First of all, Thank you very much for the compliments! I'll be focusing on the main issue here (renders), but didn't want to just pass by the kind words of you all !!!!!
Everything is too dark to see, the story is ok at least when i'm in the story right now, is ok, but, the renders aren't helping, can't see 90% of the things are happening
I can understand that renders quality can suffer from a poor rig, but still make those dark renders brighter!
...RENDERS. They are awful. In technical meaning of this word. They are low-res, grainy and overshadowed. Sometimes I had to screenshot and use several filters, denoisers/rescalers to see at least something fappable.
Well, it's pretty obvious that a lot of people have a problem with the render quality, especially the lighting.
About the renders being low-res and grainy, I don't have much to say, as it's mostly the best I can do currently. I do plan to re-do all the renders to full-HD in the future but for now, for me to be able to release an update every 2/3 months, 1280x720 is the limit. One thing that might help is to play the game in windowed mode, so as to not stretch the image.
Now, when it comes to lighting, that's when I really need to say I'm sorry. Even though I mostly agree with
-CookieMonster666- about the renders, that is that most of the darker ones shown by
John64 are supposed to look dark, and lighting the way he did would make no actual sense (case and point being the alley at night looking like it's 12 pm on the edit), is clear that they are still very dark, and that should definitively change.
Now, the world I'm using is
change, and I want to be clear with you on that. I won't be making things brighter just for the sake of it. Hell, in my opinion, most of the edited renders (Strictly when it comes to lighting) are worse. I'm also not a big fan of just turning on a big flashlight behind the camera and calling it a day.
So what I'm going to start doing is simply using the light more carefully, lighting the characters and important parts of darker renders without turning the brightness to 100. It'll take some time to implement this on the old renders (probably only with the FullHD update), but I'll be careful to do it on the new ones! I just ask for patience while I learn how to better the lighting of scenes in general.
And regardless, what's with the head?:
I've been informed on discord about that one... Honestly, I have no idea what happened

But It's already fixed on 0.3, so don't worry. I just didn't think making a 0.2.3 just for that render would be the best option, if that makes any sense.
The story is interesting, though it's a bit unpleasant that Bell doesn't say much in the hospital, and MC just lets it slide.
Also fixed on 0.3

(Not really a bug, but oh well)
Some people were talking about it, and they made some very good points about the whole conversation with bell, so I took the time to completely redesign how it will work, and I think it's definitely more open.
The dev should watch branches more carefully to avoid errors, e.g.
label ch1maingroup3:
if TraumaG:
But you can't come there with
, as both `talking` and `fighting` options were unavailable.
That one is not an error if I remember correctly. It's true that in 0.1 (and maybe 0.2.0, I can't remember) if you had trauma you weren't able to go with bell, but as far as I'm aware both the paths are open now, regardless of having or not having trauma.
I could be wrong on that one though, I'll look more into it when I'm home, and edit the comment accordingly.