
May 19, 2020
anyone else ripped the game models for other formats?
Just want to know if i'm wasting my time if someone has done a better job then i can do seeing as
i've only done this once or twice before. i've only found nude models in the package.
maybe the outfits are stored separately.
Apr 22, 2020
the values are float and it ranges from 1 to 0, i tried to use the cheat engine but it's really slow, you can change the save file, i changed a lot of stuff, thicc legs and bigger tits but it looks really weird
Thank you so much for this, and you right, I almost created an Eldrich horror with some big numbers but now I can make Ricca more of my taste, and again thank you.


Jun 5, 2017
How do you uncensor the latest version. Tried but game gets corrupted
I can't confirm that. Seems to work fine. Try to disable your antivirus/firewall for the patching process.

I'll second this. The game simply doesnt run once I reach the last step of renaming "data.unity3d"
What exactly are you trying to do? Applying the uncensor patch should not involve renaming any files.


New Member
Apr 16, 2022
Been following these instructions. Are they outdated?

1. Open up Asset Studio and click File > Extract File
2. Select `data.unity3d` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
3. Extract to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`. Move all data files inside data.unity3d folder into `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`.

1. Download the "" attached file and extract it to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
2. Replace the globalgamemanagers.assets file.
3. Rename `data.unity3d` to `data.unity3d.bak` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
HOLY FUCK what is with the design of chapter 18, they manage to put TWO atrocious gimmicks in ONE chapter. First underwater, semi-timed due to manadrain, and no mana = death, and getting to the sword skill takes quite a bit of time due to the wonky upstreams not being very reliable it seems. and then AFTER that a horribly slow sidescroller, where you can't see what is coming ahead (short of the radarthing), and one mistake is basically = death, pretty much impossible to recover with the amount of holes and enemies in it... and it is NOT fun having to redo the whole water part just because of the last part, just can't get very much past the first(obviously don't know if it is the only one) checkpoint in the sidescrolling part

Also still have no idea where the silver crystal can be in chapter 13 and 14?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
HOLY FUCK what is with the design of chapter 18, they manage to put TWO atrocious gimmicks in ONE chapter. First underwater, semi-timed due to manadrain, and no mana = death, and getting to the sword skill takes quite a bit of time due to the wonky upstreams not being very reliable it seems. and then AFTER that a horribly slow sidescroller, where you can't see what is coming ahead (short of the radarthing), and one mistake is basically = death, pretty much impossible to recover with the amount of holes and enemies in it... and it is NOT fun having to redo the whole water part just because of the last part, just can't get very much past the first(obviously don't know if it is the only one) checkpoint in the sidescrolling part

Also still have no idea where the silver crystal can be in chapter 13 and 14?
Agreed, having the skill that recharges your mana by attacking enemies is a necessity in that level (as are the double jump and not-die-when-falling-in-a-hole skills).

I died a couple times figuring the level out, but provided you aren't doing it on hard you should be able to take a few deaths figuring out where to jump in the escape section. This is admittedly one of the worst points in the game design-wise, but there are skills you can buy that at least mitigate the frustration.

Also, the only crystal that was truly hidden for me was the one in a castle tower you need the sword throw to reach, and one hidden in a tree when defending the witch girl. I believe the first of those was in one of the chapters you referenced (in the town filled with undead and not-death at the end). The others you should be able to find on your minimap and by exploring all the branching paths in the level.


Jun 5, 2017
Been following these instructions. Are they outdated?

1. Open up Asset Studio and click File > Extract File
2. Select `data.unity3d` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
3. Extract to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`. Move all data files inside data.unity3d folder into `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`.

1. Download the "" attached file and extract it to `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
2. Replace the globalgamemanagers.assets file.
3. Rename `data.unity3d` to `data.unity3d.bak` inside `/Game/HolyKnightRicca_Data`
I believe you're referring to the old instructions for version 1.01 there.
I recommend using the patch linked in the 1st post for uncensoring instead. That's all you need to remove the mosaic.
If you also want to replace the pussy textures with a higher res one, follow the description in
Disco-Inferno posted several versions of an improved texture in this thread, so look for the most recent one and follow his step by step in the post I linked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Agreed, having the skill that recharges your mana by attacking enemies is a necessity in that level (as are the double jump and not-die-when-falling-in-a-hole skills).

I died a couple times figuring the level out, but provided you aren't doing it on hard you should be able to take a few deaths figuring out where to jump in the escape section. This is admittedly one of the worst points in the game design-wise, but there are skills you can buy that at least mitigate the frustration.
I am doing everything on hard, but I don't see how that changes things in particular on this one. I can get through even the water section reliably, even if it is tedious and annoying AF. And what kills me most of the times is misjumps or jumping into an enemy I don't see coming/mistiming the swordswing so I don't actually get the kill while jumping. and once down a hole there even with the "Magic wings" it is pretty much impossible to get back up and even if I do chances are high I just end up landing on top of a monster that knocks me back down anyway. (is there a way to terminate the wings early? Never really had a real need for them before this chapter). And I do have both max amount of continues, MP drain, Double jump (pretty much beelined for that as the first skill ever in the game, I am an absolute sucker for double-jumps), one level from max MP as well. But again in the escape section I don't see how anything other than double-jump and max continues really can do anything

Also, the only crystal that was truly hidden for me was the one in a castle tower you need the sword throw to reach, and one hidden in a tree when defending the witch girl. I believe the first of those was in one of the chapters you referenced (in the town filled with undead and not-death at the end). The others you should be able to find on your minimap and by exploring all the branching paths in the level.
Ahh yeah defending Claret is the chapter 14 one, I gonna have a look at that, 13 is well... the one before that, where you are going back through the forest alone, without knight powers, so barely able to jump even during that level let alone anything else fancy, hence why I don't see where they could really hide it either, MAYBE unless you have to get far in the end where the Orc chase you? I dunno maybe I could get a bit further before being caught there on lower difficulty, If I know that would be the case to get the silver crystal I geuss I could do that, but again without knight powers it is a bit annoying level as well, so rather no replay it anymore than I already have untill I know for sure where that silver crystal is at least?


Mar 22, 2020
I believe you're referring to the old instructions for version 1.01 there.
I recommend using the patch linked in the 1st post for uncensoring instead. That's all you need to remove the mosaic.
If you also want to replace the pussy textures with a higher res one, follow the description in
Disco-Inferno posted several versions of an improved texture in this thread, so look for the most recent one and follow his step by step in the post I linked.
HAHA yeah thats literally it. Man I feel dumb now. Lol


Mar 22, 2020
This game is really awesome. Its almost AAA quality. Good story. Great characters and Ricca is a complete cutie! You know a game is great when you are generally saddened when the heroine is assaulted. I hope the dev makes more gems like this. Think I'll actually buy it.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
I am doing everything on hard, but I don't see how that changes things in particular on this one.
I am fairly certain it affects the mp drain (your soft time limit) and how much you recover from the enemies. Admittedly the platforming is still ass in that level no matter what you do. You might try wearing lighter armor to help improve your mobility a bit (I wore the not-revealing-at-all angelic armor and that seemed to work pretty well). Also, getting a big sweeping weapon really helps against all the annoying little enemies that tend to knock you off.

Also just to be clear, the crystal difference on hard vs. normal is not actually that significant. I would just beat that particular level on normal so you can get to the rest of the game, then maybe come back to it later. The best level to grind for gems is one right before the final boss, so getting there will help in prepping for endgame hardmode.

MAYBE unless you have to get far in the end where the Orc chase you?
Bingo. Just do it on easy and make it far enough into the pile of crates at the far left end before he kills you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
I am fairly certain it affects the mp drain (your soft time limit) and how much you recover from the enemies. Admittedly the platforming is still ass in that level no matter what you do.
But again I don't really have issues with the underwater section even on hard, it is just tedious and annoying to get through, not hard each time I run out of continues, it is escape afterwards that is killing me

You might try wearing lighter armor to help improve your mobility a bit (I wore the not-revealing-at-all angelic armor and that seemed to work pretty well). Also, getting a big sweeping weapon really helps against all the annoying little enemies that tend to knock you off.
You don't think this is light enough, that is more of less how I played the entire game btw ;)
And as you can see there I am using the Elemental sword, not sure what you consider a "sweeping weapon" there don't seem to be one weapon that is particularly more "sweeping" than others, but mainly difference in speed and damage (with elemetal being the fastest attacking weapon, yet still 1-2 hit kills most non-boss targets, somehow...)

Also just to be clear, the crystal difference on hard vs. normal is not actually that significant. I would just beat that particular level on normal so you can get to the rest of the game, then maybe come back to it later. The best level to grind for gems is one right before the final boss, so getting there will help in prepping for endgame hardmode.
I honestly didn't know there was a crystal difference at all, don't think they game told that anywhere, I am playing on hard by default always when it comes to H-games simply because they tend to be WAY too low in difficulty even on hard mode often when such a mode exists, and for the most part until know I haven't had a lot of issues in this game either

Bingo. Just do it on easy and make it far enough into the pile of crates at the far left end before he kills you.
Fair enough, I'll try that, on hard you are pretty much guaranteed to die by the 2nd set of crates (and that is only because you can jump over the first single crate, trying to smash even that one will kill you)
EDIT: Yeah did chapter 13 on normal even, not even easy as you said, and felt like a freaking god during it... such a HUGE difference in damage you take... yeah I was right in playing on hard in general if that is how little damage you take untransformed even on easy difficulty...
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2020
It's very weird, I watched some videos about gameplay of this game on yt but they kinda very easy. Im playing on normal mode but I feel like playing Darksoul but hentai version LOLOLOLOL. All enemies can knock me down only 2 hits and 1 hit by boss, even I have upgraded my HP skill and equiped armour already but it's not making any senses lol... btw i'm playing v1.06
Same. Either its to easy or its too hard. I played on casual cause I'm a filthy casual.
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