and objective observation.


Sep 3, 2019
Still quite a ways from being close to finished, but damn do these people like to have very dangerous conversations in semi-public places. Especially at Zoey's apartment door. Fucking go inside for those you idjits!
But being a vampire is cool and edgy! Why shouldn't they let people know they are vampires? I even named my character in a subtle and clever way to advertise/hide that he is a vampire!


Apr 1, 2023
i like the idea of the plot of the game quite well. however, i am a bit unsure. with a 0.81 version, i expected much more. furthermore, i also miss an overview to see how far the protagonist is trusted by the other characters.


Sep 23, 2020

stuff for the stuff gods!!111one

Took me quite a lot of time to sit down and make this post, for some reason I felt really anxious about it and procrastinated for literal weeks, but today I finally forced myself to sit down and make the darn thing. Sorry for the delay in communication.

Here's what I've been doing in the last month and a bit:
AI (this part is delving into my tests with various AI models, probably way too boring, feel free to skip unless AI production is something that interests you)
Tried and tested a lot of different AI solutions to figure out where the techs are and if and when I'll be able to use them in this work.
As far as visuals go, I did some tests for visual background noise, like for example generating crowds, cityscapes, empty streets etc. Unfortunately, while I did manage to get decent enough results some times, the amount of tweaking and the amount of learning needed to produce such results is still nowhere near what I'd consider as a passable alternative to the current work flow. It's still much more preferable (at least for me, with my limited experience) to build sets from scratch that can be re-used without an issue than to resort to using AI for that.
I also tried using AI for audio work, and with that kind of work I surprisingly had a much better time exploring. I tried various solutions for voice generation, sound FX and even generating music. The field suffers from various issues and needs some more time to mature, but judging by what I've seen I believe audio AI exploration will provide more fidelity compared to visual AI, as far as consistency and sharpness or accuracy is concerned. In my tests, the audio effects were pretty impressive, however they suffered greatly from diffusion. I could manage to produce a ton of unique, high fidelity sounds in a very short amount of time, but the white noise remained a constant issue. Maybe if I knew how to "clean" the audio, I'd have a ready made, 2 clicks away solution but so far that still remains beyond my reach.
Voice generation has also advanced quite a bit. I've found several high fidelity voicetovoice solutions, but the best ones out there are nothing more than voice altering masks. As far as texttovoice goes, it remains quite "neutral". It's good for announcers or news caster voices, but if you need someone to act elated, angry, mournful, it's still way off.
Lastly, music solutions. There were a couple of promising services I tried, but the ones that offered ready made, clear background music were no more than scripts disguised as "AI" that shuffled harmonic segments combined into relevant topics and re-hashed them. Services that offered original sound tracks couldn't reproduce long segments of music, with fidelity and consistency rapidly falling apart the longer the number was, an issue similar to trying to get consistent visual AI outputs.
All in all, out of all the three types of services I tried, the background sound FX seems the most promising, provided I manage to figure out a way to clean up the diffusion artifacts in the background.
Lastly I tried using AI for literary work and the results were just bad. I know some authors say they can use it for bouncing off ideas, but I'd rather watch a decent movie and wait for something to pop up than deal with the level of writing I managed to produce in my elementary (and I was a terrible writer).

Anyway, if someone has experimented as well with any type of AI feel free to share their thoughts, advice, recommendations etc.

Rendering and a broken AC!
I drastically underestimated the amounts of new sets, NPC's, clothing, props etc. that I'd have to use for the current release. Just tracking down the items that I needed and testing them out took a huge chunk of my time, not to mention actually building all the stuff that I needed. I easily increased my asset library by almost 200GB of various assets and lost quite a bit of time.
Other than that, I've been rendering as much as I could. When I say as much as I could, my AC broke around a week ago. The service guys can't come by until mid/late August because a bunch of people didn't maintain their AC's (not me though! I did everything prim and proper, regularly cleaned it and maintained it... ah, who am I kidding, yeah, I didn't touch the thing for like six months and then cranked it up like a moron...). So yeah, the temp in my place hovers around 31-34 degrees and when I'm rendering I have to move my legs otherwise the heat being emitted from the PC housing is unbearable. There's also the smell of burning plastic when I render stuff, so I mostly toss up a render or two in the early mornings while I can still have the windows open and before the temps in my place become unbearable... I don't have much rendering left, but the progress is currently glacial so we'll see. Still hoping for a release until the end of the month, but realistically speaking, I might as well hope for some snow to fall.



Sep 23, 2020

stuff for the stuff gods!11111oneeleven

Okay, since I can't work that much on the rendering, I thought about exploring some other stuff and here's what I got so far. Note that this is just a mock-up I made in Premiere, just to get the feel out. There could be issues with pacing or pauses, and voices can be changed (probably gonna do polls with 5-6 options so people can chose what they like the best). Anyway, take a listen.

I need to know what you guys think about this. Patreon doesn't allow surveys and y'all hate to click links so I have to do 2 questions inside one. First part is what you think about the audio above, 2nd part is if you think this is something worth pursuing.
4.40 star(s) 76 Votes