@Viktor Black
I gave the latest Version a whirl, here some feedback. Please don't take it as complaints, just as bug reports.
- ESC key drops you on the main menu and resets your progress to the start of the level.
Expected: pause menu with options, back to game, back to main menu, quit to desktop
- Option menu with control information is unnecessary small.
- start area: stockade object has no boundary box
- hud: Interact prompt below health&stamina for your gear chest does not clear
- after picking up your gear, the player immediatly does an attack animation. Probably cued click I did before I got to the gear.
- Action cueing is still a thing. Can lock the player in quite a long string of actions.
- window mode: mouse is not always captured and clicking may throw the game in the background.
since you use mouse click to defend yourself, you are certainly fucked if that happens

- "dieing" on the first level after getting your stuff, restarts you already equipped.
May be intentional and I welcome to not repeat "sub quests" in a level.
- In cutscenes, player model can be rotated with movement keys after a few seconds.
- In archways, moving the camera close to a wall makes part of the level invisible.
Same effect sometimes occours for a split second while moving through the level normally.
- Second level: barrel next to the first priestess fight is "walkable" space.
- Second level: covered chair has no boundary box
- second level: brown orcs in the "pit" are spazzing out when trying to climb the stairs.
-> also you have a hard time hittem them, but they don't. Despite the high ground

-> because they can't walk the stairs, they can't reach me for the game over fucking.
- Blowjob with crazy elf: right clicking leads to skull fucking
-> pressing E jumps out of the Animation. May be intentional.
- After freeing the elf girl: She cheats and walks straight through the cage bars to her lover before transfering to her fucking animation.
Now some suggestions

- Make the barrels smashable. Maybe later when you have the gameplay more fleshed out, they may drop some useful items. (Health, throwing weapons, etc)
Also, smashing stuff is fun in itself

- Elf blowjob: some indication that you reached your goal and can go free the girl.
- Cutscenes: give different actors different text colors when they speak (ye old Lucasarts adventure way).
Makes it easier to distinguish who is speaking.
Overall, very nice progress