There are no jokes in PR.
If someone on the official Apple Twitteraccount would tweet something like: "You can charge your new iPhone 11 pro by putting it into the Microwave for 1 min on 1200 Watt

That guy would never work in marketing again.
And yes, you are your own PR department. We don't know what or how you think, we have only your words.
NTR is a touchy subject, it is probably the most divisive fetish on this forum. Of course, everyone is on your comment, like a committee of vultures on a rotting carcass.
You are new and don't have enough standing to cash in a "just trust me, bro"
We need to be able to take what you say at face value, or else we can stop talking with you.
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int = 100
wis = 100
dex = 100
cha = 100
con = 100
money = 100000000000000000
Fair enough. I wanted to harp into you a bit more about it but ultimately decided against it. If you want to do it, that is a valid reason/reason enough.
To be honest, I don't see that discussion calming down, even with your explanation regarding the tags in the OP.
All I got out of it is that there are LIs that are such sluts, that they don't mind dropping the MC if someone else waves his dick in their vicinity.
I mean, you cleared it up in here somewhere that that's not the case. That is, right now, only one LI, and only if you push her hard enough in that direction.
In the end, it is your time down the drain for content a large part of the audience don't want see, will never see, and in addition dealing with the new shitstorm once that content hits.
No, we really don't because we can't look inside your head.
And there were other devs that pulled shady shit. All while flip-flopping around or telling us it's not really XYZ because it happened in a dream, MC and LI are not in a committed relationship, actors from a different dimension, Aliens, or LI got mind-controlled, were possessed or male side characters shoelaces got lose and he isn't wearing his belt. So he stumbles his pants ride down and he lands with his dick first, inside a Li, by pure accident.
Another all-time classic is "it was relevant to the story".